POWERFUL Mantra For Forgiveness Of Sins | Samudra Vasane Devi | DEVI MANTRA
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Mahakatha - Meditation Mantras
Views: 2,046,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Samudra Vasane Devi, Mantra For Forgiveness Of Sins, POWERFUL Mantra For Forgiveness Of Sins, mantra for forgiveness, mantra for forgiveness from god, mantra for forgiveness sanskrit, hindu mantra for forgiveness, mantra for self forgiveness, forgiveness, mantra, forgiveness meditation, forgiveness song, mantra to forgive someone, mantra to forgive yourself, DEVI MANTRA, durga mantra, durga mantra very powerful, krishna mantra, parvati mantra
Id: vTWUx_m7zhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 58sec (3598 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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