Portuguese Water Dog Puppies Nervously Take Their First Bath! | Too Cute!

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a few miles away from the ridgeback house lives a pair of highly energetic dogs but they weren't always this fast on their feet their journey began a little over a year ago when they couldn't run or walk at all they came into the world as part of a ten pack of Portuguese water dog puppies Portuguese water dogs are also known in their native land as the Portuguese fishing dog they once made great helpers for fishermen herding fish into nets and carrying messages from ship to shore but these days their popular family pets one even charmed his way into the White House though they've come a long way from the shores of Portugal they maintained their strong work ethic which will come in handy for new mom Boston and her ten pups at just five days old they can't walk yet and their eyes aren't open which means little Domino with the white gloves is a bit lost so he has to trust his nose to lead him through the crowd and back to mom but Domino's brave brother ace has other ideas who has time to eat when there's a whole wide world to explore if only he could see the whole wide world as Domino than the others cozy up for a warm nap little ace Pines himself out in the cold [Music] and that's when ace discovers one of the perks of having nine siblings a warm brother or sister is never too far away [Music] brave Explorer ace has discovered his voice but he's not the only one [Music] mom Boston can barely hear herself faint [Music] thankfully relief is on the way Boston is treated to a picnic outside [Music] just to keep up with her nursing duties Boston needs to eat three times the amount she normally does so she's getting a giant feast complete with a hard-boiled egg for extra protein inside the pups aren't happy about mom being gone Domino is a little more worried than the rest what if mom doesn't come back not to worry ace the brave Explorer will find her but the slippery floor is slowing this mission down [Music] ace decides today's not the day to travel so far off the blanket maybe it's better to stick together until mom comes back not far away the 10 Portuguese water pups are outside too for the first time and by the sounds of things they're not sure they like it dominoe finds all the sights smells and sounds a bit alarming and it doesn't help that moms out on a walk the little army decides to stick to what they know their blanket all but ace the little explorer who decides to go looking for Mom [Music] but it's a lot of ground for a little puppy luckily for him sometimes what you're looking for finds you first ace heads back a hero [Music] mom shows her little ones just how much fun a backyard can be it's a big day for the ten Portuguese water puppies and there's excitement in the air [Music] they're about to be introduced to the very thing they were named for Portuguese water dogs are built to swim their long narrow frames cut easily through water and their tails help guide them like a rudder of course it never hurts to have webbed toes which double his paddles and a life full of firsts this is a big one water dogs meet water ace and his sidekick Domino feel it out but it's not exactly love at first dip [Music] ace bails and the others are right behind him [Music] maybe no one told these guys that water is their middle name [Music] you
Channel: Animal Planet
Views: 382,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animal Planet, Animal Planet US, Animal Planet full episodes, too cute, cute puppies, animal planet too cute PWD, too cute portugese water dog puppies, portuguese water dogs animal planet, animal planet puppies, animal planet too cute full episode, animal planet too cute puppies, animal planet too cute puppies full episode, Portuguese Water Dog Puppies first bath, Portuguese Water Dog Puppies swimming, Portuguese Water Dog 101, Portuguese Water Dog Puppies playing
Id: G21pOe27MV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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