Power BI Basics Full Course for Beginners in Tamil |Training Attendance Status in Power BI Dashboard

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Hello Viewers, Welcome to Santhu Excel Anywhere You might be think that the thumbnail was so colorful with lots of charts and graphs Power BI can be learn in one hour.. When you come in, you see that it is blank? Definitely If you are not an expert in any coding knowledge or basic excel knowledge or Don't know how to create a Power BI Dashboard You may be thinking that you don't know how to create power BI. No worries, From this Video you can Learn that basically what a beginner needs to learn in a power BI Cover all that content Everyone who watches this video will become to a powerful dashboard like this and we are going to learn through this video. Without knowing any coding language If a data analysis tool can be learned and it can be learned in one hour So It can be say that power BI is an important tool After learning this basic in this video recording, we can create a colorful chart like this and upcoming Advanced Power BI vidoes or Excel, VBA Macro you have reached a perfect channel to learn all this. If you need any support, contact us on weekends, Saturday and Sunday. We will definitely support. And before you see what content we are going to cover in this video, if you are still watching our video without liking it, don't forget to like,. subscribe, and share to all friends too. Okay, if you can definitely learn this in one hour But for that one important thing you need to do is, you have to practice everything that we are learning. I have shared the necessary data in the link in description be sure you download it and practice with us after watching the entire video In this Power BI video, what we are going to cover We can quickly look at a content about that in 30 seconds. First you must see the overview. What is power BI? Overview is full of theory of about Power BI It looks a little boring. But in this video is not like that We are going to use a lot of examples. We are going to learn about examples. So the video will definitely be interesting. Next what is power B why Power BI why Power BI is requried why power B dashboard is important power BI What is the platform of power B, what is the architecture, what is required to become a business analyst role What are we going to cover in power bi dashboard creation topics. How to download and install Power B on your laptop. After the Installation the Interface of Power BI The main thing is that if you know what options are there and where, you can come and create the dashboard easily. Then we have see that how we import that data and connect to the dashboard. We look at that source of data and what can be used. What kind of visualization can we create? After seeing what different options are there, what are the challenges. Challenges may occur in a lot of data while importing. How can we fix it using this transform data? When we create a dashboard,how can we create the canvas background settings First how can we create the card needed for this dash board. How to create column chart pie chart. slicer, bookmark And page navigation How to go from one page to another page and Eventually our dash board will come and we will bring it to a look like this We are going to learn about this kind of dashboard today So what we are going to see now, we can start practical now. now in power BI, we are going to consider the data source in Excel. Now let's see a sample data that can be excel. Now, if you have seen your excel data, after taking any excel file, first we need to know what its data is. example You are going to conduct a training in your office. How many team members have applied this training during training? How many people who have applied have attended the training? You have to submit to this type of data manager. but data in your excel. How are you going to present this? That is the first question. This is a sample data. You can also keep your data own data. What I am showing you is sample data. So when we show this kind of data, it is readable for managers. You have to ask a question if this makes sense Definitely not... I have no idea when I see this. Perhaps I will select this senior manager list in the particular senior manager list In this dan name This senior manager below eight team members have attended How many of these eight team members are present and how many are absent? We have a column here So if you have seen this, it is very tedious very difficult and very time consuming So what are we going to do instead. So we are going to use Power BI So now we are going to show this data in this power BI. So this is your power BI data. Now take a look and you will know the difference. Total enrolled means.. How many people have joined the training? Now lets open you Excel FIle. Check here how many people in total If you see here, you know thirty nine excluding this if you see its thirty eight. so thirty eight people have come and attended the training. Out of which present thirty three absent five. So total attendance percentage is eighty six and if you see that too, when you conduct training, they join from different teams. I have segregated team 1, team 2 like this. So you take out four people from okay team 1. Four people indicate present, color absent means orange, present means green. You can indicate this easily. So if you have seen it now, we are going to see two comparisons here. Seeing this data like this is very different from seeing your information like this. We are also moving towards this How to bring this data like this So first in overview power BI Live example of data versus dashboard. I just showed you myself. Next This is very important what is power B dashboard ? Power BI is the data visualization and business intelligence tool which helps to convert data from different data sources into interactive dashboards and BI reports. So we are giving different visualization from our excel data in this place as definition. After that why power BI dashboard is required so there are multiple multiple tools BI tools in the market. But why we emphasize so much on power BI, the important reason is that power BI supports hundred plus of data source example you can connect from SQL. can be done from Oracle and more etc.. That is the great option that available in power BI. After that if you see all business Enterprises and departments. So all business managers business companies now need this type of visualization. it provides more insight Similarly convert the data into report. All your raw data will be converted and given to you as graph visualization. Mainly another reason is that it is faster than any other BI tools available in the market. The important point is does not need technical knowledge or IT Microsoft's application package. This is created by Microsoft. So how can we use word MS power point in microsoft package like this. You can download power by application from microsoft store. Just download and install it on your laptop. You can create desktop version and publish directly. So thats a good advantage of using power BI and its easy to connect with other tools also. next so it is a customizable dash board and the one more point shares reports with others and benefits of Power BI training Upskill your knowledge. If you are working in a company, then when you learn this, the next step is to use it for your career growth. Get the work done without being a business-intelligent professional. So definitely note this point. If many BI tools are available in the market now, then programming knowledge is required. But if only one tool can create a visualization without programming knowledge, it can be done hundred percent using power BI tool. Next its quick analysis of large volumes of data and generating reports and dashboards. next microsoft offers three types of power BI plot. one is desktop method another one is power BI service, another one is power BI mobile. Next is the Powe BI process.. Need to know how the Power BI woks..? First data acquisition A data needs to be acquisit. Next data enhancement There is a requirement to do data enhancement If you want to add a formula and not delete it, then data enhancement will be helpful for us there. Next data presentation the final method So how can you extract data from different application The extracted data can be saved in any folder. After saving in the folder, you can connect directly. can connect through SQL SQL can be used for data enhancement, add or delete rows. No, if we need to give some formulas, we can prepare the SQL at that time. Once the data enhancement is set done After that, you have directly linked that link directly into your power BI its easy to create visualization reports and share with your next the business analyst role This is very very important. Any business analyst There are five content that any business analyst role needs to know about. first get data get data from different sources next you analyse the data This is what I recommend to everyone, no matter which excel, we have to analyze the first data as soon as we get it. We need to know the first detail about its data. Then you can create the visualization according to the requirement. After creating and publishing it, next you can share it with your stake holders or you can share it with the required end user Although there was some feedback after that, it is based on that you can modify. This five point is definitely cover in the Data Analyst Role. Okay first open any browser on your laptop Open that browser in the above. Click on the Search option on the google directly paste the link the link is already provided in the description so link "powerbi.microsoft.com" once the link entered youl can type manually or you can copy from the description the page will be open Power BI Desktop In this you see two options one is "download free" option once you click on it ..it can directly download fromt the microsoft store defaulty with english format But if need to download in other different language use can click on this like example we select this first see download language setup in here the select language will be shown various language options are there you can choose yours so am going to select English Next download once you click on download Two options will be shown Choose the download you want Always I prefer this option of file Please download this version Power BI Desktopx64 The size of the FIle is 386MB Click on Next It wil show this symbol once your file start download in bottom of your screen power bi is downloading Total file size is 387MB So it almost 50% downloaded Depends on your internet speed it may takes few seconds to an hour when you downloading this file you must have an good internet speed then it will quickly download otherwise it takes 10 to 15 minutes It downloaded. Once the file Downloaded the icon wil be visible. You can now double click on this Once downloaded you will able to see this icon and here select language. I select English Just click on next In case if prompt appears click on yes Your Power BI app will install on your device in backgournd and upgrade itself now click on next Make sure in this Your are Selected the Terms&Conditions directly accept this and Click on next again click on next and install Now its getting installed Power BI will installed once the progress bar completed You have wait for it until it will completed it takes little time for that it depends on the "Computational Device" and Its Been Installed you can click on finish The application is loading.. and that application is getting open now... so wait for a while.. The application is loading on the backend after it open..Click on the Got it button upnext just simply close this Now in your system Power BI Desktop version has been properly installed If your using Microsoft's other application(word,exce,power point) it will easily understandable to you It is File Menu. This is called Menu and different tab, next home, insert,modeing these are all in the menu bar So in file there are various options File Save, File Export, import and Publish new report creatiion these are in this file and in home tab there are mutlple options these are all we going to cover in this video while creating a dashboard we learn all this How to connect Excel, SQL Server & Refresh transform data and new measures are in home tab Next below the insert there are mutlple options How to create new visualization,add text box customizabe buttons and shapes..etc All multiple options will use one by one So the first thing we are going see is this is called menu bar so in this i contains mini-tabs and it called as tool bar. It has multiple options below evey menu-bar contains multiple options The left side of the screen layout you are seeing is very very important Lets see the Difference between them Report means where we create visualizations this is called a layout we create the necessary metrices and chart here this is called report view. next thing is data while clicking on the data..which data you are importing it can been excel or it can be SQL Server or any other link we can see the imported data's here so example i had imported the excel data so you can understand this and we can only see the data in the data view perhaps a difference we can only see the mertices we create last things is model why we are using is model is because to connect different tables some time we import different sheets,tables But there is a lack of relation between them so we create the relation between them so let see them one by one and it is one of the important in Power BI we want to mainly focus of the three fields we are going to learn maximum from this One is Filters Filters contains three methods You can easily understand from the examples Filters on this visuals and Filters on this page Filters on All pages we can use this option for to filter only the particular visual or if we want to filter the this page we can use this option which can be trag and drop and when we have multiple pages simply we will create one more page ok if your filter needs to be reflect on the all pages you can use this last filter option it is called filter on all pages we will cover this all in this practical sessions next one is visualization it plays a very important role in this Power BI how to create a new visualization like this Example if i click on this new format visual will be created But they wont be any data unless trag and drop in here it will be enabled now in your field you need to drag and drop the columns you need in your visuals which type of chart you can create and how to edit the format how to add title and how to change font size these all we use under this visualiztions so its the very vey important and next is fields Fields are empty default in Power BI Check in your Power BI there is nothing unless you connect any excel data when you connecting the excel data or any other link of server data source the fields will be reflected otherwise it should be blank when you click on it your excel data every column names wiil be shown you can create visualization using those data Your data as soon as you import any changes or formula needs to add we should click on the transform data. In this Home tab , click on the transform data immediately it will take you to the another window called Power Query Editior Here only we make can changes in your data which is only on Power Query Editor it is both are integreted so for now i close this . In this Blank page we did connect any data which not linked Now how to do that and how to import different source of data First click on the Home tab Below the Home Tab Get Data once you click on that multiple options will open mostly used is Excel Excel data importing very easy We can also use the Power BI Data Else mostly used option that is SQL server we can import the data or We can use the Direct one of these four options In this video, We are going with Excel which is easy accessible Now we going to see how to import excel data Click on Data and Excel Workbook or we can directly click on this and navigate to the folder where you saved the sample excel file Desktop Power BI In that Power BI Training participants Click on open we click on that it takes while it validates the file first after validated the file it show the Data for now in these fileds there is nothing But once if imported the data columns will be reflected with field name so in this excel file the data sheet is visible if we click on that we will be able to see the columns in the excel Data icon refers that columns and rows from the excel file we imported Here there is only one sheet and multiple columns training model, name,email-id and some these columns are reflected in Power BI here same training model,name,email-id and some here it is the transform data which is used to correct incorrect data, incomplete like example handling missing values & Null values these are all can be edit using the Transform data it will take you to the Power Query Editor that is another page will cover later in simple way to easy to everyone understand we will select this and load lets see how the data reflecting here Power BI is enough capable to understand a type of data in your excel file some data will be data-format , some will be numerical-format or will be text-format Now data has been imported The data is the sheet name there are some columns below here The primary data types primarily include Date, Number, and Text. Consider the possibility that those blanks could represent a text column. Power BI has the capability to automatically identify the data type in each column, unlike Excel Such as year, quarter, month, and week Whereas in Excel, we have to use formulas to achieve these results This capability facilitates easy trend analysis and comparisons. Prior to initiating dashboard creation it is equally important to understand the data and requirements. This data consist of training participants list which has participant name Email, Director, Manager, Employee ID, Gender, Team and etc., Example if you want to see how many people are present from team 1 Manually counting, we find 4 individuals in Team 1 and 12 in Team 2. I understand it's tedious Nevertheless, Power BI offers an efficient method to visualize this data Let's start with Power BI dashboard
Channel: Santhu Excel Anywhere
Views: 174,246
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Keywords: Power BI Basic Full Course Videos for Beginners, Power BI beginner tutorial in tamil, Power BI DESKTOP in tamil, Power BI INTERFACE in tamil, Importing data to power BI in tamil, Visuals in Power BI in tamil, TRANSFORM dATA in tamil, canvas Background setting in tamil, Card & Formatting in tamil, Column charts & Formatting in tamil, PIe chart & Formatting in tamil, Slicer & Formatting in tamil, Bookmark & Reset in tamil, Page Navigation In Power BI in tamil
Id: ZgzGqoq3Xuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 39sec (4659 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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