Potty Training

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potty training potty training is a issue that most people encounter in their lives when they get a new dog a new puppy um sometimes even adult dogs depending on where they um are coming from what their background is but potty training does not have to be hard um it really comes down to consistency and scheduling um the consistency is being consistent with your schedule being consistent with what you're doing every single time between all the members of your household to help with this puppy so um moon dog has devised a little scheduling template if you would like this you know to help you out the link will be below um this video and what this is is just helps you kind of come up with your scheduling um so when did the puppy eat last when did the puppy drink how many minutes does it take before you should go and take them outside um and how many times a day should you do it and it helps with a family um when you have multiple people in the household to have a schedule actually posted so people can see what went on especially if you have a busy household um post it by the door tape it right on the door it doesn't really matter um but it kind of helps to see that hey so and so fed the dog at 8:10 in the morning it is now 20 to 9 and nobody's taken the puppy out yet so it kind of helps you see that and like oh okay first thing I need to do is get this puppy outside hopefully they'll pee or eliminate and you know all is good um so scheduling consistency we stick to 10 to 15 minutes normally when you're first starting out and then that time is increasing a little tiny bit um but even with adult dogs it's about 25 20 to 25 minutes between when they and when they should be going outside sometimes you can stretch that to about half an hour um but these times are guidelines so they're not set in stone so if you're um if 10 to 15 minutes doesn't work for you and your dog is holding it then you know great but if your dog is drinking and then going out and peeing within two minutes then maybe that's that's the schedule that you have to start with is we're GNA give my dog water and then we're going to go right outside and pee um because you just want them get them used to let's eat let's drink let's go outside a little bit later um and eliminate as they get older they won't have to pee every time they drink so I will let you know that um same with eating um as they get older they will not have to go out and poop every time they eat um but when they're little they just don't have room so they that's this just what their body does the other problem I have is or I have I hear about is that um a lot of dogs are x amount of months old and they're still not potty trained and people get mad because their dogs are taking longer to get potty trained and what I really want to stress is that dogs are individuals and because they are individuals they handle things a little bit different potty training can go on to almost a year of age um not all dogs get it right away if you have a puppy that gets it at four months old that is great right but they're not actually truly potty trained quite yet at 4 months age but but if they get it then that is great um if they don't seem to get that concept until later that's still okay um sometimes it takes up to a year to be fully potty trained for a dog you have to wait for the individual dog to actually understand what's going on with their body um they have to understand what that full feeling means that they actually have to go and pee and not ignore it uh so there's that whole mental process that is going on that's natural right so we have to really do anything with that but it's natural and it's the timeline's different for every single dog but there's also the fact that their bodies are developing and until their bladder muscles develop fully in order to hold it until they gain control over those muscles um and everything is fully developed and that whole entire region they're not going to be potty trained um so even a four-month-old that goes out 99% of the time is still more than likely going to have an accident in the house at some point um either they could be very excited and so they can't hold it yet when they're very excited or um you know they get scared and they can't hold it when those emotions are really high but that's normal as well it's just individuality but um with that being said if you have another an older dog in the house and the older dog is potty trained how the older dog help you potty train the puppy um whether that means whenever it's pee time everybody goes out the puppy is going to see that everybody goes out um and a lot of times the older dogs will pick up on it they know already they know hey I'm going to drink this and then it's outside time right because you've done that work already so if they have done that if they've done that and they act like that sorry I have a puppy in here who's coughing um if they have done that and they already used to that routine then that puppy will learn quicker from them than it will from us but if you do not have any other dogs in the house you have to be that person to to initiate that schedule and get them outside each time and teach them um so when they are outside and they squat most dogs will squat whether they are male or female when they are little they squat even if they don't actually pee praise praise praise praise them you're praising them for the action you're praising them for doing that action where you want them to do it you know eliminating it it'll catch on they'll catch on they'll be like oh I squat over here okay well every time I squat that's biologically right it's making their muscles push so it is emptying their bladder that's there's a reason behind this right so then as they get older if they keep having this praise if they keep saying oh my mom or my dad says I'm doing this good you know this is what they want they they're praising me whenever they and I'm using Mom and Dad sorry um but the owners right the owners or the caretakers um however you look at yourself and your family but this is what the person wants the person wants me to be happy and be um or be happy this person is happy when I do it here when I do this action here um and so you praise a lot so even if they don't eliminate you're praising every single time and one more thing is I would start potty training outside as soon as possible puppy tra puppy pads have a place um they are very good there are instances where they are needed and they are very good backup but keep training to go out where you want them to eliminate um right away start when they're little don't start with puppy pads only and then never take them out until later start the whole process the puppy pads if you um don't yell at them for going on the puppy pads you can still praise them if they're going on the puppy pad um that's a good backup right but for some dogs it's really hard to get them off of going on the puppy pad and sometimes that'll transfer to carpets um especially as they get older or if you move a house and things are different um so you want to start as a very young puppy getting him to go outside even if it's only on a deck um if it's winter time that okay um if you want them to go outside then that they have to go outside um it doesn't matter teach them that it's okay to go out in all sorts of weather um if it's not very pleasant to go out when it's pouring down rain but teach them that it's okay um teach them that it's okay to when it goes out when it's windy when it's go it's when it's cold so even if you don't like it but you want them to go outside during those times when they're an adult then you need to teach them as a puppy to go outside during those times and you need to take them out even when the weather is is bad now there are limitations of course um up here we are in Alaska and if it's you know way too cold then you might not want to um and if you live in a place with a lot of natural disasters there are times um I I grew up in a place with a lot of tornadoes and floods and fires and so there are times when yeah it might be better to let them eliminate in the house on a puppy pad and that's why I'm saying puppy pads do have their place but um overall potty training is just a matter of consistency and scheduling and praise um you do not have to use treats and potty training if you would like to that is fine but what's going to happen is the dogs's going to want to go outside to come back in to get the treat even if they don't eliminate so pray works better over treats for potty training um one other thing overnight um potty training uh you hear this a lot of put them in a crate put them in a crate well a dog this young should not be alone in a crate um anyway overnight it has a lot to do with their uh the socialness um the social mentality of of dogs being dogs so if they choose to go in a crate on their own that's one thing but most puppies will not and then this is why they cry um so if you're potty training it is almost like you're locking them you know in a spot where they can't get away from it it does not help them potty train um it does not help them learn to hold it they can't it learning to hold it is not uh uh the majority of the time is not a mental thing it is a biological function um and most of the time with young puppies it's not going to help um and this is where a lot of the frustration comes too and so it comes down to that you know if you're going to Crate your dog overnight that is um you know a whole different issue but if you're going to Crate your crate your dog overnight then you still need to be getting up and doing that routine of getting them outside because creating them itself is not going to help with the issue with potty training it's just creating the dog um so you are you still have to go through those processes um and I will say that some dogs are better at night and some dogs are better during the day and that also is individuality so sometimes dogs uh will hold it all day long and then have problems at night with peeing in the house um and you can think of it like bed wedding for children right it's the same type of thing while they're conscious and awake they are actively going to the bathroom they they understand they understand the processes but when they're sleeping they either it's a deep sleep or they don't quite get it they're not waking up fully when they have to go um and so they are wetting themselves and this I we see this a lot with dogs as well um or they're just kind of half awake and they don't know how to tell you at night uh and and so then they're just they wait until the very absolute latest moment and then they go um we also see the Opposites where a dog has problems while they're awake and you're struggling to potty train them while they're awake but yet at night no matter if they're created or not they sleep through the whole entire night and they don't have to go um and that again it's a biological issue so it's just still staying with that routine and understanding that they will get it at some point um but I really wouldn't say that there's problems poy training unless your dog is coming up on a year of age and you're not seeing any um any any sort of improvement in the area um but if you do have questions on potty training or you would like to set up an appointment to um go through potty training I am more than happy to come out um take a look at your area that you have the puppy in um take a look at your routine and help you try to figure out what is going on and why maybe what you're doing is not working um sometimes it just takes an somebody else to come look at it to see um often it's something very simple um and we can come up with a way to do it and we can also uh moon dog also will help potty train or help potty train help teach you how to potty train to go on puppy pads when there's inclement weather um like 30 below zero or a major storm or a disaster something like that we can teach you to set up areas that is okay for the dog to go to the bathroom versus going outside if that is something that you are looking for um that is uh also something that we could do so please reach out to us the the potty training sheet to help scheduling is listed below and like I said reach out to us if you have any problems or issues we'll be happy to get you in and have a very good day
Channel: Moon Dog Training Area
Views: 4
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potty training, dog training, moon dog
Id: qdCwcYsB2IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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