Porsche 911 GT2 RS Nurburgring WORLD RECORD Lap Time - INTERIOR Top Speed Sound
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Channel: GommeBlog.it: Car & Performance
Views: 506,607
Rating: 4.8995152 out of 5
Keywords: sound, lap, porsche 991 gt2 rs, gt2rs, 2018 porsche 911 gt2 rs, Porsche 911 GT2 RS, record, porsche 911 gt2, porsche 911 gt2 rs, rs, 911 gt2 rs, world record, gt2, porsche gt2 rs, gt2 rs, nordschleife, Nurburgring, porsche 911, nürburgring, car, supercars, mercedes, cars, crash, performance, 991, porsche, acceleration, auto, supercar, 2018, exhaust, driving, 911, gt3, turbo, engine, drive, fast, track, top speed, racing, carrera, speed, race, test, gommeblog, how it's made, interior, 991 gt2 rs, onboard
Id: za0A7IZk5uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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