PRANKING Pizza Delivery Men Then TIPPING Them

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thank you my friend yeah see this man right here he's a delivery driver and he's underappreciated people like him have been delivering through this whole pandemic and not enough people have been showing them the love they deserve but I'm here to change that offering the delivery driver like this man right here the biggest part you'll ever see throwing a little tip in there at the end as well obviously you can't do much about pranking them first enjoy the video peace out my friend thank you very much okay this is how it's gonna work people I'm gonna order a pizza and wait in the house while George is sat in the car waiting for the driver turns up dominance driver is just putting up a sign right now you can see it just takes me back today when the driver arrives I'll ask him what his name is and what day he works just so we know when we can throw the surprise party what's your name Nikolai our Nicholas are you working much now what days do you work but we also need to make sure the driver isn't a creep slash stalker slash murderer so we did what any logical person would and stalked him to his next delivery and put on an old man disguise so he doesn't recognize him and yeah there I grabbed a picture of him so I could plaster all over our garage walls all sounds simple right well listen to the first of many of our issues we ordered pizza after the pizza after pizza but nothing was working we spent days ordering pizzas and following and ordering and following but every time we tried something would always go wrong look I fell and got a life-threatening injury it's food actually sting can actually bleed it I found the stray dog who was forced to reunite him with his owner that's not mine stray dog Attie when I stage the dog and at one point the pizza delivery drivers literally started tailing us ask you why you think the future me of my colleague why are you folding the car five long days of failure and this man why only I'm just quick question how's work been doing locked up busy yeah yeah how many days to work up its up for days as well yeah oh that's nuts thank you very much for the pieces my friend what's your name Mohammed I'm Nicholas see you soon my friend yourself so we gave chase we tailed them I put on my old man masks and we arrived at the scene yeah it's going all right happy a pace is still being delivered it's time kids aren't gonna blame this how they take a peek that's enough I don't feel like I've said enough deliver it to me you will I love you deliver it to my [Applause] you're saying you have no idea what idea Muhammad he said he welcomes do as well great let's go George hey hope it's the wait wait don't run away such a weirdo no I actually can't be a widow cuz I've liked this video like this video right now for 10 years of good luck you will not get bullied if you like this video I promise hundred sixty-nine thousand likes guys I'm begging you now I needed to find out more information so I tried to find Muhammad on Google but apparently it's the most popular name of the world and the name is connected to a whole religion so I had to do a little more groundwork alright guys it's the morning and basically we will know that our guy Muhammad works at Asda and we're gonna go there and get some information effectively stalking but he's already seen my face but that's fine because I am Nicole Milan founder of the biggest movement on YouTube the NDL master of disguises best person in the world that sneaking into places I'm going to walk into that shopping center looking like a whole new man it's me nikka I know so off we went we arrived at the biggest answer in my area my rivalry with this company started my career I was going in with the sole aim with finding my guy Muhammad excuse me is Muhammad working tonight Muhammed well it seems like we've gone to the wrong Asda if only we could just teleport to the neck oh we've only gone and done it you've got to the only other as did this in our area and guess what that's his car that's its car right there okay let's go let's get going let's go and while we search for Muhammad I was also using this as an opportunity to get some food and drink for the big surprise party if they said these are the cakes or type of kate's you think Muhammad would like vanilla party cake in shortage what type of would eat a vanilla party cake but you know what I just decided to go with George I guess that villain couldn't know his best to Nelson like that we found him wait married right yeah yeah yeah I'm doing well have you had this banana pie cake why you don't like it for sell for I would be a better option if I just get that this one's next I'm guessing you didn't move my whole your whole work we've only gotten bad he didn't even recognize me my sleek level is a hundred million you for my disguise was max we now have all the stuff and you know why she called me George you said the vanilla cake is max you can eat that when you go home so I packed our stuff up in the car while George picked his rat cake from the floor now what do we do that's a big question we have to set up the fire location and where is that gonna be in our garage the cleanest room in the world what the hell happened here oh my gosh Mohammed can't have a celebration like this I'm gonna have to sort this out because this will not do for Mohammed spy so let's get cleaning George yeah I can't do this man I'm gonna have to call someone up so this guy on the Buriti show arrived to help me out we did it together let's meet right there the white man in the navy blue shirt ah labor is so hard Oh finally I finished all of it myself it's a bit hard work George we've done enough then you lazy guy this party is for 2 million this part is for Mohammed it needs to be special we need to think of anything we can to make this perfect first we needed to make sure this part is for Mohammed and Mohammed only hello my friend is nicko do you print off like a three pieces of paper could you print 500 this is heavy oh my god bye that's right 500 pictures of my guy Mohammed's face he's gonna be so grateful totally not weird at all second we needed party decorations so I headed into Morrison forgot the trolley I headed into Morrison's again including more balloons that I know how to cows yeah I'm friended too much money on this way for the real mission restoring 690 balloons into one car let's head home bird up we need a team to assemble the pipe and bitey my man George he had to do it all on his own because I had something much more important to do both we needed a card signed by his fellow workers at Pizza Hut so I got into a Pizza Hut shirt which I bought from posting on my insta story put on some safety provisions and the plan was to get them to sign the card by making it look like a petition made by the officials at the Pizza Hut hello Pizza Hut it's hyper-v are you manager here yeah we just need to get signatures from the people up here just to make sure pizzas aren't staying on the market thank you thank you so much could we get more we need as many signatures as possible families are going we just need to make sure pizzas are staying on the market thank you so much yeah captain Tong sergeant I just need you to sign here otherwise pizzas are going to stop existing thank you thank you so much if we can put everyone's name by this is that everyone yeah perfect thank you so much man three well let's roll I can't believe that work could be honest we've got everyone from Pizza Hut signature so Mohammad is gonna have the best birthday ever the only thing on my mind right now is how many laws did we just break by it tattling do decide this for a cause which wasn't even real well I guess that makes the question why not break another law forgery I ran out of card pretending it was for the Pizza Hut which Muhammad work that I wanted him to feel super special so I threw a little love note in there as well from an employee at Pizza Hut with the name sue we had everything done except George literally left the garage in this state he did nothing which meant we had to finish it all without that spineless rat and look what we achieved what do you mean I hoped you gonna finish it no George this is what we did [Music] we've only gone and done it my friends this is art and in my hand is the gift I will be giving Mohammed the pizza delivery driver but please guys we put so much effort into these videos and all I ask is you subscribe and follow me on Instagram please do that thank you very much okay guys we have finally finished we've literally been going at this 12 hours non-stop all day and all last night it was worth it look at this masterpiece for Muhammad he's gonna love it imagine if you just like comes here and walked on you're freaked out then this whole thing was for nothing so the only thing we have to do now is I guess show the streets and all other pieces I ordered eight whole pizzas because we were gonna be feasting and I had to make sure it was doing the delivery so I called them up because we're friends around him so we're celebrating deliver pizza yes the streets were ready George was ready and most importantly I Nicholas or Milan owner of the NBL was ready was Mohammed ready for probably the most random surprise of all time yeah I'm good a big party big fight I know just like a surprise Oh a lot of pieces wait if I could just have we just bring down it to the pizza delivery drivers and key workers we prefer yourselves at risk this one's for you [Applause] we're going favorite cake here as well yeah just for you man it's all for you and then it was time for the big gift oh yeah I also have you a nice little present here [Music] I don't even know my honestly I'm saving up to get new cars everything had gone perfect however I needed to get Mohammad alone for a one-to-one talk so I could explain everything that's gone on this week we've actually been tracking you as you as you can go in a few of your car right there yeah and in his ruefully brainer app it's all right there it's you that's a picture of me on your car as well that's gonna be at the top right yeah it is yeah we even went to Pizza Hut and they decided to give you about your cards we've got signatures from your employees and they actually wrote themselves yeah she's lovely look how happy he is he's got a girlfriend now but there was only one thing left to do oh wait let me take those pictures just so you don't take them for the police oh but keep your kite so off Mohammed went the streets waved a good byes and as he got into his car I realized I didn't see a person I just saw my money escaping me I just gave two K away to a random pizza delivery driver was stupid idiotic mistake to mate I may look calm but I am seething with anger right now Mohammed if you're watching this bring my money back to me or I will find and kill your parents I'm fuming thank you from somewhere so the only thing to do now is celebrate two million subscribers with my street [Music] but there's more I'm also gonna give away one thousand pounds to kids of color which is a platform that gives young people of color of voice please sub to their YouTube channel and show them any support you can and a further 1000 pounds to the family of sugary Abdi's who's a 12 year old girl who was wrongfully murdered and her story is terrible the links in the description if you want to read up on that the NDL is the biggest movement on youtube please let you use our power for good but likewise matter my friend [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 6,366,152
Rating: 4.9566374 out of 5
Keywords: Pizza delivery man prank, delivery man prank, tipping delivery men, tipping, delivery prank, pizza, tipping pizza delivery guys, delivery, niko omilana, niko, NDL, prank
Id: 3Fjy_cu5ycY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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