Position Your Solid Waste and Recycling Carts Properly

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the town of hillsboro removes trash once a week in each neighborhood orange county collects your recycling on wednesdays putting out your carts once a week is pretty simple but to help this process roll along even smoother here are a few suggestions garbage and recycling carts should be placed by the street or curb for collection before 7am the day of collection or after 4pm the day before all carts should have their lid securely closed with no garbage overflow to avoid spills all garbage should also be contained in bags make sure your cart is facing forward and is within three feet of the roadside and four feet away from any obstructions such as cars or mailboxes this allows solid waste and recycling trucks to operate with one employee making it easy for staff to pick up and put down your cars without having to exit their trucks saving you and the town time and money once your trash and recycling have been collected all receptacles should be removed from the street by 6am the following morning the town enforces his policy with fines so don't forget lend a hand by spacing out your cards positioning them facing forward and closing the lid completely it's so easy a kid could do it do you
Channel: Town of Hillsborough, NC
Views: 2,545,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mRCr_qEJj2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 38sec (218 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2015
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