Power Hour; Buyer Appointment Objection Handling

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fantastic so Diana today was talking about uh well first of all welcome to Power Hour Diana was talking about uh the leader of maps coach and bold for those of you who are signed up for gold you're in for a treat Diana's CEO of maps coaching she's talking about high horse so I wrote down ego that's one that stuck out for me real quick on just a quick power thought of the day how's your ego getting in the way sometimes ego yeah is perceived as just maybe a pompous or like uh you know like I have a big ego but sometimes your ego is getting in the way in in real small ways oh I don't want to study those scripts or I'm not really interested in the 36 Touch system or I'm gonna kind of wing it my own way it's this I know better or I think or I feel versus Outsourcing versus going outwards getting out of your head or you're dead as Anthony Robin says and so I wrote down who's your next who to be able to resource or how about this how do I put down my ego to be able to learn and grow because vulnerability is like that's a tough thing right like to be able to admit that you don't know or uh ask a question anybody ever feel like uh I don't want to ask the question I'm going to look stupid right there's some nodding heads happening right now nobody wants to look stupid or certainly feel stupid and uh some of that vulnerability is is what is what's needed for you to be able to grow and go hey I don't know hey Ben Paul Paul like help me I'm really confused right now I have no idea I don't even know what the first step is high horse ego who's your next shoe I'm going to challenge you on that who's your who's yours too okay pull out your books we're working on uh buyer Bridges today page 22 we're working on buyer closes today so this is a conversation rooted around buyer conversations to close for a buyer appointment today we're working on closing for the buyer appointment so uh this could be at an open house it could be while you're prospecting over the phone it could be while you're networking and we're gonna go back to the ram method okay what's the r repeat what am I repeating the objection okay the injection and today we're working on uh buyer objections for the appointment buyer objections for the appointment and what kind of buyer Productions you're getting from people who are reluctant to set an appointment it's looking what else another I know an agent with that one down here known agent not ready like they're waiting till spring okay that's not ready let's go with those three not ready okay and then I'm approving I'm approving positive responses I'm acknowledging negative ones what's that look what's that sound like negative response would be what my spouse just passed away I'm getting a divorce right oh look I'm not ready yet I still have to um the divorce proceedings are still occurring oh that's great divorce proceedings are still occurring no no no no no no no no no no no approve on positive responses acknowledge on negative ones that's a negative response right that's not positive so I acknowledge that all the divorce proceedings are still have to clear up I can appreciate that I understand that I respect that I might feel the same way if I were you acknowledgment I'm negative acknowledge negative approve positive now over all of that still after that this is the magic appreciate the response thank you Jeffrey Slanker of the ATX group in Austin Texas he said Paul make them feel good about the objection make them feel good about the objection appreciation is making them feel good about the objection now you approved or acknowledge them that's a pretty simple good great fantastic wonderful I appreciate I respect I understand I might feel the same way and then I'm going to appreciate on top of that on top of that I'm gonna appreciate on top of that to be able to let them know that it's okay to feel that way now it's not making them right it's just appreciating that they feel that way because you might feel that way if you were them you might not have all the information somebody might have given you bad information and then I'm going to move on to a question because questions control and one of the questions let's start with Bridges okay page 22 we're going to use uh 24 through 31 don't think we're not thinking yet freestyle round will be for for when you can think and say whatever you want but we're going to warm up right now is that okay with you guys say yes yes okay good so let's move on if you're playing stand we're going to work by our bridges so I'm going to give you the first objection which is just looking I'm just looking we're at an open house and I'm checking your your house out and I tell you hey I'm just looking so you repeat the objection approve or acknowledge and then appreciate it and then move on right now we're going to work on Bridges okay start with Bridges all right look uh Jen I'm just looking around right now so you're just looking around yeah [Music] all your options yep how do you feel about having to rent for a long period of time good there we go we're just warming it up so look uh Giles I'm just looking around right now oh so you're just looking around right now I can understand that I actually appreciate that because we're not gonna go buy something if it's going to be a big investment I want to look around I want to see what's out there great now how important is it to get the best deal possible when you decide awesome excellent just read right now we're just moving warm-ups Paula look I'm just looking right now get better understanding of the market you know definitely I I do that same thing um how would you feel if you were removed right now fantastic here we go kostera look I'm uh I'm just looking around right now Paul I understand you are just looking I can understand I can appreciate the fact that if you do any due diligence good move forward now what else do you think would stop you from buying it well nothing would stop me from buying but I'm just looking bad love just looking oh you're just looking and I totally understand that and I appreciate you sharing that just looking with me you know like what I found is many as many have different interpretations of just looking so what is just looking for you okay good so look Nicole I'm just looking around right now oh you're just looking around now checking out the market I can understand that that's a good thing that you want to make sure you make the right choice there you go what would have to happen to buy in the next Mexico awesome oh look Emily I'm just looking around right now honestly you're still kind of just we found the perfect house would it be a problem to move in the next meeting there we go love it love it uh Karina look I'm just looking around right now me understand but what would have to happen to buy an Island okay and and no butts right like it good okay Rebecca right yes okay got it Rebecca look um just looking around right now great Paul um I'm so you're just looking I appreciate that um I would want to see what else is on the market as well there you go um if you found the perfect house would you be would there be a problem to move in the next 90 days awesome Beyonce high five her there you go good job good job that was her first time clapping off for her perfect Deontay look I'm just looking around right now and I know like me I would want to look around as well to see what's out there there you go um Paul when was the last time you looked at your purchasing power perfect perfect well the thing is though I'm just not ready yet though Jen I'm not ready I hear that you're not ready yeah it's gonna be a few more months still okay so it looks to me like okay um rewind all right look Jen I'm just look I'm just not ready yet you know it's still a few more months ago so I you said it you're not ready Paul yeah um I understand that you're not ready now um what is stopping you from buying okay good question appreciation uh make me feel good about the objection real quick Nicole I'm just uh I'm not ready yet don't worry about repeat approved Moon just appreciate the objection I'm not ready to move it's going to be a few months you want to make sure you're making the right decision so Ben appreciate me on that a little bit I'm just not ready yet right now it's gonna be a few more months I appreciate that before you move forward yep great decision there we go Paula so I just appreciate that a little bit I'm not ready yet it's going to be a few more months okay I understand and I probably need to wrap good good you hear that guys good good appreciate them make him feel good about it okay so Giles look I'm just not ready it's gonna be a few more months I think okay it's going to be a couple of months well I really appreciate that you're starting now some people only give me a week to find them a new home so um when was the last time that you looked at your purchasing power hey good I love it I love it good stuff all right Paula I'm just not ready yet it's gonna be a few more months all right well I'm going um if you found if you found the perfect house would it be a problem to move in the next 90s okay love it here we go coaster look I'm not ready yet it's going to be a few more months before I buy it months I would appreciate the fact that you're telling me that I know you're going to do your due diligence make sure you get everything you're lined up according to record your decision instead of waiting how would you feel if you were able to buy right now perfect there we go Mr love I'm just not ready it's going to be a few more months before I actually buy okay Paul so it's going to be a few more months before you buy it man that's fantastic I love the way that you're making sure that everything is ready before you move forward and uh how important is it to get the best deal possible when you decide to buy love it great job Nicole I'm just not ready it's going to be a few more months oh you're not ready it's gonna be a few months no problem no problem I understand that so um when when was the last time you actually looked at your purchasing power to see if that few months is the right decision good good a little more butter a little more butter on that appreciation uh Karina look I'm not ready yet it's going to be a few more months there you go and how would you feel about having yeah yeah that's it good good good look uh butts are bad like Giles I like you but yeah yeah I'm sure about to comment on my phone no no no wrong class okay Bots are bad right because it just completely negates either just strike it or an and however spot's cousin know however is either Emily look uh I'm just looking around I mean it's I'm not really ready it's gonna be a few months okay so you're probably Paul I completely understand and I appreciate that you're taking the time and effort to really focus in on such a big decision good what else do you think would stop you from buying now awesome Rebecca well the thing is is that I'm just not ready I mean it's gonna be a couple months before I buy I understand you're wanting to wait a couple months I appreciate that I appreciate that you're planning ahead getting all your priorities in order there you go when was the last time you take the look at your purchasing power there you go excellent Deontay look I'm just not ready it's gonna be a couple months before I move forward call so what I'm hearing is that you're telling me that you're not ready and I completely understand that and I appreciate you sharing that information with me Paul Paul how would it feel if you would move now good good a little more butter on the appreciation I appreciate you telling me that that's good for you but I appreciate the uh the resistance hey um all these things that are tying in time and being prepared and ready and not being pressured that's appreciating the objection right and because you'll have to ask two or three or four or five times to get them to say yes to the appointment the more you do that that's that empathetic proverbial pat on the back that helps them feel more comfortable because you're a salesperson because you're a stranger mama said Stranger Danger Don't Talk to Strangers you a stranger okay Justin Leonard look I'm not ready it's going to be a few months before I do any you know before I'm gonna buy so it's gonna be a few months I understand that and I can appreciate you wanting to get your doctor dogs a row before you do decide to buy there you go tell me how important is it to get the best possible deal when you decide to buy all right excellent excellent great job [Applause] all right this is where the amateurs fall down and the professionals stand up okay so three D what is three deep anybody remember three questions three questions so any questions any questions all right so let's just freestyle around right now so we can warm that up and get our brain to chew on what three questions uh uh we might ask what might be the most important question for us to ask have you signed a buyer rep agreement yet somewhere that's probably going to be one of them maybe probably not the first question right okay so I know an agent yeah I know an AJ I know what AJ I know an agent how long you've been working with them I know what agent how long have they been in Austin I know an agent M do they specialize in the area you're shopping in I love it I know an Asian coaster oh I like it I know an agent Nick are they individual or do oh I know an agent Karina I know an agent Justin where they were I know an agent Robles are you working with them oh yeah I know an agent how long have you how many agents are you going to be interviewing okay look important decisions any questions are good to find out what is I know an agent too or or another um another uh way that they might say it is I'm working with an agent and and then automatically especially the amateurs or those who haven't been versed in speaking fluent real estate are just going to be like oh okay you're working with an agent it's okay for me to be curious look guys I just did a video I'm going to post on this when you start from service I'm not going to write it down when you start from service you can be just naturally curious because you want to serve people do you want to help people know or yes yes if you want to help people then you have to understand them but you don't know them so how could you understand them you have to ask good questions to understand them and so when you when you come from service and you're asking good questions because you're curious then naturally you'll be able to start influencing to set the appointment what's that that's selling because you got to sell at some point right but if you start with selling and closing then you're less likely to end up serving which is where you wanted to be in the first place so that's what not the scripts are about the scripts are about you just coming from a position of serving and asking good questions because you really want to know because I want to help you but I don't know you and to know you I have to understand you I'm asking those questions when you come from that position at an open house and when you're talking to these buyers they'll feel that because do they feel that energy when you're trying to close them and does it feel awkward yeah do you feel awkward yeah two awkward people don't equal an appointment okay so be cool and start with service first and then you'll find out whether you can even sell them or not start with that first okay know an agent that's just being curious that's why I went down that path is that is being curious okay so ask three quick questions and then move to the close but when you're asking those questions there's going to be a little Trail repeating approves in there little approvals because certainly when you close use your final question to close on page 26 one through six okay use one of those closes so you're gonna ask three questions approve into the close Okay so look um Jen I already I'm already working with an agent actually oh you're already working with a nature how do you know the agent oh I met him at another open house now have you actually signed a buyer slip agreement no no I haven't signed anything okay you haven't signed anything now um have you actually sat down with the agent and talk about your plans and your goals well not really but I did um tell them what I wanted oh yeah so he's gonna send me a list so you tell them what they wanted to say okay well I can understand that and I appreciate that it sounds to me like you're open to working with a professional oh definitely exactly so um among the list that the agent sent you have you found anything you like no not yet no close me okay well Paul um it's one of the things that I do as an agent is that I actually have a list of properties that are off Market would you be interested if we sit down together sure figure it out yeah closing for the appointment okay well um I'll be available tomorrow there you go perfect okay don't let it hang take control make sure you're directing traffic into the appointment I love how she said hey will you be um interested in off-market properties what's that mean yup means value how do you do that how do you give them off Market properties for sale by owner come to the meeting and find out what properties are coming up coming soon's at the sales meeting absolutely absolutely okay um uh three questions and then move into the uh into the close look um Ben love look I'm um I already I'm already working with an agent to be honest ly well I mean I'm not working with with technically yeah they're sending me a list I met them at another open house yeah and have they sat down and you guys build a plan out together uh well no I told her what I wanted and she's supposed to be sending me a list so oh okay and so have you signed a buyer's rep with them no I don't know what that is okay well fantastic so what it sounds like Paul is that you talked with an agent when having you have received the True Value that is necessary to probably get the best deal for you so if you felt absolutely that you could find now would you well yeah I would both me and then also are you open to hearing some other information because as you know all Realtors are not the same and I would love to show you rather than send you a list of 500 homes rather show you a list of five homes that you're really interested in when's a good time to meet Saturday morning or uh Monday evening okay good good like it that's it close them uh both of them Jan and Ben both approved into the close right James was I'm glad that you're open to working with a professional and exploring your you know your options and I forget what Ben's was but it was approving into that close don't this is where the art of the conversation it's not just so cut and dry and repeat approved move and certainly in the real world look you're not going to repeat in the proving move every single time robotically like that this is just conditioning drills and exercise Nick look I'm already working with an agent well you're already working with anything yeah I can appreciate that I'm so glad that you're deciding to use a professional how did you meet this agent uh it was another open house actually yeah perfect so you're checking out your options so you guys got to sit down sign a fire truck and go over something to work with you no I haven't signed anything yet no you haven't signed signing yet um well um so did you guys sit down and go over the list of criteria that you want oh well I did tell her what I wanted at the open house and so um she sent me a list of properties already she sent you a list of properties yeah right right how's that list well I mean nothing yet it's still early nothing yet still early no problem well I'd like to narrow down your time and help you decide instead of from a huge list that can be made for you and 15 minutes of your time to go over what you need in your what you and your family need to move this process forward does that make sense to you well that makes sense awesome so we we know that you're not going to do anything that doesn't make sense to you correct well yeah I'll definitely make sure everything that I'm comfortable with yeah okay so do weekends or weekdays work better for you perfect great job clap it up clap it up yeah I like I like being able to go to a thick field here as a reminder for you guys on the clothes you can use one of those closes but I know we're freestyling a little bit here so if you ask a good question like um uh how would you feel about a list that was specific to what you were looking for that way you didn't have to waste any time or what do you think about okay risk or think field question tied to a risk or reward on the tail end there okay I love that um look Paula um I'm already working Paul so I understand you said you're already working great um did how did you meet this agent I was somebody who I uh met in another open house okay was it someone that stuff um I'm not sure I mean I know they had the listing that I was looking at so I don't really know oh okay so it's somebody that you met in it was a house in this area and you're not sure if they're specializing or not or not yeah um you know I mean I assume full-time okay so the person you've met have you had a chance to sit down with them and go over no not yet she sent me a list so yeah awesome okay and have you found many homes in that list that you like I mean one was gone pretty quick and I haven't seen much else okay so the list right home no not yet but I mean it's still early okay how would you feel if um we set out and we met and I was able to build on off Market properties yeah these are houses that aren't in the MLS oh so yeah okay yeah awesome well how about why don't we sit on to meet with Thursday at two or Friday at four weeks all right awesome good job hey I was actually going to push back on it but then she said off Market because how we look how would it how would you feel if we looked at a list of properties well everybody does that and I was getting ready to actually just push back on you but then you said off market and then I'm like oh wait wait wait a minute because that could be a real response right everybody has the list and actually they don't even need the list because everything's online the list is already online okay so uh then she snuck that in there but then she used the feel right she used how would you feel about okay uh Giles look I already know an agent I'm working with somebody right now well that's cool how long have you known this agent uh well I mean actually only a couple weeks I uh met them at another open house a couple weeks ago well good I hope they're treating you right uh would it be reasonable to share with you some inside Market information to make sure that uh you get the best deal um well I mean you could send me something if you want I'd love it she already sent me a list so that's why I'm telling you that I'm kind of already working with somebody usually if you already have a list what I like to do is try and Whittle it down um have you gotten a sign of buyers a broker agreement with that person yet no I haven't signed anything yet well it's really important for you to get a list that is really catered to you for from somebody like myself that knows the area um I respect that you know an agent but let me ask an honest question this is a pretty big deal right how important is it to get the best deal oh it's really important well good I think we should sit down and have an appointment as soon as possible are you available Monday in the afternoon or Tuesday in the afternoon okay good job [Applause] things questions that create questions Paula did that well you had one in there too uh I forgot what it was right at the beginning but I think full-time part-time or they work do they specialize in the area when you ask a question that they may not know the answer to are they part-time are they full-time are they individual are they working on a team have they sold a lot of properties in this area if it's somebody who they relatively maybe they don't even know maybe they've even done a transaction with them and they don't know if they work on a team or not okay but if you ask a question that could possibly create more questions then what does that seed what does that plant yeah doubt I want that right because just even a little bit of Doubt allows me to put my foot in the door okay less I need statements you're still only a few weeks new so I meet I meet turns into you weak okay I me turns into you you we I got to be able to turn uh uh things that I say that are I and me oriented into you or we because this isn't about me is about them okay good job though all right so Rebecca look I uh I already know an agent I'm working with somebody oh great that's good how long have you been working with that agent only a couple weeks I met him at another open house oh that's good um did you have time to sit down and really break down exactly what you're looking for uh well not really I mean I told her what I wanted at the open house and she sent me a list oh oh that's great that's why I'm kind of working with her okay yeah um how long has she been working that area [Music] not really sure okay um did you have a chance to sign the buyer sharp agreement with her no I haven't saw anything okay no okay great so um maybe it would be what would it be unreasonable to share with you some insight Market information the stuff that's coming out before it's listed on the MLS for all the other agents no that wouldn't be unreasonable no okay perfect how would it feel if we met up tomorrow and I could sit down and show you exactly what I have to offer offer and find the home of your dreams that would be fantastic [Music] okay uh Justin Leonard look I'm already working with someone so I'm all set you're already working with someone yeah that's great great I'm willing to work with a professional how do you know this person uh well I met him at another open house so oh you mean I know I I'm not sure I think I think it's another I don't remember the company name oh that's okay that's okay um are they full-time or part-time I think they're full-time I mean I assume so okay okay cool well um I respect you know someone let me ask you an honest question this is a big deal right it is I mean it's my first house what was your first house yeah it's awesome how important is it to you to get the best deal possible for you yeah it's very important awesome that's exactly why we need to meet and I go over my special plan that is specializes just to you and your family it's uh tomorrow afternoon or Monday evening we're good for you uh Monday works better I guess wrap it up [Applause] something I want to mention when you went as Justin did the same thing and this is a common newbie mistake right is the why right hey I want to give you my plan it'll really help you out why why why why so how you feel if my plan was able to save you thousands in the negotiation process so um how do you feel if I was able to give you a strategy that could save you at least five thousand dollars on the loan process Keller mortgage right talk about it look there's a think field right there that allows you to create immediate I love properties that are not on the market yet but look as uh KW agents you guys have that Keller mortgage tool use it ask it at open houses how do you feel if I could save you at least five thousand dollars at closing because our buyer is looking for incentives to work with Buyers agents oh yeah right some of you already had that hey can you credit me back some of your commission no well that's what Kelly that's that's what Keller mortgage allows you to do right to save at least one percent where you go hey look I get it you want to save money and I would feel the same way if I were you and if I could provide a tool for you to save that or maybe more I mean it's not a reasonable to sit down just take a look at that right Tuesday at four or Wednesday at six okay thanks for your questions good job good job Justin Leonard okay uh it's uh Karina Cava look um I'm I'm already working with an agent [Music] s agent oh it was at another open house and is he representing you and your best interests well I mean he's sending me a list so that's why I'm talking about um I'm kind of already working with somebody he sent me a two lists actually no I haven't signed anything yet so that way I can represent their best interests um what are we missing right now oh yeah yesterday for you and I remember I'm like poor guy I was like hey no I meant to bring the whistle it's a lot more okay follow all right all right so hold on time off a couple quick things did you hear the lack of approvals you did okay you didn't hear them right but did you hear that she wasn't saying that did because even if you didn't hear him did it sound a little bit colder somebody help me here yeah okay it was look yeah yeah yeah yeah look it was a little bit colder now look remember I'm looking trust faster because they don't know me right so then when I don't approve then that's why this is part of the formula is that when I don't do that it sounds a little bit older and then on top of that you were like IE statements okay right and then do they care about you no so they've been um you could sneak a little look are you never gonna say I I get that you're gonna say I but if you say I make it relevant to them in regards to what the reward and what the risk might be when you land a think or a field question so that what did you say what was your value prop at the end you said something about it [Music] yeah listen I get them yeah let's go enough and our intentions are good sometimes and we want to make sense of it which is why we practice mistakes in here don't cost anything right so when I say something like uh I get them I get them assigned buyer rep agreements because why second represent the adult center 's interest represent represent their best interests okay let's play with that just for a second so then how would I turn that into a um uh how about a think field question rooted in a risk or a reward maybe a reward because she was talking about rewards okay for somebody signing a buy record agreement right so make look you're gonna you're gonna witness the magic of think feel right now okay feel question around a reward rooted to somebody being committed and signing a buyer rep agreement second opinion so that you make sure when you sign yourself into a legal agreement you're working with someone who's going to have your best interest ever great start ER who's going to represent their president good give me another one what do you feel if I'm Finance like it give me something what do you think would happen if if you didn't have somebody who put your needs ahead of their own like it and that's how we and then you tie in the buyer rep agreement to that give me something else think feel think feel tied to a reward on buyer rep agreement or risk how would you feel if you chose the wrong person that they didn't negotiate aggressively for you right because they weren't committed to you through a representative by a ref agreement which uh which um obligates them legally to be able to put your best interests first tie it tie it that's part of the tie of what I was talking about with you guys is that if I say something cool tie it to something so that they understand because they just they don't get it they're still part of their brain is still in resistance mode like they're just thinking like uh too close so I I need to break through some of that and get them thinking about risks or rewards tied with think field question does that make sense okay you want to go all right I already know an agent Paul so I'm hearing you tell me that you already know it yeah I'm actually working with somebody she sent me a couple of lists already okay great so she sent you a list already I can appreciate that Paul um I if I was I can appreciate that Paul that she's out that you're willing to work with a professional there you go uh Paul let me ask you you said you better at an open house correct [Laughter] have you guys I know you said she sent you a list we got have you guys had a opportunity to sit down and sign a Bible rep agreement no I haven't signed anything okay great and do you know if she's a specialist in that area uh I don't know really to be honest with you you don't know no hey I appreciate that Paul and Paul let me ask you if you felt absolutely confident you could buy now instead of waiting on someone to send you a list would you well I'm gonna buy I mean that's gonna happen Okay so it's just being able to find the right property so and that's what I mean she's already sent me a couple lists so I'm kind of in in the process already okay Paul I completely understand that and Paul let me ask you how would you feel if while you're going through these lists that she's sending you if the home that you really wanted already went off the market well that's not good in fact I one of the properties went pretty quick I was interested in the only one I was interested in it actually it went pretty quick so you have already had that happen kinda absolutely part that's why we need to meet so we can keep that from happening again Paul I have uh two o'clock on my schedule tomorrow four o'clock which works better okay good job [Applause] exactly why we need to meet I like that I like that one okay Roblox you want to roll let's go all right so Jose I'm already working with an agent to be honest with you and I I hear you Paul you so you're working with an agent yeah yeah okay okay now Paul have y'all got together and discussed parameters at all uh no I well well we haven't got together but at the open house I told her what I wanted so she sent me a list okay so you met this agent at an open house yeah and they sent you a list now Paul real quick how important is it for you to get a good deal when you Google out there to buy it you know that's really important right now is this your first home or is it your second home well actually it is my first home yeah right so I imagine that you know with it being your first home and then having it I imagine that it's important for you to have the best representation well of course it is yeah I want to get I want to get a good deal yeah but I mean she's already sending me the list okay I completely understand that she's sending you to this phone now how do you know her now listen remind me again you met him at the open house right yeah I didn't let her at the open house yeah and she hasn't had an opportunity y'all haven't had an opportunity to meet together and everybody look at it not really I mean I I was so busy the last couple weeks so now Paul have you all identified your buying power by chance well I did actually yeah I was pre-qualified before I met her a friend of mine is a loan officer already a loan officer okay yeah now now Paul how important it is it for you to save some money when as you buy at home oh it's it's important of course would it sound like a good deal for you to go uh to the closing table and have to take little money out of pocket the less the better that'd be great yeah that's right when the meatball I'll be able to discuss with you and share some value with you on fact there's this thing called kelly mortgage have you ever heard of it no you haven't heard it that's that's why we have to meet Paul now listen I'm available today at my office between two or four before work for you okay [Applause] comments concerns buyers are right right they're just more readily accessible and easier to find than listings sort of um but they're out there right so these conversations especially if they're in person at an open house and you can speak with your body and your facial expressions in addition to your tone and what you say because 55 of what you say comes through in your body and when you're on the phone if you're prospecting that's part of uh in your scriptbooks and your playbook when it talks about role playing and prospecting being standing up you don't have to stand up but if you're sick look it's a whole lot harder to have energy like this than it is to have energy like this right energy is real and energy is contagious so you have to speed the level of trust and if you come from let's let's finish where we started when you come from service and it's truly a service oriented foundation and Center then you can keep recalibrating back to that out of curiosity and with questions even when there's resistance and rejection versus trying to lay the next clothes down on them I don't want to lay the next close down on them closing should be the easy part the easy part and it will be when you're asking great questions you're asking them well no yeah listen I thought I'd go to a power hour of that to like give me the ask great questions ask them well listen carefully rinse repeat okay ask great questions ask them well listen carefully and when you ask great questions you'll ask those great questions because you're service oriented you'll ask them well because you really want to know and you know this is just a front because you don't know me and I'm a salesperson I ask them well and then I listen real carefully and then I run it again then that's where the magic happens to put down this resistance that I'm getting because you don't really know me all right everybody stand up I want to point out listening carefully shows you when your opportunity is to close because I've heard some conversations going on where if the opportunity is there to close and they're not closing you understand that that they weren't listening to me they were listening it was there to close yeah but you were you were too busy in your head trying to come up with another question and you missed the opportunity to close it that's a great point because so often we're worried about what we want to say and because we're not listening carefully enough now look when you're role-playing and this now look this is a form of role play but you need to do more than this I'm telling you right now you need to role play more than this so that you can practice listening now you're practicing delivering but you should be also practicing listening so that when uh because the conversations are can go a million different ways something pops up and because you were listening carefully enough the next best question wasn't the question on on the script or on any of the scripts the next best question was in direct reference to what they just said and you need to go in that direction versus formulating well how am I putting this close together what's the next question but role play will help you get comfortable with that and get confident and put a good foundation of content and ideas Concepts and ideas in there so that you can that's the art of it so that you can listen carefully and it's not about the scripts it's about having great conversations all right [Applause] then through your nose thank you deep breath in deep breath in through your nose I'm alive excited conversations make you money you are versatile you listen for motivation objections are an opportunity objections are an opportunity you always ask great questions you have a powerful attitude you see yourself achieving your goals I see myself people need your help your mindset is strong all right go make some money
Channel: Real Sales Talk
Views: 2,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real estate coach, real estate training, best real estate coach, best real estate training, power hour, keller williams power hour, keller williams ignite, real estate scripts, real estate buyer training, real estate buyer objections, real estate buyer objection handling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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