Potato Harvest from a bucket and grow bag

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today is potato harvest day if you recall from a previous video you know that i'm doing a test between growing potatoes in a five gallon bucket growing those same potatoes in a grow bag and then i'm also testing some grocery store potatoes that were organic that i grew in this grow bag all of the foliage has pretty much browned or died back and so that tells me that it's ready to harvest so let's see the results but first i want to show you kind of what happened in the growth process between when i planted and today what i did notice is right away the grocery store potato sprouted first that kind of surprised me a little bit since all of them were starting to sprout just a little bit but it did sprout first another thing that i noticed was that these in general grew really fast in the grow bags and potatoes all of them did even though i planted them at the same time as the ones in my garden and in my raised beds those are nowhere near being ready yet and so that was really interesting to me to see that these are ready to harvest so much quicker than the ones in my in-ground garden but let's take a look at the harvest how does that compare now today i'm not going to have a harvest of the in-ground garden in raised beds because obviously they're still growing and they're not ready to harvest yet but make sure and come back to a future episode where i'll harvest all of that and we'll be able to have a true comparison but between the bucket and the grow bag and the grocery store potatoes we can at least get an idea what kind of harvest we got this year one thing i suspect is going to be much easier is actually harvesting them i'm just going to pour the buckets contents out into this bin i wish i would have actually harvested these a few days ago because we just got about four inches of rain and so this would be much easier if the soil wasn't so wet at first glance these have really nice root systems and if you remember i think i planted two seed potatoes so let's see how two seed potatoes did here i've got my scale here ready so i'm going to go ahead and tear it so that i can accurately measure the weight of the harvest look at that that's a good sized potato right there these are yukon golds so i don't expect them to be huge that's quite a few though i'm actually pretty impressed so far the bucket actually retained water a lot better than the grow bag did and so i'm curious if that will equate into a better harvest take these to the compost bucket oh i've got my seed potato there you can always tell it because it's brown and kind of rotten all right let's see if we have any more lurking in here there's one more there's always some hiding all right i think that's it for this harvest and let's see what kind of weight we've got on it for the potatoes grown in the bucket we planted two seed potatoes and this yielded one and a half pounds so probably good for like one night's dinner one and a half pounds now i have to say compared to my past harvest in a raised bed and in the ground this is quite small but let's see how it compares to the grow bag here is the grow bag planting of potatoes again we used two seed potatoes in this i think it's seven gallon grow bag no i think it's five actually a five gallon grow bag again same variety yukon gold let's see how the harvest compares for the grow bag potatoes we're at 1.18 pounds so just slightly less than what we were able to do in the five gallon bucket not a lot less just a little i think that probably does relate and correlate to the amount of water retention that the bucket had compared to the grow bag i really think that did make a difference again this harvest does not compare to what i normally get in my raised bed and in the ground but if all we have is growing in containers if we have a small garden space it's not not a bad thing plant a couple of seed potatoes and you get this much left so not a bad return on investment now let's compare to the grocery store potatoes just as a reminder these were potatoes that i planted that had started sprouting in my pantry they were organic gold potatoes i don't know i don't think they were yukon gold but they were some kind of a gold potato and the reason i didn't mind planting these in this grow bag is because grocery store potatoes are not certified disease free so anytime you plant grocery store potatoes in your raised bed or in your regular garden you are running a risk of introducing diseases into your ground with a container that's less of a concern because if you introduce a disease to container soil you can just toss it so it's not as big of a risk and considering the price of seed potatoes in general if you get them certified disease free this might be a more economical option so i wanted to test it and see how it did now understand that i chose organic mainly because i grow i buy and grow organic because of the amount of pesticide and herbicide or whatever all the sprays on conventionally grown potatoes but also organic doesn't have a sprout inhibitor so if it'll help it sprout and grow a little bit better bro so what i've heard so let's see how the harvest compares now the difference here is i only planted one potato i didn't plant two which i was kind of interested to see if that would actually be better because it wouldn't be as crowded or um if it would yield less because there's one plant instead of two another thing to note is that because this actually sprouted quickly we did have a light freeze and so the plant itself did get set back and then it regrew which is very common for potatoes for that to happen but when a potato plant gets set back like that sometimes it does reduce yield so that is a factor in with these grocery store potatoes that wasn't a factor with the certified disease-free potatoes because they hadn't sprouted when we had that that late freeze so just keep that in mind those are some variables that may have made a difference i will have to say that harvesting these potatoes is much easier than harvesting the ones in the ground you've got to be ready for a workout if you're harvesting potatoes in the ground especially if you have clay soil like i do that's one reason that i've really started switching to raised beds because it's so much easier to harvest out of more loose and friable soil and i've in the past gotten better yields out of the raised beds [Applause] and i will reuse this soil i won't plant most likely tomatoes in it just because we have a lot of issue with early blight here in my area and so i don't want to risk planting tomatoes that also suffer from this disease into the same soil where some of those spores would end up being okay i think i got them all i can't feel any more although doing this is kind of satisfying oh there's one work in the dirt with your hands alright let's see how the harvest compares okay we've got almost a pound .93 pounds is what we have out of this one grocery store potato again one plant it did not yield as much as the two plants that were certified disease free in the others but i mean per potato it did right because if i planted two would i've gotten double the amount i don't know it's a pretty small grow bag i don't know if the results would have been um one to one or not but still out of that one grocery store potato i got almost a pound so again a good meal so here are my final results from my first ever test of growing potatoes in a bucket and in grow bags if you have done this before i would love to know how does my harvest compare to yours what have you gotten in the past have you gotten more is it about right i'd love to hear your thoughts and remember i still have a potato harvest almost ready in my ground garden and in my raised beds and we'll be looking to compare what that harvest is to what i've got here so make sure and subscribe to catch that video whenever it comes out thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Beginner's Garden - Journey with Jill
Views: 9,874
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Id: IUeUkRLsviw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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