Power BI Dashboard Review & Makeover 🔴Talk Power BI LIVE (Subscribe & Join)

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awesome alright well hello and welcome my friends to another episode of top RBI we're here again another Friday alright so and this one is the top RBI dashboard makeover now if you need more information on that then you can go to learn or viacom slash makeover how easy is that and the idea here is that we showcase and review your power bi and reports and dashboards and provide hopefully some good feedback okay you be the judge for that and the whole concept behind this is is what I saw and again so so my mentor as far as visualizations go is is Steven field and he talks about that why do we get these ghastly really bad reports and and I think the reason is not that it's just that a lot of people are just not aware that there's there's this whole field of knowledge right so so of course if we don't have that then you're probably creating dashboards by accident where you're just putting things together and you know crossing a finger isn't it yeah it looks good I think that looks good but then there's this idea of you creating a dashboard by design using the visualization principle understanding them creating that so that's what we try to do that's what I'm trying to you know kind of move the industry in that direction and dispel some myths and you've talked about it at that in previous dashboard makeover episodes where people confuse between kind of the things they see when somebody's doing storytelling versus the things they see when somebody is is creating an infographic right which is shock and awe right hey that's the purpose of infographic I just grab your attention but that's not what operational reports are for they're usually different those that's my bread and butter right I mean that's what the business that's what America maybe the world runs on right so operation report that's the key so that's my bread and butter that's where we focus on so yeah so we take a look and of course the first question that I get is over my data is sensitive I can't share it uh fear not my friends we have you covered so you're just there you're gonna find a very detailed video no and how many details what do you compact against it's pretty simple okay it's a six minute video and just how to show how to blur to move sensitive information and by the way if you do this for the dashboard makeover guess what you also prepare yourself for doing it for any other presentation you can then go about and present it at user groups meetings business conferences where we want right so this could be a good step to that in that direction and of course I always recommend my students to be doing that and here you here we are live talking about it so a few announcements let's see if I can do this right mmm nice to talk Barbie ah you are here you've made it congratulations thank you let me know if you can hear my audio okay well I should have asked that question at the beginning hopefully my audio is coming in fine alright and what was I gonna say cool yeah so upcoming live streams next week we have curve ball route was pezuela and of course say anybody is you know kind of been around in YouTube which is all of you guys have run into Ruth I'm sure it's seen her videos excellent excellent work for us and I'm just happy she's coming to my channel I frankly you know we were talking and I don't care what you talk about it doesn't matter you know it's gonna be all golden to my ears so she's coming further down in December we had this idea that I wanted to discuss like making of a power be a leader and it and and frankly working with our Pro Plus group has really inspired me to kind of think deeper go deeper in the stop back to the point when I changed my homepage earlier or homepage was oh yeah this is the training we do and now if you go there it's it's about why we do it not what we do and and yeah so you know anyway so you can check out the page but yeah I'm hoping to kind of dive deeper into that in a live session that's coming in December and you might have some other fun stuff in the middle as well Pro Plus program the full name is that six figures power bi consultant that is opening January 2020 woohoo and you can find more information by going to learn power bi comm slash parole plus so if you're looking to becoming consultant now on the other hand if you need consulting or training help then just go to learn power bi calm and hit the contact me button and yeah we're here help I'm here to connect you with a pool of amazing Barbie a talent all over the world so doesn't matter which industry you're in what's the location of course doesn't matter because most of it is remote help and and yeah we should be able to match you up with somebody really qualified who can really help your business get moving forward with power bi cool so alright folks so I was a few minutes late but you can see I was better prepared wasn't I I mean I even did PowerPoint usually I have that word document I still have that so hopefully that went well I just want to check in so first of all shout out to well all of the folks you can see here mmm oh gosh so I think it's Jeff I always forget Casavant Rick is here Greg is here bill Nathan Quinn and Charles are here well thank you everybody for joining on the phone and again we're gonna be stepping into our dashboard makeover by Charles saying it's busy putting on expose all right all right let's see roommate says hi Sunil Sunil Bakshi is here hey Sunil Sunil Bakshi by the way it was the winner of our last so insider program we have this hashtag win contest and something new that we have started and Sunil was the last winner I'll bring that up and by the way guys in some exciting news so Marianne and I have been talking about this anybody who's in the program definitely knows Mariana most likely we've emailed me than you know Marianne but she doesn't just handle communication she pretty much runs the whole program that's what I say so yeah I wanted to pull up opposed to let's see alright who else is here Jenny oh yes I know we all love karvall she's great and of course then you know what the next guest I want to have guys and cube oh my god that's gonna be amazing and of course I've hung out with those guys at conferences both of them are so funny Adam Patrick yeah yeah they're really cool so let me see oh there we go yes yep so that was but she was a widow for October and and yeah so we want to we want to bring this program to our followers as well so that's what I was saying so Marian and I have been discussing and saying hey let's see if we can do a version of this for our followers so you might be announcing sometimes just sign up for the EDX course great folks Hays there's no right or wrong way to learn of course I mean I have my paid course if you ask me yeah that's a great course and most of my students agree but but yeah so I just want you keep going forward it's EDX go for it pour yourself into it learn it apply it if you get stuck we are here to help of course there are lots of forums out there and so forth if and when you feel like you know obvious course maybe I what I should consider that that of course I would welcome you in there as well Steve Mon is here Steven so you are first up in our dashboard makeover so I'm glad you're here and America is here can you help me go to FB group so that if we group the one that I showed is for students only so if you join you get an invite collins is how much will that help me oh um so comments to your question well I think learning is in doing learning as an application so go through any course that you like and start applying it and and then see how that goes alright so and yeah yeah so if so again the way I structure my programs is that there's a concepts then you go apply it and then I know you're gonna get stuck and that's what there's help inside the program because that's a critical part so that's the way my program is structured and the faster you go through the cycle I call it the learn do fail win write learn do fail you always get stuck and if you flip it around and you win and the funny thing is if you're thinking about a life works the same way as well all right okay yes so this will be recorded but hey hang out with us come on don't leave us no all right cool so so we're ready folks let's roll up your sleeves roll up your sleeves and let's go to the main event the dashboard make up were about timing so I am by the way I'm a bit of a pack rat as it as it comes to folders I used to be much worse but then I realized that search is far stronger than you know focus structure organization anyway sorry that was that was not relevant at all but I'm getting close in my folder stock bar bi dashboard makeover and the first one up is Steven mon-sol the and I checked last night and we had just do submissions and if folks hey we needed the submissions right this thing runs off of that so if you don't submit your dashboards it's gonna be a pretty short dog Barbie I so so yeah you know and again the number one objection that I get is oh but my data is sensitive but yeah again learn Barbie calm slash makeover and we talked about how you can blur the data really quickly yeah so usually what I do is for one I filter it right away so I instead of showing the full dashboard with everything I just filtered like a small city one person something like that right so it's filtered so the numbers are already off and then I take a screenshot blur out the parts that are sensitive and boom that's it done right so it's really easy alright folks so man this is gonna be really awesome and epic so I I saw Steven mountains dashboard I pulled it up last night and I'm like man this is good this is good so what what date are we so this is in November 15 and I'll see if I can so again first of all thanks to Steven for sending this in alright cool guys so I don't know sure I was gonna try to write some stuff here but you know what I don't think that's gonna work I'm just gonna go with the flow so let's try the spin Network oh I'm not sharing my screen am i sorry guys you probably were saying that in the chat yeah let me let me check the chat is to make sure all right good so Gustavo there is a yeah there's a I actually was not talking about the power bi conference I was talking about the Pro Plus program we have and that one is for this quest of mine I wanna I you know so of course the basic question is is a leader born or are they can they be created and of course if they are born I have no control there I can do anything I can't really help anybody but if they can be created what's the recipe what's the ingredient right I mean what do I need to mix and shake what do I need to do and I really think that they can be created if if nothing frankly sometimes I feel like I'm not really doing much for these people like all I did was gave them the environment so if you think about it a flower that blooms at 30,000 feet is not gonna bloom at 3,000 feet right so it's about the circumstances a lot about the environment so I feel like I know I've done that so you know I I'm man I'm gonna offer all of our students I see all of their accomplishments and of course that's where the hashtag wouldn't program is about but but yeah so sorry yeah I was talking about a Pro Plus so that's the next batch of folks who water want to reach for this dream right I mean and again power bi is just a means to an end it's just a tool but to use that create a bigger impact to create a bigger better life for themselves that's what I was talking about so that's coming in January 2020 and for that nobody has to travel to us it's a remote program we have students all over the world yeah but there is a power be a conference in March April March April April yes so you might want to travel for that all right so I'm sharing my screen here and we're ready to go all right all right oh there we go all right want to maximize the screen space and by the way who checked out the new November update well there's this new small arrow out there which lets you collapse it to single single line and the funny thing is I don't think this is available in office either excel it's only available like in Excel online and stuff so this is cool okay so guys um first impression right first impression man looks so clean and beautiful right I mean it looks nice it feels nice you know so sometimes I don't so I work out of my bedroom or as one of my students said the learn power bi worldwide headquarters so and and I'm glad I have this IKEA roll-up line behind me that's how the show works because sometimes I don't make up my bed and man yeah you know so it just looks messy right so it's kind of that I mean right I'm it doesn't look messy or does it look clean so this looks really clean beautiful I like this right so first impression really positive my friend I'm loving this I'm loving this okay what's the next thing that I noticed so by the way on my channel I had done a video recently about covering basically you know I recap the things that I look for in the dashboard makeover I just recap that right so so if you go to videos you know find that I think it was something about create a beautiful dashboard and and and here I talked about this this pattern that I've used for a long time power pattern and the beauty of this is it's really simple and it works almost you know actually 100% of the stuff that I do with my clients I start out with the power pattern and it's really simple so go check out that video if you get a chance later I'm actually planning to do a lot more detail I think this can easily be an R so maybe we'll do a master class or something about this and dive deeper into it so so yeah so looks clean and and then I refer to the power pattern because in the power pattern one of the key things that I talk about is you start with high-level numbers and then you give some breakdown and trends and then you show a little bit of detail right so again say it with me start with high-level numbers give some breakdown some trends and then little detail not too much detail right so people sometimes if you're coming from Excel you fill it with you know kind of tables and tables and matrix and matrix and guys get over that all right so so yeah this looks really clean and and and yeah the high level numbers are right up to up here the only thing that I would change here is I usually do in the power pattern as you would see in the video I put I do put high level numbers at the top and but then I do break down and trends over here because I think that's easier to consume and then I put detail right so so what I would do is I would swap these two elements so again great dashboard but what I would do is I would gosh oh hold on guys what's happening my drawing app is going crazy but I would take this element and put this here right so so imagine like somebody's starting high level they looked at the high level number total sales expenses great then they see the breakdown and the trends in this case really it's just trend so that's okay and then they see the detail so if you think about it this is a lot of detail so think about what does a human mind go through so guys but the funny thing is that to understand the principles of visualization you kind of got to understand the human brain and frankly if you read the Steven fuse book information dashboard design get the hard copy if you can I wouldn't recommend the Kindle book even though I'm a huge Kindle fan that one you got to hold it in your hands but so it talks about the human brain and how it works so for us we're really bad I mean at absorbing like this numbers and quantity right graphs and stuff we understand almost sometimes and it's called precognition which in a way saying even before it hits our brain we you know we kind of know what it is or something like that I'd say it's pretty crazy so so yeah so this is much easier to absorb so that's what I would do I was I would put this over here and put the detail over there so the way they're scanning and again the way the human eye scans is in this Z shape so from the top left that way unless you're in country which you know you're right Arabic or something and then you you scan the other way right but most of the world English and other languages scan this way so we do that for reading but it's so hardwired into us now by now that we've pretty much ran everything you know everything written so so yeah so again so that's also a reason why this stuff is slightly more important you want them to see this first cool so alright so I shared a few points Bower number up top taffeta what else what else let's see mmm so so this is really good man this is really good so I mean yeah I just love how beautiful it is now now this is I'm not sure it looks intentional but I think you can emphasize that a little more so do you remember guys what did I say is the most important element in visualization design anybody remember that and and dang it the YouTube is on a lag so I wouldn't be able to wait but I'll see your comments type it in my friends you know if you got it right I'll you know I'll give a shout-out to you the most important element is white space it's crazy so so yeah so so look at this so you know I'm not sure if it's intentional but we can make it intentional so if you think about it so again guys dashboard by design not by accident dashboard say it with me dashboard by design every single thing by design and of course we saw that example of that in last time with the dashboard makeover when Matt Bracken the energy dashboard man it blew me away we had to struggle to find kind of feedback so so if it was dashboard by design if you look at these metrics here total sales total expenses net angle awesome right good enough but then you notice Saturday as I'm reading it like open location tonal cuz it changes right it changes so these two are different so what we want to do is give a visual clue to that so what we can do is and again just use white space white space this is the most effective element of visual design so what we're gonna do is we're gonna place these things just a little bit closer oops not that close and let's try that and man thank God for these alignment grid lines okay I'm not gonna do it to perfection but yeah I kept counting at the idea right oops wrong element and really move this so again I'm not I'm not doing it right because I don't have I don't have good mouth control I don't know what to say but you get the idea sue okay let's try that and of course guys if you if you if you struggle with this by the way you can always go to kind of visualization and general and and and hand type it in you can nudge it pixel by pixel I've done that we need it too right I think there's a box which is white I don't leave me oh do we need that oh we do need that because the background is slightly off right that's okay okay cool so come back here and oops alright so you get the idea right so obviously I didn't do it to perfection but you get the idea that we can use white space okay there we go right so we use white space so again what we did was we brought these elements kind of closer together right reduce the white space and increase the white space and maybe I overdid it a little bit but you get the idea so now visually when it's scanning so again this happens pre cognitively right I mean kind of before it hits the brain that we we see this we automatically and young brain welcoming yes is smart that way right so we automatically like just white space it'll clue us in so brain is thinking this is a cluster this is a cluster right so you keep these things together these things together okay that's a little bit of feedback there by the way slicers I often see people slight place the slicer up here place the slicer up here but guys come on right I mean so we hope you've talked about this right dashboard by accident or dashboard by design dashboard by accident just throw elements up there and say yeah looks good right - word by design is understanding that you know this is the most important piece of real estate and of course that's another thing that I've shared here and in my video is that treat it as as real estate rights your a mogul real-estate mogul and and you know what are you gonna bill it to prime real estate you know yeah build a skyscraper or something mall no not a mall right so so this is the prime real estate and in general people scan from here to here so these areas are very important and real estate wise and you know use them wisely so don't put slicers there I mean not unless you can help it right so slicers are not data pixels that's another thing they've talked about you emphasize the data pixels that data be the hero not this flashy shiny thing keys in my face get them okay get that out of my face my brain right let the data shine data is a hero and de-emphasize or eliminate the non data pixel and slicers they're not really data right I mean well maybe a live and ready it's communicating the selection that's been made so slicers now they're important you want them to be there I love Spicer's but I usually try to put them you know kind of in the less important section which is so that's my favorite spot right so that's perfectly done so that's really done another thing that I would call out is updated as off date that's really cool now I'll share a little bit of a trick that I use so so what would happen is that my my model my power bi model was connected to a data warehouse right so I was connected to data warehouse and my model would refresh every day so I was she'll it's you know when I was a day to day so November 15th yeah refreshed refreshed on November 15 right and I right so and then and then people said sometimes somebody would come up to me from the sales team and say oh but it doesn't have yesterday's data or it doesn't have data for two days ago oh it only has data thrown a member and and like what's going on and I'm research and I would see that the data warehouse had some issues and they didn't have recent data so obviously I can't so so I'm not actually sure how actually let's take a peek of how steven has done it updated date so yes he can write two different measures one is he's trimming the calendar lots of different whoa hey know it what yeah many ways to skin the cat that sound we skin the cat is that even a phrase and I'm just making it up so yeah so lots of ways to do it but again the idea is so what I did was that I would show them when i refresh the model right i mean i could do i refresh right trying right and then we have data as off right so we'll say oh you know the model was refreshed yesterday or this morning 11:15 - right so model to refresh because I'm 15 and let's say latest data till or data as off and let's say November 10th and and of course now you can do the small info icons and all that sort of stuff but yeah I train them to to know the difference and say hey if that one is if you see the new model refresh November 15th and the data is up at November 10 don't talk to me talk to the data warehouse folks right there's something wrong over there yeah so you can you can show two days but that is effective but now that I'm kind of hovering over the top I do feel like that this this is a little bit so again this is the most prime real estate maybe this can be kind of minimized okay now you know I mean often you don't need to do much so so so non data pixels you want to remove or de-emphasize so this is pretty prime real estate so in my power pattern what you see is that I I do put the title here but then I put the put the numbers right there so it's okay to do it this way too but I'm wondering if we can make it kind of smaller it doesn't need to be that big and of course my big question doesn't need to have this blue fill actually let's talk about color for a second so yeah I don't think that blue fill is working because so again dashboard by design or dashboard by accident so like what are we communicating with that color I mean maybe it's part of her theme was something like that maybe it's her company colors and that's okay that's okay but I think there's there's something slightly I'm like you know splitting here here now now we're getting the defined stuff which is obviously some of it is guys subjective right so by the way visualization design is a live of art plus science and frankly I love that I love that realm because you know frankly for me at least science sometimes kind of gets boring right but when there is art element to it that means there's no right or wrong and there's just trade-offs and you have to understand the trade-offs and know which one to use when the funny thing is you wouldn't think it but power bi is the same way it's art plus it's science because of course the things that I said just now about visualization designs you've heard me talk about the exact same thing with power bi and when I said like there's no right or wrong right I mean it's not wrong to use calculator columns it's not right to use measures but there is a trade-off in that case there's a huge trade-off but sometimes it's very subtle and sometimes it'll really buy your situation right I mean I was like oh cool this is the trade-off I understand that but in one situation you might choose one otherwise in other cases you would choose other again it's not about right or wrong it's about understanding the straight hours and making those decisions conscientiously I think I think right and again if you think about this we were talking here about dashboard by design the same thing applies to your models how are you creating models I was gonna say most of the models but a lot of models that I see they're modeled by accident they just will stuff in there is oh yeah I connected to my data warehouse and you know what I call it is you had your data warehouse throw up inside your part of your model right anyway you just imported everything guys data warehouse works on different you know it works differently you don't want to just grab that and put that in the power bi model sometimes it works but often times it doesn't it's it's really bad and of course I've seen the other thing where people they have like a lot of Excel sheets and they just you know pull that in into Excel and there is no there is no design and there's no fixed on so the tables and the relationships and I'm like what is the model right so anyway so I wouldn't go too deep into that because we're not here for modeling maker were we're here for dashboard makeover so artless science so so what I would say is that we're talking about colors here is that color team I get it but I think there's one thing which is throwing me off a little bit which is this color is being used in two places here one is kind of this team color so this one is background blue and this one is background blue right and we're gonna ignore the fact that this one is light blue for now I mean that one is maybe a little bit but that's a different shades okay so forget about that for now but but my shoes would say this color blue so now my barrini is confused right I'm thinking what's like a sales blue is it well this is not sales right so here's sales is blue so I think there's a little bit of conflict there so what I would say is if blue is your theme color or something company color and you want to have that element represented in the dashboard I would change the sales color I would change this to something else adding it and believe me guys I really you know I shouldn't say that but colors don't always come easy to me and yeah I say if somebody would ask me like change its blue to wat I'm like I don't know I have no idea so yeah I'll let you kind of experiment so yeah company cuz okay Steven when I see you coming so yes I would change the sales because because again I mean sales I think can be something else I think and and often time so again if you are like me where colors don't come easy to you always nice to do when I'm coloring with my daughter it's a funny thing right I mean you walk into a kindergarten class and say hey who who here knows how to draw and all hands would go out and you walk into a corporate boardrooms who here can draw and write I mean yeah so guys we're good a lot of stuff we just you know you gotta try it right so so what you can often do is I use kind of shades of the same color and that works pretty effectively yeah on one graph you shouldn't have more than five different shades but five different shades I can or a human eye or human brain we should say we see their brain or their eyes can differentiate so so see so so again I mean this is just a gentle suggestion I let it be your call so again we're kind of in the deep stuff here see us maybe maybe just just check it out just try it out see if you can make it a different color so that way you keep the company colors and and you keep that so so the other thing that I was gonna do I gonna say was so I'm just gonna say it out and again it's your call right it's again it's our plus-size science so the idea behind what Steven field says is you either eliminate or you do you emphasize non-data pixels so if you think about it this way actually the funny thing is I've never thought about it this way but you know how we talked about screen real estate right so in real estate what if you you thought about it that that oh man every pixel costs me $1000 every pixel every pixel that I paint I have to pay $1000 how would you use it right so obviously we would want to put the pixel where the data is right so think about it that way so anything that's non data imagine if you were paying really money out of your pocket what what are you gonna do what you can either eliminate it or de-emphasize it like maybe or maybe you have to pay more for darker pixels with Oh which actually oh man this this is good stuff guys I just came up with it and thanks to you say hey I always say to teach is to learn twice and so so screen we've talked about this so is kind of real estate right and each big saw you have to pay to pay something a variable about based on the intensity of the pixel so dark red oh you got to pay my friend Oh No dark red but bright red light gray there's lower costs you don't you know pay it how much for that alright so so now what are you gonna do so you're paying with real money so I want to spend my dollars ahead I'm gonna pour my money in you can obviously data pixels which are communicating information because man if I don't communicate this what the heck is the purpose of my dashboard that's the only purpose that's it right so um well at least well operates from dashboard sometimes you know infographics and all that stuff you want to grab their attention first because otherwise they're not interested that's a whole different thing we're not really talking about that here so we're gonna pour our money to data pick some hand my DNA picks has got to be there and gotta be right and all that sort of stuff right the reduced dollar on non data pixels right so either we eliminate if we can or de-emphasize right and of course a lot of that is so by the way power bi is generally good good with these things I think it's a little bit better than Excel in Excel one view would do grass we would have to do quite a bit of cleanup for for instance I don't know I had I have music's Excel in a long while but I think in Excel there by default there's the access line is there that's the kind of stuff which is not needed right I mean yeah so if you think about it so Steven Steven for you has this has this concept of again we got to understand how the human brain works right so what seems he talks about is that you can draw a box like this or let me see if I can manage to draw straight lines you can draw two lines like this let me do it another way yeah you can draw you can draw two lines like this now the funny thing is that a brain completes the picture right so a brain it kind of connects these dots so it still can see it as a rectangle right so so that's where access lines don't you know that you don't really need them so and again power bi does that are kind of automatically and so the things that we would kind of do in excel when we were cleaning up was we'd remove the excel lines and we would really make the axis line the grid lines like really faint really light gray so again you're spending with your money with the real money if you think about that right so yeah so so here I mean I would have said that hey do you really need this deep blue and any I would have looked at that as I hate can you remove it can you lighten it something like that but I get its company color so maybe maybe it stays man so this has been pretty awesome so far so folks let me know what you think so far let me know if you have any input if you see something that I missed mmm so I'm gonna pause for a second all right yeah so Brian yeah I was talking about I I you know yeah I mean is I have been accused of that dude your your your dashboards are monochromatic because they would be like a shades of grey so but it works yeah it's it's it's funny how how little you need you just need like hints and suggestions I mean people would do fill and they would do like heavy boxes and that sort of stuff right I mean you know so how Steven has done like these white boxes and this off like background and then but you know you would see like filled in boxes oh gosh I've seen a lot of stuff and again and again nobody told us nobody told us that guys there's this whole area of visualization design it's really simple to learn there's it's not complicated it's really simple stuff right but you know obviously you're gonna get better as you apply those things that learning comes from doing so learn to fail win but he has simple stuff Ron has a good point sir Ron is saying I have trouble with the orange line or the blue bar tough to see that's a good catch that's a really good catch let me see let me check in so folks on the phone you can you can definitely unmute yourself as well or let me see this something came in to chat all right the y-axis on the right of the bottom right graph is a little confusing yeah so dual access is that what's throwing so off Nathan yeah so this is a yeah this one is a little tricky right so the way kinda I've been trained is but then again your users might not know this like if you would ask me I would say the bars are using this access and the line is using this access it so sales cost per customer but yeah so this is this is actually interesting so can we can we plant a clue like somebody if they wouldn't know what clue can we use I don't really know I was thinking yay we take this color and again I want to change the color of the sales but imagine if it did just a little bit of something here so we know which which we had a small line here blue and again power bi can't quite do that I wish I wish it good but but forget about power we have forget about the two limitations for now that I just think about for visualization perspective so imagine if if if if they had like a you know so Jose I can't sing college can't you add titles to the the axis okay yeah but that takes a real estate to so you can but then it's going to because I hate it too I hate that takes up too much space exactly exactly so yeah so so again I mean I'm feeling outta less is more so again I was thinking kinda out of the bar so I do feel that if we had just imagine if you could do this where a small kind of a line I think that would do the trick I think that would orient people so and again imagine this in the exact same shade what are they using for sales and this is an exact same shade I think that would help them but but again you can train so you again right I mean no right or wrong answer so you can do titles and in some cases you do some cases I'm sure I do right and again you you you try it out and you look at how it works looks and it would all so somebody had called out so on the very first dashboard make horn we're doing the third one by the way which is cool we were talking about oh yes like what is important and and and somebody has said like the audience and of course the audience is very important so if your audience is kind of data savvy and they've looked at these graphs for a long time they're gonna be they're not gonna not even gonna need any help I'm gonna say yep you know the left is always the first thing and the line is always someone but yeah so depending the audience you can try titles you can maybe in a different tool in Excel sometimes is a little more flexible than more customizable you can do the line trick that I said maybe I was thinking about it I'm not a huge fan of this was you could change the color of this text to match this color I'm not a huge fan of that so you know no no that's but yeah this orange line on blue is is problematic which reminds me that so guys uh colorblindness is a real thing and it happens to male more than female something to do with the genetics there and I don't remember I mean it's i don't remember percentage but it's yeah i mean the people who do have color blindness and i think it's on a scale like you know severity and what I've realized is that nobody is I wouldn't say nobody but you know they don't mention it they almost never ever mention it I don't know it's one of those things yeah they don't like and I get you know showing the graph of something that I'm gonna go wow I can't differentiate the colors I don't know right then maybe if I was I would feel as in two right so so they don't mention it so that's kind of the next level of dashboard design and frankly I'm not quite there yet I haven't quite designed it that way but but the next level is to design it with accessibility in mind and for me at least a starting point is hey can we build something which works for colorblind people - all right so again they're not gonna tell you and there might be an audience there might be the the big honcho right there might be the senior manager you're presenting it to you right and and you know and they were like I couldn't even you know so so yeah so they will think something but so so some of the some of the things is so so frankly I've forgotten I remember I think Steven few talks about that too and I'd and at that time I had read up on then and and and and so forth and and there's a lot of detail by which colors get mixed up in which colors usually people cannot see but one thing that you can do is so let's let's do a hypothetical scenario right where you know I can't really differentiate blue versus red right so I'm called line it candle you differentiate that but what they can always differentiate is an intensity right the shading how deep it is how dark it is so what you can do is is is change the shading as well and maybe that is already there so you notice how this one is like lightly shaded man am I seeing things or is that yeah that is lightly shaded yeah so in fact I think that might be a little too subtle maybe that's okay like I don't I don't understand this shading like something is why some things I think these two are too close to each other in the shading for the human eye to be able to make a part so I would do something about that either kind of get rid of this not use this oh you know two percent is okay zero percent or or dark in this just a shade darker right so imagine so yeah so you know how you do red yellow green but you can also vary their intensity so red is like a little bit brighter is that way even if they can't differentiate the color they can you know differentiate the intensity so see that's one talking about that yeah I'm not sure so let's see what is so blue seems to be good which okay now I get it so I think company colors here blue good go blue so blue is good and red is bad and and I also wanted to comment comment sorry guys that sometimes share the words but yeah I wanted to I wanted to kudos to Steven and maybe this game with the color palette or you know I'm gonna assume that this was by by design so so guys so there are different shades of the colors there is of course the bright red but usually somewhat muted colors work better so so notice he's not using like bright blue and and and I like it right I mean even he could have used that color here but he didn't so I would I would say that was I'm sure I think that was thought out that's it oh that looks a little too much so just yeah so sometimes you can just just do a lighter shade and of course you can experiment with making it even lighter so again right I mean Hugh and I if we just need a little bit of nudge we don't need that much right we just need a little bit not so maybe you can try that as well we can say hey if the shade this one is a little lighter and this minute latter would still work but of course I think this one is is something needs to be done over here cool so we and boy guys if you noticed we're at the first first page now alright cool so this is me pretty cool mmm anything else let's see I can yeah all right Tim had a good comment about colorblindness mmm yes I can sources fill in yeah yeah I'm IIIi I don't know I mean the thing about icons is man so again it's it's a piece of real estate so you're gonna have to find real estate for icons I mean this one is so compact that I'm gonna have to do something I'm gonna have to make these graphs smaller maybe I can do that right so maybe find some space here gonna make that smaller make that bigger but icons over here and of course the right way to do icons usually guys is you know we talking about that red yellow green is you don't show the green thingy don't show it do not show green because again I mean you know our plus signs so make you um call but most often who hears about green right I mean people care about red is like this needs my attention I mean you don't go oh this is good this is good this is good this is good unless of course you're doing something very different where you want to call out like kind of the winners and the losers and that means equal attention as that right so what needs attention what needs action let's talk about that right I mean where are you gonna dive in and take action right if something is right it's really really good would you kind of go and take action well then maybe you do show green but generally it's like yep you know everybody's meeting a budget do thumbs up right but this person on this team is to Portland man they're in the red right so so yeah so green yellow red if you're doing icons like that then do ya see if you can kind of remove remove green not show that and and of course we're going to say four icons so another thing about color color blindness that we were talking about is versus conditional formatting icons is Excel has that too and I think that's intentional I think folks in Excel and Barbie I the design it based on that so if you noticed this that it not only has the color but the shape is different as well so again so obviously for coming line people you know they're not gonna have any trouble and again here generally I would say you can you know just don't use this just remove that I mean if it's green then good it's you know all of those things are good all right terrific let's see perfect yeah so yeah Steve Mon had the same comment that semester my real estate Wow are you speaking my language now that's great that's great all right folks so so but again you know so this is beautiful dashboard - beautiful - okay one one last thing oh my gosh one lasting is so we talked about how the high level numbers are up top which is awesome and the row numbers are here and again this is like really minor now but but I would like this this stuff to pop a little bit more you know and what's the most effective element in visualization design so maybe maybe maybe if we just gave it a little bit more room right so you know so just just see if I can manage that oh and let me just try that and and yeah let's see how that looks interesting all right again it's just I just want to I wanted to kind of emphasize a little bit more or just want to see what happens okay so of course I have to okay let me see how that looks okay all right so Zoey and I mean and you can be the judge whether it works or not but again you see how putting some white space here and right now it's off fight which is fine by the way it just does something different right I mean it gives a visual break between this and the lower element and of course we talked about moving the graphs over here and the tables over here we can do that later but but again gives that visual break so yes and again you can be the just like do you like it this way it does it doesn't make this pop a little bit more doesn't you know does it make the eyes to kind of stay on this for a while I think I think it does right now since there's a visual break you know people would you know spend just to maybe a fraction of a second more staying here than there so again what you're doing with good visualization design is it's like you know how you go to a museum and you're like stumbling from one room to the other like ooh and then you spend a lot of time in the first few rooms and then you're so tired then you just run through the rest of them right that's a typical museum right so but imagine if you went with a guided tour right and you know didn't like an expert in music expert in boy they would go take you the best spots and there's like oh yeah in this room look at this and Donna this is so many and this was done by this King and so forth right so good visualization design oh man this this stuff is worth right now isn't it so good visualization design it's like a guided tour through a museum but you're not there right so it's like getting a guided tour with that without the guide actually being there so you're not there with them so we're gonna look at the other dashboard by the way factory violations reports sent by Hong Kong Yi if I remember it-- and that's very different than this so that's gonna be fun so think about this so we're guiding them we're not there but we are there holding their hands so you know if you do it this way then you're you're saying that me yeah man this is important just just a lot of second just you know just spend a little bit more time here so you gave it a break right so you you give it a visual break that and that makes the mind take a break though you know before I go down there oh that's another section oh that's a whole different thing oh cool yeah you know this stuff is right up top so that's right so you can kind of experiment with that and again maybe maybe that's a little too much maybe introduce it but yeah I think just leave it there all right man so hey what if you do this I'm gonna take the next dashboard I'm gonna come back and have some fun here and by the way so this was last night Stephen Mann Mann and Hong Kong he had sent the dashboard if you sent the dashboards after that this morning then I'm gonna take a look at that too and if you want to do it for next time you can always go to learn power bi comm slash makeover right how easy is that make makeover and just submit your entry any time so the next time you run dashboard makeover we gonna pull the or is it right so so yeah I just go there some on the entry and again if you have sensitive data we got you covered just watch this video makes it easy and again guys this is a stepping stone by the way so of course you know we were talking about a Pro Plus program and what you've seen is you've seen our Pro Plus students do these project presentations and I feel so this is this this is one way to put it if a tree falls in a forest does it really make a sound if you do great work but nobody really knows about it except maybe you know a few people you show that may be a manager or maybe your team few clients then does it really matter and it really doesn't and certainly so in this new day and age right so so you gotta be able to do good work but then you gotta be able to tell a story and for one guys just get started on that so this dashboard maker was such an easy way to do that by the way I also did another video find a power bi job guaranteed in three genuine steps and one of that one of the key steps is this this ability to tell your story and you gotta get started and this is the gentlest this can be right I mean and of course for a students we can have them on the phone so of course everybody who's in my learn bar be a community I would I would strongly encourage you to do this right so and again this should this one thing is gonna help you whether you want to be a consultant whether you're considering about the Pro Plus program or not or you want to be in a full-time position doesn't matter doesn't matter right I mean it's it's gonna make you give you the super powers my friend right so be able to tell your story you can do internally inside your company a lot of brown bars I was show show my dashboard go to meetings like I had a financial dashboard I would go to I figured out the fight at the group of finance people in Microsoft and showed it to like everybody then you know that the finance people worldwide inside Microsoft whatever the dynamic inside your company is yeah you can share it internally you can share it certainly and let this be your first step where you just take a screenshot and just set it in and yeah and that that's well you get showcased in front of the whole world all right so let's do the next one all right so saw yeah I got your note yeah so yeah the funny thing is so the ones that I look at we just we just felt around okay god it's a yeah I think he resent it yeah I was gonna say if we key in on the the subject line - one makeover so I have that for you so let's say let's look at sales oh I have a Sunil so needs entry as well and mmm that's it yeah I don't know you have really enough we get these emails where people send us they they like click this button and they don't attach anything so let's so let's look at Sahil and let's then the the one by Hong Kong Yi that one is actually data mentioned that it's in Chinese so it's gonna be a really interesting because since I wouldn't quite understand the text oh sorry I'm I was messing up the name Kang Han Yi how did I get that wrong I feel so embarrassed Nihao a my friend by the way so yeah so we're gonna have to since I don't quite understand kind of what's there we would have to just look at it on the merits off the visuals itself so that's gonna be interesting but let's look at what SIA has to send us how did you scullers yeah I'm not the best guy for the color palette but heavy alright and you just wanted to give you a brief of what it is so like my organization has a set of colors that I can use so I can't use colors beyond that and so the graph that you have open right now it has high road numbers next to it so you see one through seven yeah so that defines the criticality in terms of critical the discrepancy is garden but but you know rather than the color I mean so it depends on the visual right so of course if you had like a line chart or something like that well forget the line chart but but in terms of the graph what I want to ask what's more important is the way these things are ordered and take a guess which is like the most important like visually out of all these things being shown here out of all these seven ones which one is the most visually important in a stacked graph it's at the one in the center or the start it is it's the start because for one the start has a really unfair advantage over any other thing which is you can compare exactly right I mean imagine if you didn't have the labels right so again we were talking about kind of dated me right so imagine if you didn't have the labels like I wouldn't have any trouble comparing how this orange thing no notes how this thing did I mean I can say yep well it's about doubled in june/july Daniel wrote down and we were worse than May August were a little bit better and again I mean so of course length is a great so of course you've heard me right I mean my staple is line chart bar and column charts and then kind of what I call basically the the tables table matrix card and all that stuff right so so yeah this one has an amazing advantage which none of the other ones have like so imagine if you remove these labels man I'm really struggling to compare like days you know it becomes really hard so that one is kind of the most important the one so so yeah so but even otherwise I think rather than thinking about the colors if it's just a stacked chart we're talking about I would see if you can you know you like put these numbering in in in in there and then sort this column by that numbering so that it shows in that order where and and by the way the you know I think the last one gets more attention to so you know I did say that the first one is visually kind of most important but I'm not sure maybe you arrange it you can try both ways you can so you can try arranging it with a you know kind of the number one this guy is in the spot and - so how do you how do you arrange how do you fix that alignment so I didn't decide that this is the way so that no notes is gonna be the first one to show I mean I'm not sure how the system decided that hardware yeah so of course by default it's out alphabetical so no notes yeah yeah you know so it's definitely alphabetical right MNT so we you can override that the same way we override the month names so of course it's kind of weird right I mean you know you you put a calendar table and if you don't follow my instructions correctly then it's gonna show April as the first month which is so embarrassing of course nobody wants I just wrong so then you go and say oh no no no sort this column this text column don't salt sorted alphabetically sorted using the month num now of course what people don't realize is that you can use that trick for any column any text column so you can take this and and so in your data table you can have oops let's go back to this guy so you can sew in you can have like no notes and let's try this so this is what I would do I think so we'll say label sort numb maybe we'll sort it over something like that what what is it actually hold on discrepancy okay got it so let's go with that so say discrepancy discrepancies sort oh let me just do this cool so we'll say notes and the next one is notes and 100k plus you get the idea right so you can fill it out and the last one is gonna be number seven which is no notes three plus days and one okay plus and then you would just say one two three four five six seven oops so I would I would create probably a table like this like a separate table not not and then merge it with whatever this data is being shown yeah does that make sense not really tried merging or not well I'm cure - okay yeah yes it's gonna be super easy yeah so merge yeah so try that so and of course hey you had the program so in the query editor we do cover merge as well so you would merge it and then you would say discrepancies sorted by this okay that finally came okay awesome so I'll take it one next level all right we're we're like you know big Lina all right so the next level is maybe wouldn't apply in this case but it's possible that you would run into in some cases and the course by the way has an example of that too which is that sometimes you want to sort it by alphabetically right so so in the course the example that is is is its customer name you know generally we do want an alphabetical but sometimes and in that case you know and this was a real real mean I mean this was what a client was asking me it's like oh when you show me customer names in slicer I want the ones with which are the biggest customers to be at the top right so sometimes so so usually it's alphabetically but sometimes is based on the biggest customer and of course what defines biggest customer that's not a good question exhales well total sales life to date year to date this year oh well that's the same as you today or last one was doesn't you're gonna have to figure that out with the customer right what but but you know say hey so I had them define it that for me but doesn't matter but so what you so of course you can't do both if you if you go to customer name the default is alphabetical but then you figure out the sort order and then say Oh sorted by this then it's always sorted by that now of course the fix is really easy will you basically duplicate the column I hate it it's really easy but you and and I would just I think in the course I mean obviously you can give it a good name that customer may have sorted or or you know customer name you can say that bye-bye little sales or something like that and and so when you use this this field then that field is sorted by a specific order and the default is alphabetical right so so again I mean keep keep that in your back pocket if you ever run into the scenario where you want like two different sort orders and maybe there's another way but the only way I figured out is basically duplicate the column one has this sort order the other has this sort order that make sense all right cool thank you all right so so let's kind of recap what we talked about so Sahel is constrained to the company's colors which you know it's a good idea usually I mean usually that they're smart folks who are a lot more comfortable around colors probably like my daughter I love her drawings and who have come up with this and any and everybody is using it so so so in when that we were talking about how do we kind of prioritize so I think yeah you know so so usually though so you know we talked about ordering the column charts in a stack chart now of course line chart works totally differently so I think it's gonna be on visual so if for a line chart you know if you visually see a line chart what are gonna notice is that the stuff that is at the top right I mean you know it all depends on what the data looks like so if there is stuff cluster like this and it clearly no matter the color the attention would go here right so again priority you can't really control it by color or anything even by sorting because line well you can't really sort it right so so it depends on the visual if I were to do this and not and you know forget about the the ordering thing then I would basically so so I'm actually glad I remembered it so so technically what we call color is actually two things kind of the hue and intensity hue and intensity what we call color and and hue is I think the real shade and the intensity is just think about like kind of the dark red versus like trend that's rest all right so you can pick a color and then for that color you can go intense and lighter right so I think what I would do is if I was just if I could pick my color for like a notes is gonna be grave I could pick my color then I would just take the order and and and change it in intensity so again I don't know if you want to emphasize number one or number seven but if I want to emphasize number one then I'll pick the the color and the palette which has the most intensity which I think it's this one in in my eyes or you know this one is pretty close as well but you know obviously this is low intensity right so and if I wanted to emphasize seven then I would pick seven with the you know kind of higher intensity and then I would just go down that scale right so so in my mind I would say and you can see even this like these two are the most intense and this one is the least that's pretty easy this one is pretty intense as well and this one is oh yeah probably these to come after these guys and and yeah these ones are good middle choices and and this one is kind of on the low end right so we'll probably go kind of one and then well maybe maybe two or three yeah these ones are pretty close and then four and five and six seven something like that so so yeah so if you were doing it just based on that then we could do it that way too but it's kind of interesting I never thought about that it depends so much on the visualization right am this the dynamics of a stacked column chart or a stacked bar chart I always mix things up shouldn't be hard it's very different than a line chart or something else and and may even vary about with some of the other visualizations all right that was pretty cool let's are you guys ready for some Chinese lessons so again I said this is this is this is very different which is good you know which is good it's good to see kind of variety it's good to see that kind of different things I'm just gonna check in on the comments real quick okay it seems like you guys are helping each other out Wow Oh Ali absolutely so so yeah I mean the protocol we follow is uh you yeah you go to learn power bi comm slash makeover and you click Submit your entry if you do that now I can you know as long as I'm gonna call we can review that or of course if the session is over by the time you send it then we're gonna do it in the next dashboard makeover session I would love to see that at my friend's yeah I mean this is this is crazy this is great all right so Richard got a great idea from a discussion Ali's saying I've used these disconnected tables for dynamic top in my reports use it to select how many top items they want to see and they love it that's awesome oli man I mean you I think you mentioned in your comment that you kind of just started out and you haven't had really learned it properly but you do some cool stuff I mean that's that's not a beginner for me a beginning by the way I mean power bi this this whole debate whether we have as part way as easy or hard but for me I'm like who cares because most of the times the first model that I build and again people usually get stuck up on Dax and stuff right so say most of my first models just have a summon account Rose that said and most often whatever I built just with that blows decline away and because and again I mean would it blow everyone away no but guys there isn't there is a huge need huge need if you step out of the power bi bubble people are still bloody hell using the abacus believe it Ron that's like actually true right so one of her members chair Oprah Bernie she she helps construction companies in New York and she said that she would walk into the office and they literally had what she called adding machines I didn't quite get it but she's like yeah these are the precursors of calculator that stuff is out there and you know okay that one is a little extreme but there are a lot of businesses a lot of businesses which are still living in the dark ages in the Stone Age as far as comes to data analysis and and yeah so so forget about so of course some of you have heard my pyramid theory right so where you know so all of us are so fixated about getting to the top you know and like oh yeah look at Abhi's so smart I'm not that smart guys and maybe maybe somewhere here you know and yeah it's so and I look up at people right I mean Italians of course Marco Reus so Alberto Ferrari a lot of these people are way smarter than me right Matt Allington Ruth Buzzi oh I'm sure guys and a cube they're amazing right but you know what I'm not gonna let this fact that I'm Way down here stop me because wherever you are you can help the people were just a few steps behind of you right your most relevant to them because they will relate to you you will relate to them right I mean the best teacher is often not the person standing at the front of the classroom it's a student next to you who notches you in the shoulder and says hey I got you I see what you're struggling with man I had the same trouble last week let me show you right so yeah now guys here's the funny thing here's the funny thing really crazy thing right so of course my joke is not a joke I'm kind of serious about it if you if you found out about power bi yesterday yesterday right because it oh wow power bi exists guess who you can help you can help all those people who haven't found power bi n right now I are you seeing this so think about this guy somebody who's at the top the funny thing is actually they can't help a lot of people and when I when I read some of these advanced articles I don't understand them really you know I don't understand them and I'm like and of course I feel bad I'm like man I'm not smart matters alright so think about this you know the higher you go and of course you know you helping them at a different level so yes can you make more money yeah but what oh who cares I mean there are many ways to make money you know somebody said that the way to become a billionaire in this day and age is you charge your dollar and help a billion people I'm not saying you do behind that's not my quest right I like working in small groups but you can always find a way right so so yeah so don't let this get in your way of like good enough right so only man you're doing pretty amazing Richard is asking how many of us are in education I know that I have quite a few students in education by the way guys so what we're trying to do is so we have a kind of this journey and then I have gone along with my students right so if the first one is the the learn power bi that's our that's our you know kind of a flagship course and that is focuses on the 20% core concepts that will give you 80% of the results and and yeah that that's and yeah and and the sole Follis is learning by doing better together it has all of that stuff but then we have gone on on another journey was a hate what about the rest of the power bi journey twenty percent gives the eighty percent it sounds great but there is of course you know stuff beyond that so I'm walking with my students on that journey and one of the ideas that we have in pro level is is that I call it the industry specific projects now I have worked with a lot of different units right I'm in support operations marketing sales but I spent most time around finance people so and it doesn't help that adventureworks is so kind of sales and so forth well we are what the idea with this Pro level group is that what we want to do is build these industry specific projects because sometimes you know I do get like people from education or some other sector and they look at some of my content and say hobby that's not me you know that's I'm not looking at sales I'm not yeah my my world is totally different HR HR as such a different work but now of course there are two things there one is that it's not fundamentally different right I mean when I step in a new domain you know it takes me really quick to figure it out and say yeah cool I mean hey know how many Dax measure in the Dax measure so I just I just kind of take that knowledge and apply it there but still so what we want to do is you like do a project around HR around education around something else by the way that was presented an education project was presented by Thomas powers in the last real power bi project presentation I was kind of interesting alright cool so all right perfect so I think we caught up on the chat messages let me just one more check on see if you have any chat windows here mmm yeah so Quinn like some comments saying so true I just learned part about three months ago and I'm now teaching other interns we have no knowledge about me exactly oh yeah stuff doing a lot of manual scrubbing in Excel and I can totally relate to them because I was there just a few months ago exactly oh my gosh Gwen I couldn't have said it better right I mean yeah I mean you're gonna relate with them and it just it just works and and again I think the tragedy is that I meet a lot of people who are stuck in this waiting mode by the way guys hey is it okay from if you just stayed a short detour so hold on one second so so I was talking to my [Music] Pro Plus students one of the calls so so it hasn't ever happened to you that there's something that you want to do but you think about it all the time but don't actually do it maybe it's power beyond I think oh yeah you know you even like meaning to learn it for a long time or maybe something else right anyway guys a lot of lessons we talk about here the apply to power bi but they also apply to two to life everything else so so for me and that thing was hiking actually if I'm being truthful that's hiking and dancing dancing on the same for later but but so so I yeah I want you know I always think about it yeah but then when I look back I think I was doing like maybe two or three hikes in a year I wasn't actually doing anything I'm sure I was pretty much doing nothing right and and I wanted to do something about it so what I did is is I started a hiking group yeah so if you think about it who the heck am I to be starting a hiking group but I mean it should be somebody expert like somebody you scale mountains huh and and and of course I'm inspired by my students and of course I'm telling this stuff I'm telling them that hey life is hashtag backwards right if you wait to become the expert you will never become next word oh but I become the expert then I'll do this then I'll get clients then I would start working as a consultant and so forth no you start doing it and then that makes you an expert that moves moves you much farther so I said I'm gonna take my own advice right I'm gonna take my own belt so I said Here I am you know so this is my new hiking road by the way a Highlands that's where I am if you are local Delia if you haven't been a super hololens gosh that'll be pretty crazy but then yeah yeah so so guys so the crazy thing is that just by doing this right so again it's backwards backwards we keep waiting right we get when I'm when I'm great at hiking what I've done what I when I'm in hiking expert or whatever right I mean pick your wording of it then I'll do this in US and and what if you flipped it what if you'd reversed it so in the last three weeks I've been on I've been on three hikes which is pretty crazy I think the first were like sub 2,000 feet and the last one was was I actually said 4,000 feet it wasn't quite 4,000 maybe felt like 4,000 man-mountain and it was a three thousand one in 88 feet you know but this is where I was I was standing here right and and it's crazy look at this that's Mount Rainier by the way for those who say I can ended up being beautiful fall day and oh oh there we go yeah selfies and and yeah I so sit don't wait don't wait life is hashtag backwards okay let's continue on with a dashboard makeover so here we have factory violations so what can hongyi is kind of doing is that so it's a it's in Taiwan if you didn't guess kind of the map and let's see somewhere he had a signature as well which was in English so I could read it so raising statistics consultant so this one is very different very very different for one it's not on operational dashboard so this is kind of doing a story telling my storytelling which is not my not my staple using usually I focus on operational reports right so which somebody's seen did a daily weekly monthly and then saying oh what needs my attention what's working what's not working let's Ivan that kind of stuff right this is storytelling now so of course there's a lot of text so one thing that I had was and I wanted to ask people ask people this people have asked me this and I think I found the answer but then I've lost it if you have things like this can you put this in like a slot show mode in power bi and fullscreen showing up on a monitor where it it cycles through these sheets so if you have an answer to that if you only on the phone just just unmute yourself and let me know or yeah if you if you can put in the chat as well if you like or of course we're watching YouTube now the last thing that I remember is that it was a feature requested so its own ideas of power bi calm and if you like that idea they should work for that maybe we should all do that maybe it was completed maybe they did deliver a feature and the last I remember this was a few years back was somebody who said oh there's this chrome plug-in which can use it something like that but it was kind of a bit of a hack but of course so for something like this the you know so that's what I'm imagining so again I don't have a can with me here but but I'm imagining that this is just you know kind of walking step by step and and and again there's so much text here is that I'm assuming that they're consuming it on their own because if you're presenting it in person you should never do this should never ever do this so again you know obviously so I have mixed feelings about this guys where people are using power beyond like power point power bi isn't power point you know so it's kind of like it's almost can be as bad as when people come to power bi and they use it like excel and it's a disaster it's really bad right again it's it's kind of by modeling by accident what are you doing no way that's what I did in Excel and that's what I'm trying to do in power bi right no no is it different - all right so so yeah so so in this case it is being used as PowerPoint but then PowerPoint the same you know kind of the guidelines apply if you use it a PowerPoint follow those guidelines so PowerPoint less text is better right so sometimes what people do is they put up all the texture on there and then they read it they read it aloud - so they're speaking it right but the thing is that people read much faster than we can speak so by the time you're done through the first reading you speaking allow the first two bullet points they have read the whole thing and now they're bored now the checked out now they're looking at their phone right so less text is better less taxes better right so so so I'm assuming that in this case kang is not there in person otherwise you should never ever do this so this is just you know scented somebody maybe it's showing up on a screen or whatever something is happening right so that's why there's so much text which is kind of guiding them through this by the way there are there are links here to you know these links to youtube videos which which can explain the report which is a cool trick so I think actually I'm not really sure what they what the videos talk about maybe they explain the report maybe they walk them true now of course this one is a little tricky like if so we love videos and of course you know the folks you know group or consultants who always talk about so one way I think Charles kind of pioneer that I I would do it but I hadn't like made it a habit where Charles I would you met him on the channel over and he shared it with a grub with the pro kleh scrubbers hey guys so what I've been doing is when I work with clients after you know so you meet with a client of the new work offline so that's the typical life it goes and you know you you can be working with anybody anywhere in the world doesn't matter so so what you do is you you set up some time you meet with them for an hour usually once a week and that's it and then you work offline but what Charles would do is when he would work offline he would just record a quick recap of the work that was done before sending it over the client said yep you know hey I just uploaded the file on a shirt dry but I want to show you the changes we're done I added this graph at its measured at a doubt that it done let me know right and and you know maybe you give them a little more detail so of course I always talk about when you're consulting you should also be training you know you should be training them telling them what you you we want to empower right I mean the right brand of power bi consultants wants to empower their clients doesn't want them to be dependent on you so now I'm gonna I'm gonna show you what I did and why I did it so if you need to make a change or something else and you can do it yourself you don't always have to come back to me so those videos work great but if a video needs if a report page needs a video to be explained well maybe there's something off buddy mate so that's a good trick in and again not knowing what what the video is that's good so so yeah so this one is a lot of text yeah so again this is a different mode so I'm trying to switch hats here so this is not an operational report if it was an operational report usually kind of these backgrounds these these they don't I would I wouldn't recommend that but well yeah I mean it's trying to show something there I think the visual layout isn't clean right I mean what I would do is try to make this kind of symmetrical so you see how every element is kind of a different size and you know it's the different size is the different sizes there for different sizes and again I mean I think brain would kind of struggle with that so is it possible to make them kind of the same size and if you notice that this you know it's kind of weird like so it's there's no overlap here but there's some overlap here almost no overlap here some overlap here you know let's clean it up right so a and minor stuff but you know again dashboard my design and storytelling my design so that's that let's gonna look a few things so this is text some explanation so I did see that this is by the way so I saw this oh my gosh what custom visual is this and I realize that this is an image so yeah that's okay you know they probably used a different statistics tool to kind of create this yes these are just images and it's showing us in the Factory locations or something like that and and again I mean I I wish would it be possible so I don't know I mean I don't know what can is working with but imagine if if you could make these the same size with this again we see a lot of different sizes even shapes like why is this like everything else is rectangular except this guy mm I'm not sure why right so yeah we can kind of focus on that this is fun right let's Chinese I've know anyone says maybe you somebody who's watching is Chinese you know you're way off dude this is talking about this okay so it's just doing a table and I think this one is like call-outs it's calling out the key things cool I no no comments here and again this is more of a storytelling so usually storytelling you do want to go kind of high level to lower level so I'm not exactly sure so I like I I can hang on from here like there's some story here visual pictures you start there humans are much better with pictures and with numbers and certainly give them the detail after that maybe there's a middle step because the table is a lot that's pretty much the most detail you can get in power bi so maybe there's a middle step for you you kind of blow up a little more so again you're gonna walk them through the story yeah so I would put these charts before before the the table right so children now the only thing that I noticed it and here is that so these ones these ones are I think names of places so by the way I was I was you know working with Google Translate on my phone and you know aiming my phone and these to kind of figure these out so there's this this rule in visualization design where is when you use a line chart right oh gosh the the the column has to be continuous so it can be dates dates are continuous so January February that's okay yeah of course we see line charts for months all the time month states all of that is good right and it could be like one two three four five six seven eight nine or something like that right something something which has an order to it right yeah so this you cannot use it for something else so if it is like if you have a product category subcategory right so invention works as as bikes and accessories so if you have that over here and and folks in my course I do use the right terms for this Cardinals non carnal I've forgotten it now he's in my course alright so so so yeah so some line charts you you're just not allowed it's it's it's not okay it's really you can never do that you should never do that so unless it's like a continuous access down below you just can't use it on a chart you know yeah you're not supposed to in right so it's just wrong yeah and it kind of makes sense so what's the difference between line chart and a column chart so a bar bar chart column chart a column chart emphasizes individual values individual values if we can kind of compare this next to each other that's pretty cool a line chart does not emphasize that can you figure out the in terms of values yeah sure if you kind of work hard nothing yeah yeah yeah that looks like this but the line chart emphasizes a trend all right so think about this it emphasizes a trend so if you are showing like bikes to clothing to accessories you know doesn't make any sense right it's not like trying to Oh as we move from bikes to categories this is how the trend goes no it does not make any sense that's why you can't do line charts with stuff like that right so for line chart the bottom axis has to be kind of continuous so that's the only thing that I saw here by the way I mean I had read about this room but hey I mean we're all humans right so and yeah this this this combo chart right I mean this is such a tempting way and if you want to put show something else and you're struggling with real estate which in this case we're not but maybe in some case I was so I did this and or pretty much our CEO so Microsoft is such a big company that in any big company you have to see it as a company of companies so inside there we were a company of 300 people Microsoft learning and basically our CEO lot zero great guy now he's uh now he's helping spread it kind of he's working on education sector in Africa like you know kind of really out there kind of retired and yeah focus on that kind of did the Bill Gates thing right so let's see okay he so I'm not sure if I was presenting but everybody knew that charts and graphs are mine right so maybe somebody else was presenting so let's leans over to me that kind of whispers nah hey you're not supposed not supposed to show line chart when it's you know like yeah I mean the axes like that so yeah I'm like never again you know so yeah don't wait till that happens and it's in the graph unless I said loading up map mmm cool so uh yeah I don't know this is this map isn't showing anything maybe that's just me oh I think this is a heat map yeah there was something off about this so watch this guy yeah you saw this yeah it happened to me yesterday as well like it's a heat map but it didn't render and that was obviously not good now I'll say that be a little cautious when using maps when you have locations it's so tempting you in countries and such and be like I'm gonna put in a map but maps are not really effective like you know and yeah they're so again if you think about is real estate what is the goal of a visualization to communicate data communicate more specifically information like insights right that's what we're gonna get towards so it's to communicate that and then we have limited screen space we have to fit everything in one screen everything relevant needs to in one screen and we have talked about that in our first dashboard makeover and I think I'll talk about that in my video that I pointed out earlier is that why is having everything on one screen important because when we switch from one screen to another we can only hold on to a few pieces of information about seven pieces of information now what that does is that it it reduces our ability to make connections and draw insight from the data if everything is one screen light bolts can go off in our house and we can go whoa look at that look at this right we can it's much easier to make those connections correlations if it's on separate pages our ability is severely reduced that's why that's what's really that's it right so so if that is our goal wanna convey information and enter and space is limited to one screen we have limited number of pixels then what kind of visualizations do we want to use we want to use visualizations which are power-packed which can weigh a whole bunch of information lots of stuff a very compact manner right so another great example of this is is both charts I think Steven for you kind of created them popularize them at least and unfortunately this is not a built-in visual it should be it should be there are lots of custom visuals around below charts but bullet charts are like power-packed they can pack so much in there do they need a little bit of training for the users to understand me yeah yeah the first time to see it but again once they learn it it's so simple easy to use and boom it's just bad so so imagine this guy so of course you know pie charts you're not supposed to use pie charts but spiders are just not very effective visuals and we have talked about that is when why they're really hard to read much harder than we expect them much harder than me we think you know so so of course and but there's pie chart and there is its cousin donut chart and then it's distant cousin gauge charge writing you know the speedometer thing that I'm talking on and people love putting those on there yeah you know speedometer like yeah you know I don't know what writing me looks cool right but yeah it's dashboard by design or dashboard by accident you just join things together oh that looks cool I know you're understanding the principles behind this so think about this right so we talked about goal limited screen space with more Conway beautiful awesome data information inside take this oops it's doing that thing again sorry okay let's try it again okay so take this and so take these and convert that to gate charts think about the screen real estate screen real estate you would be taking if you can worked out a gay charts holy moly I mean it's probably gonna be this big right so it's gonna it's gonna take just more more pixels more real estate all right so so bringing back to what we were talking with maps so maps are actually really poor in kind of conveying information so so often you know you know if you just want to come way you know something like this so imagine if these were kind of locations or countries column chart is a lot more effective and of course Kong charts you know you can make it really compact and they still work but people sometimes show that on map so again be careful right so maps when they want to see need to see kind of geographically and so forth and they want to understand in that context and use it and again think about what action they're gonna take with this what are they what are they gonna do I mean they're gonna look at this and like what what conclusion do you want them to draw well so let's so again maybe this is an advantage maybe this is a great thing that this is in Chinese because I have no idea what the other stuff is saying I'm just going about the visual so if you look at this what do you conclude well I would conclude that whatever we seeing out there are three clusters right there are three clusters and as this area and there's this area and Syria right and I don't know and maybe you can and maybe you can maybe that as part of his story because they look look at this and and and it may be interesting to kind of color code it with with a little bit of color if you can right so again you don't wanna use too much color so if in maps especially into something this dense if they're like 50 colors or 20 colors or even ten colors I would be crazy right but but if you colored with something like Oh like if they're maybe three main owners or factories and we can kind of color those and that would maybe give it more insight and then you go oh look yeah they're the three three areas and by the way this one is most problematic because XYZ something like that right so so make sure you have that thing or maybe maybe so in this if by putting its side by side so it's interesting right so right now I'm kind of I'm kind of struggling a little bit so so yeah this is a good discussion by the way guys so think about this how maps are not always very effective so the question that I'm asking just looking at these graphs have no idea what is being shown is that I would assume that this is showing one number this is showing that out of the location and the size of the bubble is something but then maybe this is the factory violations that is red here red is bad I'm gonna assume right so so I'm seeing that yep I see a cluster here I see a cluster here I see a cluster here three clusters here right and then well this one is yellow it seems okay and and so again red in our mind is programmed to be bad right so my eye is immediately drawn towards that and I'm gonna understand that I want to understand that so what I want to say is that what I want to understand is that well things are bad here but is there kind of a correlation with the number of dots that I see all the stolen size of the dots if I took the size of each dot which is some measure like factory while I shouldn't sales I don't know what it is right it's something so imagine if that we show this in a simple table and I said hey there are three main areas in the area one this is the count of factories and this is the total units they produce right so that's what I was doing like the the count would be the count of the circles and units produce would be the size of the circle right so I have a simple table this is the number of factories in the area three areas and the count of products they produce and then in the next column is violations simple right simple and then I add a percentage where I would say that oh this is list this is percentage based on the factory or something like that so let's let's actually do that really quick so we'll say so let's say this is area right so and this is area one area two and oh I have to do this area 51 all right so so I'll say this is the area and this is the number of factories so that's one indicator and this is number of total units and this is number of violations simple table so again guys the staple what's the staple the staple is line chart column and bar charts and tables that's it and when I say tables that includes matrix that includes card multi-row card that's all good right that's it that should be a staple that should be a starting point and from that point if you use a different visual you better be able to explain it the same way when I talk about modeling by the way guys the Steven mans model isn't just beautiful on the visualization layer are you ready for this okay here comes boom oh my gosh right that's the first thing that I look at didn't do it this time but that's when I'm working with a client or helping with a question that's the first thing that I look at and so beautiful and guys you know sometimes people like the you know I don't know I don't like the lines it's like a wire diagram and all that stuff but I don't know I say so of course everybody my course knows this is the way I recommend right I mean look up tables up top data tables down at the bottom and even no clue what data table and look-up tables are never thought about it that way good luck right you're probably doing modeling by accident not modeling my design come on guys get on board all right so so she has this beautiful kind of under the hood - all right so so here so yeah simple simple stuff works so so now that we have these numbers so imagine these are kind of filled in let's do these are filled in with some number right so the factories number trolling and now you can do percentage maybe maybe I would decide I wouldn't do to percentages I would either say like percentage like you know so basically violation divided by a number of factories or I would do violation divided by total units so I'll see which one seems to have a tighter correlation violation right so imagine if the factories were 10 20 30 right and then units where well this one is really big 50 and then and then can write something like that right so I'm obviously using extreme examples and the violations if it was correlated with factories if factories went up in areas 10 20 30 and violations went up as well then I was show violation divided by factories right because I know that's what the correlation is if it was by units if it was you know 10 5 and 1 then I would show that as a percentage of unit so it's gonna heat that's that's the main fact right so so yeah so again oh maybe I'm Way off somebody who was reading Kennedy's Chinese like Holly or no idea man you went off on the on the deep end there he's just trying to show this but but again Anna gives you food for thought right so so yeah so maps again all I'm saying is just just just be aware right so if you were oh yeah so so guys there was one dot that I was trying to connect which I missed totally and the dot was that you've heard me talk about when I look at the model the first thing that I look for is is kind of layout date a little cup table and then the next thing that I look out for is bi-directional relationships and dotted lines and wherever I see that I just put a question mark in my hand right I don't often asked about it right away I just I just Park in my head right so again what do we see here bi-directional relationships right so again I would put a question mark there and if I was talking to Stephen I would know that so so the default should be one directional relationship this should be the default and one-to-many right it's a many-to-many yeah that would be beer as well right so so that's the default that's a default all relationships by default should be one-to-many one direction one-to-many one direction right does that mean you can't have exceptions no of course not I mean I have exception mimouna all the time I showed in my chorus right so you can't have exceptions but modeling by design or by accident my friends modeling by design every single time you have an exception man it should be intentional you should have thought about it and you should be able to explain it to me or somebody else right what people do is again they have the data warehouse throw up inside power bi that's a bad way to do modeling that's modeling my accident right and they should end up with all of these dotted lines like 50 daughter lines and a lot of these bi-directional relationships one-to-one relationship what the what the f is that right and again I mean I don't care if you do that but if you're not I'm gonna explain if you know if you're shrugging your shoulder when I ask you you're a bit of trouble alright okay I'm working hard all right it's okay guys you know it's a journey the journey you're not gonna get there on day one but that's okay it's just you know just just have that awareness that's the first thing you create a better dashboard the key thing is to to just understand again most people don't understand it oh really visualization is this whole thing they're these visualization principles that can help me design a better dashboard they just have no idea right so awareness is the first step or when is it the first step so just be with oh okay oh yeah I mean there's something remodeling goo and then you go seek that knowledge wherever you can right and hey I would of course love to have you inside my course or check out my tutorials alright so so again so the connection that I'm trying to make it is that there are some rules some guidelines it's okay to break them but understand why so the default in your in your graphs should be default should be everything that I said so it is let's call the table right so which is includes a table matrix card type multi-role card and so forth right and then bar and column charts by the way so again this is one of those things where do you know when a bar chart is better than a concert right so bar is like this right and column is like that when is one better than the other of course I cover that in my course but you know kind of interesting have you ever thought about that or again is it by accident is it like oh yeah this looks better right or do you really know really understand then Oh in this scenario this is better this is the trade-off food-for-thought my friends right so bargain column charts and lysa plasmas my chart this should be the default right and when you see the power pattern on my channel here I better close this thing and this one create a beautiful power pattern it's built solely on this just as this and again that's the starting point for almost every single thing that I do with the client you would not change and add something else have I never done pie charts I have but you know and of course whatever else I add even bullets charts right I mean those you should be able to kind of explain that yes I did bullet charts because I was trying to show a lot of information and I needed something compact and nothing else was working nothing else was fitting in the real estate great right or something else you know and and and and of course there's that whole discussion about like if I don't if I understand that pie charts are not very effective so again I mean think about a goal a goal is to limited real estate can weigh the most amount of information pie charts suck at that right so we've talked about that so let's take let's take this one by the way actually so we'll come back and talk about it really quick but the connection that I was trying to make was that so in here it's okay to not follow kind of the default rules it's okay to have bi-directional relationship but you should be able to explain it right and it better be a thought-out decision nothing well yeah power bi did that auto-detected that and I have no idea why it is that way right same way if you stray outside of this then you should do a spiel to explain right so again that's the only connection that I was trying to make right so modeling my design modeling my accident dashboard by design dashboard were accident so we've talked about pie chart so guys somebody shared this with me and and I hope I can find out like this like a scientific reference or something but what they said was that so again the the length this attribute length of something we're really good and and figuring that out and understanding really quickly and it happens in the precognition phase kind of almost before it hits the brain before you even think about it you know it right so for example I mean I don't have to like really think about it to know that this line is shorter than that now the precision think about the precision that's there I'm told that the precision is two pixels that's crazy if it's two pixels shorter we're gonna know oh yeah this is shorter right easy I mean you know I have to think about it two pixels by charts are on the other end we thank you good you actually suck at it because pie charts either have you judged the angle or the area and we suck at both of those humans are really bad I mean you you know you go ask 10 people and they were like wildly off and the challenge is not just that we don't realize how bad we are so again I mean you know it's just it's not a very effective visual so there's this whole discussion of if your client wants a pie chart what do you do well I mean as I said I write that in good patterns yes I have but sometimes I do try to talk to them and say hey why this is not very effective you know all right cool so alright so I think we're gonna call it good for our Canon hongyi the violations one man I'm surprised that we had a good discussion here as well I wasn't I wasn't sure how far we gonna go but I think yeah I mean for storytelling it goes I'm gonna I see kind of the structure where he has one graph and I think for storytelling that does work so again you know you see how the rules totally change totally change from so of course storytelling mode is in this Mona this is unattended like Ken hongyi the author of the model is not there that's what I'm assuming student motors you know ice put a lot of text so that mode is really different operational report we saw that with Steve Maddens example that is really different so be aware of these uses and and of course that where people kind of get mixed up as they see something where somebody has built an infographic kind of bright flashy and they love that and they when they try to do that in their operational report doesn't work doesn't work maybe in this should be like oh yeah maybe initially you would even get really really positive feedback oh man that looks fabulous but it's not really effective it's not helping them glean those in size it's just bright and flashy and you know glitzy right so that's not the goal of the operation dashboard and sometimes people see elements and storytelling so I I have this this thing about moving bubble charts and I talked about that and somebody cited oh man I'm forgetting the greatest statistician ever best best that sistex you've ever seen TEDx Hans Rosling of course somebody mentioned the Hans Rosling talk like no hobby you should check that out and they're like yeah but he's not doing an operation report he's standing it on the stage telling a story moving bubble charts of course the way he used it are brilliant brilliant for storytelling but again people see that in a storytelling mode and they go and add a moving bubble chart in their operational support guys come on just please please you know shoot me okay okay you can see I get excited about this stuff alright so how are we doing on this so we do have so we cover sahel and let's see let's see if somebody else sent in I think somebody did so we got silos so nice some of you keep sending me like this blank emails like there's there's nothing there it's like you know I don't know why so alright the next one we have is Sunil so Sunil hopefully you're on as well okay really interesting oh man okay it looks visually good holding up I always just wanted timestamp this I should have done it earlier I haven't been very diligent about this today and this was I think about 9:15 and McCullar human density and this was I don't know when this was an only factory or violation and let's pick up more there's a time right now 10 56 56 and this one is Neal and what kind of a - where is it a pretty interesting name finger on the pulse okay all right so I got I got two so this is the first - Minh finger on the pulse and and this is the second one so one thing that I talked about in the power pattern is that I have this specific pattern and then I use it over and over again and what that does is it works really well because once they're used to your pattern they don't have to really do something right so so you know I talked about kind of the power pattern which is and and in the video I do talk about it that how I use over and over again so right so I'll use this pattern and then I'm showing sales and then I'll switch over and maybe show something else and something else but it follows the same pattern so it's easy for them so one thing that I noticed right away and what's an inset is both of his examples are you know kind of visually kind of similar no that's a little bit still that's good alright so let's let's tackle kind of one by one all right so first of all I would say that this looks pretty this is this is eye-catching right so and again what I'm not sure is if this is an operational report or this is uh this is kind of an infographic right again let's say you're walking into a client and you want to wow them and and I get that you know sometimes that happens you just and he just wanted to be flashy and it looks good this to me is probably a little bit towards that because if it's not then I think the colors are off if it's an operational report which is like no I don't you know I would rather I'm more focused so again the goal with operational report is you want to convey the data the data information inside you wanted to make it really easy for the user get it you want to build a highway for them to get to this data inside information not like this one lane road right so so so so if it's an operational report I don't know the context but then I think the colors are off otherwise it's it's probably okay right so again and again so you know by design or by accident so I think they're a little bit too many colors yeah I mean it's it's kind of getting lost and again you don't have to do that many colors off you just do shading so let's let's put our operational report cap for a bit so first thing that would call out is is definitely kind of putting the high-level numbers up top so I've talked about that in the power pattern that's always a great idea why because again this is the the top is usually the very important real estate the way we scan these things is is top to bottom well actually left right top to bottom right so so you at the top I like putting the high level numbers so yeah so the colors are a little bit much I would I would tone it down does everything need to be colored and and sometimes instead of the like the fill in color so again we're thinking about the data pixel non data pixel pixel economy so instead of coloring the whole thing so what if he did this what if they were all so again I'm gonna take it to one extreme right one extreme and and again no right or wrong I mean you be the judge I don't even know what the goal of this dashboard is right is it is it an infographic or is it operation report but let's take it another extreme what if I colored all of these things the exact same colors and it's the background right so kind of like what Stephen wanted had done let's go back to that I always still have it open I do it beautiful inside and out guys thing of beauty Steven kudos to you my friend all right so look at that I mean they're all the same color right they're all the same color this is just slightly off right thing and I love how he how he toggled it right I mean he made the background white here and this da that's just oh it's beautiful right so so yeah so all it's in color so we we did the same thing for this guy everything of the same color and if something needed our attention then we either did an icon like a small red dot or something like that or what you can do is instead of taking up the whole color board you can color the text as its self read it so again you know different options so think about that right I mean you could do it that way and so what I do like is see how it's I'm assuming it's it's organized so I think that's and actually I can see that that's by design so notice how like these things are related to each other right these things are related to each other these things are related to each other these things are you know so that makes sense but again what's the most important element in visualization design well you all know in our white space right so you know sometimes it's oh we over tend to be tend to overuse color I don't lie right why should I do you know why because just you haven't been trained we haven't been trained about visualization design so instead of using colors now we know that we can simply do these in white space so right now they're you know not quite a line and in space roughly seems equal but you know what I would do is I would I was reduced this space so make this closer together oh you can't see me can you so make those closer together right so yeah so being bring these two closer together so that way in the mind those are connected so of course I would you know kind of reduce this space or use this space bring them closer together and in the mind once you reduce the space they would be grouped especially if you increase the space a little bit more and that's it that's it so I see what he's trying to do is trying to kind of group these elements but he's trying to use color for that and again that's not very effective it's just overused we're spending a lot of money on a screen real estate again we're real estate moguls every pixel we're drawing and with the intensity with drawing we're paying for it my friend we're paying for in dollars think about it that way and it's gonna change the way your design right so he's a man he's being a lot of money for not a lot of he's not getting a bang for the buck right I mean all it's getting is maybe grouping these things together but we can do that with white space without spending any money white space is free oh my gosh I should write that down so oh my god this make guys this is working this is working right so think about it oh it's all fitting in hey Stu teaches to learn twice I'm coming up this stuff as we're talking about this so dollar on data pixels so if it is dad and then right why is so yeah I didn't think about that so why is white space the most valuable element it's free because it's dollar cost is zero now I know what some of you smart guys thinking oh Ivy then you know what let's just do an empty - boy no no come on don't don't be a smartass hey just white space are you okay I think there is something else here so there's that there's a cost there's the cost versus value now of course with value is kind of subjective I think it's kind of interesting that we have come up with the cost we pay for each pixel right and value is the value is the amount of data information kind of insight communicated and you know I think somebody can write a whole book about that so I thinking about this I think people have I don't want myself of that big people have come if I think about that well actually I think Steven I think if you ask me so Steven fields book information dashboard design is is really about reducing cost it's like hey how we can how can be more effective it's a little bit about value as well like it talks about bar charts and how they can communicate a lot more data by charge not as effective as it talks a little bit about that but but I think that one is the it's kind of I mean there are so many elements other elements there right even for one which metric you chose and we kind of saw that here as well right I mean that sometimes this Senna's this can be like an overall metric so it's hanging out with our friends and Pro Plus grew up in Eamon Kelly he was educating them finance and they were talking about these these ratios and finance and I forgot in the terms but he was talking about how these can give like an overall health of the company just by this one number you can say ah okay here's how they're doing so that kind of stuff so so there's there's a lot of stuff there but again so whitespace I kept saying like why it's the most valuable element but I think it's the most valuable evident because it doesn't cost you anything right so by the way I'll fight I'll fight is cool too so so again right so I'm you know instead of spending so much money on these colors we can kind of bring these closer together and and add a little bit of white space here and and that way human mind could say yep this is a group develop disrupter syrup right so we would it would happen automatically right I mean you know you wouldn't have to do anything everybody would get right so that simple so I think if you talk about the color but again I do like the grouping so again it's intentional right I mean he has group group these things together it's just the way he's done and I think that can be changed right so so that's that so yeah I'm a little unsure about why the intensity of the color changes like is it so again guys when you use color a color has to be intentional right so where did that go so color always has to be intentional so I'm not sure that he was changing well so again let's focus on this red thing like this one is bright red for the man that's the most money we have spent we have spent a lot of money building that thing again we're paying for each pixel is that for a reason is that really really bad I don't know right maybe it is maybe it isn't so if it isn't then we shouldn't be doing that we shouldn't be changing the intensity we should not be doing that if it is really bad then we do need to do it but it's getting a little confusing so again so you remember what I talked about that red green yellow you never show green right so so stuff that doesn't need my attention don't color it they just just keep it off white white whatever something like that stuff that doesn't even matter if this does an email edition you can color it but again we talked about how you can instead of that maybe you can you can do like a red dot or you can color the text or something like that so try that other things cool so so if you kind of taken that in yeah I mean the border I think the border can be connected even so again we're spending money my friend was spending real money on every pixel we paint so you gotta look at your job is to kinda to use a cost right so so the border I don't think is doing anything and I think if you look at Steven mom that's a great example that you know he just had that bar over there and that's working so you can do the same thing here if this is a company color or something we can just have that bar over here and be done with it I don't even need this this this this kind of stuff so we can reduce this cost and again I mean I'm putting my operational report hat on I mean does it look kind of cool and is it look like a dashboard frankly I don't care about those things again my job is to convey the most information data insight in the most effective way I can cool so we talked about the top stuff and again it's a great thing I want to make sure I'm calling out the positive right and I want to make sure you hear it too is that high level numbers go up top and it's very organized it's very very brown is that your billing recovery outstanding stuff on build right cash collection data all of that stuff so it's very alright so that's great and what's in this corner ooh yeah white space that's a little bit awkward yeah I would probably try to do something about it I don't know what maybe you can show something here maybe you can see the answer or fill it up maybe make these bigger I don't know yeah so empty space like that is he's kind of weird I had dashboards with empty space sometimes I do that because I as I work with clients we work in the agile manner right we're building it layer by layer peeling the onion you've heard all my analogies by now and I leave space for whatever next they gonna ask me because that's what happens right and that's where power bi is so amazing in the old world it took me like a week to build up a report but everything was like you know who linked in with another I call it the data spaghetti I was in Excel and I would show to my boss that boss I did everything you asked for look this is it and they would be and it'll take probably two seconds I'll say Oh Ari this is great hey can you break this down by this in this hello my god I'd have to like start all over because everything was just a different way Barbie is not like that it's very easy so I just you know sometimes leave space and say yeah I know they're gonna ask me something else and I'm gonna leave space for that so that's okay so but yeah otherwise in a final dashboard you don't want to do that combo chart this again the access is time so line chart is okay and M will build the MxA recovery I think this is good this is good and again yeah so guys I mean whether you do it or not that's your call right but I'm gonna you know put my Stephen fees hat on and question everything right so again the goal is to to minimize to minimize our spend right and we want to focus on so the stuff that's conveying value great that's data pixel for you and this one is a goal I don't know man this this whole session has been really good so so data pixel and non-data pixels yam and that's that's wasteful right so we want to eliminate or de-emphasize them one example of that is shadowing right so and again like oh it looks cool it looks like it's floating on there but you don't need it you know you don't need it like the data is just star right I want my users focus on the data what needs their attention not like oh it looks cool so again right I mean that's kind of my hat so I'll get rid of shading right and and and yeah so and I think so of course this is more on the art side than science but I think the the the general kind of sensibility that I've seen is not curved but square right so that's kind of more trendy maybe it is visually effective I don't have no idea so if we got rid of the background so again this this curve thing I feel like we're being forced into it because we put this curve border around it so if you remove that and we just had like this rectangular thing just like this guy I think we can get get rid of this curve thing as well which again it's more of an art kind of a preference thing and of course the cards are kind of curve as well generally I see more square I'll leave it up to you you know but but yeah I mean I would say I would call out that Sunil he's consistent right so if he pretty much everything's curves that is good that is good right I mean the the the cardboard has a curved where's this border this curved in this board is curved so if you do it one way he's sticking to it that's good so keep it that way but folks you didn't try a square as well so this one is good gauge charts again not a huge fan but yeah I'll leave it up to you yeah so so this one man I don't use a great gauge chart in a while I'm having trouble reading it so this is the axis oh yeah I think there's something off here so so you see this how this text is way too big than it needs to be well actually man I need some help here what in the world so I get this is the access this is 0k this is 855 K which seems a little random I'm not sure if 855 K maybe is the target and I would think that this is the actual value or sometimes that is the target no no what in the world is a number in the middle I I don't know three million just seems really off so I don't know what that is three million oh it is cash playing oh that's that that's the actual number mm oh okay okay maybe I read it wrong so so this is the access access this maybe is a target and I would say this is the year and five 70 K oh sorry I read it wrong wait that doesn't I don't think this is working for me I'm so confused so you know like let's go - lets go - maybe maybe it's just me maybe it's just me not having used a gator in a while but the way I read this for now ignore the color variation you know that shows a graph and the line is a target right and this this line is mark right so you can see and this line over here is the actual and the way to read it is simple right I mean you look at the serial that hey we've met the target right here we haven't met the target we haven't met the target we haven't met the target and you can see how far off you are as well right I mean in this one well we're a little bit ahead with a little bit away oh boy we're a long way away we're a little bit away oh we're a little bit ahead right so so that's how I read it and gauge is like the curved more more heavy screen real estate version of this that's that's the way I see it but last year hold on so let me let me see if I can I can check your comments and stuff okay any help guys on the gauge chart all right not yet so I'll keep going you know I think yeah so I can definitely connect three million shows here actually but what I was gonna say was that the axes this is way to beta this needs to be smaller you know yeah I mean it needs to be definitely smaller than the actual number so I think if this is the actual and if this is the target those need to be slightly bigger and the axis is its yeah it's it's just not that useful so and of course in this case you you don't show the axes at all but this is good you know so that's interesting so enough words there's another challenge here which is I think is that Sunil so I just realized this is trying to use color not only to kind of organize things there but he's also using color to connect the elements down here oh that's an interesting challenge so how do we do that what's the best way to do that so I'm gonna call that out so Sunil is using color to not only categorize at the top sorry I have this habit I speak my type but also to connect elements okay so so yeah so we can see that billing has this and again we talked about intensity but billing is kind of connected here cash collection is mu which is actually not connected through color I mean I expected this to be this color so in there is some you know it's inconsistent which is surprising because it's so well built so I had expected this one to be kind of purple or whatever the coven is and and build and recovery was was kind of maybe this is a little bit bluish and ya know so so but and you can see how color can kind of land us in trouble so I'm trying to maybe find connections when there aren't so build is this shade of blue I don't know right and and is it red connected with this are these like outstanding stuff I don't know right so so there's a little bit of confusion there so again I think we can I think we will be better served if we really tone down or even remove the colors kind of here so now now billing of course is lucky billing is lucky because billing is positioned right under this so in that case you don't even need color right I mean if this was a neutral color if there's all grey people would still make that connection and again you can use the right space you can you know reduce the space between this and just nudge it closer and they'll say oh that's connected this so we can you can use that but that's just we got lucky right so billing is easy but what about cash collection right so cash collection is you know it's kind of spanning these three right so that's that's how the span and it's it could be this could be this could be this so it's not like visually aligned with anything so how do we connect this with that so I think color can be used to connect to things but I think you can use like a subtle touch so I would use the so not fill filling is the most expensive way to use that real estate right they're spending a lot of color maybe just color the titles that's what I would look for mainly kind of the titles of that color and yeah right so make the title of this this blue color the same color you're using if you really need to sometimes I think you can fill in the background in the title but but again screen real estate think about that right so that way you can kind of connect that so just use the same color and they'll say yep actual cash collector is kind of deep blue and cash collection and maybe maybe you you graph is even gray right and and you just if you cut out the title you consistent a new color the title so you color this title blue this title blue with the same shade of blue and bang they're connected right so that could be one way to do it all right man this is this is really good but again I mean you can even kind of visually pleasing looks really nice but of course I was looking at from my operational report hat and that way you know I think we can no kind of make a few tweaks to kind of really make it powerful and and and let the data shine let the data be the superhero here all right so let's look at the next one mm which is by the way guys is an awesome one I hope you haven't fun which is this one so so again I mean so actually he hasn't done it quite to the level that I usually do but maybe this because these are different different dashboards right I mean but again I talked about how in my video this one here how to create beautiful part we're dashboards I talked about how you use one pattern and then I use it again and again again and I changed some elements and I would do sometimes different things where sometimes I would have like a consistent element over here and then I would put like a line or white space and then I'll change the elements over here right so you go from page one then this thing is always kind of consistent right always it's you know it's it's card stable graph card stable graph core simple graph right and and of course showing different data but the same manner at the same visual elements and and yeah so that that can be really helpful if you have multiple pages and it really helped the user otherwise they go from one patient next Bayesian have to like totally reorient themselves oh no in this based you know so yeah alright so this one are we gonna treat it as brand new so don't know what analysis by industries and sector so I think it looks pretty clean looks pretty nice again I would I think in this one because there are a lot more elements may be I think the shadow is is really detracting yeah I think that's that's really taking away that joy for me and I think that's just no need it just not need it I mean you know the data would still shine brighter you know if the shadows were done away with so I think the shadows are a little too much shadows definitely should get rid of that and then this one this one doesn't it feels less structure so usually you want to go from again like that what is a power pattern high level numbers few breakdowns then detail high level numbers say with me high level numbers breakdown and trends detail column numbers alright so you got it so so in this case we're starting off at the table t1 is usually associate with detail table it takes us a long time to process the table my friends right so and and and and and imagine in this case that is not but imagine the same information was being shown visually so again I mean remove all of the text remove all of the text don't don't worry about the text because text takes us a long time to read comparatively right remove all the text and bingo right I mean I can like in an instant I can see that we're really dominant so whatever the number is it's coming from one area I can see that right and I can see that how dominant it is that is more than double of the next one see how easy it is right so man yeah so these ones kind of visuals as simple elements we understand them really really quickly tables oh it takes a lot more time compared to that so this one we have to do sequential processing right so we have to go kind of one by one one by one and and and information dashboard design the book has this beautiful example where what he has a he has a he has a page full of numbers right so I'll shoot let's try this oh you know what anyway so he has a he has a he he has a list of all of these numbers and they're right next to each other and he said count the number of nines in this and man it takes a long time for you do it and then he shows the same thing and the only thing is done is that the nine is in red and of course man you you counted in a second and you're a lot more confident so that right that's the difference so this one so that's the difference between you know kind of getting things and an instant versus they're kind of pretty much sequential processing so tables we have to do sequential processing their partner and and you know 4/7 ya mean it's it's a lot of work right so so so again there is there is less structure to it so again what I would do is I would put in one of the high level other elements up top so again all real estate is not the same right I mean this is the least valuable real estate on that if you're gonna put a company logo that's the place to put it not not there my friend don't put it there I have done it as well so apologies for that right so so yeah so you want to understand that and we want to put the higher you know higher value elements over there because right now it's kind of confusing I mean so again I'm really confused because I don't know what to look at so again remember that museum guide tour analogy that I used earlier right so we're we have to guide them without actually being there so I'm a user and I'm looking at this and I don't know what to look at right so if by the way you know there's a have you heard this from your manager where where you you know that we're talking about different items or like oh you need to do this and and you feel like your manager is like giving you too much work or or their expectation they're not reasonable and we should really focus on some of the key things so you try to talk to them about trying to prioritize and it was oh everything sp1 and of course there's a ocean of that hit like p1 p2 p3 wasn't good enough b0 what what yeah everything is please sir whatever that means right so what guys the thing is if everything is important nothing is important right if everything is important then nothing is important and we don't want to build dashboards like that you don't want to build dashboards where nothing is important do you I don't want to build those right so no I'm all things are not equal there are some things that are more important now what are the clues for importance location is a great clue right and all right so top top left is valuable right bottom right is the least value right so location is that size so of course we were talking about how in the other graph I was talking about how well you know I mean there's no reason that this the axis number should be as big as that number right so again size it's again dashboard my designer and every element by design so size is important so here the challenge that's happening is I'm getting mixed Clues I'm gonna really mix clues so location why is there is this weird element which doesn't fit there's too much detail so I'm kind of struggling with that I mean I'm going to that because again humans tend to read that way right I mean we go all right - left left right doctor bottom so I'm getting stuck but but you know so that's there it's in the in the location but then this thing is also kind of important and look at the size of this thing this is the biggest element so I'm really struggling I don't know what help me I like so so right so we need to make it simple we need to give them that guided tour of the museum not have them you know spend way too much time the first section then run through the next sections and that way obviously they're not getting the best experience so so what I would do is I would put this assuming that's a most important element because you sized it so big I was just bloody help put it to put it in the moment more important spot right so I'll put it there and and and and I'll lead with the graphs right so graphs are easy so maybe there's some structure there but try to leave the grass well so cool at least I would switch this up over here and talk about that so industry that goes over their client handler I don't know can we put sector next to that maybe man the scrollbar here looks crazy so there are a lot of sectors it seems so there's something off yeah I mean maybe either not show sector if they're really Gillian sectors right I mean this scroll bar is still obviously you want to avoid scroll bars as much as possible right so either choose elements like is it a grouping of industry like already this is showing grouping like entertainment real estate but if there is a scroll bar either you trying to make the graph can you make the graph bigger can you can you not have maybe some other time and make it make this one bigger so sacrifice this guy which has a mile-long scrollbar and then just make this one bigger and just not have a scrollbar right let's call that out so and and or man I don't know is that is that a scroll bars and no scroll bar maybe I'm maybe I'm seeing things maybe that's not a scroll bar maybe there's just three things then it's okay alright so so yeah so and yeah so yeah the scroll bars are kind of bugging me so of course this one is kind of cramped and and this one this one I don't even know what that is like bands but what bands what is the first band so its needs some love some TLC alright so yeah so and and folks you know so when you do like a background when you do a background and you do a fill-in right you sometimes get more in trouble you know so it's it's okay to do that and and of course there's there's sometimes you can you can do really well you know it looks fine but you don't don't feel like you need to use that and again yeah you don't need to use that so if there is just a white background or the whole background is off-white kind of one color so you're not worried about the background and you're not worried about this dashboard the shadows floating look so right now what's happening see look at this this client handler looks miss shapen because it has a lot of right I mean this weird space and and otherwise if there's a little bit of space in the dashboard people don't notice it but this space because of this rigid boundary the we drew and the shadow we highlighted in that space is becomes part of that element when we see it so white space disappears right we don't really speed you see white space right but in this case the whites but is an element of that so I'm struggling with that as well like did that that just looks looks kind of wrong here so so if you didn't have this floating shadow thingy it's sometimes becomes easier for you to just element and so forth if I didn't have that then you know I would just make that element this big and not have to worry about that oh it needs to line up with this because there is nothing to line up I'm just showing that element right so that would make it easier so group spans detail so I think certainly I would go for structure kind of high level numbers see see if you can't so right now it doesn't have any high level numbers right like like this guy are there any high level numbers that we can show which give us like this one word thing or a few word thing on tonal analysis right so and I'm not talking words I'm talking about numbers right so don't know word analysis so what if what if he said that the average turnover across all industries is this that could be one number something else something hollow like that like their time frame right and mean it's something like that since so are their high-level numbers they probably are so I would try to work them again in the more important areas at the top top top left something like that so high level numbers you do have some breakdowns so go go into that next as much as you can I realize there's some organization and then see if we can dive into the detail and and this is all that kind of detail detail and this seems really detailed so of course if I do an element like this and and that is that most squished what I would do is make sure to train the users to pop it out right because frankly that element if you don't pop it out it's useless right so right I mean sue populace so so I want to make sure I wrote scroll bars would alright cool so boy man that was pretty intense but but certainly you so Sunil certainly has a great sense of aesthetic right so you know I mean yeah I mean these things do look beautiful but I think if if Suniva kind of combines that with a little bit of some of the Stephen few principles man it'll be at a wholly different level and and of course I think you know we can all say that Sunil can can build very beautiful looking and very eye-catching dashboards so check there but of course if the gold slightly shift and we are more focused on less the bling and more like hey can we communicate can we focus can we guide the user through the journey can we focus have them focus on the data can have data be the superstar I think where his sense of aesthetics you if they combined just a little bit with some of the Steve into principles man that's gonna be like the magic thing so boy that was pretty cool all right guys so let's see I'm gonna do a last check of somebody just by chance send me something new they didn't so that's it I'm gonna call out well the announcements that I made earlier so up when we talk party I next Friday I can't believe it we're gonna have quarter ball Ruth Boozer ello talking about something really cool but frankly I didn't care what she talked about all right and later in December then this is the Thanksgiving week we're gonna do questions for that and we're gonna have a way for you guys to pre submit your question similar to how we do - when makeover you just click a button and it prepopulates the disclaimers so this guy's that's what we have kind of yeah you know so we can do that I'm not sure I think December 6 we're doing something special as well but the seven 13th is again this idea of our our great power bi leaders and again leader doesn't mean a title leader leader doesn't mean your CEO CFO director or anything any of that stuff like that title means nothing right I mean how many people you know who are in roles of power right who have that title but they're not leading anybody oh I know I've worked with a lot of it right and and and then you know people who so of course I look at my class and I always find inspiration there now we have folks who are CFOs and CEOs and folks who work in the call center and they're both leading their organization to this new age of BI right so you don't need title so it's not that but so what is the leader and and the key question is are they born are you born with these instincts now of course I feel that not quite not true you can be created it can be created can definitely be created so can we unpack that and what makes that leader so um so yeah so we'll talk about that I'm pretty excited about that Pro Plus that's opening soon so guys that's been my or you know that's a premier program that's our high-level program right now so of course there's so Pro Plus by the way is beyond power bi so in the program itself we don't really talk about power bi I mean there is there's the course that these people get access to the course and advanced learning and advanced support if they're working on the client if they get stuck but that's not what the program is about it's it's like there are lots and lots of people who are technically skilled and of course this program was born because I saw my students and I saw what I felt was unfair or it seemed long where there are a lot of people who were equally technically skilled but some were taking off in their careers of consultant or in the conspirators inside the company but others were not and that's why I did this so so in this one we kind of unlock that and I teach the stuff that elevates you right so well you have technical skills but guess what so have a hundred thousand million other people but how you become this superstar how do you make a greater impact how do you write so and and of course guys so I'm what I call myself a solopreneur right so I don't have a vision of creating a company of thirty consultants or three hundred or three thousand a thirty thousand that's not me I just want to have complete flexibility with my time so last year I had taken a month-long vacation in India and yeah the best part was I don't have to ask anybody I don't have to think about it look oh how am I gonna do this cool let me just book the tickets yeah I'm gonna go there alright so I want to have complete flexibility with travel going back to was in my parent and spending time with my family traveling the family all of that hiking now you saw me talk about that yeah I can take I'm thinking about taking the Wednesday off because it's good weather Seattle and November it's hard to find a sunny day so so yeah so that's the life that I want to create but again you don't have to want that life that's my thing but basically this idea do you know live your life by your own rules right so any I do what you love do what you know every single person we have in here they love this stuff and you see how excited I get so of course I occasionally swear and I talk to my kids I'm like hey kids I find myself doing this and I feel a little bit hypocritical because I tell you guys not to use bad words and I'm here I'm using bad words and well my kids we're cool with that and you know they said it's okay dad you get it you know so but but yeah you know so yeah I get excited about this stuff but but yeah I mean and of course this is idea I mean work has not work for me anymore is this work for me numb and I've been having fun for the past few hours hopefully you have been too it's so and it guys it just unlocks a whole totally different world and and you know you there are these mental models that we build for ourselves but the fact is that they can also imprison us right so we are our own prison if nothing else right so you would sometimes hear people like oh you know our forever man who cares it's just a paycheck and I just do the nine-to-five do the thing and then enjoy a life but man am I not alive when I'm at work and what if it didn't have to be that way right what if it wasn't just a paycheck what if it was a mission right what if I was driven by something far bigger right so simon Sinek talks about this infinite game right guys this is my infinite game right so so I'll write on the home page where did I go this is my infant game this is my mission my passion my life's quest if you were right I love that word quest I will go on a journey it's gonna be fun it doesn't matter if you fall down we're gonna get up it's the journey that matters right so so yeah and like my life's quest is to you know kind of understand this myself and then unpack and and eat you to others how do you create Barbie leaders and hey I know a lot already and of course you've had amazing success with the Pro Plus students but of course you know as with these quests go you get deeper and deeper and get better and better and you learn the same lesson sometimes at a deeper level same lessons but a deeper level and of course probably how works the same way right so so that's kind of my life's quest but I what I think is that sometimes people hear me talk about this something oh you know that's yeah it's easy for you to say but that's the thing right I mean your mental models are your prison if you keep saying that to yourself then own it but that's not for me then you're never gonna do it in my mind I could never be an entrepreneur I can never turn my own business why because my dad hadn't done it I grew up in an environment in India where there was a sharp divide it was like black and white between what we call service class kids and business class kids right so service class kids the dad's worked in the government they pretty much they were all public jobs back then and yeah they did detain it at 9:00 to 5:00 that had my dad had a hellish commute every day right I mean he would leave way early in the morning come back late and then I totally exhausted and that's what I saw right and and and again if you don't realize when those things become we make them or permanent reality when they're not right so somehow in my mind like no I'm not that I was you know I saw those other kids business cares who were goofing off and they had those fancy cars I'm not that right so but of course once I stepped into it I realized man it doesn't take anything right so so yeah so you might see this no that's easy for you to say and folks what I'll also say is that sometimes the reason why you are excluding yourself the reason why you're saying that I can't do this is the reason why you should do it so this is a common stuff that I hear right well we sound how money oh yeah I just can't invest in your program but think about it isn't that really the reason why I should be doing this so that well you know you don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life of course I hear about time isn't that the reason why I should be doing it you're so busy you do so much work but what are you getting out of it right when I spent 15 years in corporate America and my stories I was I was even with all the power we expertise and all that when layoffs came around I was still scared right so you're spending a lot of time they're so busy anyway wouldn't you want to create a life where you have more flexibility and freedom and again if you don't that's ok I coul respect that right but but in you no question that so my big reason of why I couldn't do any of this thing was because I have kids I have family I have obligation of a mortgage how could I do this right but my kids became my reason that I did this and I'm a huge fan of TED Talks and they've guided they have shaped my whole life I'm hitting on from Simonson next talk start with why to this one whom I forget the who the speaker was but they were talking about how to make tough decisions and and actually this was this was about ten reasons why you're gonna fail and the person said one of the reasons was that oh you gonna fail because you're gonna make your kids your Excuse and I'm like well Shetty started me that's what I'm doing like oh yeah I can do it because my kids and he said well if you do that how how are you ever gonna look in your kids eyes when they have falling down and they're ready to give up how are you ever gonna look them in the eye and say buddy gotta go for your dreams right you know you can't you can't you know you know what I mean you know not what I do do it I say no not as I didn't know I wouldn't be able to say it not with any conviction man now I again right I mean I can tell my kids man reach higher reach for the sky go for your biggest dreams go for the stuff that scares you shitless go for that go do it and once you've done it you would realize that it was nothing right and yeah impossible there's nothing and yeah then you're gonna be on to the next step and just enjoy that journey right so so yeah so alright folks so so yeah that's Pro Plus that's coming in 10 20 20 in gonna recite and find more information about that and of course if you're on the other side if you're in a company and you're running company whatever and you need consulting and training help of course we have lots of students in working a lot of different expert industries with a lot of different very experience so pretty much whatever industry whatever you need is I can probably connect you with just the right person who's going to take care of you who gonna help your business succeed so just go to learn part we are calm and contact me and we'll connect it with somebody really awesome alright folks so hey this has been great we'll hang out next week and of course look forward the next dashboard makeover and again I would really encourage you to assume learn power bi comm slash makeover do submit your entries for the next one we're gonna do and again it's it's like a win-win right I mean you get to kind of tell your story you gotta kind of get started with that and who knows maybe maybe you was submitted here maybe next time you would present it at a user group at a meet-up at a business conference who knows right I hope all of that happens for you and this can be like that easy first step for you and yeah it's it's kind of win-win of course your work gets showcased in front of the worldwide audience and and and hopefully me and the rest of the community can give you some feedback which can make you help the other way to the next level so learn power meter comm slash makeover I'll see you next time until then power on my friends
Channel: Avi Singh - PowerBIPro
Views: 4,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Power BI, Power Pivot, Microsoft Excel, MSPowerBI, Avi Singh, AviSingh, PowerBIPro
Id: adMIKSTpi60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 50sec (9530 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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