Crispy and Tender Potato Latkes (AKA Potato Pancakes or Potato Fritters) Recipe -

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This recipe is easy homemade potato latkas. Some  people also pronounce them latkes. They're also   known as fritters or potato pancakes. They're  traditionally Jewish served around the Hanukkah   holiday. I'm just chopping up some parsley. This  is Italian parsley. You can use curly parsley or   you can leave out the parsley if you like. This  is half an onion - a half of a smaller onion - and   I'm going to quarter that. If you're sensitive to  onion then just use half of that so a quarter of a   smaller onion. Beat up a couple of eggs - this is  two eggs. This recipe is online. And then this is   about three pounds of or two pounds of potatoes.  That's about three russet potatoes, and russet   potatoes are good - they have a high level of  starch, so it'll make them a little bit easier to   stick together. I'm gonna half up these potatoes,  and run them through a food processor. You could   also use a box grater, just be careful with your  knuckles. You don't want bloody potato latkas.   So I like to run everything through the  food processor really fast: the onions and   the potatoes. And I'm going to set that aside, and  grab a salad spinner. You can also use a colander.   I think using a colander (if you don't have a  salad spinner) is probably just a good idea,   because right away it lets go of some liquid. And  you want to try to get rid of as much liquid as   possible. So I'm going to squeeze out a bunch of  the liquid. I'm also going to salad spin it, but   it's not as important, because I will still run  it through a cheesecloth or a towel. There's   going to be some liquid underneath. If it has a  bunch of starch in it - you can throw it back in,   but this doesn't look like it's got enough of  the starch so i'm just going to leave it be.   Wrap it up in a kitchen towel or cheesecloth, and  squeeze out as much water as possible - really put   some muscle into that. These are pretty easy, but  this is a little bit of work right here. I'm going   to put all of this into a bowl, and mix all of the  ingredients in. So that's already got the potatoes   and the onions. I'm going to throw in some of the  parsley, and the eggs, and some all-purpose flour.   Traditionally, matzo flour is used. A lot of times  we can't find that, so i'm just using what I have,   which is all-purpose flour. I'm sure you  could probably use some gluten-free flour too,   but I haven't tried it. I'm going to  form these into little disc shapes.   I don't want them too too thick or too thin, but  you can just play around with that. They're maybe   less than a quarter of an inch thick. Basically,  you just want them crispy on the outside and still   soft on the inside. So if you do make them thicker  then you'll have to cook them longer at a lower   heat. Moving over to the stove top - I've got a  cast iron skillet, and I'm adding some oil. This   oil is maybe an eighth to a fourth of an inch  (deep in the pan). You'll add more if you need   it. There needs to be oil in the pan. Also,  I've got a splatter guard there just in case   any grease splatter starts happening. So, bring  this oil up to a medium-high heat. And you're   gonna have to play with it - you'll start to  see after about two minutes the edges browning.   Some stove tops - like my stove is uneven (not  level) - so that side that I'm flipping first   is the side that cooks the fastest. So about  two minutes you flip. And then you flip again   after about two minutes. You can add more in  as you see some come out. When I'm pulling   them up here - I am showing you - but I'm also  just checking underneath to see if it's brown.   I'll lay it on a wired rack over a sheet pan (for  easy clean up). You can also lay it on some paper   towels on a plate and that is it. Serve latkas  as is with some sour cream, with garnish of extra   parsley, or with applesauce. Find this potato  latke recipe at
Channel: Eat Simple Food
Views: 8,154
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Keywords: latka, latkes, latkas, latkahs, latkah, latkuh, fritters, Latkes, Latkas, Potato Pancakes, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Vegetarian, Hannukah, Potatoes, Holidays, potato cakes, potato fritters, potato latkes, potato recipe, potato latkes recipe, potato bites, potato snacks, dairy free recipe, easy latkes recipes, easy potato latkes recipe, potato pancake recipes, gluten free potato recipe, jewish cuisine, jewish recipes, simple potato latke recipe, easy potato pancakes, hannukah recipes
Id: xY4z8h30EVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 54sec (234 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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