Powerful Healing & Deliverance prayer to Our Lady of Good Health, Sickness, Ailments, Whole Body

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in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen almost holy virgin we were chosen by the most adorable Trinity from all eternity to be the most pure mother of Jesus we turned another of perfected Ronnie and mi presa necessities a special perfection relying on the instrument mercies of your blind son and penetrated the confidence in your powerful press I most humbly and preaching to intercede for me I beg you to obtain for me the favors wish I had Isham soul to Brandon if it be the holy will of God and if not ask for me whatever graces I stand most in needles especially I raised him oh dear mother my intense need for a complete healing of body mind and spirit every inflammation infection invincible pain and ailment associated with my body I effort a very matter of good health in a very particular way I offer to you imaginary my family tree and the past nine generations I effort here most immaculate heart all curses sins and sickness passed down to me to my past generation and I also offer to you every family and community member of the present generation and all the generations to come Oh Mother of God a lady of good health accept my salutations in union with the respect and veneration with which the angel Gabriel has Hindu who have grace hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen hail mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen hail mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death are many hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus Holy Mary Mother of God pray first the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen hail mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus holy man three mothers God pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen hail mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen hail mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death are many hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen hail mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen I beseech you the comforter afflicted to attain fully the favors and graces which I have now employed for your powerful intercession so this end I offer you the whole website aid and sufferings I enjoy I most humbly entreat you for the love of the Aimable Heart of Jesus with which yes was ever so inflamed to share my humble prayers and obtain my requests are men hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death are many Oh Mary our mother's health and our heavenly Queen seated on your throne of mercy and compassion in your holy shrine at will Anthony we praise and honor you to be our huge and I believe numberless other sick who have recovered health to your intercession relying and your power and goodness we come to you and empower you to heal our infirmities and to obtain for us perfect health as valiant soul that we may better be able to save you and your divine son amen hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death are many at all times you have been with help and consolation of the info you obtained for them health when it is conducive to their salvation with a system at the time of their death help us then the most favorable model and obtain to ask you from all our sufferings our patience to endure them in the spirit and resignation agreeable to God's holy will so that all our Chinese in sufferings we help to purify our souls and help us to detach ourselves from all earthly ties amen hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death are many blessed mother to the countless miracles attributed to your intercession you have evidenced a generous and compassionate heart and a great love for the sick being with me during this time of ill health and accompany me as I face sickness and infirmity help me to experience God's healing power to your prayers as well as my only lead me to unite myself to the cross of Jesus Christ so that this suffering then spiritual benefit to me and to others my bearing the cross of illness her honor preparing for the eternal Joy's as perfect happiness and fulness is life with God forever in heaven amen hail mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death are many the Most Holy Virgin Mother of Allah Jesus Christ but overwhelming grief will experienced when you witness the martyrdom the crucifixion and the death every divine son look upon me with eyes of compassion and awaken in my heart a tender conversation for those sufferings as well as a sensor data station as my sins in all of that being disengaged from all Undine affections for the paths and joys of this earth I mean land for the eternal Jerusalem and that helps with all my taps and all my actions may be directed towards this one most desirable object on a very and love toward divine love Jesus and to the holy and immaculate mother of God honor grow and love toward divine love Jesus and to the holy and immaculate mother of God on a very and love to our divine love jesus and the holy and immaculate mother of god amen hail mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen Holy Virgin Mary you are rain enjoy with Jesus yes son remember us in our sadness milk ugly and all her suffering as fighting against any difficulty hospital and days was separated from someone we love have hitting and the loneliness of our hearts have pity on the weakness at have faith and love have pity and those will be P and those who are praying and those were fearful holy model is obtained for all of us hail and peace with justice amen hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death are many old Mary my mother Our Lady of good health I offer you my soul my mind and my heart make of me God's instrument give me a penetrating mind to discover turn to judge open to understand came to serve the truth an honest mind in telling what sees you rather than what it wants to see a tolerant mind which does not dictate to other people but which explain what it sees clearly a mind infused by the light and the truth of His Son Jesus patient and faith while waiting for the ocean has eternal life amen hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death are many remember the lady of the precious blood the sorrowful sheddings of the blood of the Son Jesus and the most bitter tears you mingled with his redeeming blood in the main of the blood at the victim of reparation and of many tears in the name of the seven slopes which pierced your heart by which he became the mediatrix of all graces for the human race and the queen of matters by the power of my words Mary played the original made and the immaculate flesh that became part of Jesus body during the divine gestation have pity and my soul and in all its mysteries have pity on sinners and and the missing souls they seek to pervert in a special way another of good health have pity and the poor the sick the infirm and all the sufferings both physically and morally have pity and agonizing especially upon those who accept the line intercession would leave this world without being purified in the blood of the land it is by the blood of that dying son by his selects possible sufferings that is lost to his father in Shaler of mankind by his loneliness death and by the perpetration of his sacrifice and Catholic altars that I beg thee not to reject my supplications but graciously to hear them and then hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death Amani and now dear brothers and sisters let us enter into a period as complete concentration of her body the constituent parts and systems of that body and with functions to the care of a lady of good health as we repeat this prayer let us going to the holy places that only part of her body and that of an alien person in a family of friendship circle that is going to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary our neighborhood our diocese and community members the entire nation so that any curse of demonic influence causing infirmities in our land will be right clean by the power of the atoning blood of Jesus and Mary healing begins with trusting suggest illustration at Mercy who is able to heal a week belly and mind and so before we start let us cry out with apostles Lord increase my faith to trust blindly in your infinite mercy amen healing begins with trusting suppressed in a sweet son of Mercy who is able to heal a weak belly and mind and so before we start let us cry out with apostles Lord increase my faith to trust blindly in your infinite mercy amen else begin the circle of Prayer by seeking the mercy of God as in Sam's chapter 51 the loving and kind God have mercy have pity upon me and take away the every stain of my transgressions who wash me cleanse me from this bed let me be pure again for I admit my shameful deeds it haunts me day and night it is against you or loud and young alone I sailed and the terrible things you sight all my lord and your sentence against me is just creating me a father God shall now on a new clean heart filled with King thoughts and right desires don't toss me aside dear Jesus banished forever from your vessels don't take your Holy Spirit away from me Oh Lord restore to me again the joy of his salvation and make me willing to obey you remember a lady of the precious blood the sunfish cuttings of the blood of his son Jesus and the most bitter tears you kneeled with his redeeming blood in the mane of the blood at the written of reparation and a few holy tears in the name of the seven slopes which pierced your heart by which you became the Mediatrix of all graces for the human race and the queen of matters by the power of the original blood the original milk and the immaculate flesh that became part of Jesus body during the design gestation have pity on my soul and on all its mysteries have pity on sinners and and the innocent souls they seek to pervert in a special way o mother of good health have pity and the poor the sick the infirm and all the sufferings both physically and morally have pity and agonizing especially upon those who accept the line intercession would leave this world without being purified in the blood of the land it is by the blood of that dying self that is collects personal sufferings that is lost free to his father in Shaler of mankind by his ignominious death and by the perpetration of his sacrifice and Catholic altars that I beg thee not to reject my supplications but graciously to her them many hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen a sweet mother of God I bring to the front of the cross in Calvary myself my family tree my community and every person suffering and badly ailment known and unknown to me I came the blood of Jesus Christ that flowed out from his broken and bruised body for the healing of my v40 may the blood of Jesus mingled with the original blood for mother's good health enter a weak body that original blood which showed out from your wings into Jesus body right now at this very moment the healing and restoration to all weak cells malignant cells invasive cells in my body and for all this who might play only comforter as the afflicted killing your powerful intercession may the healing energy from the main first hands of your son Jesus ignite and eliminate all inflammations infections and spirits of infirmity and bondage in my body may the slope that peers your Immaculate Heart Oh Virgin Mary and the spiritual blood that is shed to each one of us along with his son in his painful passion right now emigrate and destroy all spirits of infirmity brain and made the service and the service heart disease AIDS cancer hypochondria fatigue and Alexia leukemia arthritis tumors abnormal girls diabetes spondylitis and creative Masada's depression and every other form of sickness may the slope that peers will Immaculate Heart originally and the spiritual blood that is shed to each one of us along with his son in his painful passion right now and aggrieved and destroy all spirits of infirmity brain and made the service lung diseases heart disease AIDS cancer hypochondria fatigue anorexia leukemia arthritis tumors abnormal growths diabetes spondylitis and creating Posadas depression and every other fan of sickness may destroy that peers guilt Immaculate Heart Virgin Mary and the spiritual blood that is shed for each one of us along with his son in a special passion right now and agreed and destroy all spirits of infirmity brain and nerve the service lung disease heart disease AIDS cancer hypochondria fatigue anorexia leukemia arthritis tumors and diabetes spondylitis and created by Saba's depression and every other form of sickness are many remember the lady at the precious blood the Sun through sheddings of the blood of His Son Jesus and the most bitter tears you mingled with his redeeming blood in the name of the blood at the victim of reparation and ethnic holy tears in the name of the seven Smiths which pierced your heart by which we became the mediatrix of all graces for the human race and the queen of matters by the power of the original blood the original made and the immaculate fresh that became part of Jesus body during the divine gestation have pity on my soul and on all its mysteries have pity on sinners and on the innocent souls they seek to pervert in a special way another of good health have pity and the poor the sick the infirm and all the sufferings both physical and moral have pity and agonizing especially upon those who accept divine intercession would leave this world without being purified in the blood of the Lamb it is by the blood of the dying son by his Phoenix festival sufferings that is last food to his father in favor of mankind by his finger in his birth and by the perpetration of his sacrifice and Catholic altars that I beg thee to reject my supplications that graciously to hear them and then hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen may the spiritual perfection and or by mother Mary Our Lady of good health in conjunction with the painful passion of her only beloved son and my Lord Jesus Christ bring healing to every area of fear worries and psyches lack of faith doubt in God and with his saving and providing hands I rebuke I renounce and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary Our Lady of the health areas spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the cross on Calvary in the name of Jesus Christ by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the Regional led an immaculate flesh as Maddon Airy a lady of good health i consecrate you to be the a lady of good health my conscious subconscious and unconscious mind doing with my body mind and spirit as a place for sweet mother earth with health I rebuke I renounce and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary Our Lady of real health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the cross in Calgary in the name of Jesus Christ by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the regional blood and immaculate flesh as mad marry a lady of good health I consecrate to you today the a lady of good health my conscious subconscious and unconscious mind David my body mind and spirit as replace the sweet mother of good health I review I renounce and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary a lady of good health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the cross in Calvary in the name of Jesus Christ by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the original blood and immaculate flesh as mother Mary a lady of good health I consecrate to you today though a lady of good health my conscious subconscious and unconscious mind bill with my body mind and spirit as we place those sweet mother earth with health are many remember the lady of the precious blood the Sun fish sheddings of the blood of His Son Jesus and the most bitter tears you minute with his redeeming red in the name of the blood of the victim of reparation and a few tears in the name of the seven slopes which peers dear heart by which we became the mediatrix of all graces for the human race and the queen of matters by the power of like the original moon and the immaculate flesh that became part of Jesus body during the divine gestation have pity on my soul and on all its mysteries have pity on sinners and an emesis series deceit to pervert in a special way another of good health have pity on the poor the sick the infirm and all the sufferings both physical and moral have pity and agonizing especially and those who accept the dying in the session would leave this world without being purified in the blood of the Lamb it is by the blood of the dying son by his inexpressible sufferings that is lost to me to this father in favor of mankind by his loneliness death and by the perpetration of his sacrifice and Catholic altars that I beg thee not to reject my supplications but graciously to hear them amen hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen may the spiritual trance efficient and durable mother Mary Our Lady of held in conjunction with the painful passion as a only beloved son and my lab Jesus Christ bring healing to every area as muscular and orthopedic aliens in my body may the blood of Jesus Christ flow into every area of pain where Matteson arthritis and spondylitis attribute i renounce and i command by the intercession of virgin mary matter of good health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the Cross in calgary in the name of jesus christ of nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the original grab an immaculate flesh of matter Mary a lady of good health I consecrate to you today and a lady of good health my entire muster skeletal system and all related infirmities doing with my body as you please in accordance with the holy will of God and sweet mother's could help attribute I renounce and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary matter of good health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the Cross in Calais in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the original breath an immaculate flesh of matter marry a lady of good health I consecrate to you today will a lady of good health my entire musculoskeletal system an all related infirmity doing with my body as we please in accordance with the holy will of God and sweet mothers could help rebuke I renounce and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary never of good health every spirit of infirmity to be gone for the feet of the crusty cavalry in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the original blood and immaculate flesh of madam marry a lady of good health I consecrate to you today will a lady of good health my entire musculoskeletal system and all related infirmities do with my body as you please in accordance with the holy will of God and sweet mothers with health are many remember the lady of the precious blood the Sun through sheddings of the blood of His Son Jesus and the most bitter tears you mingled with his redeeming blood in the name of the blood of the victim of reparation and as many tears in the name of the seven slopes which piers dear heart by which he became the Mediatrix of all graces for the human race and the queen of matters by the power of my words and blood your words no maid and the immaculate flesh that became part of Jesus body during the divine gestation have pity on my soul and on all its mysteries have pity on sinners and and the Emerson Souls they seek to pervert especially another good health have pity and the play the sick the infirm and all the sufferings that physical and moral have pity and agonizing especially on those who accept the line intercession would leave this world without being purified in the blood of the land it is by the blood at that dying son by his collects possible sufferings that is lost to his father in Shaler of mankind by his ignored in his bed and by the penetration of his sacrifice and Catholic altars that I beg thee not to reject my supplications that graciously to hear them amen hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen may the spirit crucifiction endure dull mother Mary a lady of good health in conjunction with the painful passion has a only beloved son and my Lord Jesus Christ though healing to every area digestive ailments gastrointestinal deservers and three attic disables liver and kidney the service Isis hemorrhoids diabetes hyperthyroidism constipation and any form of cancer a growth in the digestive system our bill I renounce and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary matter of big health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the Cross McAlary in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the words and blood and the immaculate flesh of mother Mary a lady and beheld I can so pray to you today an LED of the head my entire digestive system and all related illness being with my body as you please in accordance with the holy will of God and sweet mother's good health I love you I renounce and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary matter of good health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the Cross in Calgary in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the virginal blood and the immaculate flesh as mother Mary a lady of good health I consecrate to you today an LED of your health my entire digestive system and all related illness being with my body as you please in accordance with the holy will of God oh sweet mother of good health I rebuke I renounce and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary matter of good health every spirit of infirmity to be done to the feet of the Cross in Calgary in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the words of blood and the immaculate as neither marry a lady and good health I can so pray to you today Oh a lady of your health my entire digestive system and all related illness being with my body as you please in accordance with the holy will of God oh sweet mother of good health our men remember the lady of the precious blood the sorrowful sheddings of the blood of His Son Jesus and the most bitter tears you needed with his redeeming blood in the name of the blood of the victim of reparation and of many tears in the name of the seven swoops which pierced your heart by which he became the Mediatrix of all graces for the human race and the queen of matters by the power of the original blood the original note and the immaculate flesh that became part of Jesus body during the divine gestation have pity on my soul and on all its mysteries have pity on sinners and on the innocent souls they seek to pervert in a special way the mother of good health have pity and the poor the sick the infirm and all the sufferings both physical and moral have pity and agonizing especially and those who accept the line intercession would leave this way without being purified in the blood of the Lamb it is by the blood at that dying son by his elects possible sufferings that is lost cling to his father in favor of mankind by his signal in his death and by the perpetration of a sacrifice and Catholic altars that I beg thee not to reject my supplications but graciously to hear them and then hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen may the spiritual perfection and durable mother Mary a lady of good health in conjunction with the painful passion as a only beloved son and my Lord Jesus Christ bring healing to every area of nervous system disorders and afflictions to my central nervous system and peripheral nervous system starting from the crown of my head to the sole of my feet and infirmities in the form of fatigue epilepsy cerebral palsy learning disabilities sciatica and multiple sclerosis and abuse are announced and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary matter of good health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the cross and calorie in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the words and blood and immaculate flesh as magneri a lady of good health I consecrate to you today a lady of lukeheli my entire nervous system and only related the sabbath builded my body as you please in accordance with the Holy One of God Oh sleep mothers with health and a beaut every ounce and a command by the intercession of Virgin Mary matter of good health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the cross and Calvary in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the words no blood and immaculate flesh as mother Mary a lady of good health I consecrate to you today a lady of lukeheli my entire nervous system and all related the service builded my body as you please in accordance with the Holy One of God those sweet mother of good health and rebuke every lungs and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary matter of good health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the cross on Calvary in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the original blood and immaculate flesh as mother Mary a lady of help I consecrate to you today a lady of bouquet my entire nervous system and only related the Sabbath day with my body as you please in accordance with the holy enough that her sleep mother's withheld amen remember the lady of the precious blood the sunfish cuttings of the blood of His Son Jesus and the most bitter tears you made with his redeeming head in the mane of the blood have the victim of reparation and a few haters in the name of the seven Swift's which pierced your heart by which we became the mediatrix of all graces for the human race and the queen of matters by the power of the original blood the original milk and the immaculate flesh that became part of Jesus body during the divine gestation have pity on my soul and on all its mysteries have pity on sinners and and the innocent souls they seek to pervert in a special way another of good health have pity and the poor the sick the infirm and all the sufferings that physical and moral have pity and agonizing especially on days we accept for dying intercession would leave this world without being purified in the blood of the Lamb it was by the blood of the dying son that his helots personal sufferings were his last day to his father in favour of mankind by his loneliness death and by the perpetration of his sacrifice and Catholic alters that I beg thee not to reject my supplications but graciously to hear them mmm hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen may the spiritual kiss efficient and durable mother Mary Our Lady of the Kelly in conjunction with the painful passion of the only beloved son and my love Jesus Christ bring healing to our illness associated with my eyes years and sensory organs I rebuke and lance and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary Mother of beheld every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the press in Calgary in the name of Jesus Christ of magic by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the original blood and immaculate flesh of mother Mary a lady as good health I can suffer to you to me a lady of good health my five senses so as to keep it safe and pure from sin sickness and injury David Knight body as you please in accordance with the holy will of God and sweet never with health a review and a nice and a command by the intercession of Virgin Mary mother of Macaulay every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the class in Calgary in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the words nailhead and immaculate flesh of mother Mary Our Lady as big health I can suffer to you to be a leader with health my five senses so as to keep it safe and pure from sea sickness and enjoy during that night body as you please in accordance with the holy will of God and sweet mother of good health Arab you are announced and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary Mother of good health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the class in Calvary in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the words and blood and immaculate fresh of mother Mary a lady of good health I can suffer to you to be a leader with health my five senses so as to keep it safe and pure from sin sickness and injury David my body has no place in accordance with the holy will of God and sweet mother of good health are many remember the lady of the precious blood the sorrowful sheddings of the blood of His Son Jesus and the most bitter tears removal with his redeeming blood in the main of the bread at the victim of reparation and ethnically tears in the name of the seven slots which peers their health by which we became the media tricks of all graces for the human race and the queen of matters by the power of the words new blood new awards none made and the Immaculate fresh that became part of Jesus body during the divine gestation have pity and my soul and on all its mysteries have pity on sinners and on the innocent souls they seek to pervert in a special way another of good health have pity and the poor the sick the infirm and all the sufferings both physically and morally have pity and agonizing especially on days we accept the line intercession would leave this world without being purified in the blood of the Lamb it is by the blood of that dying son by his inexpressible sufferings that is lost to his father in Shaler of mankind by his big loneliness death and by the perpetration of a sacrifice and Catholic altars that I beg days not to reject my supplications that graciously to hear them amen hail Mary full of grace the levels with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen may the spiritual crucifixion enjoyable never marry a lady of good health in conjunction with the painful passion at the only beloved son and my Lord Jesus Christ may healing to all respiratory ailments all informations infections melanin drain and afflictions related to the lungs killed and was very charts all infirmities in the Sabbath asthma bronchitis son situs Translators lung cancer pneumonia to the closest and all distress associated with mistaken system I repeat I'll renounce and I command now the intercession of Virgin Mary matters with help every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the cross on Calvary in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the virginal blood and immaculate flesh as matter Mary a lady and good health I consecrate to you today Oh Our Lady of Michalik my entire respiratory system and all related illness deal with my body as you please in accordance with the we'll of dad his sweet medals good health Arabic Allah knows and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary Mother of good health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the cross and Calvary in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the words no blood and immaculate fleshless matter Mary a lady of good faith I can support you today in Our Lady of Michalik that entire respiratory system and all related illness David my body as if please in accordance with the holy will of God is sweet mother's good health I repeat elements and a command now the intercession of Virgin Mary matter of the help every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the cross on Calvary in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the merging of blood and immaculate flesh as matter Mary a lady of good health I consecrate to you today through our lady of Michalik my entire respiratory system an early related illness do with my body as if please in accordance with the holy will of God is sweet medals good health amen remember the lady of the precious blood the Sun through sheddings of the blood of His Son Jesus and the most bitter tears New Moon road with his Redeemer blood in the name of the blood of the victim of reparation and of the holy tears in the name of the seven slopes which pierced your heart by which we became the media tricks of all races for the human race and the queen of matters by the power of the original flag the original note and the immaculate flesh that became part of Jesus body during the divine gestation have pity and my soul and in all its mysteries have pity on sinners and and the innocent souls they seek to pervert in a special way a mother of good health have pity and the poor the sick the infirm and all the sufferings that physical and moral have pity and agonizing especially upon those who accept for thine intercession would leave this world without being purified in the blood of the Lamb it is by the blood of the dying son by his Phoenix possible sufferings that is lost to this father in favor of mankind by his loneliness death and by the perpetration of a sacrifice and Catholic altars that I beg thee not to reject my supplications but graciously to hear them amen hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus Mary Mother of God pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen may the spirit is affection enjoyed by mother Mary a lady of good health in conjunction with the painful passion as an early beloved son and my herb Jesus Christ bring healing to all sickness and illness associated with the circulatory system and informations infections and deaths associated with the arteries rings and the heart stroke heart attack high or low blood pressure the motor blood caveat and hardware related to service a rebuke I renounce and a command by the intercession of Virgin Mary never of good health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the cross on Calvary in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the fish's blood of Jesus Christ and by the words and blood and immaculate flesh of meda marry a lady of good health I consecrate to you today the reality of good health my circulatory system and all the related infirmity deal with my body as you please in the carbons with the healing will of God is sweet mother of good health I rebuke are announced and a command by the intercession of Virgin Mary matter of good health every spirit of infirmity to be done to the heat of the Cross in Calgary in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the words and blood and immaculate flesh of mother Mary a lady of good health I can suffer a to you today the a lady of good health my circulatory system and our relative infirmities build with my body as you please in a carbons with the holy will of God and sweet mother of good health I rebuke are announced and a command by the intercession of Virgin Mary never of good health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the heat of the cross on Calvary in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the fish's blood of Jesus Christ and by the words and blood and immaculate flesh of madam marry a lady of good health I can separate to you today through a lady of good health my security system and all related infirmities doing with my body as you please in accordance with the holy will of God and sweet mother's good health amen remember the lady of the precious blood the sorrowful Shetty's of the blood of His Son Jesus and the most bitter tears human made with his redeeming head in the name of the blood of the victim of reparation and of many tears in the name of the seven slopes which pierced your heart by which we became the mediatrix of all graces for the human race and the cream of not by the power of the original blood your words no milk and the immaculate flesh that became part of Jesus body during the divine gestation have pity on my soul and on all its mysteries have pity on sinners and on the innocent souls deceived to pervert in a special way another of good health have pity and the poor the sick the infirm and all the sufferings that physical and moral have pity and agonizing especially and those who accept the vine intercession would leave this world without being purified in the blood of the Lamb it was by the blood of that dying son that his inexpressible sufferings that his last food to this father in Shaler of mankind by his ignominious death and by the perpetration of his sacrifice and Catholic altars that I beg thee not to reject my supplications that graciously to hear them amen hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen may the spiritual crucifixion and durable not marry a lady of good health in conjunction with the painful passion as a only beloved son and my love Jesus Christ bring healing to all sickness and ailments associated with the numeral system all informations infections and blacks associated with kidney you Mitra and you many others and stones in the kidney the ladder and in decline a system they decide right now by the power of the life-giving blood of Jesus I rebuke I renounce and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary Mother of the help every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the cross and calori in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the words and blood and immaculate flesh of mother Mary a lady of good health I can separate to you today they are labeled with health my urinary system and a primal system and all relate of the Sabbath day with my body as you please in accordance with the holy will of God a sweet mother with health a rebuke I renounce and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary matter of good health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the cross of Calvary in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the words and blood and immaculate flesh of mother Mary Our Lady as good health I can suffer a to you to be a leader of look health may heal Murray system and the primal system and all related the Sabbath day with my body as you peace in accordance with the holy will of God oh sweet mother of yet hello I rebuke I renounce and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary Mother of the hell every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the classic ally in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the words and blood and enacted flesh of mother Mary a lady of good health I can separate to you today when a lady of the health math urinary system and a primal system and our related the Sabbath day with my body as you please in accordance with the holy will of God a sweet mother with health remember the lady of the precious blood the sunfish Eddings of the blood of His Son Jesus and the most bitter tears you mingled with his redeeming blood in the mane of the bread at the wiki of reparation and of your holy tears in the name of the seven Swift's which pierced your heart by which he became the Mediatrix of all graces for the human race and the queen of matters by the power of the original blood your words no note and the Immaculate flesh that became part of Jesus body during long gestation have pity on my soul and on all its mysteries have pity on sinners and and the innocent souls they seek to pervert in a special way another of good health have pity and the poor the sick the infirm and all the sufferings that physical and moral have pity and agonizing especially upon those who accept the dying intercession we leave this world without being purified in the blood of the Lamb it was by the blood of the dying son by his inexpressible sufferings that is lost to his father in favour of mankind by his loneliness birth and by the penetration of his sacrifice and Catholic altars that I beg thee not to reject my supplications but graciously to hear them and then hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death are many may the spiritual is a fiction and Arabelle never marry a lady of good health in conjunction with the painful passion as a only beloved son and my lab Jesus Christ the healing to all sickness and illness associated with the reproductive system or inflammations infections votes and blogs associated with my reproductive organs I offer to you another of good health a review I renounce and a command by the intercession of Virgin Mary matter of good health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the Cross in Cali and the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the words meant blood and the map your flesh of mother Mary a lady of good health I consecrate to you today and a lady of good health not entirely productive system and all related the service doing with my body as you please in accordance with the holy will of God as sweet mother of good health I rebuke I renounce and a command by the intercession of Virgin Mary never would help every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the heat of the Crescent cavalry and the main have Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the regional blood and will map yet flesh of mother Mary a lady of good health I consecrate to you today and a lady of good health my entire reproductive system and all related to service build at my body as you please in accordance with the holy will of God as sweet mothers could help Arivu I realize and a command by the intercession of Virgin Mary never viewed hell every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the heat of the cross and calorie in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the woodsman blood and the map your flesh of mother Mary a lady of good health I consecrate to you today and a lady of good health my entire reflective system and all related the service doing with my body as you please in a cabins with the holy will of God as sweet mothers could help are many remember the lady of the precious blood the sunfish sheddings of the blood of His Son Jesus and the most bitter tears you need with his redeeming blood in the mane of the blood at the victim of reparation and every holy tears in the name of the seven slopes which pierced your heart by which we became the Mediatrix of all graces for the human race and the queen of matters by the power of reversionary blood the original milk and the Immaculate flesh that became part of Jesus body during the divine gestation have pity on my soul and on all its mysteries have pity on sinners and and the innocent souls they seek to pervert in a special way another of good health have pity and the poor the sick the infirm and all the sufferings both physically and morally have pity and agonizing especially upon those who accept the line intercession would leave this world without being purified in the blood of the land it was by the blood of that dying son by his collects possible sufferings that his lost to his father in Shaler of mankind by his ignominious death and by the perpetration of his sacrifice and Catholic altars that I beg thee not to reject my supplications that graciously to hear them amen hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death are many made a speech ruthless efficient and durable mother Mary a lady of good health in conjunction with the painful passion the holy beloved son and I love Jesus Christ by healing to el malignant cells and fans of invasive and cancerous great in my body I rebuke I renounce and a command by the intercession of Virgin Mary matter of good health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the heat of the press in Calais in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and that original blood and the Immaculate flesh of Madame le a lady of good health I can suffer a to you today they a lady of good health my entire body mind and soul with all its management and more malignant cells David my body as you please in accordance with the whole of God or sweet mother of good health attribute I renounce and a command by the intercession of Virgin Mary mother would help every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the Cross in calories in the main of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the regional blood and the immaculate flesh of madam Airy a lady of good health I can suffer a to you today they are labeled with health my entire body mind and say with all its management and management says David my body as you please in a cabins where the holy will of God sweet metals with health attribute I renounce and a command by the intercession of Virgin Mary Mother of good health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the sheet of the Cross and calori in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the words and blood and the immaculate flesh of Madame le a lady of good health I can suffer to you today very a lady with health my entire body mind and soul with all its management and non-malignant says David my body as you please in a cabins where the holy will of God asleep meddle with help our men remember the lady of the precious blood the sunfish sheddings of the blood of the Son Jesus and the most bitter tears made with his redeeming blood in the name of the blood of the victim of reparation and as you hate years in the name of the seven swoops which pierced your heart by which he became the mediatrix of all graces for the human race and the queen of matters by the peril of the woodsman black the original mode and the immaculate flesh that became part of Jesus body during the divine gestation have pity on my soul and on all its mysteries have pity on sinners and on the innocent souls they seek to pervert in a special way another of good health have pity and the poor the sick the infirm and all the sufferings both physically and morally have pity and agonizing especially upon those who accept the vine intercession would leave this world without being purified in the blood of the land it was by the blood of that dying son by his collects possible sufferings that is lost to his father in favor of mankind by his ignominious death and by the perpetration of his sacrifice and Catholic altars that I beg thee not to reject my supplications but graciously to hear them amen hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus Holy Mary mother of God pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen may the spiritual kiss efficient and durable never marry elated with health in conjunction with a painful passion of only beloved son and my Lord Jesus Christ been healing to all friends of drug abuse and alcoholic addictions where the blood of Jesus Christ to write life into every fan of depression mental disorders and citee psychotic disorders dementia dyslexia ad PSD delivering assignments and every song have merely been about mental disorders I love you I renounce and a command by the intercession of Virgin Mary Mother of would have every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the cross on Calvary in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the fish's blood of Jesus Christ and by the words not blood and the Maglev flesh of man marry a lady of good health I consecrate to you today the a lady of good health my mental emotional and moral state of mind doing with my body and mind as you please in accordance with the holy will of God the sweet matter of good health I love you I renounce and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary Mother of good health of the spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the cross on Calvary in name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the woodsman play and the immaculate flesh of Mary Mary a lady of good health I consecrate to you today in a lady of good health my mental emotional and mirror state of mind deal with my body and mind as you please in accordance with a holy will of God the sweet medals Micheli I love you I renounce and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary Mother of good health every spirit of infirmity to be gone to the feet of the cross on Calvary in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and by the words meant blood and immaculate flesh of man marry a lady of good health i consecrate to you today the a lady of good health my mental emotional and mirror state of mind doing with my body and mind as you please in accordance with the holy will of God the sweet medal with help our men remember the lady of the precious blood the Sun through sheddings of the blood of His Son Jesus and the most bitter tears you mingled with his redeeming blood in the name of the blood of the victim of reparation and as many tears in the name of the seven suites which pierced your heart by which we became the Mediatrix of all races for the human race and the queen of matters by the power of the original flag your words no milk and kids rush that became part of Jesus body during the divine gestation have pity on my soul and on all its mysteries have pity on sinners and on the innocent souls they seek to pervert in especially the mother of good health have pity and the poor the sick the infirm and all the sufferings with physical and Mary have pity on agonizing especially and those who accept through buying intercession would leave this way without being purified in the blood of the Lamb it was by the blood of that dying son by his Phoenix forcible sufferings that is lost fully to his father in Shaler of mankind by his loneliness birth and by the perpetration of his sacrifice on Catholic altars that I beg thee not to reject my supplications but graciously to hear them amen hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the alphabet are many may the spirit pacification endured by mother Mary a lady with good health in conjunction with the painful passion has a only beloved son and my lab Jesus Christ bring healing to my entire family tree my community may the blood of Jesus Christ from his holy ways show right now into my genealogy for the past nine generations any element of see and sickness has done tonight Aaron generation becomes and eliminated from our genes by the pattern of the sacrificial blood of Jesus and Mary and I place the cross of Jesus Christ between me and all generations in my family tree I declare in the name of Jesus Christ that there will be no direct communication between the generations our communication will be filtered through the precious blood of my Lord Jesus Christ the original blood and the Immaculate Heart of Mary Mary I rebuke every ounce and a command by the intercession of Virgin Mary matter of good faith every spirit of infirmity associated with my family tree to be gone to the feet of the cross in Calgary I can separate to you today the alidium good health my body mind and spirit my entire family tree the past nine generations the parent and future generations to come be with us as you please in accordance when the holy will of God was sweet medals good health a rebuke I renounce and I command by the intercession of Virgin Mary matter of good health every spirit of infirmity associated with my family tree to be gone to the feet of the cross consecrate to you today and immediately pay my body mind and spirit my entire family tree the past nine generations the current and future generations to come bill with us as you please in the cabins when the holy will of God is sweet mother of good health I rebuke I renounce and a command by the intercession of Virgin Mary matter of good health every spirit of infirmity associated with my family tree to be gone to the heat of the Cross in Calgary I can so great to you today the alidium good health my body mind and spirit my entire family tree the past nine generations the current and future generations to come build with us as you please in accordance when the holy will of God is sweet matter of good head our men remember the lady of the precious blood the soulful sheddings of the blood of His Son Jesus and the most bitter tears human aid with his redeeming blood in the name of the blood at the victim of reparation and ethnic holy tears in the name of the seven Swift's which pierced your heart by which he became the Mediatrix of all graces for the human race and the queen of matters by the power of my words and blood the original note and the Immaculate flesh that became part of Jesus body the line gestation have pity on my soul and on all its mysteries have pity on sinners and and the innocent souls they seek to pervert in a special way another of good health have pity and the poor the sick the infirm and all the sufferings that physical and moral have pity and agonizing especially and those who accept for thine intercession would leave this world without being purified in the blood of the Lamb it was by the blood of their dying son by his inexpressible sufferings that his last came to his father in Shaler of mankind by his ignominious death and by the penetration of his sacrifice and Catholic altars that I beg thee not to reject my supplications that graciously to hear them amen hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death amen I plead to you another of good health to self earthly ministry medical and surgical angels to repair and restore any damage that was caused in my body by the presence of sin sickness and demonically influenced infirmities in Jesus Christ by the merits of his precious blood and holy voice and that a powerful intercession of Our Lady of decay I agree and beside every kiss helps seal Sally Sasser a bond snare trap device life studying life have stopped a deception dilation of destruction spiritual shade of spiritual interest and also every bee sees a body soul mind or spirit placed upon us around this place or any of the persons places and please mentioned by any agent brought on us by our own mistakes essence I pray to you another of them and health of the sick that was sent forth your Holy Spirit and fill me with your love light peace and joy and sweet Holy spirt Delia Mary can and take complete possession of me transfer me right now the gentle Holy Spirit into the child of God that the Blessed Trinity intended to be dear father God from today on will be wrapped in the freedom and fullness of life purchase for me by the painful death and glorious resurrection of your son Jesus Christ and power me enlighten me and emboldened me the Blessed Trinity to rise up and fills the world victoriously by the power of the cross the resurrection and the Ascension of Jesus and Mary I plead to you a matter of good health to censor your ministry medical and surgical angels to no use to any damage that was caused to my body by the presses of sea sickness and demonic you interest infirmities in the name of Jesus Christ by the merits of his precious blood and who rules and that a powerful intercession of an idiot Brigade had ready and beside every case helps seal scale sorry band snare trap the rise my standing leg obstacle deception dilation a distraction spiritual chain of spiritual influence and also every disease as barely see mindless spirit in stephanas around his place or any of the places places and please mentioned by any agent at brought on us by our Real Estate's essence I preachy well mother of God and had to be sick when he sent forth your Holy Spirit and fill me with your leg light peace and joy and sweet Holy Spirit dwelling in Mary can and take complete possession away me transfer me right now the gentle Holy Spirit into the child of God that the Blessed Trinity intended to be dear father de chantilly I let me work in the freedom and firmness of life purchase for me by the painful death and glorious resurrection as your son Jesus Christ and power me enlighten me and emboldened me when Blessed Trinity to Liza and she's day-old victoriously by the power of the crest the reflection and the Ascension of Jesus and Mary I plead to you a matter of good health to send forth your ministry medical and surgical angels to Nepal destroy any damage that was caused to my body by the classes of sea sickness and demonically influenced infirmities in the name of Jesus Christ man America service Precious Blood and heroines and that powerful intercession of the Lydian midnight I breathe and dissolve every case helps seal spell sorry band snare trap device my standalone obstacle deception dilation a distraction spiritual chain of spiritual influence and also ugly disease as body soul mind or spirit in stephanas around this place and any of the persons places and kings mentioned by any agent at night on us by our real estates essence I preached e/l Mother of God and had to be sick when he sent forth your Holy Spirit and fill me with your love light peace and joy and sweet Holy Spirit darling and Mary come and take complete possession ellamy transfer me right now the gentle Holy Spirit to the child of bread that the Blessed Trinity in Tinley to be your father God so to be on will be wrapped in the freedom and sinless of life purchase for me by the painful death and glorious resurrection of your son Jesus Christ and pattern me and lie to me and a mold of me for blessed security to awesome and phase the way victoriously by the power of the press the resurrection and the Ascension of Jesus and Mary amen remember a lady of the Precious Blood the Sun fish sheddings of the blood of His Son Jesus and the most bitter tears human made with his redeeming blood in the name of the blood of the victims of reparation and ethnically tears in the name of the seven strokes which piers dear heart by which you became the Mediatrix of all races for the human race and the cream of matters by the peril of the original blood the original made and the immaculate flesh that became part of Jesus body during the blind gestation have pity on my soul and in all its mysteries have pity on sinners and and the innocent souls they seek to pervert in a special way another of good health have pity and the poor the sick the infirm and all the sufferings both physically and morally have pity and agonizing especially and those who accept for dying intercession would leave this way without being purified in the blood of the Lamb it was by the blood of that dying son that his collects possible sufferings that is lost to me to his father in Shaler of mankind by his loneliness death and by the perpetration of his sacrifice and Catholic altars that I beg thee not to reject my supplications but graciously to hear them amen hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us the sick and sinners now and at the hour of our death are many Augustine of heaven sovereign mistress of angels who did receive from the beginning the mission and the power to crush the Serpent's head we beseech thee ascend by three angels that under the command and by thy power they may pursue the evil spirits encounter them on every side versus their board attacks and drag them hence into the abyss of eternal rule most holy mother send thy angels to defend us to conceal us and to drive the cruel enemy from us say Michael San Rafael San Gabriel the Archangels with legions of angels and archangels come surround me right now and make me and all associated with me completely invisible through our enemies hide me under your wings and holy angels so that no eyes can see no years can hear no minds understand the mighty plan of God for me my family tree and all associated with me blind on evil spirits and evil minds for holy angels and archangels so that they may not see or hear our work and our plans and that they may not be able to deceive and persecute us no interfere with our plans and projects or cause confusion in our endeavors to serve God and to serve humanity only holy angels and archangels help and defend us come in Augustine's heaven sovereign mistress of angels who did receive from the beginning the machine and the power to crush the Serpent's head when beseech thee send thy holy angels that under thy command and by thy power they may pursue the evil spirits and on every side versus their board attacks and dried them hence into the abbess of eternal Oh most holy mother send my angels to defend us to concede us and to drive the cruel enemy from us say Michael San Rafael San Gabriel the Archangel with legions of angels and archangels come surround me right now and make me and all associated with me completely invisible throughout enemies hide me under your wings oh-hoo angels so that no eyes can see no ears can hear no minds understand the mighty plan of God for me my family tree and all associated with me blind and evil spirits and evil minds and holy angels and archangels so that they may not see or hear awake and our plans and that they may not be able to deceive and persecute us nor interfere with our plans and projects or cause confusion in our endeavors to serve God and to serve humanity all the holy angels and archangels help and defend us many Augustine solving mysteries of angels who did receive from the beginning the machine and the power to crush the Serpent's head may beseech thee send thy holy angels that under thy command and by thy power they may pursue the evil spirits encounter them on every side versus their board attacks and drive them hence into the abbess of eternal woe Most Holy Mother send thy angels to defend us to conceal us and to drive the cruel enemy from us say Michael San Rafael San Gabriel the Archangels with legions of angels and archangels come surround me right now and make me and all associated with me completely invisible to our enemies hide me under your wings of holy angels so that no eyes can see no ears can hear no minds understand the mighty plan of God for me my family tree and all associated with me grind all evil spirits and evil minds or holy in and archangels so that we may not see or hear of work and our plans and that they may not be able to deceive and persecute us nor interfere with our plans and projects or cause confusion in our endeavors to serve God and to serve humanity only holy angels and archangels help and defend us for me augustine of heaven sovereign mistress of angels who did receive from the beginning the machine and the power to crush the Serpent's head we beseech thee is sent by the Angels that under thy command and by thy power they may pursue the evil spirits encounter them on every side versus their board attacks and drag them hence into the abyss of eternal rule most holy mother send thy angels to defend us to concede us and to drive the cruel enemy from us say Michael San Rafael San Gabriel the Archangels with legions of angels and archangels come surround me right now and make me and all associated with me completely invisible to our enemies hide me under your wings unholy so that no eyes can see no years can hear no minds understand the mighty plan of God for me my family tree and all associated with me blind all evil spirits and evil minds for holy angels and archangels so that they may not see or hear our work and our plans and that they may not be able to deceive and persecute us no interfere with our plans and projects or cause confusion in our endeavors to serve God and to serve humanity all the holy angels and archangels help and defend us from in augustine of heaven sovereign mistress of angels who did receive from the beginning the mission and the power to crush the Serpent's head when beseech thee ascend thy holy angels that under the command and by thy power they may pursue the evil spirits encounter them on every side this is their board attacks and drag them hence into the abyss of eternal rule most holy mother send thy angels to defend us to concede us and to drive the cruel enemy from us sin Mikaelson reference and Gabriel the Archangel with legions of angels and archangels come surround me right now and make me and all associated with me completely invisible throughout enemy's hide me under your wings ohoo angels so that no eyes can see no ears can hear new minds understand the mighty plan of God for me my family tree and all associated with me blind on evil spirits and evil minds and holy angels and archangels so that they may not see me of here our work and our plans and that they may not be able to deceive and persecute us known interfere with our plans and projects or cause confusion in our endeavors to serve God and to serve humanity all the holy angels and archangels help and defend us Oh many Augustin of heaven solving mysteries of angels who did receive from the beginning the machine and the power to crush the Serpent's head when the CHP is sent by hurry angels that under thy command and by thy power they may pursue the evil spirits encounter them on every side this is their board attacks and drag them hence into the abyss of eternal woe Most Holy Mother send thy angels to defend us to conceal us and to drive the cruel enemy from us say Michael San Rafael San Gabriel the Archangel with legions of angels and archangels come surround me right now and make me and all associated with me completely invisible to all enemies hide me under your wings angels so that no eyes can see no years can healed no minds understand the mighty plan of God for me my family tree and all associated with me grind on evil spirits and evil Marie's holy angels and archangels so that they may not see me or hear our work and our plans and that they may not be able to deceive and persecute us nor interfere with our plans and projects or cause confusion in our endeavors to serve God and to serve humanity only holy angels and archangels help and defend us are many augustine of heaven sovereign mistress of angels who did was seen from the beginning the machine and the power to crush the Serpent's head we beseech thee who send thy holy angels that under their command and by thy power they may pursue the evil spirits encounter them on every side versus their board attacks and drag them hence into the abyss of eternal rule most holy mother send thy angels to defend us to concede us and to drive the cruel enemy from us say Michael San Rafael San Gabriel the Archangels would legions of angels and archangels come surround me right now and make me and all associated with me completely invisible to our enemies hide me under your wings and holy angels so that no eyes can see no years can hear no minds understand the mighty plan of God for me my family tree and all associated with me blind all evil spirits and evil minds holy angels and archangels so that they may not see or hear our work and our plans and that they may not be able to deceive and persecute us not interfere with our plans and projects or cause confusion in our endeavors to serve God and to serve humanity all the holy angels and archangels hell and defend us amen Augustine of heaven sovereign mistress of angels who did receive from the beginning the mission and the power to crush the Serpent's head when beseech thee send thy Holy Angels that under their command and by thy power they may pursue the evil spirits and on every side versus their board attacks and dried them hems into the abbess of eternal rule most holy mother send thy angels to defend us to conceal us and to drive the cruel enemy from us say Michael San Rafael San Gabriel the Archangels with legions of angels and archangels come surround me right now and make me and all associated with me completely invisible throughout enemies hide me under your wings ohoo angels so that no eyes can see no ears can hear no minds understand the mighty plan of God for me my family tree and all associated with me blind and evil spirits and evil minds and holy angels and archangels so that they may not see or hear our work and our plans and that they may not be able to deceive and persecute us known interfere with our plans and projects of cause confusion in our endeavors to serve God and to serve humanity all the holy angels and archangels help and defend us many Augustine sovereign mistress of angels who did receive from the beginning the machine and the power to crush the Serpent's head when beseech thee has sent by hurry angels that under thy command and by thy power they may pursue the evil spirits encountered them on every side versus their board attacks and dried them hence into the abbess of eternal woe most holy mother send thy angels to defend us to conceal us and to drive the cruel enemy from us some Michaels and Rafael San Gabriel the Archangels with legions of angels and archangels come surround me right now and make me and all associated with me completely invisible to our enemies hide me under your wings of angels so that no eyes can see no ears can hear no minds understand the mighty plan of God for me my family tree and all associated with me grind on evil spirits and evil minds holy angels and archangels so that they may not see or hear our work and our plans and that they may not be able to deceive and persecute us no interfere with our plans and projects or cause confusion in our endeavors to serve God and to serve humanity only holy angels and archangels help and defend us for many you
Channel: Catholic Deliverance Power
Views: 1,268,150
Rating: 4.7080469 out of 5
Id: 5buSScwO92E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 16sec (7396 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2016
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