Precious Metals Summit - Tectonic Metals ($TECT.V)

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[Music] thank you all right it is my pleasure to introduce Tony rediff from tectonic tectonic Metals is a an Alaskan Focus Explorer they are one of our our biggest Holdings in terms of percentage ownership in the company and it is a pleasure to introduce you and and a delight to have you tell us about tectonic but also what projects you have your your you know working relation in Alaska with First Nations and then we want to hear what you're doing okay all right well it's a pleasure to be here and thank you for the continued support I really appreciate it and I don't say that too lightly so tectonic Metals is focused in Alaska our previous success was in the Yukon with kamak Gold Corporation the coffee gold project you know Yukon Alaska share a political border but not a geological border what intrigued us about Alaska was the ability to work directly on with the native corporations on Native own land so that initiative has flourished into five mineral lease agreements and part of our sort of approach to exploration is we want to manage risk right at the Forefront you know we don't need to wait till feasibility to negotiate an IBA and impact benefits agreement if you can do that on day one why why not get stakeholder alignment shareholder alignment so with these mineral lease agreements they're full all-encompassing production agreements on early stage assets they have ESG Provisions we have scholarship contributions all the typical things that you'd see with a mine but this time at an earlier stage and this inspired our Native Corporation so much so that they've actually elected over the last few years to make an investment not once but three times into our company so crescat is the largest shareholder just behind them is this Native Corporation we're using native Capital exploring native own land and it kind of encompasses how we you know we look at the business side not just at the geological opportunity excellent okay that's good to hear Look Alaska is ripe you know in terms of expiration potential there's no question and I think what we're seeing in Alaska is you know like the main gold operation in the states of course is the Fort Knox Market that's the flagship you know miles above anyone else yeah and as you see Fort Knox kind of age you know in over time you know there's a need to to find new gold deposits to kind of fill that Gap and um you know I I know that some of the projects you have uh have significant size magnitude you know Pogo is the second line can um Fort Knox of course can you tell us about each of the projects yeah and what your plans are yeah definitely and I just I would elaborate further that there's been a shift whether it's from the major mining companies or just from political governments to go homegrown you know our dependency afar has you know really shown has really been exposed with the current situation whether it's with the war the current inflation status if we could stay local all the better and a first world jurisdiction is that much more attractive and Alaska is ripe for the plucking these tier one deposits that we're all after we hear Mark Bristow the CEO of Barrick talk about it they're not going to fall out of the sky we have to go back to organic exploration so Alaska offers that now you mentioned the Fort Knox Mine I've actually had the opportunity to visit that mine it is it should be mandated that everyone visits that it is it is a work of art from multitude perspectives even from an environmental perspective but that's a bulk tonnage intrusion related goal deposit and I know you're a big fan of snowline bulk tennis intrusion later yes well we've plucked an asset last year that's in the same mineral belt as the dominant gold deposit that's a 45 million ounce gold deposit owned by Barrick and Nova gold they're spending 60 million dollars this year on there so bulk tenders intrusion related deposits can offer a lot of economic opportunities so Fort Knox is an example Eagle's an example snowline our property because it sat with this Native Corporation for the last 20 years dormant we're walking into something that has 50 drill holes not one drill hole missed we're walking into a four kilometer golden soil anomaly and we have evidence from historical metallurgical testing and the fact that flat is the fourth richest plaster mining jurisdiction 1.4 million ounces has come out of flat with the key Target there called chicken Mountain being the source for that so that begs the question how big is the source but the Placer mining activity supports that there could be a three million gold opportunity here Dolan's a refractory deposit so 50 50 drill holes varying some intercepts are 12 grams over 20 meters some are 0.8 over 80. we have untested trenches 6.57 grams per ton over 24 meters and only drilled down to 100 meters vertical so we are super ecstatic about this and the first thing we're doing here is metallurgical testing we're going for the jugular we talk about managing risk well unfortunately you got to walk the walk not just talk the talk and this is going to be a huge de-risking value creating opportunity for us that's going to give us the confidence to go to cresca and say hey give me 10 million dollars to go drill this thing because next year year if the stars align we could move forward we could move towards an inferred resource estimate of that magnitude so I'm gonna I'm gonna kind of pick apart some of the stuff you brought up there because uh it actually it touches on our strategy which is to get in at a an early early stage in low valuation yes but on the back of recognizing a project that has extremely strong merits and you know I would say not more than a handful of people out in the market even though you have this asset yes okay um but the same could be said of snowline 15 months ago yes and snowline has been a remarkable success I mean if you look uh they drilled the first holes yeah you know late last year and then they've been drilling this year and just you know hitting on all cylinders okay so it's clear they're on to a major Discovery now what are these deposits well they're they're big you know we'll call them clouds of of gold within an intrusion you know basically veining within an intrusion and because they have kind of this this characteristic where they're not like disseminated you know like purely disseminated the gold just in little veins but but in the general picture there they're relatively homogeneous through the system you can kind of tell from the early drilling what the rest of the deposit should look like okay and I you know I have seen the data and I've you know I've actually done a deep dive into flat now at Fairbanks way back in time Fairbanks was a large plaster district and you know I would say the bulk of that plastic gold originated from the Fort Knox area you look at the big plasters yeah in that camp all came out of the Fort Knox deposit and the Fort Knox deposit of course was really found or recognized by Amex gold in the mid to late 1980s ultimately developed into a huge huge mine but you're you're seeing the same thing in the chicken Mountain okay you're seeing a lot of plaster okay yeah and that kind of footprint that kind of signature is is very telling about these tintino type systems it says you you probably have a prolific system there and then the grades are the second part you know I've looked through look through the data and I've seen it you know in three month 3D model and I would say that it it should perform well in terms of delivering grade so you know if if there are people out there who want exposure at literally just you know pennies here um that story is a good bet yeah yeah um I I am a big fan of the Yukon you know I cut my teeth with cabinet in the coffee gold project so that that jurisdiction and um just the people in the Yukon it's actually like Dawson City is one of my favorite cities in the entire world so I give all the credit to The Works no Line's done um it's a fantastic win for them for the shareholders and also for the the jurisdiction now you know when I when I look at flat I see the backdrop of 1.4 million ounces I see Barrick next door spending 60 million with Nova gold and I see 50 drill holes so we have a market cap of 10 million so to your point you know if you're comfortable with the risk you know you know there's there's a lot of upside gear providing that we deliver you know and that's that's the key um and you know you just got to do it methodically and I think what what I my board and hopefully our shareholders appreciate is that with every acquisition we know what we're doing ahead of time we come up with a three-year plan so the only reason why we acquire well there's a few but the key reason why I acquired flat the first thing that popped up to me is this a heat bleach opportunity is this a free mealing opportunity because I don't want another refractory deposit you know it's hard enough as it is right now and those two opportunities jumped out at me and what also really like got me to sign on the dotted line was that I can answer that question you know this metallurgical program that we're doing is not the BL Endo but I can answer for less than half a million bucks for 200 000 I'm going to get a comprehensive Baseline study that's going to add 10x value if it comes back positive and then it's also going to tell me how to Target do I want to Target deep do I want to Target Focus specifically on oxide so that's kind of our approach to this and uh you know stay tuned I guess look uh um I would be optimistic about the Metallurgy because everything that I've seen indicates it's a pretty typical of you know Fort Knox type Argentina type and of course you know Fort Knox started out as a a Milling operation but it was freeling okay the the gold a lot of the gold was recovered through gravity and then the rest was you know readily soluble in CIO so a very very friendly Metallurgy and then it evolved over time you know a lot of the lower grade materials were developed as as heat bleached yeah you know and you look at Eagle deposit in the Yukon it's all heaply yeah you know so my bet I mean even without you you're spending your 200 000 yet on the Metallurgy yeah my bet is it will absolutely deliver yeah yeah well I appreciate that and you know I'm gonna the benefit of having sophisticated smart geological shareholders that I can pick your brain on a few things you might have asked you a couple questions absolutely so you know these bulk tennis intrusion related deposits some of them but not all of them have a high grade component so you mentioned Fort Knox high grade Mill to kick off and now it's run of mine I think the average head grade on the pad right now and I could I could be I'm Rusty I think it's 0.18 if I remember correctly it's extremely low it's it's low I'm not trying to use that a little bit yeah so you know at flat or even at snow line so a flat for example there's a lot of half gram per ton but then you get 12 grams over 20. you get 200 gram material so the previous historical work that was done 20 years ago we can't yet and this is something we've tasked ourselves to do is what's controlling the high grade so in your experience on all these bulk tonnage and trees is there a common thing that is controlling the high grade um in any gold deposit there there will be a focus for the higher grade now you know higher grade is all relative you know in some deposits you know a gram and a half is high grade you know and these you can actually get very very high grade now it depends on the the history the the of emplacement and that structural history during emplacement is what I found Okay so if you have a lot of uh structural activity like a seismic activity you know false moving and stuff as the intrusions being in place you can get highly focused mineralization screen yeah and an example of that would be the Geroy deposit in Kyrgyzstan okay so giroy has this structural component to it very high grade like there's a core that runs probably an ounce per ton yeah and yeah and I would say like maybe three million ounces of the eight or ten million they have is in that Court yeah but then invariably you also get a cloud of lower green and that actually is what intrigues me uh about flat is that you do have looked at you know to put it in context that the drilling is quite widely spaced okay and it's it's kind of here and there and going every which way right now okay so right now the picture is lots and lots of Liberty like every hole has hit long strings of low grade yeah but there are clearly some areas where you're seeing higher grade and right now you don't have any Clarity on those structural controls yeah but my bad is you will find them yeah as you drill you know more you know diligently like systematic drilling you'll be able to ascertain where the high grade is and if that high grade wasn't there I probably wouldn't be sitting here talking to you right now because a high grade is actually one of the things that makes these these Tombstone types work you can find a lot of these things around the planet I mean not a lot but there's you know there's quite a few examples around the plant but if they're just you know just giant clouds of you know 0.6 gram it's a little tough you know like yeah you know you have to have that high grade component yeah and you do you know there's probably my recollection is there's a dozen or more holes that have hit you know multimeter intercepts of plus 10 grams yes yep there is yep yep okay so I think you got the ingredients yes yeah no that that's good and you know um it's like solving a puzzle so you know the more drilling we do well a we haven't done drilling yet but you know anticipation of that that's that's going to be re-logging actually the historical core which we've done and when the process of continuing to do and then you know applying the new Drilling and learning from that and you know if we can crack that code We're Off to the Races all right good good okay I know you've got other Pro properties but look I mean that you know to sum it up that is our thesis here I mean I appreciate you know what you've got in other areas and I you know I certainly think there's good potential there but I'm telling you flat that's why we put money in so yes um you know so this year we have the metallurgical results okay we have um our first and like you know our inaugural program involves a phase one metallurgical uh testing uh phase two is um we're heading out into the property in a couple weeks here and so it's called Ground shooting so we're going to be boots on the ground comprehensive boots on the ground mapping prospecting we're going to be doing soil sampling there is surprisingly there's a few things that are surprising in a very good way so there's a Ridge Top at flat that goes for a couple kilometers with some of the best most robust elements of the soil anomaly plus like eight grams per ton in soil that they never put a drill hole in we've actually we're going to be doing sole profiling in the confirmatory soil line and we're also going to be doing trenching so there are trenches right now that are mineralized some of them untested we might open them up but we're also going to do some trenching across the The Ridge Top as well and we're pretty excited to uncover what that looks like okay so here's here's what I want if you you're out doing all this field work if people see you know nice outcrops of of veining and you know you can show some examples of that style of memorization please send them my way so I can use them for for a Friday video all right all right that's all right love it thank you thank you Quentin all right [Music] [Music]
Channel: Crescat Capital
Views: 1,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: H4cH0xbHPzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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