Prótesis Fija
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Keywords: Prótesis Fija, protesis dental, protesis, protesis removible, esqueletico, implante, implantologia, restauracion, diseño de sonrisa, dentadura, diente, removible, temporal, provisional, restauracion dnetal, oclusion, protesico, implante dental, extraccion, cirugia, surgery, blood, sangre, dolor, pain, doctor, perdida dental, miedo al dentista, panico al dentista, edacion, odontofobia, anestesia, anestesia general, intervencion, accidente, traumatismo, fractura, ortodoncia, odontologia, laser, laser dental
Id: XGUX6Dnz1Hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2012
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