Practice English Conversation to Improve Speaking Skills (Tourist) English Conversation Practice

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good afternoon sir I need your help  please I'm a tourist do you speak English oh oh no no understand sorry no speak English oh thank you anyway I'm sorry to  bother you have a nice day take care excuse me sir good afternoon I'm  a tourist do you speak English good afternoon sir yeah I speak English  Welcome to My Country how can I help you oh great I have been walking for  many hours and I couldn't find anyone I mean I couldn't find anyone who  speaks English I'm happy to find you well since it's not our first language not  many people here speak Advanced English happily I have studied this language for  many years and I try to practice every day that's why I would love to help you  because this way I can practice my English that's cool I'm looking for  a place to stay over here I arrived this morning and I couldn't  find a cheap hotel can you help me sure there's one cheap hotel  near here right on that corner what corner I'm sorry but I don't know  this place very well help me please oh all right you just go straight ahead  turn right and there you'll find it I have a friend working there you can tell  him you were sent by me and they will help you my name is Maurice I am a police officer  it's nice to meet you what's your name oh my name is Chris it's a pleasure to  meet you Maurice and thank you in advance because I also need you to tell me where  I can exchange some dollars I have please I remember there was an exchange house  right over there but it is not open now I know you can go to the mall  for that but it's a little far that's okay I can take a taxi right  I hope they are not too expensive oh be careful with that not all taxi  drivers are honest you need to be careful   some of them realize you are a tourist and  they make you pay more than the regular we usually use an app for that but since  you're new here you can call one of my friends he drives a taxi and he can guide you  wherever you want you can trust him that's great and how much will it be I need  to know because I don't have much money to the mall it's not more than fifteen  dollars I think it's that expensive for you no that's fine thank you so much  and if I want to eat something the best restaurants are downtown I suppose  you want to know about the cheapest ones yeah please I don't have much money I  want the chip but delicious restaurant I get it then you have to go to the other  side of the city and there is a place in fact it's a market you can find  delicious food there and it's really cheap you can find four dollars plates or  one dollar snacks it's really good fantastic thank you so much and  what about places to visit here you mean tourist places we have a  lot but again you must be careful there are always bad people over  there some Steelers scammers and so on I recommend that you hire a tourist service  a tourism agency there are many of them   and they are not too expensive there's  one downtown the name is tour park for just fifty dollars you can visit all the  tourist places in this city I think that's good yeah I like that I think that's fine but  it's already late and will be tomorrow right   yeah you can start tomorrow now you  better go to your hotel and rest that's right oh I wanted to ask you  something but I think it's a little rude rude and that's okay you can tell me come on okay I want to know why is this  city so dirty I'm sorry bud since I arrived this morning I have seen  a lot of garbage everywhere why is that oh that well how can I explain you this um no I think I can't justify it people here  are not very clean people that's it I think   it's about culture we are not used to cleaning  or simply not throwing garbage on the street I apologize for that I know it doesn't look  well but I hope that can change someday don't worry that's okay every  country has a singular problem where I come from maybe it's very clean  but people aren't very nice to anyone will be lucky to find a person who can help  us just like you're doing right now with me I have visited many countries and they have  a beautiful site but also a not so good one I guess you're right well Welcome to our  country and I hope you have a great trip thank you so much by the way can you  please tell me what time it is now the time assure it's a quarter  past two is it late for you yeah a little I need to call my  friends they will arrive at 5 pm here but I can't make that call my  phone ran out of battery damn don't worry there's a public  phone near here it's behind you perfect you saved my life now  I need to go to find my hotel sure and if you have any other question  you can come here whenever you want I work here every day I take care of people  and tourists like you come if you need help that's great I want to know all the  places from here have a great day oh by the way can you give me your cell  phone number do not misunderstand it I just want to practice my  English is that possible of course my cell phone number is 555-45 A2 555-4582 great we can chat or make a call someday sure whenever you want thank  you so much for your help I hope you liked this conversation if you  could improve your English a little more   please subscribe to the channel and share  this video with a friend and if you want   to support this channel you can join  us or click on the super thanks button   thank you very much for your support take care
Channel: Learn English with Tangerine Academy
Views: 1,129,116
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Keywords: english, inglish, ingles, speak english, speak english fluently, speak English with, speak, English vocabulary, learn english, learn english with, practice english, tangerine academy, speak english with, learn english with tangerine academy, native speaker, pronounciation, basic english vocabulary, learn english fast, how to learn english, how to speak english, english course, english conversations, english conversation practice, speaking, english language, english conversation
Id: t62wj1-vbJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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