Potential cancer-causing chemicals found in instant noodles

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Hong Kong's consumer Watchdog has released a study that's causing concern about the safety of what's a staple food for many instant noodles the consumer Council found potentially cancer causing chemicals in nearly 90% of the instant noodles it tested the names of these potential carcinogenic contaminants are 3 mcpd and glycidol the consumer Council says the substances were detected in 17 of the 19 prepackaged fra and non-fried instant noodles it tested along with seasoning packets and Topping sold with the items these three Products that come with seasonings containing palm oil were found to have levels of contaminants that exceed European Union limits for the relevant vegetable oils these two were found to contain 3,100 microgr per kilogram of 3 mcpd EU regulations for palm oil have set a maximum limit of sum of 3 mcpd and its fatty acid esters at 2,500 microG per kilogram the brand of instant noodles here had 5,111 microgram per kilogram of glycidol in its seasoning that's over five times the eu's maximum levels for the contaminant in general edible vegetable oil so what are these contaminants 3 mcpd has been classified as a possible human carcinogen and glycol as a Geno toxic experimental animal carcinogen by the international Agency for research on cancer neither Hong Kong nor the EU has set out maximum limits for the detective levels of either contaminant and instant noodles or their seasonings and there is no scientific research that has found a link between consumption of instant noodles that contain these chemicals and increase risk of cancer but in its report the consumer Council said although normal consumption of these seasonings does not pose significant risk to the health of adults the council urges manufacturers to use ingredients with fewer contaminants to improve product safety and Safeguard consumer health the companies that make or distribute the instant noodles in question have responded to the report Meadows noodles says its products fulfill Hong Kong's regulations but it has already removed the suspect items from shelves and pledge to improve the quality if what makes from now on the maker of Mami says the level of 3 mcpd and glycol found in its products meet the standards under the harmful substances in food regulations and the joint fawh expert committee on food additives among others in addition to the two potential carcinogenic contaminants the consumer Council also detected excess levels of sodium ranging from 1, 159 to 2,47 7 mg the World Health organization's recommended adult intake limit for sodium is 667 milligram per meal and it suggests adults should consume less than 2,000 mg of sodium per day the council advise people not to consume too much sodium since excessive amounts over extended periods may lead to increased risk of heart and renal diseases
Channel: South China Morning Post
Views: 450,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3-MCPD, Carcinogens, Consumer Council, HK, Hong Kong, Instant noodles, Regina de Luna, SCMP, SCMP Studio, SCMP Video, cancer-causing substances, glycidol, palm oil, unhealthy
Id: Z5bKsAk7orc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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