Power BI Report Page Navigation with Bookmark and Page Navigator Buttons: Which one is better?

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hello everyone my name is Isabella sislawati I'm an excellent Fabia Enthusiast with Decades of business experience in this video I'd like to show you the difference between page Navigator button and bookmark Navigator button in many ways they are very similar as there are buttons that can help us to navigate across various Pages within probably a report let me show you this is a report that has been published in power bi surface with page Navigator buttons and bookmark Navigator buttons already preset this report has nine pages each page is associated with a shape a heart a hexagon an arrow a house Etc when you click the page Navigator buttons it will bring us to different pages with different shape similarly if we click the bookmark Navigator it also brings us to different pages as you can see both sets of buttons are very similar however they are not exactly the same what's the difference when should we use page Navigator and when should we use bookmark navigator to understand the difference between page Navigator and bookmark Navigator let's go to Power bi desktop and let's rebuild the buttons together we are now in bobia desktop we have all the various pages that we saw earlier in Bobby's surface let's create the page Navigator go to insert buttons Navigator page Navigator and voila all done isn't that super quick and easy now let's test it press Ctrl click and it's bringing us to the triangle page now let's go back to the purpose page and let's test it again let's Ctrl click house and it should bring us to a page with a house shape so as you can see creating page Navigator is really really super easy and if you want to copy this across many pages all the other Pages all you need to do is press Ctrl C and Ctrl V as you can see it is so so simple I'm just pressing Ctrl V [Music] you're done now let's test it again if I click purpose it should go back to the front 3 8 The Bookmark Navigator button to do that go to insert button Navigator and bookmark Navigator click that oops what happened nothing happened it's blank well it's blank because maybe we haven't created any bookmark how do we know what bookmark do we have first you need to go to the bookmark pane go to view bookmarks and as you can see in here bookmark pane appear and I don't see anything it means that there is no bookmark in this report which is why when we create the bookmark Navigator earlier nothing show up so what we need to do first is to add a bookmark for each page for example I'm going to add a bookmark for triangle and then I'm going to create a bookmark for heart now that I have created the two bookmark over here I'm going to try again to go to inset and insert a button and insert bookmark Navigator now as you can see I have two buttons one for triangle and one for heart now if I add a new one say for purpose let's create a new button do you notice as I type in purpose a new bookmark is automatically created and also notice this as I move purpose to the top purpose get moved to the left so a bookmark Navigator is linked to our bookmarks whereas page Navigator is linked to the pages that we have in the power bi reports [Music] so if I need to create a new page for example I'm just going to hit plus and type new let's go back to purpose voila can you see a new button is automatically created however in the bookmark Navigator there is no new buttons because as I said earlier bookmark Navigator is linked to bookmarks and Page Navigator is linked to the pages now what happen if we delete a page I'm going to delete the new page and watch this delete voila the page Navigator is automatically updated whereas if I delete a page say triangle let's delete that I'm going to hit delete it's going to be permanently deleted no problem watch that the triangle is gone from page Navigator but look at the bookmark Navigator the triangle is still there let's see what happens when we click triangle nothing happened you see page Navigator is automatically updated as we delete all add a page whereas bookmark Navigator is not it's only after we delete the bookmark then bookmark Navigator will be updated so in a way Page Navigator is easier to maintain if you want buttons that give you the ability to navigate across all pages because as you create new pages new buttons get created as you delete some of your pages the button automatically get updated whereas with bookmark Navigator well it's not really linked to Pages it's linked to bookmark now what if there are some pages that you want to exclude from page Navigator buttons how let's say we only want page navigator for the pages with blue dots how can we do that is there a way to customize the page Navigator unfortunately the answer is no this is the shortcoming of page Navigator we need to use bookmark Navigator instead let's use the bookmark navigator to create a set of bookmarks just for the blue dots first we need to add bookmarks for each tab so let's click house and then add house bookmark click Square and add Square bookmark click tell and add pill bookmark and then click offer and add one more bookmark all right that's for bookmark has been set up now if you want the blue dots very simple just copy the dots highlight Ctrl C and then paste it Ctrl V and then go to PL double click the bookmark name and then press Ctrl V and then just do it for every single bookmark [Music] and voila we have all blue dots now that we have four bookmarks with the blue dots created click and select everything and then right click group them and then name them blue so that it's easy to remember and easy to identify that these bookmarks are for the blue dots now once that's done what we're going to do is go to button Navigator insert bookmark Navigator and as you can see we have a set of bookmarks created but but it's got heart and purpose we just won the Blue so what shall we do okay so what we're going to do is format the button so go to bookmark and then change the bookmark selection at the moment the default is all now select the blue which is our bookmark group when we do that only the blue bookmarks get shown and that's how we can use bookmark navigator to overcome the shortcoming of page Navigator once we are happy with one what we can do is we can press Ctrl C and we can paste it in other pages in here for example put it in here in the house page in square just press Ctrl V and then in bill and then now we can test it remember Ctrl click [Music] click fill and it's going to peel now the benefits of pitch Navigator is the fact that it is super quick and super easy to create and that it will be automatically updated when pages are added or deleted however it is not a perfect solution as it lacks the option to exclude certain pages from the Navigator this is when bookmark Navigator can come in handy it takes a little bit longer to set up as you need to set up various bookmarks you will also need to manually add or remove bookmarks when new pages are added or deleted so in summary if you want your Navigator button to show all pages from your power bi report then use the page Navigator but if you only want buttons for selected Pages then use the bookmark Navigator I hope you find the video useful and if you do please do subscribe and see you next time [Music]
Channel: Lighthouse Analytix
Views: 12,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Isabella Susilowati, Lighthouseanalytix, Tutorial, Tips, Isabella, susilowati, Power BI, PBI, exclude, Bookmark, Navigator, Page, report, microsoft, button, buttons, navigation, navigations, In-Page
Id: eGbuxoj8Drs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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