Power Automate - How to extract Dataverse lookup field text value?

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hi in this video i will show you how to get the lookup text from database so here is my entity called aj order line and i have got a lookup called aj order so if i click on the lookup you can see the name is called order1 so how to get the name so in a lookup means you know there is a relation between one entity to another and here you know the this lookup having a value which is related to the parent order and i am interested to get the order one here so how to get the text so generally look generally for the lookup you have the name and the id okay so let's build a flow to get this okay so i'm going to filter the rows because i know the name and it's called aj order line order lines yeah aj order so that's my table name then i'm going to filter filter the row here name is equal to okay let's do without filter then let's see okay so i'm going to say count one so just need to get one value okay and i'm going to say here demo retrieve lookup text okay and i'm going to add a compost here so inside the compost i'm going to set the property called aj order there okay so let's search for aj order value see that aj order value right because i got a because i have list rows so that means uh you know flow is going to insert and apply to each automatically let's run this flow and see what we are going to get okay flow runs successfully and we got one record and because i said i mentioned here as row count as one yeah so here is id so how can we get the text i'm interested to get that lookup text actually so if we look the show more and under the show output if you scroll down you should be able to see that field called aj order line and you can see here see that that's id we got so let's copy that and make sure that that's id we got let's go back to copy that go back to the output i'm going to search that oh here we go so aj order value yeah so that's to give it and that's that but you can see the value here called order1 see that so how can we get that then so to get that you need to copy this schema name here see that so this is similar schema name the only difference here is um underscore a jb underscore aj order underscore value up to that it's you know it's correct that's id then at all data this is the one we need to copy so i'm going to copy that let's copy that yeah once it done then go back to the edit and add another compose here so i'm going to add another compose and and look for the expression we need to use the expression to set here so see that it's under the applied to each loop actually so items applied to each so we need to put similar you know way to do that so items and then see the loop name is applied to it so i'm going to type a play underscore to underscore each because the spaces in expression you need to use underscores for the names then square bracket question mark two square bracket then two single quotes and paste you know the uh the schema name we copied earlier so click ok that so i'll show you from the tooltip see that that's where you you're going to see that now so items applied to each then underscore with the value at odata dot community display dot v1 dot formatted menu now let's run this flow again okay so flow fail same template language function item might not must not have any parameters okay let me see this okay i found out that it should be items that's the reason yep items all right let's run the flow again okay flow runs successfully let's have a look here it is see that so the lookup we got the lookup id that's the geared and then we got the next compost we have we have got the text so this is the way in database using power automate you can get the lookup text hope this video is useful thank you for watching
Channel: abm abm
Views: 20,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dataverse, Flow, Lookup Text, Power Automate
Id: Dv5-b6TfIgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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