Powerful Eastern Wisdom - Philosophy Quotes For Life

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simplicity patience compassion these three are your greatest treasures simple in actions and thoughts you return to the source of being patient with both friends and enemies you accord with the way things are compassionate towards yourself you reconcile all beings in the world [Music] taoism is the art of being in the world for it deals with the present ourselves it is in us that god meets with nature and yesterday parts from tomorrow the present is the moving infinity the legitimate sphere of the relative relativity seeks adjustment adjustment is art the art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings be content with what you have rejoice in the way things are when you realize there is nothing lacking the whole world belongs to you let your eyes see what they see not what others want you to see let your ears hear what they naturally hear not what others want you to hear let your mouth speak your mind freely and not be constrained by other people's approval or disapproval let your mind think what it wants to think and not let other people's demands dictate your thoughts if your senses and your mind are not allowed to do what they want to do naturally you are denying them their rights when you cannot think sense feel or act freely then your body and mind are injured break these oppressions and you will cultivate life careful what you water your dreams with water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dreams water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream strength should always be complemented by softness if you resist too much you will break thus the strong person knows when to use strength and when to yield and good fortune and disaster depend on whether you know how and when to yield those who do not know how to suffer are the worst off there are times when the only thing we can do is to bear our troubles until a better day to solve a problem you need to remove the cause not the symptom to know and to think we know not is the crown to not know and to think we know is the affliction knowing others is intelligence knowing yourself is true wisdom mastering others is strength mastering yourself is true power if a branch is too rigid it will break resist and you will perish know how to yield and you will survive only he who has no use for the empire is fit to be entrusted with it at the center of your being you have the answer you know who you are and you know what you want life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes don't resist them that only creates sorrow let reality be reality let things flow naturally forward into whatever way they like kindness in words creates confidence kindness in thinking creates profoundness kindness and giving creates love a person with a mind is bound to be filled with conceptions these conceptions prevent him from knowing things directly so a person with a mind shall never really know trying to explain zen is like trying to catch wind in a box the moment you close the lid it ceases to be wind and in time becomes stagnant air a good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving when you were content to simply be yourself and don't compare or compete everyone will respect you the fact is that those who do not see themselves but who see others who fail to get a grasp of themselves but who grasp others take possessions of what others have but fail to possess themselves they are attracted to what others enjoy but fail to find enjoyment in themselves if you play a game where scrap pieces of glass are at stake you will play skillfully if your expensive belt buckle is at stake you'll start to get clumsy if it's your money that's at stake you'll fumble it's not that you've lost your skill it's because you're so flustered by things happening outside that you've lost your calmness inside lose your stillness and you will fail in everything you do a man with outward courage dares to die a man with inner courage dares to live a man like this will not go where he has no will to go will not do what he has no mind to do though the world might praise him and say he had really found something he would look unconcerned and never turn his head though the world might condemn him and say he has lost something he would look serene and pay no heed the praise and blame of the world and no loss or gain to him things joined by profit when pressed by misfortune and danger will cast each other aside let your mind wander in simplicity blend your spirit with the vastness follow along with things the way they are and make no room for personal views then the world will be governed a beam or pillar can be used to batter down a city wall but it is no good for stopping up a little hole this refers to a difference in function thoroughbreds like kijiji or huali could gallop a thousand li in one day but when it came to catching rats they were no match for the wild cat or the weasel this refers to a difference in skill the horned owl catches fleas at night and can spot the tip of a hair but when daylight comes no matter how wide it opens its eyes it cannot see a mound or a hill this refers to a difference in nature now do you say that you're going to make right your master and do away with wrong or make order your master and do away with disorder if you do then you have not understood the principle of heaven and earth or the nature of the ten thousand things this is like saying that you're going to make heaven your master and do away with earth or make yin your master and do away with yang obviously it is impossible we may be floating on tao but there is nothing wrong with steering if tao is like a river it is certainly good to know where the rocks are [Music] great power is worry and total power is boredom such that even god renounces it and pretends instead that he is people and fish and insects and plants the myth of the king who goes wandering among his subjects in disguise [Music] travel is such a wonderful experience especially when you forget you are traveling then you will enjoy whatever you see and do those who look into themselves when they travel will not think about what they see in fact there is no distinction between the viewer and the scene you experience everything with the totality of yourself so that every blade of grass every mountain every lake is alive and is a part of you when there is no division between you and what is other this is the ultimate experience of travelling to attain knowledge add things every day to attain wisdom remove things every day [Music] those who know don't talk those who talk don't know close your mouth block off your senses blunt your sharpness untie your knots soften your glare settle your dust this is the primal identity be like the towel it can't be approached or withdrawn from benefited or harmed honored or brought into disgrace it gives itself up continually that is why it endures you have only to rest in inaction and things will transform themselves smash your form and body spit out your hearing and eyesight forget you are a thing among other things and you might join in great unity with the deep and boundless the tau is clear yet this clarity requires you to sweep away all your clutter at all times watch out for your own stupidity be careful of how your mind jumps around when nothing occurs to involve your mind you return to true awareness when unified mindfulness is purely real you comprehend the great restoration the ridiculous ones are those who try to cultivate quietude as long as body and mind are unstable it is madness to go into the mountains when two things occur successively we call them cause and effect if we believe one event made the other one happen if we think one event is the response to the other we call it a reaction if we feel that the two incidents are not related we call it a mere coincidence if we think someone deserved what happened we call it a retribution or reward depending on whether the event was negative or positive for the recipient if we cannot find a reason for the two events occurring simultaneously or in close proximity we call it an accident therefore how we explain coincidences depends on how we see the world is everything connected so that events create resonances like ripples across a net order things merely co-occur and we give meaning to these co-occurrences based on our belief system latu's answer it's all in how you think when meditation is mastered the mind is unwavering like the flame of a lamp in a windless place in the still mind in the depths of meditation the self reveals itself beholding the self by means of the self an aspirin knows the joy and peace of complete fulfillment having attained that abiding joy beyond the senses revealed in the stilled mind he never swerves from the eternal truth [Music] you have the right to work but for the work's sake only you have no rights to the fruits of work desire for the fruits of work must never be your motive in working never give way to laziness either perform every action with your heart fixed on the supreme lord renounce attachment to the fruits be even tempered in success and failure for it is this evenness of temper which is meant by yoga work done with anxiety about results is far inferior to the work done without such anxiety in the calm of self-surrender seek refuge in the knowledge of brahma they who work selfishly for results are miserable [Music] in this world three gates lead to hell the gates of passion anger and greed released from these three qualities one can succeed in attaining salvation and reaching the highest goal [Music] you are what you believe in you become that which you believe you can become man is made by his belief as he believes so he is seek refuge in the attitude of detachment and you will amass the wealth of spiritual awareness the one who is motivated only by desire for the fruits of their action and anxious about the results is miserable indeed [Music] when a man dwells on the pleasure of sense attraction for them arises in him from attraction arises desire the lust of possession and this leads to passion to anger from passion comes confusion of the mind then loss of remembrance the forgetting of duty from this last comes the ruin of reason and the ruin of reason leads man to destruction look to this day for it is life the very life of life in its brief cause lie all the truths and realities of your existence the bliss of growth the glory of action and the splendor of beauty for yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope look well therefore to this day such is the salvation of the dawn the soul who meditates on the self is content to serve the self and rest satisfied within the self there remains nothing more for him to accomplish [Music] one who performs his duty without attachment surrendering the results unto the supreme lord is unaffected by sinful action as the lotus is untouched by water [Music] one who has control over the mind is tranquil in heat and cold in pain and pleasure and in honor and dishonor and is ever steadfast with the supreme self one should strive to employ oneself to uplift oneself one should never dishonor oneself the self is one's friend as well as one's enemy it is both near and far both within and without every creature it moves and is unmoving in its subtlety it is beyond comprehension it is invisible yet appears divided in separate creatures know it to be the creator the preserver and the destroyer dwelling in every heart it is beyond darkness it is called the light of the lights the object and goal of knowledge and knowledge itself it is better to strive in one's own dharma than to succeed in the dharma of another nothing is ever lost in following one's own dharma but competition in another's dharma breeds fear and insecurity for him who has no concentration there is no tranquility [Music] death is a sure for that which is born as birth is for that which is dead therefore grieve not for what is inevitable [Music] delusion arises from anger the mind is bewildered by delusion reasoning is destroyed when the mind is bewildered one falls down when reasoning is destroyed [Music] endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes let us rise up and be thankful for if we didn't learn a lot at least we learnt a little and if we didn't learn a little at least we didn't get sick and if we got sick at least we didn't die so let us be thankful all that we are is the result of what we have thought it is founded on our thoughts and made up of our thoughts if a man speaks or acts with an evil thought suffering follows him as the wheel follows the hoof of the beast that draws the wagon if a man speaks or acts with a good thought happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves [Music] holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else you are the one who gets burned one moment can change a day one day can change a life and one life can change the world [Music] be where you are otherwise you will miss your life kindness should be the natural way of life not the exception [Music] it is better to travel well than to arrive to live a pure unselfish life one must count nothing as one's own in the midst of abundance whatever a monk keeps pursuing with his thinking and pondering that becomes the inclination of his awareness [Music] a man is not called wise because he talks and talks again but if he is peaceful loving and fearless then he is in truth called wise you will not be punished for your anger you will be punished by your anger just as the great ocean has one taste the taste of salt so also this teaching and discipline has one taste the taste of liberation the root of suffering is attachment [Music] your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it [Music] there is no fire like passion there is no shark like hatred there is no snare like folly there is no torrent like greed do not dwell in the past do not dream of the future concentrate the mind on the present moment happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have [Music] what you are basically deep deep down far far in is simply the fabric and structure of existence itself i have realized that the past and the future are real illusions that they exist in the present which is what there is and all there is you are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing [Music] tomorrow and plans for tomorrow can have no significance at all unless you are in full contact with the reality of the present since it is in the present and only in the present that you live there is no other reality than present reality so that even if one were to live for endless ages to live for the future would be to miss the point everlastingly [Music] the meaning of life is just to be alive it is so plain and so obvious and so simple and yet everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves when you get free from certain fixed conceptions of the way the world is you find it is far more subtle and far more miraculous than you thought it was [Music] you are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself [Music] the only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it move with it and join the dance [Music] a scholar tries to learn something every day a student of buddhism tries to unlearn something every day i'll tell you what the hermits realize if you go off into a far far forest and get very quiet you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything if then my awareness of the past and future makes me less aware of the present i must begin to wonder whether i am actually living in the real world [Music] meditation is the discovery that the point of life is always arrived at in the immediate moment [Music] the only zen you'll find on the mountain top is the zen you bring up there with you [Music] muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone every intelligent individual wants to know what makes him tick and yet is at once fascinated and frustrated by the fact that oneself is the most difficult of all things to know problems that remain persistently insoluble should always be suspected as questions asked in the wrong way one is a great deal less anxious if one feels perfectly free to be anxious and the same may be said of guilt if you say that getting the money is the most important thing you'll spend your life completely wasting your time you'll be doing things you don't like doing in order to go on living that is to go on doing things you don't like doing which is stupid [Music] when we attempt to exercise power or control over someone else we cannot avoid giving that person the very same power or control over us [Music] things are as they are looking out into the universe at night we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars nor between well and badly arranged constellations philosophy is a man's expression of curiosity about everything and his attempt to make sense of the world primarily through his intellect [Music] zen does not confuse spirituality while thinking about god while one is peeling potatoes zen's spirituality is just to peel the potatoes if we cling to belief in god we cannot likewise have faith since faith is not clinging but letting go what we have forgotten is the thoughts and words of conventions and that it is fatal to take conventions too seriously a convention is a social convenience as for example money but it is absurd to take money too seriously to confuse it with real wealth in somewhat the same way thoughts ideas and words are coins for real things other people teach us who we are their attitudes to us are the mirror in which we learn to see ourselves but the mirror is distorted we are perhaps rather dimly aware of the immense power of our social environment it's like you took a bottle of ink and threw it to the wall smash and all that ink spread and in the middle it is dense isn't it and as it gets out to the edge the little droplets get finer and finer and make more complicated patterns see so in the same way there was a big bang at the beginning of things and it spread and you and i sitting here in this room as complicated human beings are way way out on the fringe of that bang we are the complicated little patterns at the end of it very interesting but so we define ourselves as being only that if you think that you are only inside your skin you define yourself as one very complicated little curlicue way out on the edge of that explosion way out in space and way out in time billions of years ago you were a big bang but now you're a complicated human being and then we cut ourselves off and don't feel that we're still the big bang but you are depending on how you define yourself you actually are if this is the way things started if there was a big bang in the beginning you're not something that's a result of the big bang you're not something that is a sort of puppet on the end of the process you are still the process you are the big bang the original force of the universe coming on as whoever you are when i meet you i see not just what you define yourself as mr so and so miss so-and-so misses so and so i see every one of you as the primordial energy of the universe coming on at me in this particular way i know i'm that too but we've learned to define ourselves as separate from it just as a snake sheds its skin we must shed our past over and over again what you are is what you have been what you will be is what you do now even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind so were the wise unshaken by praise or blame thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened happiness never decreases by being shared [Music] we are shaped by our thoughts we become what we think when the mind is pure joy follows like a shadow that never leaves every morning we are born again what we do today is what matters most do not look for sanctuary in anyone except yourself [Music] if you propose to speak always ask yourself is it true is it necessary is it kind no one saves us but ourselves no one can and no one may we ourselves must walk the path the secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past nor worry about the future but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly drop by drop is the water pot filled likewise the wise man gathering it little by little fills himself with good [Music] there is nothing so disobedient as an undisciplined mind and there is nothing so obedient as a disciplined mind if you find no one to support you on your spiritual path walk alone peace comes from within do not seek it without [Music] have compassion for all beings rich and poor alike each has their suffering some suffer too much others too little if your compassion does not include yourself it is incomplete hatred does not cease by hatred but only by love this is the eternal rule nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded in the sky there is no distinction of east and west people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true if we fail to look after others when they need help who will look after us a generous heart kind speech and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity an idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea [Music] you
Channel: Orion Philosophy
Views: 893,188
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Keywords: eastern philosophy, philosophy quotes, the school of life, samurai quotes, eastern philosophy the buddha
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 24sec (2544 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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