Practicing Large Intervals to Open Up The High Register

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Oh a YouTube trumpeters this is Charlie Porter here with a little quick tip on practicing over my buddy's house with his nice monette trumpet thanks Steve and just practicing some intervals and let's see what I wanted to say was when you're practicing in the high register sometimes the best way to get a nice open and easy sound and the higher register is to to go there directly from the middle register where it's quote easier to play right so you play a nice middle G or somewhere in that area and practice doing some easy intervals and get that feeling and then after a while you start taking the second note of the interval up an octave for example might do this anyway you get the idea what I'm trying to do is keep that same feeling of doing the first interval and by not giving myself enough time to get too tense for that higher note but kind of time that I would have say if I was working up the scale if I'm doing that there's a chance I might start to close off because I have time to progressively get to tight and let's hear but if you I'm doing that quick interval and I'm trying to keep everything feeling like that third line B flat then there's a better chance it might surprise you actually it's a better chance of staying open for that for that higher note for more fun pretty easy to do if when you go to the F you can kind of just feel like you're keeping that same D flat set but you want to do the same thing when you're trying to go even higher [Music] I'm full dirty there but sometimes I like to add a little trill onto the note to see if it's flexible to see if I'm if I'm not in a good place or a bad place let me see if I can do that again and keep it a little cleaner get a little better anyway so those upper notes are kind of the same thing there's no limit to how high you can go from this lower note may be started from even a lower note right so I try to connect from that lower note instantly to the higher note and even though I am going to get tighter maybe then I should this does seem to help me to find a way to be more relaxed going into that upper note especially if I'm doing it not in a camera trying to demonstrate it for you folks but when I do it on my own and I'm kind of getting into a good meditative zone with it what you start to realize is that all these notes are actually pretty damn close to one another so you start having a little fun with it [Music] oh right start to do some some interesting two octave jump things you can even start to speed those up what I want to stress too is that you're thinking more about the bottom note in terms of the weight of the air and the top note it's actually you're not using so much air but you're just creating compression and resistance here do you want to know how to do that watch the video that I just made on on how to make form an embouchure or you can watch the 3 compressions video or the straight line approach I'm trying to put some good information out there that'll help you guys to play easily it is not does not have to be super difficult to play the trumpet it can feel sometimes like a torture device and but it doesn't have to be that way and you know I'm working my best to find easier ways to play and I guess one on what I'm trying to show with this little demonstration is that you know the higher notes they're not so far away they are closer to your middle G than you might have expected and in fact if you're on a gig and you're next to a lead player who seems to be doing like a great job and it seems to be using very little effort and getting a big fat sound well they're playing easier probably than you are and the point is if it's kind of unfair you know because they're sitting there getting all this amazing notes out and they're not working that hard but you might be sitting there working your tail off and you're not getting anything out or you're getting diminishing returns so the idea here is not how to how to get the note out it's how to get it out easily so work to make your playing easier find the easy solution to get things to come out and don't work so hard to just get it out in the moment doing whatever you need to do whether it's pressing or or you know killing yourself one way or another just find the here's here's the thing ask yourself the question of not how do I do this but how can I do this easy how can I do this easier your body comes up with the answer to the questions you ask it if you ask your body how to do something your body will come up with any old answer that will work that might be jam into my face it might be any kind of thing that might hurt you but if you're asking your body how can I do this easily then your body is going to come up with solutions hopefully that are easy and that do not hurt so anyway there you have it folks practicing large intervals to build your high range and to to open up the high range again just to show you if if you're having this kind of problem and you're starting to get closed off as you go higher get rid of all the steps in between go right from your low F right to your high right then put some air behind it but first get it open get it to feel like your low F anyway all right uh over and out and I'll see you guys the next time bye
Channel: Charlie Porter
Views: 77,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trumpet, High notes, intervals, Charlie Porter, Flexibility
Id: u1TCRsm_VeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2017
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