Popup Green Screen Open Box - How To Do Green Screen

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hey it's ray here and it's finally arrived our new pull-up green screen and we're going to do an open box video and show you exactly what's inside and how it works he's ray the video guy yeah ray the video guy all right so you may remember that about a week ago we did a video where we went through amazon and found what i thought would be the perfect green screen for my particular situation and that is a really nice pull-up green screen we found one that had a great price looked like it was good quality and we're going to find out if all of that's true but before we do i do want to point out that haphazardly on my shirt here is the w mic from movo and this is a great little microphone wireless that you can use to make your videos and the best part is it's not going to cost you hundreds of dollars it's a very affordable microphone system that you can get for about seventy dollars so check it out right now there's a link down below but you can head on over to raiselinks.com movo to check this out and all of the other mics that they have available all right so with that said let's get started taking a look at this beautiful pop-up green screen alright so the way this works is actually very very simple you've got this nice cylinder design here with the pull-up screen inside of it making it very very portable i actually brought this here today in my little car not a very big car at all and this fit right in the back i put it in the trunk and pushed it through into the back seat it is too long to go across from you know to just lay across in your back seat but if you put your seat down you can put it through that way so that was very nice makes it nice and portable and the way this works is actually very simple so what we're going to do is we're going to flip open each of the tabs here just like so and you'll notice that it's got these two feet these actually pivot to go inside the bottom of this so that when you pack this away those feet actually are parallel to the rest of the unit so that they don't stick out and you can move it around a lot easier so once we get that open all we do is pop this open and there's a lift here tag right here you're going to pull this handle out just like so and then all you're going to do is lift it straight up [Music] okay so there you go there is the green screen fully stood up it's a very nice material um kind of a you know it almost looks like it would be tent material but it almost feels a little bit more fabric-y than that i'm not sure exactly what the material is on this so maybe i'll put it down below but the great thing about this is like we said in the last video we wanted to have one that was big enough that we could stand in front of it and put our arms out and have it covered and even if we move close here we should still be able to put our arms out without it going outside of the green screen area this is a very wide one traditionally most of these are about 58 to 60 inches wide and this one is i believe 92 inches wide so it's a much bigger as far as length goes than most of those and i wanted that specifically because that way i can move around a little bit i can also have other people on the green screen with me and not have to worry about going off the screen and you know you may recall some green screen videos where the people are talking and you see their fingers get cut off because they went beyond the green screen area so this will help us to avoid that and in the next videos what we're going to do is we're going to go through we're going to actually light the green screen up we're going to see how it works and we'll give some techniques and tips on how to do a good green screen using something like this and of course those tips will work if you paint a wall or even if you have a piece of fabric hanging on the wall but of course this we hope will actually do a really good job very easily so in the next video we're going to go through exactly how to use it but right now i just wanted to go through the initial setup how it fits how it works how it opens and the quality of the build it certainly feels like a very premium product um considering we got it at a very low price i wasn't sure but it does feel very rugged the case is very strong even though it's not very heavy when you put this all together you can actually pick it up and carry it around with with ease it's a little tough getting through the doors because it is very long but it is very portable very easy to carry and of course if you don't need one quite this wide you go with one of those 58 to 60 inch ones and you're going to be able to carry that even easier you'll also be able to fit it in your car a lot easier for portability but overall so far just from the looks of this from the fit and finish it feels like a quality product and i think it's going to do very well for us i love the green on it in the amazon page the green looked a little more muted and i was a little worried about that but in reality that was apparently just the way the picture was taken because the green on this is actually a really really nice vibrant color of green so i think it's going to work really well we'll test that out in the next video but for now if you're looking for a green screen it seems like this will be a pretty good one but watch the other videos to see how it works once we get in and start doing our actual green screening and we'll see how well it performs okay so that was the unboxing of our new green screen and as you saw there the build quality is quite rugged i like the green screen itself i love the portability the one thing i am glad is that we got the 92 inch and not the 58 inch because the 92 inch even was a little bit thin when we started to move forward and put our arms out so had we gotten the 58 we would have definitely been off the screen much earlier so we'll definitely have to work on the staging for this i think typically with these pop-ups people are usually much closer to the green screen than we typically stand when we're in a green screen studio we'll work all of that out overall i think this is going to be a great product and i hope that you like it as well and while you're here be sure to check out our first video where we went through amazon and looked at the different types of green screens and picked the one that we want so you can get that by clicking over here and of course if you want to see any of our other videos you can also click here to see one of those as well and we'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Ray The Video Guy - Video Marketing For All
Views: 897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raythevideoguy, ray the video guy, video marketing, youtube marketing
Id: 8-aSwLyKw7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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