Pre-Journey Filmmaking Thoughts: 3 Things I Wish I Knew

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hey everyone I hope you're well and I hope you're doing great I know this is a change of scenery I'm currently in Washington DC um with a group of buddies of mine uh shooting a corporate uh video so this is kind of like the amount of time that I was only able to set aside for YouTube and to be able to get a video out to you guys I just wanted to kind of give you my uh pre or pre-journey realizations or thoughts and three things that I wish that I knew before even starting the whole journey so number one I feel like if I knew this one probably would have immediately felt better about what I was doing on sets as a PA or in general in any kind of position um in that term is no one knows what they're doing now obviously people um know what they're doing when they're working on set and when they have certain positions like g& or director or cinematographer or whatever but I feel like that term by itself kind of brings a point of comfort for me I don't know if I'm really going to like mess this up but there's like this phrase out there like if you have stage fight or something just imagine everyone in their underwear or something like that I forget what it's called that's kind of like what what that does for me not everyone knows what they're doing especially when it comes to like a creative role or creative leadership role that you have to fulfill there can be a lot of decisions that you have to make on the Fly and most of the time those decisions are not planned and that kind of leads you to not knowing that you were going like you didn't know you were going to make that decision throughout the day but also it creates this form of collaboration I feel like I feel like if I would have would have heard that term before started no one knows what they're doing I probably would have had courage to ask questions way more than I wanted and probably be more open to or working in other certain areas whatever but all I'm saying is if I would have heard that probably would have been more comfortable opening up as a PA going into my second second thought is that everyone's journey is different if you really admire in adore someone that does the craft that you like um it can be very easy to put these people on a pedestal and especially for someone like me one of my biggest flaws is I tend to put people on a pedestal that I really look up to and I hold them at this high standard that they have never been asked to be held at and it just kind of it can ruin relationships it can ruin you know the way that you view people once you find out that they're human but one of the main things is that like you know everyone's journey is different and knowing that means that everybody had somewhere to start you can be in love with the Roger deacons with the Greg frasers with all these you know amazing people of The Craft but if you're not you know abasing yourself in staying down to earth about these people um you have to remember that they're human just like you are I had these people that I look up to that I wanted to have have their positions I wanted their life I wanted this and that and I'm just like man it really made me question if I wanted this or this craft because I really enjoy or because I want what these other people wanted and I kind of been brought to the realization where I'm just like I ask myself at the end of the day what is it that you're getting out of this is it something that what you see is attractive and and obtainable you know is it a cool thing to do or is it something where you feel like you're purposeful you are giving it you're 110% every day within this journey and kind of glorification of everyone's Journey I've always been comparing my journey to others and I feel like I'm at a place now where I'm kind of finding my voice still learning still trying to seek and search but it's very easy to compare yourself and it's very hard to detach yourself from these people that you're admiring like oh I this person did this project or this person is doing this working on this project what am I doing wrong or what am I not doing you're discrediting the work that you've put in like when you compare yourself and going back to everyone's Journey being different you don't know what that person went through to get to that position and that's one of the things that I try to remind myself about every day because with everyone's Journey being different you have to come back down to earth and stop chasing after something that may not be meant for you then number three and this is probably like the biggest one that I've struggled with and I wish I realized or I wish somebody would have told me um but film making is not your full identity at all so the beautiful thing about film making is that we get to create things that last us Outlast us for Generations whenever we pass away or whatever films will be here for Generations pictures photos anything you know that has a creative has a creative Outlet will be here lasting longer than us it's just one of those things but one thing that I feel like we can Pro we can get lost in is our art becoming our identity yes I am a filmmaker but it's not who I am it's what I do I heard this quote somewhere and it said at the end of the day when you're dead and gone in your funeral is happening and you have a tombstone placed on Your Grave what do you want that tomb Stone to say do you want it to say great cinematographer great filmmaker great director or loving husband loving father and so on that really put it into perspective for me whereas um that does not mean that I can't dedicate my whole life to the crafts of film making or you know I'm not saying that but what I'm saying is what will take the most valuable asset that you have in your life which is time what will you allow to take up that time is it film making or is it your family or those Beautiful Moments that you get to have every day um I'm a huge believer in not having to struggle with your family and your family relationships and being able to do what you love in film making I'm a big believer in that and i' I've seen it done and I know it's possible um but I feel like a lot of that just comes from film making being people's identity and it's just that's more of an opinionated thing um if I were to know that when I when I first started out I feel like I would have been more selective with the projects that I was on instead of just doing things just to do them and this may this may not even be the most attractive thing to say on YouTube but you know I feel like life balance is one of those big things that creatives have a huge issue with but I definitely believe it is very possible well that's all I have for you guys tonight I just wanted to kind of give my thoughts on what I feel like could have helped me out in the beginning process of doing things so yeah don't forget to like comment subscribe thanks for tuning in Back to the channel and I will see you guys next time Deuces peace and blessings
Channel: Jaymes Hargrove
Views: 153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 87OmZx0ytxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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