Pork Chops and Pizzas Cooked With Open Fire at Marta

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i'm cara and i'm here with lena at marta and today she is showing me how to cook with fire [Music] tell me what we're doing first we're getting in a whole pig every week and we've kind of reserved that center part of it for this big showpiece pork chop because you guys are cutting into the belly it looks like yeah we're taking tomahawk it's grandissimo because these are heritage pigs they have a lot of fat on them that once it hits the grill is gonna become one of like the most melty delicious bites you wanna pepper up for me i'd love to can't get after it because there's always that thing everyone's like salt your meat but don't pepper it the pepper burns i'm like well i'm gonna so how about that we're going to put this on the grill directly to start and then we're going to finish it in the smoke box what we're going to want to be thinking about is ensuring that we're cooking over really nice beautiful hot embers but not trying to cook over actual flame so when you have flame that's when you get a lot of flare up especially with something with fat that's an exact flavor [Music] next to the bone is going to be the thing that's going to need to cook the most the back is going to be our hottest spot how about that yeah that's a good noise i like it when it's not just like grill marks on a piece of meat but when you get a nice dark char over the whole thing this must have taken a while to build out this whole system it took forever we had no idea what we were doing you don't know what is going to show the best off of a piece of equipment like this until you play with it within the first year is when we started doing the pork chop when we started doing duck breast which was something that's another big one that we're known for take this baby out for a spin that back carriage there we don't see a lot of wood but we do see a lot of embers so what i'm going to do is i'm going to drop a log on top of it those embers are going to start to fall i'm going to get some new fresh wood going right there so you have to be constantly tending to it it is a living thing yeah so let's not mess it up on camera right okay go ahead and drop that in and then we'll get a look at our chop we're already getting some really nice char on that gorgeous yeah but keeping it on that side yeah just for a little bit longer and then we'll give her a flip you'll see we're starting to get a lot of char on that fat that's one thing i'm really really emphatic about is ensuring that that fat gets a super dark nice render because those are the most melty and delicious bites it's the most disgusting thing if you if you don't render it nobody really nobody wants gristley slappy fat that is not desirable oh amazing as much as everyone loves to eat a huge piece of meat i really like to have a vegetable to eat with it i'm with you puntarelle is one of my all-time favorite vegetables we're just going to trim off the bottom that's going to allow us to kind of separate out our leaves from our shoots wow it's like an artichoke yeah kind of except we get to eat the whole thing yes so we're going to do a smoked onion aioli that kind of is going to serve as our vinaigrette basically every element from this dish is hitting the fire in some way and it's like adding a layer so we're getting something that's been smoked and then it's going to get folded into the sauce we're getting something that's just raw fresh green getting cooked and kind of just like kissed on the grill where you can still get some crunch out of it and then obviously like the anxiousness that's coming from the pork itself put these right in here and you can see there's already some smoke that's starting to build up yeah and then while we're over here let's check our chop as well so yes we've got some nice color on both sides we'll make sure we hit that fat later but first we'll see how far it goes in the box so we're going to throw this in we're going to let it go nice subtle low gentle and get some more smoke on it what do you think the temperature is in there because we're saying low but like it's probably not that low no so funny story that used to be a thermometer and then it turns out those just explode yeah it's way too hot over here speaking of that the metal in my bra is starting to heat up which is a new feeling been there never wear a necklace on this station i would say likely that's probably around 350 400. this must be a very hard place to train your staff because it's so much of it is instinctual learning the finesse of working with fire is something that you can only learn with practice and i can hear my chops sizzling away in there as well this is how it's supposed to be nice and smoky and sweet add these all in it's kind of like a weird recipe it's not something i'd ever made anything like it before and i tend to really like smoked stuff with something that has a little bit of creaminess to it which is why i like an aioli without it being like i'm eating ranch you know like i like a little bit more depth of flavor to it than that in the summer one of my favorite things is lettuce on the grill chard romaine chardonnay romaine it's like like a grilled caesar it changes the entire thing it's beautiful to the grill to the grill yeah so i'm gonna go onions first i'm gonna go nice or in the back hearts on and then just to mitigate so it's not going quite as hot we'll go more towards the front with our greens [Music] we're going to pull off our onions these are nice beautiful soft tender char gorgeous and then we've got all of our greens here as well which are just lightly kissed smooched we also want to make sure that we're not hitting people over the head with it totally and there's a nuance and a subtlety to trying to incorporate that into every part of the meal yeah so it should be like okay we put a mayonnaise in there but you almost don't know it i would stop here you think i should totally okay so that's looking beautiful and ready to go that is beautiful and then we're just gonna go and get our chop hello beauty oh so we're gonna let this rest when it's ready to serve we're gonna take it off of the bone and then i like to take that that cup part and kind of just like lay it on the grill so it gets a little kiss as well while i'm slicing it up so you serve it off the bone serve it off the bone do you serve the bone oh hell yes i was like jeez come on yeah yeah yeah they get the whole damn thing that's awesome yeah moment of truth we're going to start cutting open this bad boy yep it's perfect yeah it looks like a beaut so if we look in here just like a really nice cook on that what i'm going to do now is throw this back on the grill just like that again hottest in the back so why not put my big guy towards the back so bones fine and fresh yep we're going to do a quick little is perfect and these bites are actually my favorite because they've got that awesome fat just right through the center yeah and we know that we brine this pork so it's nice and pink and juicy and look at that perfect cook on it oh my god yeah that is absolutely perfect and it's still a chop and it's still a chop damn it try to fan it out a little bit show off who she is she's so beautiful yeah wow right before we serve it we're just gonna hit it with a little olio verde just over the meat would you like a fork i don't think so okay we should just go for it yeah oh man the fat is so rendered and smell tear yeah i love that you're doing vegetables in a similar way to the meat because a lot of people are just doing open fire meat they're not giving the same treatment to vegetables this dish is perfectly illustrating using fire as a technique and also as a flavor element for sure yeah you have all different layers of it and all different techniques being used so it really is like a mastery of the art of cooking with with open fire so we've got this this is our big showstopper but one of the things we're really known for here obviously is pizza and one of the things i'm really proud of is that we're cooking our pizza in wood burning pizza ovens again it's just that added layer of technique and flavor so i think next up we should jump over there and we're going to do one of our mainstay pizzas are funky pizza [Music] what we have found is that putting something on a pizza that's a raw product anything that's cooking is releasing moisture and if it's leaching out that moisture likely it's going to end up like a soupy pizza so what we're going to do is we're going to pre-roast all of these but in order to keep all of that same wood fire that we've been wanting to keep throughout we cook them in our pizza oven fire needs oxygen right so it's catching on its own but whenever i need to a lot of times what i'll do is i'll just start moving around the wood that's in the oven even if i'm not adding fresh wood just getting that oxygen flow through is exactly you're soaking the fire and you're gonna get some more flame so we're gonna go ahead and just pop these babies in go for it so the back of our oven is going to be our hottest we'll go right back there one of my favorite things about setup in marta is roasting mushrooms because it just perfumes the whole dining room and it's again cooking vegetables giving them sort of the same treatment as people usually think of meat getting treated [Music] those are looking pretty good they're already starting to get some color just let them kind of finish up here yeah they're getting nice and brown yeah so you can see a little bit of roast on them they can just go a hair more but they don't need much same thing we'll check our hens oh those look great yeah so they're already so hot that all the moisture is like steaming right off it's not like they're sitting in a pool of exactly and then let's check our chanterelles so these ones like i said are going to produce the most moisture and these are pretty much ready to go what else is going on this pizza okay so we've got our mushrooms that's the star of the show so by the time this pizza is dressed it should basically look like one even layer covering the dough we don't want to do it with any one ingredient because we want there to be balance mozzarella kind of gives it a neutral melty backbone fontina adds a little bit more of that like alpine flavor a little bit of funk to it red onion color and brightness and then last but not least time all right so that's going to be it gorgeous and then we're going to go in the oven and get it cooked up and in we go how long is this process uh this is gonna cook for about two to three minutes wow and i'm gonna chat with you here for about another 10 seconds of that and then i'm going to start moving that baby around great so that it gets nice even cooking going into the oven i'm going to start by kind of checking underneath ensuring that my bottom of the dough isn't getting too much color which is getting some nice golden brown a little bit of bubbling but nothing crazy i'm going to be rotating as well because again i'm getting heat from a lot of different places since i've already got color in the bottom i don't need to stay in the back where there's such high heat i can come a little bit more to the front the side and get a little bit more of that melty ambient temperature are we done i think so so you can tell that one pretty fast yes we're going to go ahead and pull this baby out do some final seasoning and then manju manja [Music] it's a good sound yeah nice crunchy delicious cheers [Music] wow doesn't matter how many times i eat this pizza i just love it so much so good the mushrooms were like little sponges they soaked up all that fire flavor and there's so many different textures going on like the crust is really crispy and then there's creaminess from the cheese i can taste the fire on the crust too there's nothing accurate about it no no it's like it's really gentle exactly subtlety and balance i think are the unspoken heroes of cooking with fire yeah and it's very hard to do this was a master class in cooking with fire thank you it was a pleasure getting to have you in and show what marta is all about the live fire and all the different ways you can use it you
Channel: Munchies
Views: 255,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Barbecue, food, grilling, meat, PIZZA, NYC, Smoked Meat, marta, smoked out, nyc eats, open fire, open fire cooking, MUNCHIES, vice, documentary, culture, interview, drinks, How To, eating, vicevideos, Chef, cooking, restaurant, travel, vice videos, INTERVIEWS, exclusive, funny, world, documentaries, Munchiestv, munchies tv
Id: Zt4iOP4KWwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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