Pororo New1 | Ep37 Happy Birthday | Who's birthday is it today? | Pororo HD

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hello click here to subscribe happy birthday our friends are talking about something in secret [Music] hello what were you doing just now uh nothing much right my friends ray um right oh i see i'm going to write a swing [Music] [Music] there's something going on [Music] what is it nothing at all what is it you know something right it's a secret ah eddie tell me oh where did he go oh what are they hiding from bologna [Music] let's go they're leaving me out what are they talking about ah i got it i'm going to ride the slide [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that's odd [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] i'll follow them [Music] what if he knows [Music] was so angry that he went back home [Music] who is it you are what is that come on today's your birthday remember my birthday you say oh all right [Music] [Music] he wished every day could be his birthday [Music] the best birthday present it's a sunny day in porang forest let's see what kobe and harry are up to tomorrow is my birthday i am so happy [Music] what did i get for my birthday last year harry here's your birthday present a jump rope here harry happy birthday thank you guys what could it be my present is a toy airplane harry here um oh it's too big for me here it's a yummy healthy carrot cake carrot hey i don't like carrot cake oh this year i really want to get presents that i like i have to make it happen there must be a way ah that's it i have a great idea harry huh uh did you take my picture [Music] all right look i have to go out right now see you later hmm where's he going oh never mind now i can work on his birthday present brody tighten that bolt okay harry's present is done he'll love it don't you think i i guess so he will he has to love it it was made by me after all what is that this is what i was afraid of i must take action i think harry needs something smaller hi guys hi hello harry what brings you here [Music] i wrote a brand new song today do you want to hear it a new song we're sort of a small car that matches my small body car car a toy car a cute small toy car like it uh it's a really catchy song isn't it uh yes okay i must be off now bye ew why do you think harry sang that car song to us maybe that's what he wants for his birthday present oh so he wants a small toy car right let's start making it my plan worked okay now let's head over to pitty's hey pepe do you want to hear my new song oh well okay i need i need a costume for my singing performance it would make me so happy so very happy like it catchy huh it's so fun okay then later bye [Music] i got him a different jump rope this time but oh well loopy loopy uh hey what brings you over uh actually cookies whoa these yummy cookies remind me of a song i wrote a song you wrote i'll sing it i love i love strawberries strawberry cake strawberries on top of frosting do you like it yes but your song makes me want to huh thinks you wonder what it makes me want to have yummy strawberry jam oh that's not what i want oh i have another song another show just listen berry berry strawberry i want to have strawberry uh strawberry cake is soft that's cake for a birthday huh ah listening to your song makes me really want to make a strawberry cake tomorrow oh really well now that's interesting tomorrow is harry's birthday what present should we give him [Music] a baseball bat no no no no a soccer ball would be way better soccer ball a dandy bright red bow tie is so pretty that would be a super present to give to me tomorrow [Music] okay i have to fly red bow tie we get him a bow tie for his birthday [Music] it seems everyone is preparing the birthday presents that harry sang about what should i ask colby to get me for my birthday i know a recorder there harry's present is finished [Music] oh are you home already poppy i'm going to sing a song for you 2t2 i love the sound of a recorder i would love a nice recorder to play all day like it aren't the lyrics catchy oh good did you like my song i loved it harry i'm so glad i'm heading inside to get some sleep now huh okay i wish it was tomorrow already [Music] morning has come and it's finally harry's birthday oh brother what's taking them so long homie harry is still sleeping inside okay then let's hurry and surprise him [Music] they're here [Music] oh what are you doing here so early happy birthday what a surprise thanks you guys wow it's strawberry take my favorite [Music] it's like you read my mind and knew exactly what i wanted harry this is from me i'll open it for you okay i think so huh what is this it's a bug oh this isn't a book harry okay okay i'll look at it later oh i'm hungry let's have some cake okay here you go [Music] harry didn't even open the present that popey worked so hard on [Music] [Applause] that was really fun wasn't it hey guys yes bobby well how should i put this i think harry is really upset with me you think harry is mad at you he seemed happy to me but he wouldn't even look at the present i gave him that is pretty weird didn't harry sing you a song yesterday poby sing me a song harry probably sang you a song about the present he wanted probably oh come to think of it he sang about a recorder oh so he wanted a recorder from you yup it sounds like it oh i had no idea i can't let him down i'll see you later guys [Applause] i love all my presents except for puppies that is was i too hard on toby huh what did he give me anyway it's so heavy and bulky huh [Music] these are all pictures of me this one he took yesterday popey's present was a photo album with pictures of harry wow this is me at the concert oh bobby gave me such a wonderful present and i was so mean to him i wonder where popey is gone popy where could bobby be what if he ran away from home because of me oh this is awful what if he's alone and hurt that's it i have to hurry and go look for poppy hurry crap where in the world have you been all this time kobe i was really worried uh well actually movie i'm sorry what's the matter harry you prepared such a wonderful present for me but i was so mean to you no harry i should have understood your songs instead i got you a bad [Music] yours is my gift present bobby really oh i forgot here i got you another present huh it's a recorder it sounds great and it's the perfect size i'm so glad thank you very much poppy i want to sing a song for you puppy's the best the best is the bestest present but there's only one thing missing hmm wait a second hmm the album just has pictures of me oh yeah okay now look into the camera big smile swiss cheese harry and poby look so happy what a great picture [Music] it's early morning and the friends have gathered at the playground hey guys hi guys kron doesn't know you're here right yeah he's probably still sleeping now oh it's krone's birthday soon what present should we give him ah a fun toy brody let's make him a remote controlled robot i remember i was going to get him a toy maybe i'll make him a cake how about we make call a birthday cake that's a great idea oh a picture let's drop a picture a picture yeah we can draw an awesome picture and give it to him wow i bet chrome will really like that yeah sounds awesome what a great idea huh i already have something in mind for cronk i'm so curious about your present you'll find out soon enough oh what am i going to do i have no idea what i'm going to give crawl oh borodo is starting to get worried about krong's birthday present [Music] a present what should i get out okay i'll start by looking for things that kron would like [Music] there's nothing good to give him what am once upon a time there was a boy who had a magic lamp when the boy rubbed the magic lamp a genie came out and granted all his wishes what you want a magic lamp that grants wishes too [Music] all right that's it prong's birthday finally arrived a few days later happy birthday now it's time to open your birthday presents [Music] that's from me and penny hurry and open it it looks exactly like chrome it really does chrome now open our present now yeah my come over here what's your birthday present ah i'll go get it here happy birthday [Music] this bell isn't just any ordinary bell it's a bell that grants your every wish every time you ring the bell i'll come and grant your wish what is your wish master you want me to sing you a song always having fun with playful yeah okay [Music] my birthday presents the best right hey guys do you want to have the cake now what is your wish master [Music] after the birthday party the friends went to the playground to play [Music] [Music] ready or not here i come [Music] no way jose all right you haven't found kron yet yeah crawl you can come out now [Music] hey guys what should we play this time i'm going to spin it you want me to spin it [Music] okay here i go [Music] oh dear krong must have a stomachache [Applause] [Music] no way i don't wanna hey guys the one who farted well that was me i'm sorry what that was you departed no wonder i think i'm going to go home [Music] [Applause] is regretting giving krong the wishbell as a present [Music] let's clean up together do you want me to clean by myself since it's kron's birthday today i'll let it slide [Music] leaves the house i'm going to be your genie in the lamp for today happy birthday [Music] to make his wishes come [Music] klong true to clean the house by himself [Music] oro is coming home [Music] it's so clean now you want me to give you another wish [Music] [Music] okay i wish i can grant you how about we play [Music] now is the best present there is happy birthday crong [Music] petty's presents [Music] everyone is at loopy's house [Music] it smells delicious they're ready where did i put my oven mitts oh oh there they are [Music] are you okay i'm okay your apron is ripped will be [Applause] oh no this was my favorite apron loopy do you have some thread and a needle [Music] i just have to snip the end all finished here you go thank you it's my face it's really pretty you're awesome then can you make stuff like clothes too of course you want me to make you something yeah that would be great you guys too leave it to me hmm what kind of outfit should i make for them ah that's it i'm sure i'll get inspired if i go visit my friends petty went out to meet her friends you think i can't catch you [Music] hey guys are you okay oh that's it i got an idea like this i think this will work i'll see you later [Music] petty is now on our way to eddie's house eddie oh hey betty what were you doing eddie oh i was looking for my hammer oh oh really oh ah i found it but where did my nail go now oh where is it here it is oh yeah my screwdriver oh here you go [Applause] that's exactly it this is how i should make eddie's outfit all finished eddie i have to go now oh okay bye now where did i put that thing [Music] hello peter hello oh what is that you have oh this yeah these are drawings of the outfits for everyone oh oh no i got them here thanks rody for rhodey since his arms grow longer it's perfect i'll see you later bye [Music] now i just have to see toby and harry hello [Applause] you can't just raise your arm like that i'm sorry harry are you okay oh you always do [Music] i don't think you'll be disappointed i'll see you two tomorrow bye bye [Music] after seeing everyone petty is now back at home all right i better get to work petty worked all night imagining her friends being excited about their new outfits i'm finished everyone has gathered at borodo's house to see the outfits that petty made i wonder what kind of clothes petty made i really want a superhero outfit it'd be great if mine was a professor's lab quote i want to wear a handsome tuxedo me too [Music] i would like a princess outfit hey guys i see that everyone's here did you finish making the clothes i can't wait to see them yeah okay wanna try them on one by one how about poruro and crongo first all right are you all dressed uh yeah i guess i am huh come on hurry and show us [Music] [Applause] the outfits are really unique um these outfits are super soft so you won't get hurt even if you fall down like it what do you think thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you look silly this time it's betty and rody's turn oh good [Music] oh if you put all your important tools in here then you won't ever lose them again oh you're right i don't think i will sorry the arms are so long how is it your arms can get as long as they want in this [Music] glad you like it the next outfits are very special toby harry why am i worried now [Laughter] like it harry if you wear this outfit you can play the guitar and sing whenever really let me give it a try huh the sound is a bit hey petty what's that on puppy's shoulder oh those are chairs just for harry really wow it's coffee poopy's outfit seems alright cool huh finally it's loopy's turn [Music] you look really pretty it's loopy's favorite princess outfit but loopy why are you hiding your hands [Music] attached to it yeah now you won't have to worry about burning your hands while cooking thank you loopy's hands look really big all they do i wouldn't talk if i were you you're right eddie's outfit has way too many pockets well what about you guys you both look like snowmen [Music] hey guys oh i can't move petty can i take this off i can't stand it anymore come on come on yeah if you don't like them then you don't have to wear them i'm going home now oh i think betty is very upset right now yeah you're right what should we do i thought they would all like the outfits [Applause] i worked so hard making them they're all meanies morning arrived the next day who could that be hey guys [Music] what's going on here yesterday you said you couldn't stand wearing them after a while it became really comfortable yeah you were right all along petty i knew you guys would like them now that we have on our new outfits let's go have fun and play do you wanna come on let's go okay the friends decided to play hide and seek together let's see who's it with rock paper scissors hey guys i have all the mitts on so oh that's right what should we do it's okay let's just play something else the friends wanted petty to see them enjoying the outfits she had made for them and this is funny [Music] are you okay yeah we're okay [Music] [Music] hey guys i have something to say you know what i think it would be better if you didn't wear the clothes i made why i think the outfits i made are making things hard for you guys i'm sorry can we really take them off now buddy yeah take them off really yup i'll make you something else instead that's okay don't worry i'll do a better job this time around ah i already have an idea i'm gonna hurry and go make them ready what kind of clothes will betty make for them this time [Music] [Music] huh [Applause] [Music] did you just tease me okay [Applause] still think i'm a slowpoke take that bell if you can catch me i will go catch me if you can slowpoke loopy oh just wait till i go oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you did catch something but it was a snowman i almost got hurt because of you why are you blaming me you have to watch where you're going stop calling me oh time to ski again [Music] everyone should be down by now over there oh here they come oh no come on you guys [Music] are you okay everyone okay see you couldn't catch me slowpoke loopy [Music] but i'm glad you didn't get hurt oh no loopy went home [Music] loopy feel crying singing to her might make her happy songs make you happy so if you sing her a song and say sorry she'll forgive you that might work you should dance too she'll really like it [Music] i'll do it so went to sing a song for you luffy me what are you doing here i'm sorry about before i have a song i want to sing for you i hope you like it chubby bubby baby [Music] [Music] [Music] why are you singing to me i thought it would make you feel better you think this is all it takes so borodo asked eddie for his help then give lupi a nice present a present yeah i'll make something for you wow thank you eddie what's inside this something that loopy would like really thanks for helping me out you're welcome [Music] loopy i have a present for you oh a present for me what is it [Music] please accept it well if you insist [Music] this is another prank no i was trying to i'm so disappointed in you [Music] everyone has gathered at the playground again what should i do then what if you have bloopers in secret in secret yeah what i mean is that you would help her as a secret friend a secret friend that might work if you do things to help loopy out then she'll feel better [Music] loopy went to petty's house to borrow some sugar [Music] she only made the batter and hasn't baked yet perfect i'll beat them for her loopy will be happy all done [Music] loopy has come back home i'll finish making my cookies huh what's that smell huh they're cookies that's strange who made them i'll try a bite they're bad but who made all this mess [Music] what should i help her with next [Music] finished i'm finally done cleaning but i wonder who made those cookies [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my chair broke oh what should i do i'll go ask hobie for help [Music] back again i'm going to ask polly to help me so loopy's chair is broken oh i'm so grateful this should do it [Music] the leg of my chair just broke really huh my chair that's really strange what is my chair was broken before i guess you don't need me now yeah yeah bobby thanks for coming sure bye bye loopy [Music] that's good who fixed it that's so nice i'll just try it out oh feels good [Music] whoever fixed this did a really bad job loopy must be so impressed i secretly [Music] i'm sure loopy is not mad anymore right it's loopy [Music] hi i have something to ask all of you strange things keep happening and i want to know who's doing it [Music] i'm going to ask you something okay oh yeah were you the one who made those cookies in my house yeah and did you fix my chair too [Music] why did you do that do you know how mad your pranks make me i'm never playing with you [Music] that's strange why is ruby so mad i don't know [Music] there must be a misunderstanding i think we should go and ask loopy that's a good idea what yes look at my chair hmm but pololo said he fixed it and he even left a big mess in my house ah that's why you're so mad but pulolo was only trying to help i know what are you talking about actually pololo was secretly trying to help you as your secret friend that's my secret friend [Music] but i guess it didn't really work i had no idea finally loopy knew what borodo was trying to do that's it [Music] come in [Applause] who is that who's there huh this is what's this huh [Music] it's a cake ah it looks yummy but who left us here [Music] i think polo is feeling better [Music] this time i'm your secret friend [Music] and luby have no more misunderstandings now let's keep it that way eddie's christmas present everyone is going to potodo's house [Music] [Music] it's going to be christmas soon good job krong says he has to do a lot of good deeds if he wants to get a gift from santa claus i see now on christmas eve when everyone falls asleep santa claus gives christmas gifts to good children [Music] so only good children get presents from santa claus because i'm crying i wonder if i'll get a present of course you've done many nice things harry remember i had a cold and you took care of me so well oh really i wonder what my present will be [Music] i'm sure loopy will get a present me yeah you always cook delicious food and share it with your friends [Music] also has done many nice things peggy helped me practice skiing so now i don't fall down as often really yeah and toby will most definitely get a present that's right pull me fix my broken chair and he helped me move some heavy boxes oh thanks what about us you two will get presents too you do like to play pranks but you always make us laugh do nice things oh yeah [Music] oh not bad that's mine not this either what about eddie can eddie get a gift [Music] why is eddie acting like that anyway eddie will get a present too he will and he's always fixing our broken toys morris and his cool adventures make us happy that is right then we will all get a present from santa oh i know i won't get a present [Music] why would santa claus give him a present oh no no okay i'm gonna do as many good deeds as i can tomorrow [Music] brody rhodey do you need help with something i can fix anything that's broken um i do not oh oh i have to do something nice what is the matter uh nothing bye okay bye i'll go to loopy's house [Music] loopy hello eddie hi what are you doing i'm making food for christmas can i help you with anything nope i'm almost done but i have run out of salt what so i'll bring you some salt from home i'll be back soon [Music] i brought the salt i already bought petty you left before i could tell you that petty was already bringing more salt sorry that that's okay oh trying to do a good deed is hard but i still have time eddie went to bordeaux's house you're decorating your christmas tree do you need my help we're done we just need to hang this up i'll hang it up for you give it here oh eddie be careful don't worry [Music] [Music] eddie are you okay what do we do sorry i was only trying to help oh poby huh eddie hi are you painting something do you need any help huh i'll squeeze out the paint blue paint or red paint huh it's okay i can do it by myself really then where's harry harry is in his room harry [Music] harry is there anything i can help you with you scared me sorry you don't need anything oh nothing i was sleeping and you woke me up oh oh i'm sorry popey i'm leaving oh okay bye oh and he was upset because he felt he didn't do any good deeds it's already christmas tomorrow i didn't do anything nice so i won't get a gift [Music] it's you eddie i'm santa claus santa claus uh but how did you know my name [Music] i know every child's name by heart well really but what happened to your sled oh my sled is old so it broke and i have to give out all my gifts this is terrible ah don't worry i'll fix the slide for you hmm would you santa claus i'm finished oh thank you what is that it's a super rocket it'll be much faster than before that's very nice but i have one more favor to ask of you yes i don't have enough time now to give out all my gifts so can you give these gifts to everyone in pong pong forest uh me yes there are many many good children in the world so i'm very busy [Music] now where was that ah here it is with this on you are now sent to eddie okay now i must put all my santa claus huh if your friends see you they might be surprised so make sure you don't get caught okay do i press this button this is really fast merry christmas merry christmas santa claus oh the gifts oh this present is for krong oh oh i didn't get a gift hmm why should i hand these out when i didn't even get one i'm going to bed [Music] if my friends don't get a gift tomorrow then they'll be sad all right i must hand them out okay go santa [Music] ah eddie why aren't you sleeping you want to see santa claus [Music] we don't even know when he'll come i'm going to bed why isn't chrome sleeping oh i must distract him oh [Music] this is for chrome [Music] now the last one's for roadie what are you doing eddie oh right you don't sleep here for you it's a gift from santa claus wow a gift from santa yup santa claus asked me to hand out your gifts for him but don't tell anyone okay rhodey okay but eddie did you get a gift uh no it's okay rhodey i'm going home now okay bye [Music] everyone will be happy when they see their gifts in the morning [Music] [Laughter] huh what's that a card for always doing good deeds and for helping me tonight merry christmas [Music] i got a present too all his friends eddie did many good deeds so he got a present from santa claus too it's a very merry christmas [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Pororo the Little Penguin
Views: 6,216,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pororo, kids, animation, penguin, english, children, baby, kindergarten, 뽀로로, tayo, Pororo the Little Penguin, kids animation, animated short film, show for kids, Nursery Rhymes, video for kids, tayo the little bus, fun kids movie, kids video, toy, animal, animal animation, toddler, animated cartoon, animated shorts, sing along, princess, dinosaur, polar bear, youtube cartoons, free animation, free cartoon, happy birthday, pororo happy birthday, pororo english, pororo new1, pororo hd
Id: JK8MA1Hnt3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 29sec (3629 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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