¡Predicador Muere Sirviendo a la RELIGIÓN! ¡Le Contaron la VERDAD en el Cielo! | David Maginley

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We don't realize how alone we are here or the depth of our feeling of separation but here the connection with everything was indescribable I'm walking on a hill of grass I welcome David m at program How are you David I'm fine Thank you and you are very well friend. Many thank you for coming to the program excited to talk to you about your experiences you've had an interesting journey until now yes I would say yes I think never We would accept the trip if we knew What awaits us Or maybe if we do it and we forgot before leaving I don't know but Wow it's an exciting adventure one wild adventure without a doubt So before delving into the most fascinating parts of your trip How to It was your life before this experience you almost mortal experience because it was life of someone extremely insecure tall was a cocky young man who really I didn't know who he was in the world but he I pretended like most young people and groped along his path It was very very introverted shy grew up in a family with five So fights for your assigned place in Mesa so I I rather kept to myself exactly and alone I kept going bumping into friends interesting experiences and topics that Somehow they made me reflect and then something big came to me They were diagnosed with cancer diagnosed with cancer before you near death experience yes I had 17 years old Oh my God this was not a guy of cancer that most people Have you heard of the full name is pering lioma and it is 90 percent of these tumors grow in the gland adrenal glands are encapsulated and are producing a mixture in said gland chemical explosive So your danger is not that it goes to spread and compromise metabolism of the body and different organs but He stays there waiting explode contains dopamine norepinephrine catecholamines are very substances dangerous and looks like the detonator activated the lit Wick when activated my adrenal gland like this when I get excited get angry or afraid Even if I did exercise would activate the adrenal gland and that would make the tumor explode Most die in about 30 seconds I had luckily I had small explosions and I They looked like anxiety attacks So no I knew I had this tumor in me and the thing is that my my answer me bolica was smaller because the first tumor was in my bladder So I was peeing on metabolites were not transferred directly to my system circulatory So I survived the doctor said Ah It's a pering glioma on 90 because they are benign Don't worry you are well but it grew again and again and again they go four times and every time It's worse can I ask you a quick question before to forget when you knew you had cancer How a 17-year-old feels years how you assimilated it because I know that At 17 I couldn't, I was curious about you how you did Well I didn't assimilate it either because the doctor said It's benign I thought I was safe I thought What was just this rare tumor and when I went to the library to look for information about paraganglioma after reading the word benign I simply closed the book and I said e I was saved from that but I made me wake up and made me make me questions difficult what life is about That It was close maybe I should stop live halfway and get out of my zone Comfort I kept asking questions and these They led me to even better questions Like this that due to cancer I went to the university and studied the meaning of life so it did start you on a path where you would never have been exactly I thought I would be an engineer recording and photographer That was what I liked but I did not study philosophy and religions compared and I went in every time more that led me to uin the community Good a Christian community And I lived a lot fun and a great sense of belonging but I really couldn't accept faith as it is presented I knew there was something else deep there and didn't have the vocabulary the language nor the context for it like this that in fact I went to seminar where they train you to be Minister I went deeper and deeper Deep alone I kept going you were digging in the earth looking for the I was really looking for that underlying the nature of the mystery underlying from which reality emanates and doctrine and theology seemed to be windows But there was something beyond They were then on internship and He had a church he was a minister student although he was not a believer fervent knew he was in relationship with this mystery and this mystery personified in Christ what I came to understand is a word that means be everything consciously I do my practices professionals and another tumor has returned It is reactivating, I begin to have attacks I faint and my heart beats quickly it was very difficult because I still thought what I felt was anxiety really affected my self-esteem I was Fainting I had dizziness going up to pulpit Exactly, I joke that I make many sleep in the morning but it's not good if the minister faint Let me ask you after the entire study and obviously we will talk of your experience in a moment from this point of view Why do you think that tumor kept reappearing there is a purpose for that I think there is a purpose when things like this happen to you it literally changed the course of your life But it kept coming back which was interesting not once not twice four times have you ever thought about it Why It happened that's because I'm a person stubborn that's how she usually I asked that question with to work very frequently but I no longer do it more Oh because I'll never get one answer I will never understand since on this side of grass then instead of asking for What happened to me now I ask what I will do with it Then it becomes fuel for life to live to connect for the adventure because it is that philosophy that the life does not happen to me but it happens for me in many ways and I am not That's me, a pento that has emerged from Interesting world perspective okay So let's go to your close experience to death How it happened and you can tell us a little about it was during my internship It was that second tumor I was very lucky because I died in the chapel of a hospital is a good place to do it You are quite lucky friend if you have you have doctors nurses you have the people of faith and me I was getting up to do it just I was about 2 TR minutes into the sermon and I felt it hit me when The tumor attack is like a punch in the stomach you start to warm up you start to Sas sweat and your heart races and take a deep breath, take a deep breath calm down I tell myself but I can't and I fainted lost consciousness before fall to the ground which is good because I'm tall 2 Met and 3 cm so it was concussion it is a long way down sir like They say it's a long road to Downstairs I fainted and disappeared from suddenly I had many experiences close to death it is said that you have an out-of-body experience You really see yourself from above, I didn't have That suddenly I was in another realm is difficult describe it I'm sure everyone your guests talk about that as soon as you put it into words you are limiting and the poverty of words It is insufficient, however it sounds easy was on a grassy hill there was a tree on top of the Hill wanted to run towards the tree with every fiber of my being and I was one with everything could feel every breeze ofgrass As he moved he could feel the light flowing and the light was impregnated with love and flowed through me I felt the tree absorb light solar but even more important I felt complete So by talking to you a lot material in my subconscious is me unconsciously I'm thinking about how good that smells the chicken down there for the dinner and I'm thinking about the day that I just sat in the hospital with patients from cancer I'm not here from everything is respectful well but there I was totally integrated totally congruent conscious there was no aspect of me that was repressed or that was blind I think that's why people say feel like they were at home we don't realize how alone we are We are not even how deep the is feeling of isolation but the connection is there yet it was indescribable I'm walking on a hill of grass and I was me true then I had an ego Well yes no I'm sure maybe it didn't seem like that I was integrated after all I feel that I barely put my toe in threshold of everything that is out there But I was still me and I still had a body a humanoid biped perception of a body was not like this body in absolute and he was not there there was only one entity there a human being and yet not much more than than me be and was a figure masculine If I had to describe it no I could do it visually it didn't matter his appearance seemed to be love and power like this as wisdom and compassion and beauty and wonder and authority that was his appearance but I felt like my best friend knew me from all my life and I also love him a lot people ask me since I am a minister Christian Well it sounds like Jesus you met Jesus Oh and to be honest I never thought that it was boss I figured well he's a rookie Warehouse apprentice or someone like that but that didn't matter. Who was it? he was less impregnated with that character distinctive of Christ consciousness or of divine Love or as you prefer call it Alex We had a very conversation She said she was jumping for joy like a child at Christmas exclaiming I'm home I'm at home and he smiles Yes, how happy see you David welcome, what a pleasure to see you and I said It's also great to see you come on run to tree so I'm behaving like a boy and said Oh no you can't go up there but let's walk and talk for a while We walk on the green grass and we're talking about my life and he says that everything is really going Well I know you're asking how I'm doing life in general I know I have a life here but I'm no longer in this place but I didn't care how good the were. Things I kept saying okay Let's go Let's go to the tree he says you're not doing very well but you still have a lot work to be done is important and I I said I don't care I'm here I'm at house was not being disrespectful truth was I was just excited and overjoyed full of more life and more vitality than I have ever felt here and I said no let's go let's play because he knew that if he reached the tree yes He reached the top of the hill and saw what What was on the other side never I would return here which is common there is this limit this border window door experiences Yes a window or door something like this yes return point point of comeback I really wanted to do that because I didn't want to have to go back here something else than most people who have had experiences close to death they say no they want to return they do not want to return from no way no way way he said look your work is very important and I knew it wasn't meant to something specific that was about growing up in the love and not only mine but to help others and I felt the big iimportance of That and he knew it And he said Don't worry Don't worry, he'll be fine we will be with you and I knew he wasn't going to win the discussion I told him please No no me send me back you can't do that right after I just arrived I arrived and placed his hand on my shoulder and I felt how this love flowed inside me that compassion He said Okay we will be with you We will accompany you every step of the way and It won't be long, see you later p you came back seriously then there was no tunnel of life nor review of life when you were talking about his life I would associate that with a kind of review of life as if they had specific conversations about parts of his life I would not see it as a review of atypical life as in other stories of near death experiences me made me understand the importance of my life and the meaning of what was to come importance of that return is the most difficult is miserable you know what is so fascinating is that and I know from seeing some of your others interviews that delve into physics quantum and why we are here reality of life the big ones questions and the other day I was talking with a quantum physicist about our life is very similar to a video game and we are avatars and There is a player who is the conscience be aware of what is happening consciousness the soul the higher self no We know exactly where we're going is guiding you where you need to go and some stubborn people like you and me they will receive a reminder like no no You walk through that door and you don't but I do want to enter through that door Don't come in, they start slapping you for that you understand This is not the way and it is really interesting as since I have spoken to so many people who have had near-death experiences They always seem to know that if you have to come back It's like you don't have to come back because this and this is going to happen then there is like a plane a mapping of a general idea that you are big things are going to happen to you and you are going to do this this and this and if you see it from perspective of a video game you know what levels come because you already read them or you have experienced them but the player does not have that information Go ahead thank me very much You summed it up. That's perfect and they don't allow me to remember that information What are those details alone I knew he showed it to me he said that I knew the essence of I work but I had to forget everything in how much do I go back to this Exactly what it means you are giving stumbles as much as always but that one kind even worse because you have a little information before ignorance was happiness Now you only think damn I got a couple key points in this moment that has now become more frustrating and you always miss it what you had become Oh I can only imagine because then You know what's on the other side it's like Oh I don't want to play this game anymore I want go where the players now gather where the avatars gather and still I know that I am never separated from that about it but it certainly feels like yes It was clear why I stayed in this one reality in which you are immersed Alex as far as you arrive reconstituted as soon as you are reincarnated you feel the density of the meat the force of gravity the mud of words like thoughts They come one after another and they are insufficient and that is the reality a lot more real than this I just think it dips into your subconscious penetrates to the most deep within your being because you can't integrate it immediately you experience dissonance existential you went from a level of consciousness to a broader one and then you refocused I felt like I was back In the hospital on the floor I heard the voices of the dactors and nurses who have been trying to revive me Although my chest didn't hurt at all if they made me CPR and my wife at the time was angry and scared and said you left like 15 minutes Ah without heartbeats or I can't breathe It mattered that I just didn't care I felt my head hurt I felt confused that barely touched reality was quickly removed from my con ccia They wrapped me in a blanket because felt really bad and strange checked my vital signs found nothing abnormal and they sent me back home and The first thing I did was get into the bed I covered myself up to my head and I allowed myself to feel the pain, I didn't know why was duel it is fascinating that once you know you're in it yeah I use the analogy game once you know you're a player in the game you no longer want to play when you ignore that you are a player in the game and that you Higher self or soul or consciousness is guiding you through this game you're just so because life is not easy it is not easy It's not an easy trip easy it's not a easy game to play is very difficult and I'm not good at it play it but it's designed that way is designed to challenge you so that you go through difficulties it is intended for you so that constantly but it's similar to going to the gym at lifting weights is a hard process but you need to tear the muscle so that This one can grow, it's that simple get up repeat you don't need to believe it's going to work alone Do it and the muscle will grow with rest and power in this game I'm not I am not competitive aggressive but I have always felt this separation from the ground of being and thus revived my faith in a way completely new I stopped sending prayers as requests to a God external I was now actively joining the consciousness of God and God was not a old man with beard sitting on a throne God is a word for the basis of being from which all reality emanates Thus how can I honor divine light in everything sacred moments and everyday But for What are you stuck in this and longing for That's why you still do stupid things to fill up the void you really make decisions Reckless is difficult because you know that They are reckless and you still do them Ah yes there is no doubt I still have to ask you Well, your case is fascinating, I had not heard of a near-death experience like yours in which you were absent for 15 minutes Which implies clinical death you should not have had with conscience some of you were in a hospital with nurses and doctors around you Like this that all of them could have testimony That this really happened So That already breaks the scheme and then you They even send home the same day you stay under observation which is fascinating It's like you only had Had it like a bad case of indigestion They knocked you out then they sent you home and you had this experience close to the death during the process I guess the after effects of This is what you just said regarding the different kind of faith and how you you link Ah now with the consciousness of God, but how did your loved ones react before this new version of you this It happens at least according to everyone I've seen heard or spoken that they have had a near death experience come back completely transformed and sometimes It is difficult for those around them accept that change like to believe that now I was pretty decent before that happened my principles changed and very clearly I didn't mention that I didn't I shared with absolutely no one during years but I did discover that months after return from professional practice I returned to the last year of the seminary that developed sensitivity to energy and that's how I explored and I trained in the touch technique therapeutic modality of sanation energetic even when doing it I feel hers energy in my fingers that was the path is different Later it was different because I started to have experiences mystical things that I couldn't ignore Can you give me a example is the typical cases in which You think of someone and they just call you O you can read the energy and thoughts of someone but they are so ephemera I did not see it as a skill alone I thought Ah, how strange now remembering it It's like Oh wow it was special it's pretty in fact now they are very common I'm not saying make an excellent study exceptional of the Institute of Sciences no found that more than 90 percent of the People experience these states not ordinary Awareness of fleeting moments in your life but they increased significantly when my cancer came back for the third time time like this you've had two scares from cancer an experience close to the death and it seems that it was not enough They say you haven't learned yet you must face at least one or two more cancer scares This is interesting because you the same one is diagnosed with cancer again true guy exactly the same one They are exactly the same cancer for you diagnosing after having gone to beyond and returned a small part of you said oh god I hope this is the one that suits me take it because I just want to go back I already have heard that before yes I feared that every time I was on the operating table I would say a little prayer and it was like Oh please let me die even if it's a A little while is fine Let's just take a look I don't order the whole dish, it would be great I simply wish to return to field and every time I woke up after of the operation and I had nothing And I woke up I was in the living room recovery my first thought was Oh come on let's go please I don't receive nothing good Allow me ask you obviously you have become more conscious and attentive to the things your vibration your consciousness in general increased rose after this near death experience and then when this diagnosis of hits you cancer again you wonder what's wrong with me missing here you did some self-assessment you immersed yourself you gave deeply and you thought okay This It's happening for some reason now I have much more information why it is this happening right now again yes and my conclusion was always I guess that I still have a lot to mature what I was trying to show you this but what is trying to teach you this aspect of cancer in your life you have already done it discovered I learned to love thanks to It learns how to mature and wake up you observe the integral theory a Ken material good model Wilber, the truth is that I didn't do that without making many mistakes because when we don't know how to love we hurt others people who we want I have done just being selfish without being considerate and here I am now ordered yes a minister but I was not aware of what I was unaware and I still had a long way to go mature Yes cancer did that in your ministry I still feel something in disagreement with the teachings regarding your truth The religious dilemma as a fogged window that you mentioned is not there clear exactly Yes there is some attention But look I'm a Lutheran minister So yes Do you know Anglicans and Catholics Lutherans we are very similar Then you have your Protestants and your Catholics and the Lutherans started this whole mess ago 500 years but the Lutheran faith is in essence a reformist movement always looking to improve and that is precisely what I do my language focuses on the awareness I am a hospital chaplain I serve cancer patients and in care palliative in ICU this is how I help the people find purpose in the suffering use suffering as functional process that deconstructs the ego as a processe wake up and move forward towards transformation is very effective to achieve it And of course activate ego defense mechanisms for self-preservation and we don't like it but that That's what makes suffering like this that again I don't ask why it happened This helped people say this well it is a powerful fuel for the transformation how are we going to use this to mature wake up and love that is very powerful your friend on the grassy hill told the truth You have an important job that do I have several relatives who are doctors and I have been close to the field doctor almost all my life personally in it but right next to it So I'm familiar with what they do and how they do it and being around of the patients I can only imagine the assistance you provide to so many people with your work is essential is essential to offer understanding to those who go through hell in their lives and how they can convert that experience something positive on the trip of your life yes Y I will also share a tool that really powerful use and comes from the Buddhist tradition is a meditation called tongling this means to receive and give I'm sitting with a person I may be in anguish significant existential because he worries about dying he worries about the burden of pain and worry in their families and you are concerned about the suffering that may occur be coming because they have leukemia and It doesn't work well I sit with them and I tell them Okay, Let's use the energy from this suffering is something powerful I want you to take on everyone's problems So looking them straight in the eyes I say It's simple, think about the patient in Neighbor room faces things similar you are the expert in your experience and what it's like to deal with this close your eyes breathe deep identifies the greatest as a strong aspect of how difficult this is maybe it's the fear of die where you feel it is right here In my heart breathe towards it let it let it live Stay there now breathe like him patient in al room side extracts that from his body to yours increase yours by taking the one from them when you exhale, return your compassion to them could be the light could be I understand the words with you I understand it right next to you Only you can do this take a deep breath absorb exhale powerful because compassion is not mere sentimentality in the Buddhism you become a bodhisattva Compassion Warrior Not Simply fixing things but diving into complete in them without going back in absolute now by absorbing the pain outsider you gain influence and power will score the difference Investigations confirm that even if the other person It's in the room next to his metabolism and vital signs will begin to really synchronize with yours impressive I show you this and transforms his relationship with his own fear and suffering strengthening it for face what really is instead of desire something that may be unattainable My wish is to bring you back to Here and now at the only moment that Truly rough eternity that is Fascinating since you work in the field doctor I would love to hear your opinion about Why do you think the medical establishment discards so much these near-death experiences the phenomenon of close experiences to death and now there is much more I want say since Raymond Moody there is much more information about this and about him phenomenon and some quantum physicists they talk about ces tests physics tests quantum mathematics of how happen things and experiences outside of the body and all that kind of stuff in your opinion of your colleagues Why do you think that They can't open themselves to that and what has it been your experience I guess everyone knows that you have had an experience close to death at one point They go how it works when you're in the cafeteria they do know because I presented the topic in clinical sessions truth And it was the clinical session with the most assistance in history and also the best rated there was only room for standing there were seats in the room and there is resistance because they are not there familiar with it and the equipment doctor is rooted in the model Materialist and mechanist to repair the body they do not explore the mystery of consciousness and They are unaware of the investigation underlying I think most of nurses and doctors are fascinated and receptive to the idea they have never I have never closed the doors met with condemnation or ridicule a lot the doctor could say Well I don't know I think it's hypoxia so I'll talk a little about hypoxia But it can create an existential dissonance of again that is a different reality Like this What do I say? Hey, we'll all find out someday not then we smile we laugh and We keep going but the nurses are with the patient when witnesses die of his conscience in the face of approaching death They know it is wonderful I have discovered that there are more open to it since they have more experience with death and they are there always and it's really amazing You know which ones were the last three words of Steve Jobs That's right it gives me chills it's how is it amazing I have seen I have relatives who They work in palliative care and are literally face seeing death at around you all the time and you can't witness so much without making an o two questions Just not you can't you can't in that sense you saw the New Yorker cartoon where God presents Jesus to Moses and says Moses or when he introduces Steve Jobs to Moses and says Moses he is Steve going to update your tables is great yes it is absolutely great, one thing I wanted to ask you I heard you've covered this topic before and I would really like to meet you opinion resurrection of Jesus could interpret that as a near death experience or according to his studies is more of a resurrection I don't think it's a close experience I don't see death How does it agree with that, yes I think it was an appearance Mystical as many have experienced it with Angels Exactly most when dying They begin to see their welcoming committee Start with lucid dreams and as you The last days and hours are approaching they perceive their committee as real or more than to anyone present in the room I think the resurrection of Jesus was really a manifestation authentic but different from this you know interesting little clues Maria when he appears to her she longs hug him but he stops her high high no You can touch me, I haven't ascended to yet. heaven There is something unusual in his words What does this mean, because touching me is not a normal body does strange things how to appear and disappear or pass through closed doors although the disciples They're locked in, he just comes in appearing suddenly then I think by location or some kind of manifestation in a different way No I think the resurrected body is like Ours did not become a zombie, that's what you say no at that moment he didn't move like a zombie was not his body Physically, the one who did it was walking maybe astral body not sure something like that and If you go back to the Vedic texts we always talk about bilocation constantly with yogis AND teachers promoted that can be in two places at the same time and things at the same time style So it seems like I would have more meaning I was just curious about know your point of view at respect I'm curious because I know that you love to talk or have immersed yourself in quantum physics and howscience is is encountering spirituality you can speak from the point of view of someone who has had an experience close to death and who has studied quantum physics and those theories of theory of simulation and illusion in maya and from whose point of view has lived an experience close to death what do you think about how everything is converging now because physics Quantum has been around for about 100 years but he hasn't really jumped important since then in essence but people start I think it was something Japanese-born quantum physicists Han demonstrated that the theory of simulation is mathematically possible and maybe even more likely than our universe be a hologram a kind of illusion something that the Mayans have been proclaiming for 5000 years That was Stephen Hawking's conclusion in his last article published after his death That's right we live in a simulation So It is simply It will take time to change the culture science advances with each funeral that it happens plank said one of the parents of quantum physics Look at the electricity although it goes back a long way in time adoption of it in the industry took almost 50 years it is difficult to change your customs we talk about a change of paradigm total and yet the real essence and Him Advancement both on the evolutionary scale and In humans it is character exponential changes between since 250,000 to 50,000 years did not seem changes were minimal and gradual would probably take decades or hundreds of years for them to occur viral mutations but that rate of change is exponential and now it only takes hours to that our viral mutations occur growth and use of intelligence ni incorporating writing and art and math and science notes rate Instead, take a look at Rey's work kurb is about this and that fundamental the law of performance accelerated csv Artificial Intelligence we overcome the steepest part of the curve we are starting The therefore take off the exchange rate and adoption of quantum theory and technology spiritual will continue to accelerate and expanding progressively now we have Artificial intelligence that is ready of take off I don't know whether to say Wake up But General artificial intelligence makes quickly conscious maybe and with that people will be improved and later integrated with the cloud I think a fusion emerges between science and consciousness-centered spirituality and connection the problem is not science but scientism Materialist reductionism died ago 100 years but religions have not managed to keep up with this of course friend It is not in our formation theological but it should be so it could see the theological training that Integrates Quantum physics and the nature of conscience but you don't need to wait for Let the church do it now Your program happening is proof of It There is a huge growing interest in this This is what happens right around us I hope that by 2050 the second reform the fusion of science and will have occurred Spirit studies will be carried out on consciousness will be exponentials increased by Intelligence artificial also worries me about all this because with this technology we could self-destruct we are damaging the planet and while poverty rates education decreases The Gap between the extremely rich and the rest continues to expand I am completely ignorant of what those high power levels are doing with him world a part of me wants to continue without know it simply thank you and dedicate myself to my sacred work here and Now you are still a curious soul so yesI will check your questions I think I said it often clearly electricity is one analogy to this conversation take one eternity for things to change especially people fought for Rockefeller lamp oil was still on plan not the lamp oil disappeared with electricity since it moved a lot money the same happens with oil and electric cars and motor Combustion will take time we have had electric cars since the end of the 90 technology was already in the 30s That's right, you're right, I forgot exactly when I saw them for the first time in my life It was in the 90s but there are patents for electric cars from the 30s but They were suppressed but I think everything works to be I think right now and and I think that would you agree with us we are going through a major change in everything make the world aware of the pandemic everything What happened is a big shake of the world magic board I think there will be a I restart and I believe what you mention about the economy and the rich being rich to have an economic restart massive cannot continue like this they should not exist trillionaires There are people incapable of enter this is not acceptable to the world indefinitely there will be a point of break I think eventually but every act of creation is first an act of destruction will get worse before can improve with that I reviewed studies on the urban resilience and they found Yes you have everything you need at one 2 km walk you will be fine after that 2 km circle your community strengthening the union of relationships and that will be strong and resistant to the economic and global catastrophes more spacious to transform the planning and transportation urban resource allocation leads to agriculture vertical I took it very seriously and lived near the hospital on the way to work On the way downtown I almost never use a car I build relationships in me Neighborhood and in me high quality of life community like result this lesson is valuable for all listen in order to learn from I have to tell you this has been very revealing conversation at least David is different from my other experiences close to death because we go deeper more on the meaning of life and reality itself what it generally is something we don't usually talk about in this type of programs but it is something that It is becoming more and more interesting and I think that We really need to talk about it more because people are curious about this and the crazy idea of ​​the theory of simulation where you are going now science is not so crazy yes and I want encourage your viewers don't lose the faith in the end love always triumphs no It is an emotion but the state of higher consciousness we all advance by a path of exponential acceleration part of evolution for transform ourselves, wake up and live it practice wherever you are Let love be your practice spiritual and trust that you make a big difference in world with the people You are present is the domino effect and be serious and creative and have fun with and hold on I know it's an adventure crazy but it ends well keep shining keep shining world needs your light keep shining like birth It will wear something messy yes but it's okay Have one towel is how your guide takes a towel get hot water and you can continue Go ahead, don't panic and everything everything will be fine perfectly fine Everything is going to be fine David I want to ask you some questions that I make all my guests how you define live a good one life you are the result of your always be kind kind be able to distinguish which one is yours task and what is the task of them and remember to do your task How do you define God God is the basis of being the love that is the underlying awareness ofthe one that reality emanates What is the ultimate purpose of the life mature in the evolutionary process of become human beings full and after I will wake up this shape is oriented towards what you are You are a Sacred manifestation only one of your species from a realm of pure consciousness dimension of absolute love you are inseparable from that Awakening you transfers from the material plane to the causal plane then to the subtle to the astral and finally to nodal Investigate the theory integral go into the burrow rabbit And where can people know more about you and the work you do Of course I hope we never meet Not really at my workplace I would like That's not a good place to find you huh visit my website is David mckinley.com mcginley spelled makinley there you will find resources interviews speaking events and everything what is necessary I have an excellent book titled Beyond Surviving cancer towards a spiritual journey that was a bestseller in Canada and has grossed thousands for patients with cancer is really good if you face cancer or know of someone who does it would be from Ay but it's good to explore Investigate stay curious David Thank you very much for coming to program has been a real pleasure talk to you And thank you Not only for share your story but also by the work you are doing in the friend world I appreciate it thanks to you I also appreciate it, you do incredible things and you have fun in it process Thank you for watching Click one of the following videos for continue your trip and don't forget subscribe
Channel: Next Level Soul Español
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Keywords: Next Level Soul, NLS Espanol, Alex Ferrari, ECM, Espiritualidad, Experiencias cercanas a la muerte, Canalizadores, Física cuántica, Creatividad, Civilizaciones antiguas, Historia perdida, Maestros espirituales, Fin de la vida, Curación, Mentalidad, Despertar espiritual, Meditación, Vida post-muerte, Energía espiritual, Evolución conciencia, Viajes astrales, Intuición, Chakras, Ley atracción, Mantras, Misticismo, Oración, Cristales, Astrología., Registros akáshicos, Kundalini, Vida pasada
Id: 7DvRyPpzar8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 54sec (3354 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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