Solomillo de Cerdo en Salsa tradicional (delicioso y tierno)

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Hello everyone and welcome to cooking with Carmen. Today we are going to make pork tenderloin in traditional sauce. An irresistible delight easy to prepare and perfect for any occasion. Enjoy this delicious sirloin recipe where the juicy and tender meat is combined with a sauce full of classic flavors that will transport you to traditional Spanish cuisine. So if you want to make it, I'll leave the ingredients both below in the description and at the end of the video and let's get started. The first thing we need is a pork tenderloin , which in my case weighs 700 grams. And we're going to cut it medallions. Depending on the sirloin you use, you will get more or less pieces, I have 12. Next we will put a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in a saucepan or frying pan over medium high heat and wait for it to be hot, we will place the sirloin medallions and We will hope that they are done on one side. Then we turn them over, we will add a little salt and pepper and when they are done on both sides we will take them out on a plate. In the same saucepan over medium-high heat, add another tablespoon of oil. When it is hot, add three sliced ​​garlic cloves and three julienned onions. We will move everything from time to time while it is fried. When we see that the onion is slightly fried, we will add a cut carrot and a little salt. Again, we'll keep moving them frequently as they continue to be made. When the onion is already tender we will add a bay leaf, and 100 milliliters of white wine or broth. We will move it from time to time, while the alcohol in the wine evaporates. When it no longer smells of alcohol, we will add about 250 milliliters of broth, which you can use for meat, chicken, or vegetables, for example. Mix it, lower it to medium heat, and put a lid on it. We will move it from time to time with back and forth movements while it is being done for about ten minutes. After the time, we will remove the bay leaf, and if you want a sauce like I do, we put the sauce in a blender glass and we will crush it with the help of a blade mixer. When it is to our liking, we put the sauce back in the saucepan over medium heat. Next to the sauce we place the sirloin medallions, cover them, and all that remains is to wait for them to finish cooking for about 10 minutes with back and forth movements. After time, we taste it to see if it is seasoned to our liking and our sirloin in traditional sauce is ready. With the amounts that we have made, it gives us about two or three servings. If you want you can complement it with some potatoes or some vegetables. The meat is super tender and tasty. And together with the sauce it makes an irresistible combination. And you know, if you liked this recipe, I invite you to like and subscribe to our channel if you haven't done it yet. If you are seeing it on Facebook, I would really appreciate it if you share it with your friends and if you want more super delicious recipes like this one, don't miss our latest book: Cook with Carmen with 100 easy recipes to succeed every day. You can order it at any bookstore in Spain or online. A kiss and until the next video.
Channel: Cocina con Carmen
Views: 1,455,726
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Keywords: Solomillo de cerdo, Receta de solomillo de cerdo, Salsa tradicional, Recetas con cerdo, Cocina tradicional, Recetas de carne, Platos principales, Cocina casera, Recetas fáciles, Gastronomía, Comida tradicional, Sabores clásicos, Cenas especiales, Cocina tradicional española, platos gourmet, almuerzo, cena, comida, cocina, recetas, canal de cocina, cocina con carmen, comida navidad, salsa tradicional, recetas carmen, recetas con carne, recetas de solomillo
Id: rEZ7MzafS7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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