Practice/test GPS approach using GNS 530W and KFC 200 at KUMP

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hello everybody Bart over here today a short experiment video using my KFC 200 autopilot and my and gns 530 ones in a little different way than normally it is being used and I explained in a minute we're flying a practice our NF approach or GPS approach using the KFC 200 and the GPS in my Bonanza and this as you can see here I have coupled the approach already even before in the initial approach fix which is hubely so now we are we've reached that initial approach fix and the gns told us to turn to 241 degrees as you can see on the attitude indicator the initial bank angle was about 22 degrees so some people were suggesting that if you have a coupled approach mode in a KFC 200 the bank will never exceed 10 degrees and that seems to show otherwise at least initially at least when the autopilot is making the initial capture of that new course it is banking to 22 degrees which I do believe is kind of the max angle that is dialed in in the autopilot when it's being calibrated so as you can see we're a coupled approach mode and we have passed the initial approach fix and proceeding into the intermediate approach fix which is you let's see which was sight which is gonna be I you de or this particular approach out we are in altitude mode so you can see the altitude being three thousand feet I'm a little fast here but I will slow the airplane down a little bit to that 120 knots or so and before we reach the intermediate approach fix and that last turn that 90 degree turn and final this is a VFR flight it was acquired there at the airport so we announced this on C tip and there was nobody in the vicinity of the airport so this we didn't really interfere with anybody's operation at our Airport and this is really just for my documentation and show how you can use the autopilot in a little different way and one of the reason why I like using it this way is because if you couple the approach then you only really have to worry about turning the knob that of course not on decade 525 like I'm doing right now and the autopilot will follow so you don't have to worry about switching between heading mode and the approach mode and then the autopilot States coupled in approach mode through the hall to the halt GPS approach as you can see now we have passed the intermediate approach fix ayuda and now we're proceeding towards final approach fix Porco and as you can see the autopilot is doing a pretty good job you know tracking so you can see the deviation it's not very good or very little I should say if this an LF plus V approach you can now can see the glide slope pointers come in to came into the view because we are below the glide slope so we're capturing it from below and we are prior to final approach because those are the two conditions I think you have to have for the KFC 200 to be able to give you the glide slope and also be able to switch into the class of which you will see in a in a minute so right now we're still in an altitude amount right so we Delta to this being held at 3,000 feet but once we pass the final approach fix the glide slope will be captured and the autopilot begins at this descent so you can see we're proceeding towards polka final approach fix and you can see the glazier phone pointers are starting to move I fly the approaches in my bonanza between depending how I want to do it I eat a blind 120 knots I can fly 210 knots hundred knots I have for the different reference power settings kind of memorized so depending what I what I want to do I can I can climb it either I hear I started at hundred twenty knots but then I think I'll go 210 knots just to slow it down and see how it behaves I will however always put my landing gear down at final approach fix I don't know if you notice but the glide slope just became active I'm putting my landing gear down and because we are passing the final approach fix and you can see the autopilot now is tracking the glide slope and it's capturing the glide slope and now you can see the dead we watch the vsi you can see we're beginning to descend if it's properly calibrated I think in the kind of lights of mode the KFC 200 should be about 700 feet per minute or so on these on these on LF L P V and ILS approaches consume 120 knots are slower down a little bit there's two school of thoughts one people some people like to fly approach fast hundred twenty knots some people like to fly it slower some of my instructors that I recommend act with my approach flaps some of my instructors told me do not put approach laps at final approach fix it so again I don't want to debate that because there are pros and cons of doing it either way mainly here we're seeing that the autopilots tracking really well both the glide slope and and laterally and it seems to be working just just fine here thank you for watching the video help you you enjoyed it please send us your lesson in your comments how you fly the approaches [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bonanza Bart
Views: 5,223
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Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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