PostgresOpen 2019 EnterpriseDB Keynote

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thank you so I won't take any time talking about enterprise DB because I think everybody knows who enterprise DB is in the post res world so all I'll do is I'll talk about our excitement our reasons why we think Postgres is you know in the places where so Neil talked with what Sunil said and you know what what Heroku said the reasons you know how it came forward this much white moved forward this fast and where we think it's it is about to go okay so everybody remember that you know 2008 you know Gartner said hey they're becoming usable it's getting there okay I could only figure out the right button so that was 2008 when we look now where we are today again it's the data is confirming that open source models are growing much much faster what it would encourage everybody who is looking into open source is click down a little bit because a lot of things have changed in the past open source adoption was driven by my sequel right it's still a very very popular open source database but if you now look inside that you can see that the growth of my sequel etc is actually going down what's really driving the growth and adoption underneath under the hood there is it's Postgres what we're seeing the same way with you know we dig into those rankings a little further Postgres having been the database of the year now in DBMS rankings for the second time in a row 2017 2018 and I can imagine that 2019 is going to be very very similar if you look further down the list you can see that is actually quite far down in their ranking of database of the year so Postgres is really really cutting it it's really making a very very big difference in in this space here we're seeing the same thing on Stack Overflow for developers okay again I think that's exactly the reason why so Neil is so excited about it because from a developer perspective it has changed it has really changed the game when when I started in Postgres over six years ago our main audience were the IT infrastructure folks who were interested because it was so much cheaper and yeah I was getting there they could use it and it was reliable reliable comparable to Oracle reliable comparable to sequel server so IT infrastructure folks were starting to adopt it what's happening now is with the DevOps moment movement we're also seeing that developers are starting to adopt it we're not just starting to adopt it in here we're seeing that you know it's really number three and most used and number two and most loved by developers and that's really important in a world of DevOps where a lot of the technology decisions are taken very very early on way before IT even knows that a new application is about be about to be developed inside the marketing team okay and that just shows up in IT and said hey you deal with it okay so that's why understanding this is so important because something that traditionally was not the case where my sequel was used by developers longer was loved by developers now this game is changing Postgres is entering the game in these projects much much earlier not because of the cost but because of the features and the capabilities because of the indexes because of things like range data types because of things like post gist etc where you can start doing things with Postgres that are utterly unthinkable in other databases and that's the cool stuff it's no longer the cheap option it's actually the better option okay so look back 2002 one of the last magic quadrants that was done before Gardner took a long hiatus there's no open source in there nobody was even thinking about open source for databases at that time okay look forward Postgres EDD Polish press in that case has been in the Metro quadrant since it restarted for six years now there's another really important message in this one there is no other open source relational database in here okay when you page back you will see that there were other ones in there but with the growing adoption and also what's really important with the growing power of companies like Microsoft Heroku and others behind it it has really grown in completeness of vision and ability to execute to a degree that no other open source relational database has been able to do okay so Postgres is clearly winning this battle now before we get into what's changed let's want to say that yeah this little card here I thought it was really cool and it's another sign of how far Postgres has come okay how Postgres is really changing and how adoption of Postgres is changing okay I just thought this is absolutely worth mentioning because this is not just about technologies this is about people using technology and you know 50% of the people around the world also need to be included so now what's changed there was a lot of things that have changed in the past and I had the opportunity of having discussions obviously with that Boyajian who's been driving our company for more than 10 years Dave page boost mom Jen who've been with this for a long time so we discussed a good bit what has really changed well some of it you've heard in the in the first keynotes the big companies that are behind it these big companies weren't anywhere visible ten years ago in the Postgres community they just weren't there they weren't players today all of them are playing heavily in in Postgres this goes all the way from NTT to Alibaba to Azure Microsoft IBM is using it AWS is obviously using it so all the big companies now are not all the big companies but significant amount of big companies are now behind Postgres right they're getting involved in community more and more companies like Microsoft are actively contributed not just using it okay but actively contributing and helping us drive Postma's forward at the same time we're seeing that there's a rising set of extensions commercially it called them you know partner ecosystem but what's really interesting is it extends the footprint and the capability and it drives innovation even faster right I mean when we look today at geospatial I think that's probably the best and best-known example around post kiss right how cool post gist is when you come from another database yeah others have you know spatial etc but frankly when we help customers migrate from other geospatial extensions over to post yes what's amazing is how the code shrinks to me that's always the most amazing thing to customers some of the interesting aspects is that the precision of the calculations improves greatly well because there's a lot less custom code that was written and just because post gist is really really cool okay so it's probably the best example of why extensions are so cool because they drive innovation they drive innovation really really quickly think about innovation in the Postgres space we're all used to having annual releases those of you that came from commercial databases no matter which one annual releases didn't exist right major new features could be a four or five year rhythm today Oracle is working hard to get to annual releases posters been there for 10-12 years I mean yeah there was a little blip around 8.2 8.3 8.4 but after that it's been really a really really steady drumbeat okay so driving innovation is really important and I think it's the reason why developers are really getting excited about post quests not necessarily because it's you use but because it has a lot more cool new features that allows them to drive to drive innovation much much faster we're seeing it from the inside who's using Postgres and what they're using it for and when I started with Postgres I remember one of the first calls I get was from one of our sales people he said mark you know can you give me a customer reference if somebody who's got a 1 terabyte database somebody who can you know one terabyte this big that was six years ago today one terabyte is completely run-of-the-mill the question that I get today is you know can I get a reference call with a customer that has a 50 terabyte database and those we have ok so really the dimensions have changed completely when we were talking five years ago about high availability products for Postgres we were protecting customers from hardware outages that's what we meant when we were talking about high availability today customers are saying oh I don't care about Hardware out of just that's table stakes I assume you cover me for that what I wanted a high availability solution is an always-on Postgres 24 by 7 365 and don't bother me with maintenance windows ok I gotta have a completely maintenance-free environment I gotta be able to do Hardware swaps operating system upgrades suffer upgrades and my service has to continue and by the way that's possible today you can do that ok six years ago yeah you need it I mean they were do early was no good way to not have a maintenance window today yeah it requires a little bit of work between streaming replication and logical replication and some good thinking but you could do it and that's what these companies are looking for ok so with the disappearance of maintenance windows really the the means and the definition of high availability has changed dramatically and that's what allows us to use Postgres in these kind of environments so across industries I mean it's used everywhere today right and we see that we see that in statistics that I'll talk about in a minute large is enterprises across the world and again these are just ones that were we know for a fact that they're using it and that they're using it for some serious business not just a little departmental departmental application so usually what's fueling this at a conversation with with with Bruce and Dave about you know what happened what changed what changed in ten year or in ten years right so ten years ago the majority of the contributions were from individuals and they were mostly one-person projects Bruce tells me that and I think via Magnus can chime in there that the first multi person project was the Windows port it was the first time that a lot of people that several people came together to do a project together today there's a lot of contributions still and very significant contributions from volunteers and individuals however most of the headline contributions like what was mentioned before let's say Z heap or the the storage interface are coming because a number of different companies that were on that list before are pulling together to do something there's initiative underway around TDE right and there's entities involved in that cybertek is involved in that a bunch of other companies are pulling together so the game has really changed and it's necessary because some of these changes are becoming really really big and they're no longer within the purview of what an individual or even two people could do okay so projects like sharding and the pluggable storage engine they're only possible because lots of people are coming together and because these people are professionals in Postgres not just weekend warriors and they can do a really big project and that is important okay so what have we observed we've we did a survey of about a thousand posters downloaders because we operate the the windows download for the Postgres community so we after the download popped up a questionnaire to get some info what people are doing so where they coming from we filtered out the students and really small companies in this case here but what you can see is that that most of the people here coming come from large companies okay so Postgres is no longer something that is just used by people who have no money or can't afford anything else Postgres is now all over the place geographically it's everywhere okay there's no there's there's really no no distinction here you can't say anymore that it's really North America heavy or Europe heavy we see some of our biggest business growth in Asia now okay in the Postgres space runs across all kinds of operating systems now what's interesting i published a similar statistic and I think 2013 and 2013 we still saw about 25 percent of the installed base was running on Windows ok now I think with the ongoing success of open source Windows has really been marginalized in our Postgres in our Postgres deployments and just yesterday we did a webinar I made like 300 people on that webinar and we asked them all so what's your install base today and it's exactly the same pattern that about 90 percent a little over 90 percent are deploying on linux variants today strongest CentOS Rell followed by Debian Ubuntu but Windows has really shrunk to a relatively small relatively small space we still see a lot of developer downloads on Windows but not a whole lot of productions or for Postgres and it's really running everywhere ok it's not just in the cloud I know we're not a lot of noise is being made a lot of talk is about Postgres in the cloud but really Postgres is running everywhere in the data center and public clouds private clouds we see other other stats that I'm not published that it didn't include it here but Postgres is the most frequently deployed application in containers okay so that's not that's not shown in here but even in containerization which can be private cloud public cloud whatever we see Postgres being extremely extremely successful so what happens with this increased knowledge what have we observed and again I think that's really interesting as far as a post-assad option goes five years ago I did this that I did an analysis of our support organization and asked what are the most frequent questions and they were fundamental basic questions how to questions about understanding how Postgres works you can't imagine how many problems we had with vacuums six years ago not because vacuum was worse but because people didn't understand that vacuum was an important process they looked at it and said oh I can make my database three percent faster by shutting this thing down and yes they were right for about a half hour okay so and and the problem was by the time they found out about it they had run completely out of space and everything was deadlocked so five or six years ago understanding the basics of post quest was the number one support issue that we had those have virtually disappeared and what's really interesting is even though we have a multiple number of customers today from what we had six years ago the number of questions and support cases that we get has stayed flat ok so plus cos knowledge has really really grown but what has happened is the support questions are becoming much much more complex they're no longer about the insides of Postgres they are about how do i integrate post quest with the rest of my environment which to me means we move from isolated deployments stand-alone insular solutions we moved thing that now talks to the rest of the enterprise the questions LDAP integration ad integration Kerberos integration backup integration TSM integration all that that's what's what's what's driving most of our support and our support questions today how do I support containers micro services and DevOps how do I do that that's the biggest thing and then you know a lot more complex use cases so again it's data showing that the adoption of Postgres has happened and Postgres has moved up in the food chain significantly not just more Postgres it's Postgres for a lot more mission-critical things there are no longer standalone solutions ok so what happens now this is our view okay our EDB view okay so pluggable storage I think that's going to be a really big thing we're gonna see I mean everybody knows about the table am undo Z heap there's work going on for a column there storage that's going to be really really important that's gonna open up a whole new dimensions of of areas where we can apply where we can apply Postgres and by the way another piece of statistic that we collected is today when we ask our customers about 50% of our customers use Postgres for systems of records of traditional transactional things which was really surprising for us because I thought it was a lot bigger 63 percent use it for analytical and reporting purposes okay 19% for what we call systems of engagements our websites etc so what's really important is again when we look back at the history of Postgres we see a lot of new features being added cube rollup parallelism partitioning etc and they are driving the adoption pattern so the places where Postgres gets adopted is just getting a lot wider okay so we're seeing those things happening I bet we're gonna get to a thread based model at some point in time partitioning and shorting is going to become a lot faster TDE work is already underway so you don't need to use workarounds like for metric or so to do it you can do it hopefully soon natively inside the database okay we're seeing a lot more commercial participation we're seeing a lot more ancillary vendors jumping in to start it or maybe started I know a quest toad providing support for Postgres was a great thing for anybody everybody coming from Oracle I'm not saying that that is necessarily the best tool in the world but it was a very strong indication because five years ago with this was unthinkable they did only Oracle and my sequel now you can use that so you can stay in your in your known work environment when you come across much better tool integration for backup monitoring and management not just tools like PG backrest for example but tivoli storage manager semantic net backup etc they're all plugging into into Postgres native cloud integration like Aurora I mean it's a big thing and then we have more and more customers to say this is the standard so and some of those customers I can't tell you who it was but very large financial services companies who have said Postgres is the standard it's no longer the way it used to be that Oracle is the standard and if you want to use something else you gotta have to explain yourself no no the game has changed Postgres is the standard and if you want to use anything else but Postgres you have to explain yourself okay so you can see there's lots of reasons to be excited about Postgres lots of things that that still need to be done lots of applications that can still come but you can you can tell why you know I am very excited about it so thanks for your time [Applause]
Channel: Postgres Open
Views: 197
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: pHMd5DbR4lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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