Port Washington-Saukville School District Regular Board Meeting May 13, 2024

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if anyone would like to join us in the pledge PL now up here United States America to the for it stands andice for all um and then Heidi if you can just oh oh my microphone if you can just note that Ivon called and she'll be here soon otherwise we're all present so the first thing we have is a very exciting report on our high school Spanish students and their spring break trip to Panama yeah all right hello um I'm jeie Kaza I'm the Spanish teacher here at the high school for Washington High School and um had the privilege of taking seven students to Panama over spring break I want to thank the board for um for giving us that opportunity to go during spring break it was um a really amazing experience in my 30 years of teaching this was probably the neatest um not only group of kids but needest experience because it was completely in Spanish I'm not even sure if the kids really knew that the people that were teaching us and guiding us even spoke English because it was all in Spanish even for Brin here who took Spanish one and um was pretty much our our least Spanish of the of the she learned so much so it was really a fantastic experience and they are going to talk then about what we did for those 8 days can we start sure all right so day one we mostly traveled it was uh it was a short flight which was surprising but it was nice it was super easy we had a little delay but other than that super smooth we met our host families and then day two we were at sorry I was just gonna this is just an overview okay so and then um the host families so we each stayed with different host families we were split up into groups of two or three so all the boys stayed together and me and Gabby and then Rees and Grace and it was really nice how we were split up and we each had our own times and like we each got our own rooms our host families were so nice we spoke completely Spanish to them which was also a challenge um but we were still able to go out and walk to the school after dinner we ate dinner with them or this was our one of our morning walks Sor Gaza took us on and it was really hot but it was very nice okay so Spanish classes they were a handful cuz like she said all Spanish no English how much how much did we do two hours of learning three three hour time flies guess yeah it went fast cuz how fun it was so we all had different levels different experiences so I don't yeah all of it was this in Spanish class yeah this is of our part of this was breakfast I mean we did we did do grammar instruction which we'll talk about later but we also had Les lessons yeah well they taught us lessons in Spanish to cook chizo and ohal which is the fried bread super yummy tried to make some when I got home but it wasn't as good it was kind of disappointing and then we also did this yeah and then dance lesses we learned salsa mering and Tango I think it those three yep okay well it was hot it was so hot oh my God it was really fun but wow it was sweating sweating and here the three different classrooms yeah the three different CL oh yeah I have pictures of three different classroom mine okay yeah well the the outside classroom was Jameson and uh Brin they got to be in the hot air I got the AC room with my exchange student from the Netherlands and my teacher she was awesome and then gab G yeah Gabby Gabe and Bryce got another oh and Grace they all got an AC room as well so yeah um yeah this was the next day uh we went to an orphanage uh that was a really cool experience we just kind of went to I guess play with them and kind of uh we also donated some stuff but yeah they were really excited to see us and we had a great time being there I think they really appreciated it we went through or we went on quite a few excursions so we were in a pretty or a I guess um what's called a neighborhood that was pretty close to downtown so we went shopping or we go to the store every once in a while and so in the top floor of the shopping mall they had a movie theater so we're like oh we got nothing to do tonight let's go see a movie so we went and we saw a Kung Fu and it was all in Spanish so it was they learned what do meant we also oh yeah we went to Costco vijo as well which was really cool Ree and Gabby and I had really fun there was this big abandoned building that we found so we had a picnic on the beach and it was where the Pirates took over was part of Panama so there was like a big pirate ship out in the middle of the ocean and it was it was a really good time and we also went shopping okay Ida was uh a native drive to Panama they are super welcoming super cool they take you out so you drive to this little parking lot have you walk down this little grass patch and then they have these handcarved canoes which they added Motors to cuz yeah I don't think you want to roll like 15 kids but um yeah it was like I'd say 30 minute trip to go to this little waterfall so we hiked for maybe 15 minutes to get to this waterfall and then we got a little swim time it was so fun and then yeah we took another canoe trip down to their village where they let us out we walked up these stairs and then they gave us plantains fish and fruit and little leaves it was delicious and then we got tattoos and we got to dance with the natives it was too bet I couldn't experience no thank God a fun video yeah um yeah so this is kind of our as it says this is our Fair well dinner um we went to this really cool restaurant you can see there's like this kind of like painted bus almost um there there was singing there was yelling um and the restaurant was kind of designed so that it looked like you were outside even though you were inside um and yeah it was just a really cool experience all the different regions of Panama were displayed in the outside and they were doing typical dances and also different cultural sort of exchanges and then the last day we went to the beach um Santa CLA we had to get a little beach time in not just all Spanish lessons and um we thank you very much for the opportunity to go and have this amazing experience did you guys like it yes I Lov it so much it's awesome it was worth every sent oh that [Laughter] too students could you just introduce yourself and tell us what grade you're in yeah oh yes uh my name is Brinn I am a senior this year my name is Ree K James I'm also a senior I'm Gabe I'm also a senior thank you can you each one of you tell us what your your favorite thing was I liked either the orphanage that was probably my favorite was playing with all the kids or going to the tribe that was such an amazing day I have to say the tribe as well the food the hike the waterfall everything just was a great experience I would also say the tribe I mean it's really nothing like anything I've ever experienced before and yeah it was really cool is this is thank you is this a um connection that you have that you've done in the past in Panama or is this a new it's um so I used to run my own program for 10 years um in a former life in Panama but not never in Panama City so this was Panama City so it was new for me I'd never really been to Panama City um and the group that we went with is a group of Spanish teachers from Green Bay they have run this organization for a long time and um my predecessors here always use this company um and so I use them many years ago and then again but I guess I didn't realize that that you could customize your experience and when they said do you want English Spanish and English or all Spanish I'm like all Spanish and they that was it that it was all Spanish and so it was in interact travel was the company and they just did a wonderful job this school here you lady school was unbelievable they had their own uh curriculum and their curriculum was designed to get people just it was all Spanish all the time but grammar and just it was fantastic every time we went on an Excursion someone came with us sat among the kids in the bus talked to them in Spanish and engaged them and asked them it was just it was wonderful thank you highly recommend it thank you seniora for taking the time out of your your life just to escort them down there and being the best chaperon from what Brin says you guys had a blast this is what this this is what we do right we prepare them for life so that they can go ahead and figure it out so thank you everybody apprciate thank you very much [Applause] real I saw you doing my dream job today kep driving past I was like maybe I should stop and help you know you did you got all yeah did you get your plants True Value wepp sorry I'm late no um I don't are you doing the student council report tonight oh dual dual Duty okay thank you brino um my name is Bren Nelson I'm on this year's student council and we're wrapping up our year so all we really have left is C for next year and also the senior send off and then the summer send off which is just a week that we do fun dress up days and get it all um get everybody excited which they're probably already excited for it to be summer but it just helps um so the Juniors just wrapped up prom that went really well most of our girls that are instent Council helped run it they did an awesome job and then teacher appreciation week we just helped with last week and that also went really well we had a thing planned for every day so we had food we had some uh popcorn we dropped off Expo markers because those always get lost um but otherwise we're happy to be wrapping up the year thank you very much you anyone have any questions for br nope okay um then we have public comment if anyone wishes wishes to make comments to the board good evening my name is Beth Striker and I live at 238 North Rogers Street I'm an employee and parent in the district I'm coming to share a family story with you in the hope that it can spread conversation and change when our three youngest children who have darker skin were in elementary school there were fewer over our acts of racism there was the n-word on the snowhill and one student who tried to force my child and another student with darker skin to e off the playground in middle school after fifth grade when there was more Independence and sharing of classes issues intensified with whip apps whipping sounds emotions and questions like do you live on a plantation and wa where can I score some coke as well as jokes about being chocolate and knowing the nword in five different languages all of these verifiable issues were reported to the school for some parents were called for some a teaching conversation was given and for some no action was taken it all depended on the individual's comfort and background I do believe that people are doing the best they can with the tools that they have but this is the reality more tools are needed when there are issue when these issues were shared we were told that incidents needed to be reported in real time even though hurts might be difficult to voice to a teacher even though there might not be a safe person at school and they must be verifiable meaning that the racist act needs to be caught on camera or heard by another student or a teacher if the issue cannot be verified it is as if it has not happened at all particularly when students don't hear that they are believed when they have the courage to report issues so while a student who commits an act of bullying in this case racism may receive a teachable moment a student who reports racism is held to a much more rigorous standard this system puts the learning curve of the perpetrator in front of the damage it does to another child why am I telling you this because it matters if belonging is the new vision for the district as the website says then we need to live up to that ideal and not just for my kids but for the kids who are called sped or or ignored because their special education status the kids who are called gay or the ones who have notes that say they should just kill themselves put in their locker and yes the ones who have slanty eyes made at them and the ones who are called border Hoppers they all deserve to belong and to feel safe at school you have the power to help make this happen by delineating funding for increased professional development around how to deal with day-to-day boots on the ground bullying and racism and by creating systematic ways of tracking and dealing with these behaviors creating a coordinated and district-wide response would actually make the process easier because there would be a road map and accountability please change the current bullying and harassment policy to be more specific to include a teaching conversation with details reported in aduc climber with phone calls to all families involved on the first in fense and then with movement up the behavior Matrix if repeated issues occur thank you a question actually the sorry um in the I think it was in the extracurricular programs committee report yeah there's a line in there that says that um it's like the second it's the last paragraph uh full paragraph last sentence it says it was noted that the proposed changes would increase the coaches advisor event from 200,000 perod to 250 but I'm thinking that I think that number was actually a little bit lower I think it was more like a $22,000 increase so would we scratch that from that and just table that last sentence um no because that was part of what was discussed at committee level okay and that is not be coming to the board yet it's going back to the HR subcommittee so that those numbers might change those were just the numbers that were presented at committee but there's no board action on any of that so you're just approving what was discussed at committee level sure okay sounds great thank you for clarifying [Music] if no one has any other questions can I have a motion to approve consent agenda I move to approve consent consent agenda items a b and c as presented I have a second all right K and Ian so the roll call vote on that um starting with Stephanie yes hi um Justin I Nicole okay hi ion I Elisa I Karen I Brian I Sarah I and Kirsten I thank you motion passed uh our next item is the report and action on the ACP e4e plan um and Brian's going to help us out with that and just a note there's a couple of grammar issues that need to be changed but it does not change the context or the information within oh I'm sorry okay they're going to do first okay Rachel I'm sure Rachel doesn't have any typos no typos for you great Rachel oh the former English teacher and me would be sad if there were but uh life is full of spell check and redos and and so if there are I sincerely apologize so I'm thankful that Mr Nick debaker could join me today as well and we're here to talk about our education for employment and academic career planning update this is something that annually should be brought before the board to let you know in terms of where we are with our planning as well as then U make sure that this gets up on our website uh note that academic and career planning and educa uh um employment education for employment really kind of re kicked off a jump started in 2016 2017 and so what is that work so we'll start with academic career planning this was also shared in your in your packet of information it's the top but really it's the comprehensive work that we do it's ingrained in the fiber of everything we do in terms of our students having opportunities and plans for post-secondary career and so that could be everything from Career and Technical education to a pathway that included a two or four year university but that's part of our academic career planning and realistically that's planning that starts very young uh certainly in terms of Pi 26 which is the next slide and by the way I'll share this deck out to you Heidi if you can share it with the board uh just gives you some hyperlinks it's state legislature that Pi 26 uh that talks about this work and specifically it talks about the work making sure that happens in 6 through 12 we understand that our middle schools actually a 5 through 12 level and realistically as part of our consorti with CA we talk all the time about how this is really K to2 work and we want to make sure that we expose students to career opportunities and what that might look like as we prepare our students for employment and that requires everything from looking at our local needs assessment all the way down to our future planning so you'll see here that p26 is in fact that education for employment plan it includes work around academic career planning to prepare for opportunities post high school we have an annual review which is in front of you the board which my Consortium makes sure to say Rachel make sure you're doing that and then uh share plans with our families we want to make sure that this is front-facing one of the goals of kind of this reboot on ACP and E for ewor is to make sure that this information is available on school websites not only Port watch sofvi School District but across the state where they noticed that maybe those plans weren't always easily available and readily seen so we want to include some highlights that we've done this school year as well as that future planning or long-term planning and Nick you jump in at any point in time because I think one of the first things that was jump started was the fact that we put an ACP committee back to together I'm not quite sure what the historical background and ACP work looked like prior to Nick or myself we have a whopping 18 months of experience between us well actually between us it's probably more like 24 but uh just the note that I I don't know all the work that went on before this but we certainly know that pieces of ACP existed in E fore but we wanted to get a committee back together that document that was shared with you indicates all the teachers and faculty members that are a part of that so we want to make sure that our counseling teams are a part of that in particular our teachers that are in our Career and Technical education that includes our tech ed and business areas and then administrators are helping share that conversation one of the other highlights is we notice that we have strong enrollment numbers in our CTE classes so both at the middle and high school level we have a robust number of students uh we did make an update to that document today that was shared with you and again I'll share the slide deck because it's got some of the updates we included the Middle School numbers as well so that you can see the number of students that are taking these courses uh and then I'll let Nick I'll let you talk a little bit about that Middle School Community engagement project piece uh and some of cool things that were going on at the middle school yeah so we talked a little bit about this earlier today um there's some really great things happening in Pockets I I think and right now the main goal is to just kind of align everything and make sure that we're really bridging this gap between middle and high school and at the middle school level it's really all about exploration and we have uh a couple of great CTE teachers at um TJ that have done a great job with this one of them is they're both actually very well connected within the community and and getting those area businesses um Partnerships going and getting our students in front of those expertise to share what it is they do I've been in classrooms at the middle school where there was an area um business owner who owned a Foundry who was making coins out of you know castings right there in front of the middle school students um we also have engagement projects at in our business level classes through U Mr subox um business classes uh where they've gone around and interviewed area loal businesses downtown and I think we shared one of those very recently on the on the Facebook page so there's there's a lot of Engagement and getting Community businesses to the table to talk about sharing that expertise and experience with our students and just get our kids kind of thinking about different opportunities that that are available for them but really also getting them to think about as they bridge the gap with the high school the various opportunities that exist here with some of the great facilities and classes that are offered at the high school level in regards to CTE and career exploration and then in terms of the high school level it's really about planning then and going so we've had conversations with our technical schools and universities in ways that we can continue to grow those dual credit enrollment opportunities especially in our Career and Technical education pathway so conversations with MATC in terms of what are some other business classes that could be dual credit uh education pathway is something that is coming into this orbit if you will and we are running our cap class next year for dual credit thanks to the support of our board uh in terms of an intro to education course so we want to con constantly be able to talk about ways that we can bring those opportunities to students so if it's their pathway we can help them get in tune with those those opportunities we then also did a an externship with our high school teachers in conjunction with Inspire Wisconsin Inspire is something that connects local businesses with schools to have everything from job Shadows that students can do virtually or in person our teachers can use Inspire to to bring in guest speakers and what Inspire did for us is they set up area businesses conforms CC camping an and the YMCA for our teachers to get on buses and go out and visit these places I think one of the things for many of us in education I haven't been in a different career in a while like the last time I was I was cutting grass at well Pine Hills Country Club but that's not exactly what I'm doing currently so how do we help not only expose our students but it starts with our staff knowing these different Pathways we know that boots on the ground and the message that our staff can give to our students in terms of opportunity is really what we want to have happen and then they can talk about ways that the students can explore those things again I'm part of the cisa one or we are collectively I've been going to the meetings for academic career planning with cisa 1 but we're part of a Consortium of schools Inspire Wisconsin which started in Shaban county has now spread its wings and has many other counties in Wisconsin involved where they're utilizing this to to make these connections and inspires actually part of cisa one that we're a part of this year on the whole another cool opportunity is on Thursday I have a chance to talk at inspires annual meeting about our teacher externship so that we can talk with our business partners across different County borders on ways that we can continue to give our students opportuni so really excited for that and then our Workforce Alliant Partners Alliance Partners really want to give a shout out to our technical education department they started if you go into our tech ed areas you'll see signs with many many businesses perhaps you've seen these in the classroom that have given of their time and Partnerships to us whether it be uh through Monastery or monetary not Monastery that would be different monetary donations or of their time to come in as guest speakers they work with us and we talk about things like how can we build a more robust work co-op with you how can we build a more robust apprenticeship with you through oia and so they came in and what was really cool they came in on May 2nd is Inspire was actually there with them to talk about ways again we can continue to do those Partnerships so we're really excited on some of the work that we've done at the high school level I'd be remiss if I said this though Nick knows as much if not way more than I do when it comes to academic career planning because some of his previous lifetime had a lot to do with this and because of someone like Nick we're going to go visit r on Wednesday him and I together and look at theirm and some of the work that they do with academic career planning and around e for E so that we can continue to see things that our neighbors are doing and bring it right back here we couldn't do this without a partnership though we have to make sure our students are exposed to this at a young age and I would also say this at 15 you don't necessarily need to know what you need to do the rest of your life part of it is figuring out what maybe you don't want to do but we want to give exposure to students as much as possible so they can find their passion and their talent and then go help us because realistically we want Ive citizens then what do we need to do so we have to continue our work with our ACP committee we've really talked about backwards align by Design so in terms of what are we hoping each great level will do when you're shared this slide deck you'll have an infographic there shout out to Scott subc at the middle school level who we're trying to say what are those three or four things at each grade level should students have and or be exposed to when it comes to this academic and career planning as we again prepare for our e for E work then we're working in conjunction with our team to build an eighth visit day for late next fall early winter and we're piloting this off of something Plymouth does a team that will soon be in our conference uh maybe some of you even attended High School there or maybe not uh and so we wanted to look at a similar size school and that came from a site visit that our technical education department did earlier this year and we're going to bring some of that back so we can expose our eighth grade students to different course offerings we have especially in our Career and Technical education areas and our electives to say what are some Pathways that we can pursue in those areas uh TJMS career day event I want you to be able to talk on that so we have a couple of things lined up for next year uh one of the big things is offering up different opportunities for our middle school students to go off to different career fairs I know um in my time I've I've attended Summit like Lambo field where you go visit Lambo field and it's actually they show all the behind the scenes jobs of all the different people um that exist the hundreds of employees that they have that have nothing to do with football and uh they talk about all the various roles um we're lined up to to possibly attend that next year as well and then of course you get a tour of the field and get to go down the tunnel so there's there's that fun element of it as well but um there's also we also talked about a career fair bringing um area businesses into Tom TJ to talk specifically to our students and kind of showcase the different jobs and things that exist here in the Port Washington sville area so um those are all things that are in the works for next year that have all come out of that um the re um reboot reboot of the um ACP um monthly meetings that we've been we've been participating in and then from there we want to continue those Partnerships with our technical schools and universities we've been in conversation with them but we want to continue to be able to offer courses some of it has to do with the credentials you might need as a teacher and some that has to do with making sure that those syllabi align to be able to do that so we're continuing those conversations we've begun that portrait of a graduate of a port pirate look and aligning that work to academic and career planning what that looks like for education for employment will be crucial in that work and then added committee members really excited for our curriculum and instruction curriculum and instruction person to come in to be able to share the work that we've done but also tap into their expertise and ways that we can continue to grow this k12 and so that's we're also looking at elementary levels I think again in my Consortium work that's one of the big pieces is how do we make sure that this is prek through four as well as 5 through 12 because one of the blessings about being in Port watching sville is many of our students stay here for their entire career and with that being the case how do we continue to link the train cars together that our students can be as successful as possible here's just some highlights of what students are able to do uh there's some Deca students there that's part of our ctso that's the uh Career and Technical student organization our kids are racing right now while not technically a ctso we have our formula Wisconsin team I think that's what you're called formula student thank you formula student that's racing up at Elkart both today and then tomorrow some of the work that they do there and then um yeah so we got the top corner is is one of the interviews that that our students did with I can't remember the name of the business downtown lowp oh Goa okay um they have Donuts from Shaban yeah they've got all kind um but also to uh I know Mr Cen at at at tj2 does a really good job with his eighth grade students of letting them kind of pick a passion project and and helps design and build it with the students so here we have an example of of one of our students who developed Like a Beach Library you know you see book libraries in people's front yards so they want to keep this at South Beach um here in Port as a toy library for for kids that can can play on the beach so just some examples of some of the stuff that that's happening in the CTE world at TJ and I'd be very remiss this was the document that was shared with you we have a whole host of people that have helped us in that Journey this year and so those people have been so instrumental in both the historical perspective from Port Washington sville but just in terms of planning and ways that we can continue to make this the best possible interlace programming for our students in the district as possible what questions do you have for us this is really awesome I was very impressed reading through all the information um I just had a quick question about future areas of exploration um specifically if you all you're have talked about um one of the top needs for local employers was Healthcare um and expanding into programs to help um increase Pathways of students are interested in that so in terms of oaki County the the labor force Market would say that that's Numero Uno and so we have some pltw classes here at the high school that allow for us to start to have those conversations my previous lifetime had it through family and consumer science and I'm not going to put the cat out of the bag yet but in terms of programming and that's a lot of steps but there can potentially be some programming through those areas as well we're blessed to have o Ozaki with apprenticeship we've had students that have done the CNA work through that and they've they've also had Harbor Club but I think we need to grow something a little bit more robust because when you're only talking about a handful of students I think we got to talk about it really progamic because that is an area need and not only here everywhere Statewide Nationwide yeah and so again looking at that and really utilizing that data and saying you know what program do we maybe need to have grow and that's probably a two to three year Vision but I I agree certainly on the top of your principal's mind and their whiteboard and then really it becomes the research around that because we have pieces but I'd like to see it grow yeah and that is a primary focus is making sure you're mirroring your Pathways around what the county you know what is the County employment data telling you and Healthcare is consistent pretty much in probably every County um but at the same time your top four are are usually pretty similar especially in given in the state so you really want to align your Pathways with what you know that that need is and that's definitely one that that's needed great thank you I wanted to say thank you so much this this is really great to see this when you mentioned the career day um at the Middle School uh my elementary school just had a career day which was hugely successful because like you said we don't know what what jobs are right like we for for those of us who have been like in education our whole lives but but I had the good luck of having a presenter in my classroom who markets for Company in Jackson um called Jacks and they they make um lubricants that are food safe that are used through every single continent except for Antarctica and it's uh like we don't know these things that are going on so I think it's it was really eye opening for myself as well as the kids and it was super successful and they they had the chance to see such a huge variety of um jobs that that there were um so I think that following that like taking that that part down to the to the K4 level is great and I'm excited to see that at the middle school level that it's a little bit broader than something that that was really successful for elementary kids so thank you for all of that work that you're doing because I feel really giddy about what's going on thanks I have a question and a comment well first thanks for doing this this is great work um and the question I have is you had business partners in and from what I understand there was a discussion around curriculum and if there were any anything things that they would suggest that we maybe have missing or could fill in was there anything like that that came up in that discussion yeah so our Tech ad team shared with them curricularly what we're doing so it's it's kind of that magical mix of what your state or national standards are in conjunction with and a lot of times those things overlap yeah saying will you take a look at this and and what we're offering one of the conversations I've had with our our tech ed department is we offer a plethora of classes and so are we hitting the mark in terms of what employers are looking for so that sheet was given to them I don't know if they've gotten feedback that meeting was on May 2nd so it wasn't that long ago but certainly that was an ask right are you seeing a gap in this in terms of what you're looking for skill set it's interesting many of them talk a lot about executive functioning skills so that came up time and again in our teacher externship that came up when they came here as well we need people that show up on time we need people that come to work every day we need people that can be a great teammate and collaborate with others and then we can help teach them the other pieces and they've talked about how that's kind of changed over the last several years that it went from you know in terms of welding having that that skill set to we'll teach you that and so these are things that we're obviously trying trying to tackle society as well as at school like if you came first hour we're like hey beards there's a lot of kids still coming in yep there are and we want to meet them and be gracious but it's interesting to have our employers share that with us so great question Karen I don't know the exact answer to that but it certainly was shared to say hey do you see areas where we can continue to grow and then will you come in and show us and continue to guest speak with us Scott suc said it best today I hope Scott's all right that I'm naming him right now he said we've Unearthed some of the pieces when it comes to AC and E for ew work we have some great model districts in the state that are a few steps ahead of us that we need to continue to tap into one thing I'll tell you is this from my vantage point I I think Nick would Echo this and correct me if I'm wrong it's all about seeing what other people are doing too we don't have to try to reinvent the wheel but each Community has its own heartbeat too and in our case we get two we get two communities and two heartbeats so what are our local needs assessments how do we long-term vision and plan for that and then how do we provide those opportunities for our students my husband electrician but I'll tell you what academic and career planning is not just about technical education yeah you know what about the kid that says I want to be a doctor what are our class is looking like how do we make sure also that our course selection guy at the high school level is now an academic career planning guide and that any sort of Pathways in there while we also don't snuff out the ability to change your mind several times so another comment around you know seeing what other people are doing in this magazine the school board news magazine I don't know if you saw what Heartland Arrowhead is doing they actually have um a manufacturing company that is all student run including the website so it's not just all the tech stuff it gets at some of those executive functions that you're talking about so I just if you haven't yeah I just saw it very quickly check them out I I would urge you to yeah that's awesome it's always interesting too when you go to other districts because there's always pockets of like really phenomenal things that are going on so like you said it's really about just picking up bits and pieces and trying to tailor it to what fits you know the poor Washington sville Community so excited to see rine so thankful that Nick was able to hook us up with that connection because I know they got pockets really good going on too and yeah that's and then it's kind of figuring out what our Niche is and utilizing the data what do we need what do we have what do kids want to go into and then really having courses around that so the work has started we got we're not there yet we got a ways to go also want to make sure I give credit where credits due being part of cisa one in the Consortium they gave us a template for us to follow so if you're like hey that was readable thanks to them they helped us very much have a template you had to fill it in but they gave us a really nice template so I want to give give Kayla and Eric and our friends at cesa1 credit hey um Rachel I just um obviously great work here um one thing that we did last year for fish days the friends of Port Washington Parks Rec um is that we had the career fair right in front of the yach club all the way through and it was went off just great impact um both ways from the employer side plus from students and adults and everything so if you're around July 18th 19th and 20th um we will be down there so I will be there it'll be great so I just wanted to give a little plug there because it falls right in line with where this is going so you hear it directly from the community yeah and we had a career fair here at the high school on May 1st so we certainly brought in some of our employers and Inspire helped us with that so it's just a wonderful partnership that we have with them thank you both so much for your leadership on this um and my history here I cannot remember us having this committee and your looking back at history were you able to find such committee well uh I think you know again to give credit where credits do um our previous director of teaching and learning helped get this ball going and then you know I said I had a passion point for it Nick done work with it allowed for us to to Really carry the ball I've been able to go to many of meetings this year with in our Consortium down in Pewaukee and virtually so I've learned a lot I've leaned on Nick Nick is very well versed in this work and Nick knows people really close to him that are very well versed in this work and he's set up Zoom calls for me to learn more about this work so I'm really excited to as I said earlier I believe that this is something when you talk about a K12 having oversight again really truly needs to come from I'm happy to continue to help but but somebody that's in the buildings probably a little bit more than Nick and I are in terms of all five just so that we can continue to make sure that that partnership is really equally distributed in a good way that we can continue to get the resource at all of our levels to help our children know what they might want to pursue one day and so again credit there I know that also our previous director Chris surface had done some work with this team as well we were able to find an approval from 2016 2017 I was operating off of that a little bit and and to be fair that's when it initially kickstarted again and our Consortium we're not alone in the sense that it was kind of time to hit the the reboot or refresh or restart with this work there was definitely an interruption with covid and so we're not we are not alone in where we are but I'm really excited where we're going to go and I'm happy to be a part of that journey and I'm excited for for our leadership to continue to help guide us too is the relationship with Inspire new no uh we've had at the high school for a few years um U previous counselor Melissa mccamon had much to do with helping them them come here again they originated in Shaban and so I knew who they were from my previous lifetime as well but in terms of us meeting with them regularly that's something where Candace boutell is the oversight of that and her and I have met monthly as well as Jeff Cole one of our counselors has met monthly so we have a team that meets with Inspire to continue to talk about ways that we can partner with them and and utilize their services it's a great opportunity and it it means that Nick and I don't have to get on the phone with 30 employers they already have those Partnerships so you want to you want to leverage that in the best way possible for kids it's what they do and they got a lot of connections that can help you in your schools and then there're also a potential Pathway to say hey have you thought about an apprenticeship because they can do 9we internships through them or co-ops and I'd be happy to share more what all those different things mean in terms of length and intensity but that's been great and we continue to grow that and I went to their annual meeting last year with Inspire there's business partners and schools it's at Lakeland University this Thursday and I'm really excited to be on the panel to answer questions and hopefully help other schools be able to to tap into them all the more I think we have opportunities to tap into more job shadowing I'd love to continue to talk about I think how we need to have like every kid Shadow a job jump into that today but just opportunities for kids to see and then guest speakers right they've got so many connections and let's utilize that service because monetarily not monily we're we're paying for it so they might want to go to a Monas they may want to they may want to there's one in St naans if they do someone's got someone do that kind of stuff absolutely absolutely lot more opportunity there than just absolutely um no thanks again for your leadership and I um I look forward to our new hire of um director our new director of curriculum and instruction and getting our Pathways where they should be but this is a lot of great work so thank you both so much for all the efforts you've put in so far thanks thank you great now it's Brian's turn I think we had action on that need did you need action I think are you are you a approving our current plan we need a motion to approve the plan I make a motion to approve the district's ACP e fore plan for the 2425 school year as presented I second that okay and we can just do a Voice vote on that all in favor I I all oppos thank you very much great thank you again um so now we will turn it over to Brian for the so um thank you so the um the people non-discrimination report is in your packet thank you Stephanie for um pointing out there were several I I am a former English teacher as as is Miss bezer and um I will be embarrassed to say that there were some uh typos so I do apologize I sped up a little too much on Friday so um and trying to get that into the into the packet but we will get those taken care of you'll remember the people non-discrimination evaluation report is something that we have to do every 5 years um we actually haven't had one since 2017 or 201112 and so um I think the biggest takeaway that that sort of the Top Line um on that is that um we need to be collecting this data more regularly and um and then I also there there's this data is much more easily disaggregated now in fact a lot of it is is um sent to the DPI um our data is getting a lot cleaner and so um I I think that I would anticipate that we'll be able to use this for future planning and um for our some of our school Improvement plan and really looking at um determining what students are are being served and which students we we are um were not serve or underserving so um I would say that's probably the top line and I will answer any questions that you have uh we did have a chance to look through this pretty much extens extensively um at the committee level so we I think answered a lot of questions at the committee level about it I guess in that regards has there been anything dramatically changed or added since that review no if there's no other questions or comments about that we do need a motion to approve the report I'll motion to approve the pupil non-discrimination self- evaluation report as presented I'll second and we can do a voice vote all in favor opposed motion carries um Mel is ill this evening but we'll move on with um superintendent items and we have a report on our service agreement for 2425 with cisa one would you like me to speak to that sure it's it's just a yearly yep it's pretty self-explanatory um we have our basic membership uh we have uh basic service flat fee and then um we do have the one big ticket item is that we do have one seat that we keep for turning point which is their alternate learning um Alternative Learning um site we currently are not um we don't have a student uh scheduled for that next year but we do maintain that seat because that keeps us ahead of the waiting list so if we do have a student that we need to utilize that for we are able to do that in in Rel atively short order so we had a student that moved off of it but um I I don't want to give up that seat at this time because um it would be about a year before we' probably before we'd get to the top of the waiting list again we did give up we had three seats previous and I did um release two of those seats because um we are able to service more of our kids internally but there are some students that um were we're going through a process right now bran can you explain what turning point is uh turning Point's an alternative school that is um in peuke and it is um for students that the Traditional School is is not working so it's much it's smaller numbers um I think turning points about five to one so five students to one adult um and it really is um for students that are are finding it difficult a lot of lot of times it's it's behavioral um thing um sometimes it's um some mental health issues um and so students that just need a different a different setting in in a in a sort of a reset and the idea is that we move students into that setting and then um we hopefully are able to to transition them back within a couple of years as we have actually pretty successfully from elementary to Middle School we've been able to transition three students back in the last year and a half so so we've used it and successfully yep okay thank you quick question is seeing that dollar amount to that for one seat am I quick to think that it would be three times that amount or is there like students one through five going that dollar amount or is that oh that's one student that's one student and that's this is a pretty good deal for compared to some of the other programs that we utilize and that was my next question is what did this look like a year or two or three ago was it like increasing all along this time or is it just kind of like pretty flat it's up a little bit but it's it is one of of the better deals we have so we've got um a few programs that we um uh we use the Richardson School which has a couple of campuses we use cradwell we we don't we don't have a student at cradwell right now um and those ones are are quite a bit more per student and if you and my last question so if you identified somebody would that be before the school year or somewhere in that time frame or is it just a moment in time it yeah usually it it has to do with um as we go through the the um IEP process if we have students that we need to look at a more restrictive environment so that you can imagine would be a much more restrictive environment so we have to try other things first and so if we get to a point where we have to you know a student needs that level of of a restrictive environment because of their needs then we have that available to to do that rather than have to have to keep a kid out of school or or keep you know having a student really be unsuccessful and we're talking about students that are that are are not um not able to be in our in our our school setting for periods of time understood okay thank you I guess just to be clear then for this dollar amount here we pay that regardless of whether somebody goes there or not correct all right and Brian if we have a second or a third student then they go on the waiting list and it can be up to a year to go to Turning Point yeah or we would in that case we would probably look at other I mean we would look look at other other schools that we have other options that we have okay um you said it's in Walking are the are the parents responsible for transportation how do they provide transp yep okay if there's no other comments we do need a motion to approve the ca1 agreement I'm move to approve the sua one Services agreement for the 2024 2025 school year as presented I'll second okay we do need a roll call Heidi yep on this one we would um so I'll start start with Brian I Sarah I Kirsten I Stephanie I Justin I Nicole I yvan I Elisa I and Karen I motion passed thank you uh we will now move on to our open enrollment section and uh the first thing is the incoming students you want to take it Brian sure I can speak to that um so the incoming students that we have you'll see in your board packet you have a summary of those students um there are they're numbered um there are four students students that at this time we are uh suggesting that we deny those are students that um currently have IEPs uh you'll remember back in January the board did um uh when you approved seats available we we did say zero seats for special education um special education is is different in the way that the law is written um it the law basically says that that a student that has an IEP regardless of the number of seats that the board of education designates for it we still have to to review that student's IEP that student's needs and uh make a determination if we can um if we could serve them um so at this time we are we are saying that we we are not able to serve um three of those students but our policy I'm looking at Heidi says that they will go on a wait list and if we are able to um after we we look at um those needs if we're able to serve them we will um we will do a lottery to determine how many of them we do have one student uh that's on the list you'll see student number 23 um that student is a student in an that currently is in an alternate program that we do not have that we do not have within house and so we are we suggesting that you deny that one um as that's not a program that we currently have I think that's it did I miss anything hey I just have a quick I have a quick question I'm sorry um so these four were in attendance this past school year but we no longer have space based on their needs so the the students uh were those these four students were on an on a tuition waiver for this year so they had moved um at the end of last year and they were able to stay with us on a tuition waiver this year and there's no provision within the tuition waiver process that that we can deny them so they they so they were able to stay with us they had to then apply for open enrollment this year okay got it yep good question I will motion to approve incoming open enrollment application numbers 1 through 18 21 and 24 through 48 I'll second and we can do a voice vote on that all in favor I opposed motion carries now we will move on to the outgoing report I think we have to do the second motion oh I am sorry yep on the ones we're denying sorry about that and Brian you just explained that with the highlights and that so I'll motion to deny and add to wait list incoming open enrollment application numbers 19 20 and 22 due to the special education space not available and to deny application number 23 due to Special Education Service services not available I'll second uh Voice vote all in favor I opposed okay we will move on now to outgoing and these are are the outgoing um uh open enrollments and there are none that we see any um reason to deny in the past we have denied some what are the reasons we could deny them all right thank you I'll motion to approve outgoing open enrollment applications numbers 1 through 79 I'll second all in favor opposed motion carries and then we move on to all of our policies these are all um for a second and final reading you that were you still the chair when we did the easy run yes you want to do them's I was just wondering when we when we did this through committee though you were right yeah so I'm looking for a motion to approve the second and final reading of revised board policy 25 21.1 selection management and reconsideration of library center materials so moved a second all in favor I opposed motion carries okay next motion I'm looking to approve the second and final reading of revised board policy 3120 employment of professional staff so moved second all in favor opposed was thata second no that and that was you the first time too right yes okay going to f um looking for a motion to approve the second and final reading of Revis board policy 4120 employment of support staff so moved second all in favor I opposed motion carries this is really nice when we do a lot of talking at our committee meetings um looking for a motion to approve the second and final reading of revised board policy 9270 participation of non-public school students in District courses programs I'm sorry oh I'm sorry scared me I thought I didn't put it in there okay I apologize you guys all righty going back to letter G um I am looking for a motion to approve the second and final reading of new board policy 5740 recording student meetings so moved second all in favor I opposed also carries all righty letter H looking for a motion to approve the second and final reading of revised board policy 9270 participation of nonpublic school students students in District courses programs and activities formerly known as non-public school student participate so moved second all in favor apologize I miss the second Ken Karen miss the second on the previous one Ken it's been me keep I appreciate that um I do need to Note One correction and I think it was my mistake just one of the words of one of the Motions um for the um Second and final reading of should be recording district meetings not recording student meetings but I think that might have been a type on my end so we could just make a note that the minutes will reflect the so the minutes will reflect the motion to approve the second and final reading of new board policy 5740 is that correct right thank you I'll keep the same Motion in second I just wanted to know that it'll read thank you recording district meetings thank you thank you and now we're on letter I right yes okay thank you motion to approve the second and final reading of the deletion of board policy 9280 nonpublic school student extracurricular and athletic activity participation this is to be covered in revised board policy 9270 so moved second all in favor I opposed motion carries thank you everyone and then we have our administrative management reports we're um under board committee updates teaching and learning I think we were all there and Brian covered it tonight so I think I have to say anything else and then we move on to extracurricular okay so um we got Mond May 6 um we um selected a chair me and the vice chair um Mel presented the new Performing Arts Center structure and McKenzie the new performing center director he explained the fee structure and the reservation process for us um and then we moved on to talk about the new extracurricular classifications and pay ranks for coaches advisors andit coordinators there was a lot of work that went into it it was still just a very preliminary proposal um we think there might be a discrepancy here that we talked about earlier as far as how much it increases the budget we think it's closer to 20 or 10% not 25% um but we can clarify that next time talk and then Human Resources we um during the human resources the all of the board members were present um and uh Mel presented the a draft of the 2425 employee hbook um that came to us from the districtwide human resources subcommittee um did anyone meet with any districtwide committees I the teched stem Alliance as Rachel shared earlier did meet on the second um we got to do a a tour of the facilities and see the equipment and hear from some students how they were utilizing the new spaces and some of the things that they had been working on and uh the teachers then also shared with us uh the forward grant that they're working on getting uh approval for and and the money that is needed to uh accomplish that and they did hand out a nice little flyer for sponsoring a welding Booth if anyone is interested how much is the welding Booth $2500 2500 they'll put your name on it I would have thought more that' be so special and they did have a meeting as well to discuss uh curriculum for Welding which I took the information hand it over to somebody that owns a welding shop so excellent thank you um upcoming board dates are in your board updates they're in your packets um just a note uh for the May 20th possible board training we will be board training that night um I had asked Mel about a finance um training that evening but she is building the budget right now and so she said if you know it wouldn't be the one she would prefer to give at the time so I'm going to handle board training the WSB website has been down so I haven't been able to get Karen has did was it up today yes great um so I haven't been able to firm up the training but it will be some of the priority items that we when we trained last week it'll be some of those priority items that we looked over and we'll be using the WSB website for that training so Karen and I will get together and um now that the website is back up and I will be sending out some information about that but do plan on meeting next week Monday that I'm not part of school I have to yep and do you need to have that by Wednesday Thursday okay okay we'll do um correspondence I just talked to someone about correspondence at me the meeting what was it so thank you for choosing me to be the ca one representative unfortunately the meeting is uh next Tuesday the 21st at 5:30 and I have a a prior commitment so if there is someone else who would like to attend um it's in PEI it starts at 5:30 it's the annual convention um I can forward you the email that I received um it's just it's just I just can't I can't the the one day pardon me it's next Tuesday next Tuesday sure at 5:30 yep I'll forward it to you okay thank you and then I just got a booklet from WSB about the annual School District meeting if anybody wants additional information you're welcome to take this home as reading material um and if there is nothing else I will take a motion to adjourn to adjourn second you're having so much fun all in favor opposed thank you everybody
Channel: Port Washington-Saukville School District
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Length: 72min 21sec (4341 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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