Powerful! Mind Secrets you MUST know! - The Key To Permanent Change (Law of Attraction)

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Powerful mind success secret law of attraction the moment you shift how you think about yourself and your circumstances both you and those circumstances will begin to change hello this is dane spots I'm sure you've heard the idea that our thoughts somehow shape the reality we experience that negative thoughts influence the world around us and bring about negative circumstances while positive thoughts somehow bring about positive circumstances well an entire industry of motivational speakers have been created around this premise almost all of us have been exposed to the tenants a positive thinking but if it works so well then why isn't everyone who attends these seminars and read these books rich and successful and most of all happy if all we need to do is to think positive thoughts we should be able to create a positive world almost overnight shouldn't we what's wrong with this picture well I spent the last 20 years trying to find out and what I discovered is a philosophy that i'll share with you along with a set of tools and programs I think will not only be a tremendous benefit but will literally I'll allow you to become your potential and derive the maximum pleasure out of life much of what i'm about to share with you will seem simple in concept the best ideas usually are powerful mind secret law of attraction and so I should warn you that there's a tendency to view these simple ideas from a surface level without really internalizing and practicing them therefore I recommended you listen to this tape a minimum of four times ten times would be even better and each time you hear these ideas rather than using your rationale intellectual mind which analyzes things to death use your playful risk-taking side and make the effort to incorporate these tools into your daily life the reason i'm asking this of you is because I know that most of you will listen to this tape once and then stick it on a shelf you'll never really use the material I want you to use this stuff to practice it and internalize it you see it takes a commitment a conscious commitment to make positive change occur on a subconscious level the tools and reprogramming processes must be used to make them work look there's something I want you to realize right now the old you will do everything in its power to prevent change it will come up with excuses for not listening to the tapes will procrastinate and make excuses for not using these ideas and programs even if they're good for you and the reason why you do that to yourself is because the old you is powerful mind success secret law of attraction comfortable it has a built in survival mechanism to protect the status quo and that's why change is so difficult and it's also why positive thinking on a surface level always fails millions and millions of people attend positive thinking seminars or buy books and tapes each year yet very few derive lasting benefits from them if you've ever attended any of these seminars or read any of these books are usually high from the motivational uplift for about two days then you go back to your old self again listen it isn't that the material is invalid or doesn't work it does it's just the positive thinking and motivational stories deal only with your conscious mind and that conscious mind is not the engine that powers your life rather it's the subconscious or the unconscious portions of your mind from which our behavior and attitude spring going directly into the unconscious and rewiring how you think about yourself and your future is the key to permanent and lasting change and that's precisely what will be addressing in this program ok let's begin first off powerful mind success secret law of attraction let me give you the philosophy behind this program and also answer the question of just how are thinking and beliefs on a subconscious level affects our wealth our health and our success or failure in any undertaking let me read you something that sums up rather nicely the point of all of this what we believe determines what we make true let me read that again to you what we believe determines what we make true our perceptions of reality how we think about ourselves and the world around us what we look for and what we take to be true is determined by our believes alter believe and you can change reality or at least the reality that you experience when saying is it through your beliefs you form your reality a friend of mine who is a very successful in very wealthy real estate entrepreneur started without a single diamond his pocket and he was able to amass a great fortune in only a few years with a simple philosophy of faking it until he made it he convinced himself on a subconscious level that he had already acquired a great fortune when in fact he was really broke in his mind he became a millionaire the circumstances that brought about that reality then followed now i'm sure that you've heard similar stories what we take to be true on a subconscious level becomes our reality how does that mean it's skill and luck don't play a role in wealth and prosperity well money making skills are powerful mind success secret law of attraction learned and begin with a desire and a belief that it's possible remember what we believe is based on our perceptions and what we perceive depends upon what we look for and what we look for depends upon what we think and luck and we all know those people who seem to be exceptionally lucky is created out of a core belief that good thing should happen it's an expectation expect to be lucky and you will be it's as simple as that now you've probably seen this happen to you all the time but in Reverse you know when you tell yourself that you're having a bad day and sure enough you do what we believe determines what we make true and that's the entire premise of this idea as well as the tape are you still with me what I'm telling you here is nothing new in fact it's very old philosophers and great thinkers have been saying it for thousands of years the Roman philosopher Marcus Aurelius said our light is what powerful mind success secret law of attraction our thoughts make of it Napoleon Hill said exactly the same thing and think and grow rich and everyone sense has said the same basic idea but that doesn't necessarily help you make it work better in your life you see you've got to break through and encrusted mind script it's made up of years of negative programming that's why we created mine development tools here at saigon because the purpose of these tools is to deal with the issue of beliefs and behavior at the deepest levels of your being and to anchor these new beliefs into your subconscious where your beliefs are formed and reinforced by your perceptions and thus made true to create lasting change you must be script the core set of beliefs that forms how you think and perceive your reality inside our subconscious minds we have scripted what we see as the truth remember what we accept to believe as true is true or becomes true . in any evidence contrary to our core beliefs is discarded or perceptually modified by our brains so if you've been told all your life that you'll never amount to anything or believe that being wealthy is something beyond your grasp then that is the mine script is welded into your subconscious and then that's the reality you will experience now enough talk about that let me give you now a very simple and very powerful tool that you can use to create the reality that you'd like to experience to attract wealth and prosperity to bring forth loving and positive relationships to make you shine and glow and achieve in every area of your life powerful mind success secret law of attraction it's a process I call vision earring what is it well it's a program of mental rehearsal of future events that anchors successful images to positive emotions through a simple visualization technique it also programs the subconscious to bring forth a desired goal into reality now you're probably familiar with visualization techniques and perhaps you experiment with them in your life that's good most people try it for a while but then they give up usually for two reasons the first is of the old you creeps in again with excuses for not changing it also because you may not have been doing it right so you never really noticed any positive feedback to justify continuing doing it well i'm going to give you a super simple solution that's going to work incredibly well but it's up to you to use it and there are three steps in the process before I give them to you let me give you a bit of a tip you must set up a regular time each and every day for your vision hearing session we're talking about five minutes of that five minutes you can achieve any worthwhile goal to desire morning or night it doesn't really matter just give yourself the five minutes you're worth it now this five minutes must be exclusively devoted to the vision hearing process okay are you ready for a session get into a comfortable position close your eyes and with your eyes closed roll them upwards slightly as if you're trying to see the center of your forehead and listen to yourself breathe focus your attention on slowly taking deep breaths and the sound of the air coming in and out of your long girls feel yourself relax do this breathing exercise five times it will only take 45 seconds or so as you focus on your breathing this is a simple relaxation exercise that will immediately alter your consciousness putting your brain into an alpha State in fact if you were to hook yourself up to an EEG machine while doing a simple procedure you would see an increase in alpha way production emitting from your brain in an only 45 seconds you know their seminars a charge upwards of five hundred dollars to teach you this ok so you learn how to induce an alpha brainwave state in 45 seconds the next step is to pick out an image of a past memory where you were extremely happy really get in touch with that powerful mind success secret law of attraction experience it doesn't really matter what it is or when it happened the point is to conjure up a winning feeling or a positive emotion that you can then use to connect with your image of a future event perhaps this is an image of the moment you remember falling in love or receiving a standing ovation during a high school play go back into your past and pull out a very specific event that you will relive in every detail feel the pass on your back the loving adulation remember the voices the smells the colors as you recreate the scene let yourself re experience all of those winning feelings what you're doing here is bringing forward into your consciousness a positive emotion that will psychologically become connected with a future goal in your subconscious this has the effect of anchoring that desired goal into the subconscious mind so that it's energized it becomes a subconscious reality now making it happen is really quite easy because of the subconscious mind believes it it will alter your perceptions and we'll look for it to make it into a reality I'll talk more about that a little bit later ok once you've relive that positive moment and felt those winning feelings welling up inside of you the next step is to envision the future goal that you want to achieve as vividly as possible it can be through a mental picture a word a musical note a taste in fact any sensory image that you can think of each person is different some people respond better to pictures while others words the key point here is to see yourself as if you've already achieved that goal whether it's in the form of a picture a feeling or words if it's money powerful mind success secret law of attraction see yourself as already having perhaps the images are you going to the bank with a big deposit or you're sitting at your desk at work piled high with hundred-dollar bills smell the money roll in it throw it in the air see yourself walking down the street wearing the finest clothes driving your dream car and hearing the whispers and comments of your friends wondering how you ever got so successful if you're a student taking a test see that big red a plus mark across the top of your exam if you're a salesperson see yourself actually closing the sale if you're giving a speech see the audience clapping for you and telling you what a wonderful job that you've done let's say you want a vacation home on cape cod or in Malibu picture yourself walking through the front door noticing the color and the texture of the walls the lawn the roof the entry area go ahead and walk through the entire home in your mind filling in the details exactly as you would like them to be in your reality give your images as much richness in detail as you possibly can and don't worry that first your images are a bit fuzzy the process improves with practice tie-ins sounds smells and touch in fact the more senses and the greater the specificity the more ammunition that you're giving your subconscious mind to believe it and then to act on it ok you get the idea now let's review the steps here first you get comfortable close your eyes and roll them upward focusing your breathing for five breaths second recreate a winning feeling by bringing forth a positive image from your past and reliving it for a minute or two three envision your future goal is if you've already achieved it and do a mental rehearsal of that event or objective with as much color and detail as possible powerful mind success secret law of attraction now there's one last thing that I want you to do at the end of every session that may seem a bit strange at first but it's very powerful and very important when you open your eyes I want you to say the following out loud I now allow myself to have and then fill in the blank with whatever it was that you want and then say so be it it is done this simple statement yourself affirms the goal that you just programmed and releases it y release it what you want to do after affirming it is to release it and not dwell on it dwelling on something is like telling your subconscious mind that you don't really believe that it's possible it's like wanting something too badly you know when you want something too much and that you're afraid that you're not going to get it this is what I call the chokes in Rome when you try too hard you choke on it's a very easy thing to do people who wish for something fall prey to this all the time however if you vision errant you've already created it now release it and let it go by letting go of it they're actually programming in your subconscious the belief that you expect it to happen and dwelling on it only creates mental doubt that you believe it's really possible and there's something else too you must believe that you deserve it and not feel the least bit guilty about it for many of us we have an unconscious guilt about being happy and you need to remove those feelings from your subconscious once and for all why would we feel guilty about being happy well it's because somewhere along the line our parents our schools our churches our friends have programmed into us that we have to suffer to be happy or pay a price for happiness or that just when things are starting to powerful mind success secret law of attraction get good they all turned bad well that's all a lot of hogwash people say those things because they themselves have a belief system of limitations and lack they believe that a core level that they don't deserve success and happiness so why should anyone else most people think that happiness comes out of being successful or having good health when in fact the reverse is true happiness is not something that's burned or deserved happiness is simply a state of mind by which are thinking is positive a good share of the time if you wait until you feel deserving of having pleasant thoughts about your life you'll end up convincing your subconscious that you are undeserving of happiness and the result is you'll be unhappy and unsuccessful in most of your undertakings it's not selfish or wrong to be happy regardless of where you are in life so be happy happiness is a means to an end success and well-being and it's also an end in and of itself that we all desire happiness is not something that happens to you it's something that you cultivate that you determine and control if you're waiting for happiness to happen to you you're going to have a long wait instead leapfrog to it right now how do you do that it's really very simple by being and acting happy either when you're not it's what all winners do it is what you should do and do it now here are the three components that will allow you to create the mental habit of being happy the majority of the time and winning in every circumstance that you Powerful mind secrets for permanent life changes encounter the first aspect of this is to not allow any outward experiences to influence you about how you think about yourself you do this by changing the way that you react to circumstances instead of being a participant in the circumstance be apart from it let's say you're a salesperson and you make sales and you create conditions for powerful mind success secret law of attraction a living and you just spent the last three months of your time and money putting together a major deal and it's just getting ready to close when your prospect backs out of the last minute your commission was big box and you see it all going down the drain before your very eyes and you say to yourself I just knew this was a lousy business why did I ever go into this business in the first place people are rotten now we have to start all over again the whole wait a minute timeout stand outside of this picture for a moment the circumstances are the deal fell through but how you react to it will have everything to do with your happiness and success of future deals instead of moaning and feeling helpless make a conscious habit of reacting aggressively and positively towards threats and problems don't let it affect you personally it's just another deal in a world that's full of deals move on to the next one when you can mentally control the circumstances and never see failures as failures you'll be amazed at how much easier life will become every human being that's alive is presented with challenges and obstacles it's only how we perceive them that makes them negative or positive the second component of this concept is the consciously practice living your life in the present not the past or the future you can envision the future the way that you wanted to be in your vision hearing sessions but don't make the mistake of living in it the secret of being alive and always happy is to experience the present back for a moment of the happiest times in your life I'll bet those were moments that you were totally absorbed and focused on the present and you are happiest because you felt so alive so in touch with the experience of living you weren't thinking about the past or the future because you're too busy living in the now this is one of the secrets of truly happy people they're absolutely absorbed in the feeling of being alive let me give you an example that almost anyone can relate to making love is perhaps where the most physically and psychologically satisfying things you can do why because your energy is so focused and so concentrated in the moment that feeling of being alive is incredibly intense you want to know something interesting many Vietnam vets will admit that the time when they felt most alive was when they were in country walking out in some rice paddy as strange as it may seem for these soldiers that was the time that they felt most alive by living your daily life with focus and concentration powerful mind success secret law of attraction you will not only perform at your best but the intense pleasures you will derive from just living will dramatically increase and there's a simple way to go about doing this I learned from the famous author Ray Bradbury to help him focus his daily writing he had a sign that he put on his desk that said don't think don't try just do and that's really what it's all about thinking and trying give your subconscious the wrong message just by doing your subconscious auto pilot will automatically steer you in the right direction the third and final point I want to make here is for you to make happiness a habit link it in with your self-image regardless of your fears anxieties and circumstances make happiness the choice that you pick see yourself as happy focus on the details of the moment and take the time to love and appreciate the magnificence of the world around you by affirming life and moving forward through life's experiences with an attitude that says yes to all the circumstances that you encounter will program your subconscious to deliver a meaningful and joyful existence it's true and it's not that difficult if you don't think or try but just do you know science is just now catching on to the immense powers of the mind powers to spontaneously healed disease powers to overcome extreme handicaps both physical and psychological and powers to live a life filled with joy and happiness you know we spend hours in the gym conditioning our bodies to look and feel their best powerful mind success secret law of attraction very little time developing our most valuable resource our minds in the more you condition your mind for success the more you will have computer programmers have a term that use called garbage in and garbage out a badly program computer is doomed to spit out bad information and that's the same with your mind yeah make a point of using this program on a regular and consistent basis and do the vision hearing exercises on the little things as well as the big things that you want you'll be amazed of how effortless it will make your life and finally want to just for the heck of it create a habit of being happy all the time make a conscious decision to take aggressive action in the circumstances of your life and resolve to become the best that you can be these simple things will have a dramatic effect on your reality follow this program and one year from now I guarantee you'll be totally amazed at the transformation in the positive direction that your life takes thank you for listening and until next time this is dane spots yeah yeah yeah yeah Powerful mind success secret law of attraction
Channel: Your Youniverse
Views: 1,160,874
Rating: 4.8389101 out of 5
Keywords: Law Of Attraction (Religion), mind, secret, powerful, key, success, life, training, coach, personal, business, speaker, development, inspiration, motivation, public speaking (literature subject), leadership, marketing, management, coaching (industry), sales, motivational, sales (administrative division), positive, entrepreneur, entrepreneur (magazine), seminar, inspirational, youarecreators, youarecreators2
Id: DeJo5PfpP-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2016
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