Pre Travel & Travel Day to Walt Disney World | Check into POP Century & go to Target | May 2024.

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[Music] hello everybody we are home now and I'm currently editing the travel day Vlog I'm so excited for you to watch it I just wanted to do a little disclaimer and put it out there because I didn't mention it if in the beginning Vlogs that like you know this is our first ever Vlog series our first ever time doing this and there are lots of things that I wish we did differently like I feel like I rushed quite a bit um so I just wanted to put it out there that we are new to this but we did have so much fun making it and we hope you enjoy it um we did the best we could and I captured quite a bit of stuff so I'm very excited for you to watch it but I just wanted you to know that we are new to this it is a learning curve we will get better in time and yeah Welcome to our travel day Vlog hi guys hello everybody and welcome to our very first Walt Disney World vog Series um hello friend hello fans hello we have just checked into the premier in on B Road yes F we are we are um flying tomorrow from heo okay with Virgin at 20 9 in the morning um and yeah we're going to Disney World aren't we yeah are we so excited mhm yay so I'll do a little room tour now and show you the room so as you walk in through the door here this is the room we've got a family room so it's got a double bed and two single beds for the little ones lots of luggage room there a desk TV tea coffee um then we' got some more storage here mirror and yeah it's a really nice room actually very big very very spacious and perfect for the four of us um and then to the right is the bathroom obviously toilet sink and a nice shower and another big mirror me so we're going to be eating at the restaurant at the premier in tonight we've never eaten in there before um so we'll take you along with us and show you what they've got [Music] hello guys so I have ordered the Kat chicken curry with rice I've ordered mac and cheese has ordered mac and cheese Jake has also ordered the cat Curry and lissy has ordered spaghetti Balise right so for pudding I've gone for the triple chocolate brownie looks delicious for pudding I've G pancake chocolate syrup whipped cream and bananas yeah Jake's got apple pie and ice cream and lissy has got vanilla rice cream as well so we've just come back from our restaurant at the time in it's a premier in restaurant um I had the katsu chicken curry and the chocolate brownie what did you have I had the Catu chicken curry and apple pie and what did you think of yours yeah it was good they were nice yeah what' you give it uh the chicken would get a 7.5 and the apple pie I'll get an eight yeah my chicken was really good so it's basically it was just um plain white rice with um mini crispy chicken fets and then the KATU sauce over the top it was really delicious um really good quality chicken to be honest wasn't it yeah it was good quality um I would probably give mine an 8 and 1 half and the brown brownie as well it was a triple chocolate brownie um and I would give that an eight it was really tasty right what did you think of your meal tell everyone what you had and what you think um I had a mac and cheese with butternut squash and broccoli with um a pancake with chocolate syrup banana and whipped cream yeah I I've had better mac and cheese than the one they had there so I would rate it like a five and a half out of 10 y um the pancake was a 10 out of 10 it was really good for a pancake good and lissy had the spaghetti Boles didn't you lissy mm you had spaghetti Bales yeah and ice cream and what did you think did you like it yeah what do you give yours out of a 10 11 11 now where mine and Jake's meals were good we did taste the girls food and it was quite Bland um and it it seemed like honestly they put more effort into the adult meals and the kids' meals so just be wary of that and for all of our meals so we all had a Mane and a pudding and a drink it came to £60 um which isn't awful but considering half the meal didn't really have a lot of flavor I don't think we'd go there again to be honest um but it was nice to do something different I'm glad we tried it good morning and welcome to Walt Disney World Travel day Disney World we are going to Disney World um so we woke up at halfast 4 this morning um and I actually our flight was going to be at 20 9 and I got an email saying it's been delayed by 45 minutes so that's annoying but it doesn't matter going to Disney World um so we're going to check out in a minute and head to the airport we've arrived at Terminal 3 um I ordered an Uber uh it literally took less than a minute to get here it was absolutely amazing completely recommend that last night it cost it C was coming up it's going to cost £45 when I ordered it this morning it was only £17 so it's definitely worth waiting do not pre-order as my advice for that because yeah £45 is just ridiculous for that same exact Journey um so we're going to go and do bag drop now and go through security we've made it through security and we're now in dutyfree they're not this is a giant Tic Tac box but it's got little tiny Tic Tacs in it that's so so cool yeah they've got some very cool biscuits here they've got pistachio ones Violet ones chili and ginger ones and Rose ones they're 14.95 for a tin but they're very very [Music] cool so we're just going to our gate it's gate number 30 liy you excited yeah yeah playing Uptown Girl airb A330 [Music] [Applause] [Music] I playing people gave me this and I'm going to show you what's inside so they gave me some glasses really nice they G they've given me what I've been really wanting for ages Popp it to add for my collection um I have some coloring books my flight activity book and my holiday activity journal and obviously you can't do that without some coloring P so please that's really nice touch isn't it yeah so all the kids get those pranks on Virgin we've just been given our take off snack we got these barbecue crunchy nibbles and I've got an orange juice this is the kids meal for flight so they've got a Jammy Dodger some bread sticks with some cream cheese a chocolate mousse pop some melon a strawberry and black currant orange fruit chips and the main is chicken potato wedges and sweet corn so I've got my main course now so they give me a bread roll some sort of salad chocolate pot cheese and crackers and I've G for the vegetarian mac and cheese we go and I've got everything else the same but I've got the barbecue chicken and this is the adults afternoon te used to get us gone Jam cream sandwiches which [Music] are cream cheese and cucumber and mozzarella and tomato and you get a little truff chocolate as well we just brought around some ice Poes for everybody so everyone's enjoying them now L see with her one hope you enjoy your visit everything that makes Orlando we made it to Orlando y look where are we let's see disy World woohoo we're in Disney World so we're just going have a quick look around um the airport just have a look in the shops obviously the Disney shop is a MK and then we're going to get an Uber to pop Sentry Resort and check in oh my goodness it feels amazing to be [Music] back oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] just going to do a little tour of the room so we are number 429 building 10 in Pop Century so open it right so as you walk in what it looks like all the luggage is there you got a fridge and a coffee machine there nice little cabinet another little storage area there we've got one of the new hey Disney Contraptions so that will be very fun to do it's basically like hay Siri but Disney version very very cool um so there's a Telly again more storage there come out here to the bathroom plenty of storage actually so amazing how much stage there is beautiful big mirror sink and then there's the toilet and the shower in there and then this is the bed so that's mine and Jake's bed now this table and chairs you pull this down oh hold on move the chairs first obviously you move the chairs and this actually turns into the second bed so you basically just pull it down like that and there's the second bed how clever is that really handy then there's both the beds together so we've just come out and look at it it is actually hammering down hammering down it is so heavy I don't know if you can see how heavy it is it is literally it is literally the rain like it it's about to hail it is so bad I honestly can't believe it's so warm though it's like really warm so we just come into the food cour at the pop Sentry it is massive like it goes all the way around all the way around so I'll show you what stuff they've got to offer these are some of the breakfast selections and there's lunch of dinner obviously there's more than that that's just a little highlight and then this is the actual food C they've got loads of Selections in the fridge including my favorite pineapple F if you've not tried that honestly insane so is the minimade lemonade it's an absolute must more stuff over [Music] here that's like Dy bits here loads of cakes on this bit [Music] do you even come to Disney World if your first meal is not chicken tenders chips and the honey mustard Jake went for the bacon cheeseburger bacon double cheeseburg double cheeseburger what do you think of it right you need some sauce yeah I don't think they put sauce in their burgers very Bland okay what do you give out over five over 10 sorry uh 10 AA what have you got me and Lizzy got the same um I got a massive slice of pizza a ref fillal mug so whenever I want to drink I can just refill it um some C share and some ketchup liy do you like your food yeah is it yummy yeah what' you give out a 10 over I would give it a 6 out of 10 because it's the pastry dough it's really tough to bite into and then like get it in your mouth so this is our inable mug you can get love the design on it to be honest it is $21.99 and you can fill it as many times as you want for the full 14 days of your trip so it's a really good way to actually save [Music] money we've come to Target for the very first time and it is huge this is just the front entrance they've got loads of true through flavors $6.99 for a packet of those look at the size of the tubs of ice cream they are huge huge so we just got back from Target and um put all the food that we've got in the suitcase so laid it all out nicely for you to [Music] see this all came to £170 for all this obviously this between the four of us and there's some stuff in here for family back home we've just got back from Target and honest opinions we think that there was not as much stuff yeah yeah it wasn't many choice not as much Choice as Walmart obviously we did Walmart back in 2022 um and yeah there's just much more selection of everything like drinks cereal crisps the candy section at Target was quite small it was Tiny yeah but we still managed to spend $170 so you know it wasn't awful but wmart was better Walmart was definitely better 100% so I think we'll be doing there won't we from now on sticking with Walmart sticking Walmart we do want to try Publix though um so we might do that at some point probably not this trip but that is in the books but yeah I think we will stick with Walmart [Music] so we brought these to try at Target Oreo Sour Patch Kids so we're each going to try one it's a pack of four right let see you going to pick yours first that one that one [Music] AA that one oh they smell really fruity they smell really fruity don't they yeah right go on then give it a try take a bite Alissa you another bite sweetie that is very odd I don't like I don't think I like it I don't like no doesn't work I don't like it I don't think that works at all it's it's got the sourness of a Sour Patch Kid it's really fru it's kind of like artificial fruity isn't it yeah it's really really like fake tasting I give that like a two what do you give it a one a one I mean that's a bit mean I'd say a four what do you give it G I did I now good morning so sorry I completely forgot to film the end of yesterday's Vlog we were so tired from travel day and obviously staying up for an extra like 6 hours when we got here um so we did just go to bed I'm so sorry um but yeah all in all travel day was really really good um the flight was really smooth um it was 45 minutes to LA but we still landed at the same time we would have landed at halfast 2 USA time so we had all that afternoon to do something which was really lovely um special assistance we got for Alyssa was absolutely brilliant can't fault that um basically as soon as we got off the Virgin plane someone was waiting just outside the door of a sign that said lasy family we followed him went straight through immigration and straight to bagd drop literally within like 10 minutes we were through and it was absolutely incredible completely completely recommend that if you have additional needs all I did was I emailed MCO and I emailed Virgin Atlantic and both of them together kind of combined and sorted that out for us which was absolutely amazing we then got an Uber from um mco2 Pop Century so basically when you come out of the main um the monare that takes you to the main terminal you're on levelator down to level two and then there's all different numbers going along the line um it's like 28 29 30 Etc you just go on to the Uber app click where you are which number you're by just go out the doors and it's you wait there basically um didn't wait longer than 5 minutes for that either I think it cost us $60 to go from MCO to pop which what you would have paid with Mia's connect I think was definitely worth it came to pop Sentry checked in um we've got a really good location for um our room and we didn't even ask for preferred room literally it was just a standard room that we got so I don't know if we just got lucky or if we got upgraded or what but our room is an ideal location um not even a 5 minute walk to the main lobby so that was really really good uh we then unpacked everything everything and went to the pop Sentry quick service for our dinner which was really nice food obviously um I got the chicken strips and Fries which is a Disney staple and the best we got our refillable mugs and then we went to Target for the afternoon picked up some goodies there to bring home and yeah we come back and we're knackered so really really good travel day really happy and yeah let's bring on our first full day tomorrow or today [Music]
Channel: Laskey’s Magical Memories
Views: 1,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yj-pfdMTRFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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