"Pray the Mass" (1940) The Traditional Latin Mass Explained (w/ Archbishop Fulton Sheen) [SUBTITLED]
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Channel: Ave Christus Rex
Views: 32,802
Rating: 4.969378 out of 5
Keywords: catholic, mass, liturgy, traditional, pope, tridentine, tridentine mass, latin mass, worship, novus ordo, vatican ii, council of trent, pius v, francis, pope francis, protestant, bible, scripture, roman catholic, eastern catholic, orthodox, orthodox church, russia, fatima, our lady, mary, virgin mary, prayer, holy sacrifice of the mass, the mass, sacrifice, sacrament, tradition, baptism, debate, missal, latin, roman, west, western, pius x, pope pius x, church, 1500, luther, reformation, sspx, fssp
Id: DUEODk9Tvs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 40sec (4900 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2017
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