POWERFUL Vision! This Is Only For A Select Few People

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hello everybody so this this video right here this is not for everybody this is only for a very very select few this is for a very select few uh and if you get this message and you think this is you uh everybody prey on it pray on it this is just for a select few okay prey on it confirm it with the with the Lord and get back with me because this is this is for y'all this is for me and this is for y'all all right so I was I was walking through my house I was praying I was praying to the Lord for a while I had the worship music I Had instrumental instrumental worship music on and as I was praying as I was praying this this four hour long instrumental worship uh worship music that I had playing uh it sounded like the wins it sounded like wind blowing it sounded like wind blowing in this in this instrumental music playing it sounded like winds blowing okay the wind I mean it sounded like that's what it sounded like and if you ever watch uh like movies or shows in the desert and you can like or whatever and you can hear the wind all right that's this is how it was this is how it was I got I as soon as I heard this wind blow I started to see I started to see I was in the desert and I started to see the wind blow I started to see the wind blow and it was blowing it was blowing the top of the top of the Sands it was blowing dust all along the desert all right y'all can picture that and right and out in the distance right in front of me I seen I seen this little Stone Temple okay it was just it was just a little little Stone Temple so I was out as I was as I was looking at it I started to see I started to see myself okay I started to see myself walk toward this Temple I was dressed in all and I was in robes I was in robes all in purple I was in I was dressed in purple robes what's what's purple what is purple oh my goodness go look it up go look it up because it ties into this I everything I I I see and I'm about to tell you in the scriptures that the lord gave me it all ties together it all ties together I was dressed in purple robes and I was walking and I was walking through the desert to this Temple this little Temple okay and then all of a sudden I you know I'm I'm standing here but like my vision I get closer so I can see everything I can see everything real close this was like a oh like a four pillar like there was only like it was like a little it was like a little square Temple and I looked it up I mean I typed it in and the very first thing there was it was that okay the picture the picture on this video that is what popped up the very first thing it was a fire temple it was a fire temple okay in my in my vision while I'm praying this just happened and I just got confirmation on everything when I went up to this Temple I I literally lit the bowl that was inside this Temple yeah it was it was that was the only thing in this little square was a ball i s I said it on fire I lit the fire in this Temple I lit the fire in this Temple and when I did that here we go you all ready for this when I when I lit that fire Four Angels Four Angels on each side of this Square Temple on each side yeah one two three four okay I go on each side of this on each side of this Temple I'm telling you there was four on each side and each had different weapons in their hand okay and they all had wings these were these were not just regular Angels these were higher up angels they were on each side of the temple while I was inside okay I was I was inside lighting this fire when I lit this fire up the angel the Four Angels appeared on each side of the temple okay and when these angels appeared with four four different Angels four different weapons oh boy oh boy when these angels appear I tell you the scene around the temple okay there was like a little bit of light where the temple and Angels were right and then everything got darker and I could see I could see all the enemies all the evil spirits coming up out of the ground and coming to attack me I was me and the Angels were surrounded we were surrounded by evil and darkness and everything that the darkness brought we were the Angels were there to protect me on all sides guys all sides front back and both sides the Angels were fighting off everything that was evil that was trying to attack me coming from the darkness they were literally oh my goodness oh my goodness they were literally fighting for me and while they were a little bit went on they were fighting they were fighting they were warding off all the darkness while they were fighting after a little bit oh my god oh this is for the select few this is for the select few pulses of light spread pulses of light communication this was communication oh my goodness oh okay this was Community this was like communication it was pulses of light being pulsated out into the world and after and after a while of the pulses being brought out of this Temple while the Angels were fighting this is for the select few because I know you're out there want to know how I know you're out there because y'all responded there was other light pulses being pulsated back posted it back to me I was sending out signals I was sending out distress signals I guess okay while I was being attacked and the Angels were Warden off evil and there was pulses of light pulses of light and after a while I was receiving pulses of light back from other people from other people from from their temples from there fire temples I'm telling you this is who this is only for a select few and and please pray about it please seek the Lord and if you are one of them contact me contact me contact me because I believe this is for a reason for whatever for whatever is to come I need you the Lord needs you I need you I think he's trying to form a group I think this is a group I think I'll pray about it some more too but I'm this is it this is it now oh sorry now after that vision every time every time I get a vision or a dream or whatever I ask the Lord I asked the Lord for I asked the Lord first scripture to back it up and he said Leviticus I went through I went to he didn't give me a chapter again he didn't give me a verse he just said Leviticus and I think he did that so I could research because he said Leviticus and I was reading through I was reading through Leviticus and I couldn't find anything I was like I was like Lord I I was you know I was reading through the video case I was like I was like man I can't I can't find it Lord help me help me help me and I was like you know what so I typed in I got on my phone I was trying to research I typed in fire temples because I didn't know I just typed in fire temples in the Bible that's what I that's literally what I typed fire temples in the Bible boom Leviticus Leviticus chapter six and 10 right here I mean y'all can read all of chapter six and through on it talks about Moses it talks about Aaron talks about the people here we go burnt burnt offerings here we go chapter Leviticus chapter 6 and 10 and the high priest shall put on his linen garment and his linen breached uh breaches shall he put on oh my goodness hold on and the priest shall put on his linen garment and his linen breaches shall he put upon his flesh and take up the ashes which the fire hath consumed with the burnt offering on the Altar and he shall put them beside the Altar and he shall put off his garments and put on other garments and carry forth the ashes without the camp onto a clean place without the camp I was by myself okay only priest only the high priest could back then could like keep the fire burning keep the fire burning that it was only the high priest that could do that keep the fire burning even in even in today uh because I looked it up and like only the height only the priest can keep the fire burning and in these little uh uh fire temples okay for people to come and worship okay uh verse 11 again any and he shall put off his garments and put on other garments and carry forth the ashes without the camp onto a clean place verse 12 and the fire upon the altar shall be burning in it and he and it shall not be put out and the priests shall burn wood on it every morning and lay the burnt offering and Order upon it and he shall put burn thereon the fat of the peace offerings all right here we go here we go Leviticus 6. and 13 13 verse 13 right here and the fire shall the fire shall ever be burning upon the altar it shall never go out oh the fire shall ever be burning upon the altar it shall never go out it shall never go out the fire baby I'm telling you I I have been on I've been on fire so much I tell you I have been on fire I I carried oh I care nothing about worldly things all I do all I do is read my Bible and research and study that's all I do I care nothing about television I care nothing about you know my phone I care nothing about video games nothing it's all distractions it's all distractions right here all you need in this world especially in today's age is the Bible the oh my goodness the the word of God that's all you need right here because this will give you all the answers this will give you all the answers like you know what let me read this again because I just I just love I just love this little sentence this little verse verse 13 the fire shall ever be burning upon the altar it shall never go out oh my goodness and you know what uh I've also been getting confirmation uh the past uh month month and a half because the Lord has uh he has led me to Melchizedek the high priest the high priest oh my goodness you know what because I brought this up too right here Melchizedek oh [Music] I'm not gonna read the whole thing but right right here Hebrews 7 and 17. uh yeah yeah because I mean set Hebrews 7 11 7 11. because it talks right here 7-Eleven goes back to what I just read in Leviticus 7-Eleven if if they're if therefore Perfection whereby the levitical priesthood for under it the people received the law what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchizedek and not be called after the order of Aaron I just read that in chapter six okay but right here what I always think of seven Hebrews 7 and 17 for he testified thou art a priest Forever After the order of Melchizedek the high priest you know who the high you know besides Melchizedek he was a high priest and a king that's unheard of he was a he was a priest and a king that's unheard of okay you know who who else you know who else you know who uh know who Jesus talked about just like right here you know who even Jesus said you know in the order of Melchizedek because he was he was a he was a priest he was like the holiest the like holiest man and like it is so hard because there's like no research on this dude he just popped in okay he just popped in bada bing bada boom and then that's it he was a he was a priest and he was a king okay but until you know until Jesus came into play until Jesus came into play but Jesus talked about Melchizedek the order of Melchizedek okay but that and then Jesus came into play Jesus came into play he is the king of kings he is the high priest oh and that is who we need to strive to be you know we strive we or we need to be striving to be just like Jesus just like Christ we need to strive to be like that we need to be we we have to be we we need to try to be okay yes I'm talking to myself but I'm mainly talking to I'm mainly talking to whoever watches this all right you gotta strive to be like Jesus you have to strive to be like Christ you have to strive to be holy you have to strive to be pure you have to try your hardest to be the the holiest the purest the nicest the whatever you gotta strive to be like Jesus okay that's who I strive to be as I'm not there you know there is no way I'm I'm saying that oh um Jesus no I'm I'm saying I'm strive I strive to be like him the stuff how he lived his life what he did throughout you know from from the beginning of time until now throughout the Bible everything that you know God has done he is the only God he is the one true God everything that he has done all the good he is all good he is all good unless you make him mad but that's another story okay you gotta strive to be like him you gotta strive you gotta strive you gotta try your hardest you gotta you gotta constantly read his word you gotta constantly if you I mean if you want to get so close to God that you hear him and he just constantly talks to you all the time you need to be oh my goodness the secret place the secret place you want to get close to God go to your secret place you wanna you wanna talk to God you want to be alone with God you want to have a one-on-one you know one-on-one time with him have a one-on-one conversation with him you want him to reveal stuff to you go to your secret place just you and him if you live in the city I'm sorry go into a room be alone in a room a closet the bathroom whatever okay but if you you know if you live in a country that's this is what I do I go out in the middle of the Woods and God and it's crazy because God has given me yeah oh my goodness I thank the Lord I thank the Lord for it he's got three boom boom boom he's got three dogwood trees with three stones or three rocks right in the middle of these trees I'm telling you that it's it's all planned this is God put me in that place I'm telling you that is that is Holy Ground right there that is Holy Ground praise God oh my goodness Hallelujah I can feel him say holy spot that is where I go daily and if I don't go daily you know the days I don't go you know I I still I still I still stay in my you know I go and while I'm in my room or something I still have one-on-one with God every single day that's what you need to do okay that's what that's what you do that's what you need to do if you want to keep it Well yeah if you want to keep away evil if you're if you're tired of living the way that you are and you're just always down and depressed and you're a Christian and you're just constantly getting attacked and you you don't know what to do and you're just constantly getting down and you're just constantly feeling this way and feeling that way well how how about how about you go have a one-on-one time with him put all cast all your cares cast all your cares upon the Lord why oh like I like I did the other day like I said my I think my last video it was on a Sunday after church you know after church I went in the woods middle of the day it was super hot I don't care if it's hot or not uh I didn't mean to rhyme but it's about time oh okay I'm sorry uh I don't care if I'm hot and I'm just drenched in sweat I don't care I'm gonna go out there after church I went out there and I just I mean I let it all out I just laid everything out I just spilled the beans okay God knows everything before you tell him but he wants you he wants you to tell him he loves that he loves when you come and talk to him when you come and you know pray to him he just loves that one on top one-on-one time with you because he can actually be there and he can actually comfort you and can actually talk to you like a friend like a father okay okay like a friend like a father that most people need nowadays am I right yes okay and I like I said I just I just let it all out I was bawling my eyes out I don't care I'm a grown man I was in the middle of the woods bawling my eyes out for 30 plus minutes and I couldn't stop I could not stop crying I was trying to after a while I was trying to man up and stop crying but I couldn't I mean it was just flowing out of me I was just casting my cares upon the Lord I tell you and once you do that I'm telling you everything will be everything is just so peaceful and you just feel his peace and his love okay you just lay you just lay everything on him and he will be right there he will be right there with you and uh I have been just talking and talking and talking and talking but I just I had that vision and uh to all the uh high priest Warriors whatever you want to call yourself if if uh please pray about it seek the Lord about this this vision and man I tell you this is only a select few this is only a select few so if you feel it this is for you go seek the Lord go seek the Lord pray about it do you get confirmation let me know and let me know and let's I don't know what's what's pray to the Lord let's let's see what this is let's see what this is about sunka something he start he's trying to start something there is something going on okay with you know me being dressed in purple what priests wear purple royalty okay purity and me having that fire in the temple the fire temple that never goes out only priests go up there to keep the fire going okay that that fire inside of me the temple the fire inside of me the fire inside of me okay and I think it's the like my YouTube videos and the people I I try to talk to okay I'm I'm the the light of the Lord is just radiating okay throughout the world throughout the Earth okay and he's and he's trying I guess he's I guess he's I guess he's you know he's he's communicating he's he's doing something because whatever whatever I'm putting out whatever the Lord is putting out through me it's pulsating he's he's shooting communication waves light waves I'm telling you throughout the Earth and I like I said my vision I I seen pulses I've seen pulses come back I've seen pulses come back so we're starting to communicate something's starting to roll we're starting to roll baby and I'm and I'm so excited to see what this is about because oh my goodness I am just so I am so on fire I am so on fire guys and girls and ladies you know I am I am just on fire for God and I love God so much okay I love God so much and I love you Jesus loves you and I need to get off here because I've been talking and talking and talking but if that's you pray about it get back to me I love you Jesus loves you and I will see y'all next time
Channel: Taylor Robinson
Views: 1,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nl3dQw8pS4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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