popup auction , you name it we got it

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ladies and gentlemen of course of course the internet's like hey we're gonna do this to you today that's how we're gonna do the internet today what's everybody too beautiful morning beautiful morning it is beautiful beautiful morning i don't know why this is here we have way too much stuff plugged in i've been uh busy busy as heck busy like a beaver they say right busy as a beaver okay i don't know if these are listed let's get this out of the way oh you say hi when you walk by no oh boy we have been extremely busy making room what's up wes don't walk away like that i'm saying all right oh i sure came without a shirt then i didn't have to do it um your hair is looking sorry i had school all day today i don't care is that how you do your zoom calls yeah exactly i don't know anybody so it doesn't really matter but they still gotta see you you should still be i don't know a single person there you remind me so much of my father it's online zoom called i'm not talking anybody yet it's just like watch let me show let's show everybody a picture of my dad next to you someone here looked exactly when i woke up this is where you get he gets his hair let's see i found i always i found this photo there dragon ball z shirt thank you look here's the next stand next to the photo of my dad that's the same look it's the same hair it's the same as your twin [Music] what's up bonnie how you doing dang twins see virginia says it like mookie says it you literally look exact like my dad did when he was 23. you guys could be like you could probably get away from using his id if you had if you get like uh i don't know what that one i get i can see that let's see do you have a mustache like his exact same mustache he didn't grow hair very like he didn't grow super amount of hair like you on his face it's all my this is like the same thickness it never never gets me thicker it's the same amount hey mookie a mookie's dad what's up he does look like his grandpa has so you do it's funny yeah i want to look at my mom but i don't i don't ever really saw it that much i need that mug for this is my mug why are you mugging my mug i drink water out of that yesterday we do have some really cute coffee mugs on my ebay you're more than welcome to make an offer and just say you watch the channel we set everything high but we have some nice starbucks ones all right check this out so guys a little woman a little woman is like a neat freak right that's a good thing she's very very very uh just on it when it comes to organization and cleaning and i guess apparently she's ran out of stuff to organize in the house and she's ran out of stuff to clean in the house and she decided we're moving on to the garage yesterday by we it was her and i and so she is we're we're in the process of organizing everything right now i was literally up until three in the morning i'm exhausted i have slept in bed like a left she wouldn't let me go to bed it was like three in the morning and i'm like come on should we call and i finally heard michaela was over there making ads i was uh helping the little woman organize and everything and i just left i just said you know what i dipped and i ran upstairs and went to bed because she wasn't gonna let me go to bed we so let me show you we have organized like crazy look at this look at the garage you could see stuff is a little bit organized she went through we had to make more room for the panties right because we got so many panties so she made the just listed panty shelf we kind of packed up all my stuff that was on there because we're running out of room we've organized and we have a very crazy amounts of lots of stuff we got beetle stuff we got christmas stuff we got we have lots of stuff we've been going through all the boxes remember yesterday was a huge pile right mess everywhere no now we have lots of things we have lots we got ephemera we got cards we got beetles cds john john elway and the broncos all just sorts of things just set up ready to go we got rock lots and pin lots we got boxes of just beetles this is literally how much beetles ephemera we have that much beetle's ephemera we have new stuff for youtube auction we got a stuff we got new stuff for auction we got random stuff for auction we got train parts this is the amount of hot wheels we have we've just been getting everything organized we got vintage panties it's crazy well that's the concert shirts right we've got tons of concert shirts i found more last night i found these laying in my garage check this out so we got a kiss shirt we got beetles ties we got a bonnie ray a grateful dead giant shirt this is 160 on ebay all day long plus vintage single stitch beetles rolling stones in the giants virgin america vintage shirts are hot don't forget phil collins it's crazy another rolling stones um you too it's crazy coldplay i can't ever hear the coldplay and think of without thinking of 40 year old virgin no matter what happens i have to think about it look at this giant's cactus league 1993 this is all that's just been toads 660 home runs vintage right here no that's kind of vintage i think it's late 90s nope yeah 97 so that is technically vintage new old stock 49ers giants i haven't seen any super chat today bc eagle another like all sorts of vintage shirts so we've been i'm bringing you guys lots of lots coming up i don't know how many i'll do today i'll be honest i forgot i was doing auction today a last minute clint message means like you're not gonna be late today i'm like why i'm like damn i did set one we got baseball lots we got vintage hat lots um we got a ton of stuff oh look at this look at this a whole box of just like classic rock and jazz cds a whole tote full of them um there's so much stuff i don't even remember all the stuff we have this is a weird lot this is a whole lot of just drip system sprinkler stuff we got tons of things all sorts of things uh this is what you guys are gonna see for the next two weeks yeah we're having one shaved cooter this is everything you're going to see in the coming weeks i'm not done getting all sorted but expensive christmas ornaments i forget what the brand is bigger like 30 price tags and stuff we got tons of lots little women like i said been making the lot she made me so we got a whole lots of jazzercise stuff nike with tags all sorts of lingarinis um pantyhosins i got new i got used but good workout stuff i got vintage shirt lots uh there's no rhyme or reason i listed the beatles oh spencer i don't want to hear about you you stole that stuff didn't you i'm just kidding i got a bunch check this freaking out check this out spencer this is good stuff too this ain't just cheap this is all beetles magazines uh covers photos et cetera et cetera that whole box is several lots of beetles stuff bc eagle deb shout out to wade he's live now but i guess i had i wasn't even that's why in my head i was like okay wade's going live i'm not going to start one and then i guess i set one so uh shout out to wade who is live um i was gonna not do one because you went live but i i forgot i set one yesterday during the live i had already said it during yes and last night was i'm telling you 3 a.m this woman kept me up cleaning unbelievable women women just like hey you know we're gonna stay up and we're gonna clean everything we're gonna organize whoo pop up auction you name it we got it not not me wait on my other mars that's funny look at you wes that's smart how do uh do you have two ways of typing with uh less or do you do like a multiple screen because that's what i do is i put up a multiple screen um i wonder if jason won that 12 by 50 unit two myself i haven't bought a unit in a minute but it's about time i'm getting i'll i'm not gonna lie to y'all i've been exhausted this year like in this last couple months i've been literally out i know a lot of people could see it you know you could see in my eyes i look tired and stuff but i've never done things the way i've done where i bought so much and have had so much to take my time through and sort and organize and where i look up a lot of times i used to go to the flea market i would get a decent unit and i would just throw everything out the flea market and people would find gold in boxes right they would literally find and push pocket you know and make a lot of money off me sometimes more money than i made off my own storage units because i wasn't taking the time to process stuff and it's weird is uh doing the easier stuff like sorting stuff versus just buying a unit blasting in a trailer and throwing it out is actually more exhausting than the physical part of it like it takes a lot of time to piece stuff out and i'm trying to uh i haven't gone to buy because i've been i've been so swamped with processing a prostate but i think we're the point where it's just literally sell time and i don't know if i'll buy another unit like i might not buy a unit the rest of the year i literally might have so much stuff where if i focus on selling it i won't have time for buying so i haven't decided yet it's gonna have to be a really good storage unit to go like that unless it's like a cool little one and i think i know you know we'll get some good auction stuff you know maybe buy it but i'm going to be really picky for the next couple months things are out of control people are paying like ridiculous money like 50 units are like 600 bucks no freaking way i'll pass um bonnie yeah the woman in the shirt video pisses me off i've known her for years and i thought we were cool but this is where greed comes in money right i understand she likes vintage shirts she's known as like the shirt leader right she buys a lot of shirts etcetera etcetera but she wasn't even trying to buy him anyway she just wanted one or two we got there nearly the same time she walks up pretty much right before me and starts going in a bed nothing has gone on i don't give i don't give a hell who you are in the world of buying if you have just got there and i've got there and you're not there's nothing and i i buy all of them i'm sorry that's a biz that's a business move right there if you know i don't even i didn't even flinch like i just happened to think grateful dead it was i bought this i bought the piece of art right there you guys saw recently i literally bought it five minutes before and it was just like habit like i didn't even think he was like i was like he's like i got a bunch more and i'm like are they concert shirts like yeah it's all uh grateful dead and i just said how much for all there was no thinking it was like literally just habit and he said a dollar a piece i didn't even think twice this lady she was like i want i want some for my daughters right i'm gonna get one for each me and my daughter i didn't like the way she kept going in that's it then she kept going in i'm like you don't have rights to this and what was i supposed to do you know like i can't really cause a scene i'm trying to fight a woman right but sometimes i wish i had like a female bodyguard with me and i'd be like beat her up you know cause she's touching my stuff because it's hard to keep her composure right there in those moments she got up under my skin and then i find out she's walking around the flea market selling him for 30 bucks a peach what the hell is wrong with you you're lowering the value these are you're you're a vintage shirt lady and you're that stupid you're selling the shirts for 30 bucks what is wrong with you there's no shirt in this lot that is under like 70 bucks on ebay not like one freaking shirt is under 70 bucks on ebay maybe because somebody might have sold it too cheap because that's what people do or it was used but there was no freaking shirt in this entire thing and she's walking on the flea market popping them off at 30 bucks a piece and and all of a sudden i get flooded with all the other buyers right that wasn't seen but other people kept coming up to me afterwards like one shirt buyer's like oh hey dude you know uh i'm big in the shirt world and i know all about these always sell me a few uh so and so he's wearing like the most beat up grateful dead shirt ever seen in my life and he starts trying to down talk the product this none of this was filmed because i was just like just i was it i was in another world but the lady but he's like oh these are all just good reproductions dude never try to buy something off me talking down my product i don't give a damn how much you offer me if you try to belittle my item to get the sale that's like the easiest way to push me away i was like no i'm not selling i don't want to sell them i haven't even looked them up but that tactic to me are the the seller of the stuff didn't know what he was doing he was new it wasn't his forte let's go with the jewelry let's get this auction started enough talking i can talk and we go but yeah that person doesn't sell normally he was just selling something that somebody gave him he had no clue what he was he had no clue what he had literally after i gave him the money for the shirts he told me i think you'll make something off of these he did he got it for doing the work for the guy who has him i've been trying to purchase more from the guy he he's been m.i.a because i want him to put me in contact with the guy he did work for it apparently the guy has two trailer loads full he was a roadie for the grateful dead oh we got uh we got i'll be watching you by the police new offer of 75 what's that all about clint was that a record what's up jill benji's in the house this is not active it's just a charm that's weird they're different colors okay there's two of the same sets different colors lots of different pieces of costume right here [Applause] costume jewelry lot one [Music] look at this we got beautiful ads look how good work clint does guys these are clint's ads on my youtube my ebay he's hard at work at home look at that quality he's got a christmas background look at he's emphasizing buy these for christmas i like it clint do we can we get a 15 opening on this bonnie says 20 i'll take a 20. lot one beautiful costume jewelry thank you guys on earth uh it was hard because i saw the if you actually see the shirts that she was getting they were not the sames on some of them like the last bag she grabbed the black shirt another one those are very good concert shirts not often you see them in black like that in the grateful dead they're usually white and colorful it pissed me off actually i was getting real mad it's right here mookie i should just do it like everybody else so they put it in a pile and just let it sit there look here's the here's a pile full of jewelry little pancakes showed clint had a list they uh they're both kind of self-taught i don't think she even realized spencer is being a person the average person even a reseller doesn't think quite how to fathom how much there was and what it was i think she just thought there was a few shirts i don't know i would have never if i and then do you see how quick i reacted all right we have any other interests or just bonnie just bonnie we got 76 in the house [Music] hmm one time i got 10 000 worth of software for 10 yeah people don't i'm getting a text about a piano text about a piano so the bonnie for 20. bonnie at 20. okay what should we do next what should we do next i haven't got this far let's warm up with something else there we go let's go these two beautiful rings seven and a quarter yeah it was a uh i knew when people told me about gerard philippe i was wondering why people thought it was so expensive petite philippe is the money gerard philippe is very inexpensive petit philippe is very expensive size seven and a quarter ten and a half almost yeah well here's what bugs me guys is you know that she tried to come uh she went around the flea market talking smack about how i uh i don't know she tried to say i bullied her or something and ran her over i don't know but i was pretty pissed off when i heard that that's when i decided okay you wanna go talk some heck i will air the footage and she wanna tell people you know you should know i have a chest cam on that but don't go talking crap like like uh was anything short of you being rude and uh trying to keep taking my items that i was already sold on she was already in and got pissed off a lot of people at the flea market some people don't understand that they don't understand etiquette in the business world exactly jesse i was i was gonna lose my cool i was close to it i got i was close to being like look the like i was how close i was i was like right there like this close i was i wanted to say something but i i try to keep my composure because i am filming at the flea market i don't like to look stupid like that you know but she was very like snooty she had like this like haha attitude you know what i mean like i'm just gonna do what i want that ticks me off all right what do we have do we have any interest in these two rings bonding at 20 on these two rings right wait a minute this one needs to be cleaned i would have gotten her little red wagon had a few shirts everybody i can see everybody's upset with her i feel it because she she should have never touched one shirt after the moment that they were sold and when she's like i have money like literally that lady was not coughing up any money she bought like probably she talked him down even on the good price i i didn't have to talk him down dude was giving good deals i probably would have paid the five a shirt he was asking for but he he said you can have them all for a dollar each i'm not going to argue with somebody who sets their price all right lot number two yeah she had a very cocky attitude and she's like my husband's here like her her husband is not going to say a damn thing to me it made me laugh uh her husband ain't saying a damn thing to nobody let's see what do we have here what do we have here i know we got stuff let's go with a toilet when she said her her husband was here only thing i could think of is like don't pull it uncle michael don't pull an uncle michael cause you know uncle my uncle michael's voice is ringing back in the head don't get your husband beat up right now that's all that was ringing in the back of my head is uncle michael's voice saying that we're gonna come up with a lot of toys we got barbie vintage kids meals we got madame alexander that's what i was i'm telling you clear that's all it's ringing in my head it's like i could picture uncle michael be like you're gonna get your your husband beat up right now she probably took legit like one or two thousand dollars in shirts and she didn't even know it being a shirt person she sells at such a fast quick pace because she doesn't under even understand how to get your money out of stuff she took like over one or two thousand dollars in shirts maybe more because i don't know she grabbed a few that were different she grabbed a few that were different [Applause] donald duck madame alexander oh no her husband don't say nothing he just sits there and watches her be annoying all day long it's really weird i've been watching him for years pinocchio no madame alexander pinocchio boy toy that's weird oh look at that one looks like mickey okay these are disney style look this one's supposed to be the wendy doll from peter pan this one is cool kathy this one is wendy doll this one is wendy doll as cruella deville wendy is minnie mouse this is mickey mouse boy toy boy doll that's cool i didn't realize that oh spencer uh i'm not gonna tell you what i paid for i didn't pay five piece i kind of just told you what i paid for them all right let me get a can i get a 15 on this opening at least cover the shipping least cover the shipping dot i still gotta put out a video today i'm so behind the schedule i might have to skip a video today celestial bro what's up i said what i sent you everybody who wins names stay stuck in my head and i know i packed something up for you the other day what it was i don't remember what is the second one on the top right it's the same thing as the cool kathy it's a madame alexander there's a cool cathy version of amanda mcsally's alexander but i don't know uh what even that is i'm kind of new to that whatever that is oh i love smashing what people want right in front of them clear thrifts um at the grand scheme of thing guys oh that's the top left not the top right okay um yeah it is this is a go active step meter a mcdonald's step meter well that must have been one of those ones they decide not to put out let's see what clint's doing here we got one up for 350 look at that here we go clint's latest ad guys 350 bucks let's see how his photos look oh look at this when this look at the lighting i like that you can see everything yeah uh-huh clint did you put this together to make sure it worked look at that backdrop i like it clint i like the professionalism clint sold the rogue for 15 all right clint's doing a great job i'm giving him praise right now all right we are um what do you guys want to see does any do we want to do we feel like i have an auction should we just have a talk today what do you guys want to see what do people actually want to bid on pins i might have some buttons i don't know if i have pins leslie oh why did i put say no i'm pretty sure celestia won that yeah so celestial won that i don't know who cleo is i bet you want to see that one spencer just send me just send me 250 i'll send you spencer let's see here let's go with let's go with i don't have one of these here i haven't done one of these versions yet this is a pretty pricey shirt and we've yet to sell this one we've yet to sell this shirt here this is a smaller version of the logo a much more beautiful color of the tie-dye it is on a vintage navy xl it is double stitch because it's a 2004 is an extra large which is a very good size it has never been worn which makes this extremely good it's not used it is new dead stuff or whatever justin told me to say yesterday and i already forgot it's got all of the concerts they went through during the time look at that it's got the dancing bears it's got the bus this is a just a good logo typical city's involved in typical daydreams very nice shirt right there guys i need at least a 40 on this this is a hundred plus dollar shirt right here 100 plus you saw the last one i sold the other day well julie says 50. you saw the one i sold the other day similar to this one justin paid 100 for my shirt dealer you know that says a lot when your shirt dealer's buying a shirt for a hundred bucks to resell and that was a 2004 was the different version of this one this is the size xl guys xl x l i'll measure it if anybody wants that's i'm trying to get in the habit of doing these things because i'm going to be on an instagram auction and i encourage every one of you who resell to come watch this auction on friday night i encourage everyone to come check it out if you have instagram it'll be right here come check it out i'll be on there and i want you guys to see what i'm talking about and the different platforms ebay is the lowest selling platform for good vintage shirts 22 and a half so it's a 22.5 by 31 that's a good one juliet 60. i saw his nintendo shirt for yeah and the chances are that person who paid 400 is going somewhere with it for more yes exactly mercari instagram poshmark vintage shirt sites etc etc jesse if you have a chance follow follow the uh we have we have julius sixty any other interest guys size extra large bid long you bid wrong this ones are more rare because of this the type of logo on the back this is the back hit this is the front hit there's a smaller version of it and the colors are different so resale peace all right a lot for okay move this out of the way all right let's see what can i do next what can i do next let's try a lot like this it's whatever's new stuff with tags those look like some type of khaki full pantyhose really thick this is some type of new by champion like workout skirt dress thing with the tags this is jezebel that's a good brand right there is some type of 90 maybe huh i guess it's the panties are good man what is this something bought off another ebayer i'm guessing it's a vintage 90 i didn't have a chance to pull it out i should have but because vintage 90s are the real money we got uh whatever this is makita athletic piece we got oh a jazzercise shirt that's the wrong bucket for that but it's now in the lot body flex vintage off the hood it says alternative vintage saw some type of size large uh see-through runner thing okay this piece right here is kajur or something got three things of christmas socks holiday time so there's three pairs of those and we got some type of shirt right there it is a clothing company and here's another brand new shirt pro fit let's call that a lot what's up clint i'm showing everybody your good work you're doing clint has 925 ads to go to complete his thousand look at this guys look at that quality and look at the lighting the way it's boom good photo direct on it he's got one at each angle i'm digging it used one available i'm liking the backdrop he used i like it too it's christmas you know what's funny this is so psychology well i'm shooting for christmas and i don't know if clint did this on accident guys but just look at this just look at that see if you think he who wants to vote he did this on purpose you see that it almost looks like he went and bought a new christmas tablecloth or something at target when he was uh when he was doing his cookie run so no he did not get the darkness of blaze pokemon cards for you wendy a twin that's how many pieces there are i'll probably have to sell them spencer because the only way that was gonna become fair for me i forget what you offered me you offered me 1200 for just the packs and the charizard one two three four five six seven eight i guess this goes with us somewhere no that's the sleeve nine ten eleven 12 13 14 pieces 14 pieces they're good for resale great resell on what do you want to sell that one for what's the charge garden what's that card worth spencer what's that card worth what's this mint condition charizard worth 2009 never been pulled out it's like a 10 and probably greater than 10. what's that worth spencer what are you talking hawaiian kid tuber what are you talking about i missed something here kawaii kitten tuber is that uh are you i'm confused are you clint's friend who wants to buy a creased one we got wendy h it's at thirty two dollars wendy h 32 i say we probably have a short auction today guys pirates uh um there's a lot of people on youtube that are having options a day and i will finish organizing the garage and getting ready you'll pay pal me 50 it is you think it's worth i'm going to go check my notes again why i have to figure out why spencer wants his card so bad spencer spencer i have these little notes here somebody sent me how come you said see somebody said that card is worth 175 spencer 170 am i tripping no is that the different charizard which one is that didn't don't remember your youtube name because you don't ever comment cookie made cookie uh cookie monster's daughter was it your idea to use the uh a lot to wendy for 32 where'd that package go there it is 32 to wendy plot 5 new with tags all right spencer this one's yours for 100 right here i'm selling you buy it now spencer that one for a hundred that one card and then i will commence selling the rest of them on ebay let's go with what do we want to do next i'm i don't even know what to do what should we do any ideas i don't feel i feel like whatever i put up no one's interested in so it's kind of hard for me to pick i sometimes come and watch but it gets boring oh well i appreciate that johnny may i told you i came up with the greatest ebay invention leggings what are leggings records sports bras i don't know if i have any records okay let's do something let's do another lot of this weird stuff here we have a gloria vanderbilt with the tags are you talking fabletics gilligan o'malley renee roafe lingerie is there a tag in here here it is another gloria vanderbilt with the tags think there is some type of stretch pants in there purple stretch pants i think these are slips like see-through type of panty things mervin's another pair but blue some type of slip be tempted and i think it's a two-piece deal here oh no pants i was wrong 13 pieces right there sizes there's several different there's some there's a they're a little bit of everything a little bit of everything extra large no size um this is i don't even see the size a 1416 this is xl this is xl no marking large six six medium this is a garter size something i believe an extra large and a size five all those sizes clear thrift you don't need you can go live without uh any amount of subs you just go straight from a computer you don't get the luxury of the cell phone but it does definitely work to be able to go on a computer i have a turn to watch someone stop working who's not working are you saying michaela's done up for ads for the day clint i think she's technically ahead of you in hands we're approaching eleven hundred no you declare threats a thousand is for you to go live from the cell phone i'm 99.9 sure you can go live from your your desktop version with one sub but to go and especially your stream art as well too but from your phone everybody hide michaela's come and hide hi hi everybody why we got 12 offers i blinked and it was at from 6 to 12. is it the same person i don't know but i'm overwhelmed over there if you want to say hi i gotta do uh hi live i'm overwhelmed why because did you show them did you show them my panties that i have to do and i've showed them i showed panties i have i have is there spencer you see how he stepped up his game let me show you he put he put wrapping paper in the back yeah it's his daughter's idea it's like a christmas paper and stuff but look at these guys nice quality bright ads i like this you mean jessica doing what is this what does this mean when his daughter types that t.o.t i don't know he only shows the quality ads oh clinton trying to say that his ads are quality and yours are not so i don't know that's why that's my mindset when is the picker's warehouse going live gosh every single offer is on panties do we sell these to sarah yes we did your underwear t-o-t um what does t.o.t mean can you put those inside of there oh my gosh what nothing sarah k at 38 damn i got here like if i figure fluffy use something else's stream yard no no no oh yes clear threat you can be going live you don't gotta you don't have to do all that it's just if you want to use the phone it's just if you want to use the phone i think you can do it like i said from your laptop without it but um i'm trying to think what to do i feel like just calling it a wrap already for the day let's try this weird lot let's see if there's any interest in this it's a nice little lot the little woman made here um i don't know if she meant to put this in there here we have a dave and buster's key chain we have another key chain we have this is pretty much a keychain log of that san jose sharks the cavern liverpool a little toolkit tool case don't hesitate to designate chp soul liquor don't hesitate another different version of the chp one dublin police there's two of those you had junk and she's oh my god you missed it i was explaining earlier she had me up till three in the morning going through the entire freaking garage that's a cute key chain is for uh grease yeah we organized the entire garage we're sorting for ebay ads youtube auction etc etc i'm exhausted because i was up all night and now i gotta finish up today power couple i like let me take a photo of that let me send that to her to show her you said that she is a kind of a clean freak is that the word i think that's appropriate term uh i think i gotta i'd say 15. i'm throwing the wire in because she put it in there so it has to go now okay key chains how much are you making me regret selling that car spencer like was hard to get exactly jesse she does and like i kept like it was like 10 30 i'm like can we call it a night no i'm like 11 15. so let's uh let's wrap up let's go uh work on revising ebay ads and watching blacklisting goodbye no 11 45 what about now no 12 30. stop crying we're cleaning the garage i'm not stopping until we're done one o'clock can we try again no three o'clock i stopped asking and i just snuck upstairs and laid down and then she quit [Music] she does clear thrift she was throwing my stuff away she's like you're not wearing those shoes no more those are dirty and i don't want them in the house we're throwing those away i need nine pairs of dirty work shoes little women i like it i like the uh that bossy side of her oddly that like take charge and we're going to do this task i i like that type of attitude i'm waiting for her to put a ring on me clear thrips just kidding real quick shout out this this youtube auction is brought to you by locker nuts you're funny clint lacinda at 17 on the keychain line all right you know guys hmm i think i should i'm going to call it a wrap soon i want to finish working on the garage and i gotta finish getting my ebay ads revised is there any must need to see item like i don't have a lot of random things right now so de la cinda we got seven lots in we've been on for an hour and a half now oh no hour basically 66 minutes i say we call it i want the wire that cinda says i say we call it with the early auction today i say we all go we all go uh we all go over to wade's and buy his stuff oh damn he's selling coins right now that's where everybody's at i think i did jesse i shipped it out let me look real quick i know i got too much to sell ugly but i gotta get to i got to do some things you know 95 bucks jesse on september 8th gopro yeah there's a lot of people doing auctions right now i feel like it's uh i want to finish this mess i'm in it's not very organized i don't got anywhere to put anything wade's live right now wade's got a big auction he's doing 120 lots what's up my second channel well wade's ventures junkin oh spencer i see where uh is a train delivery coming to clint can't you just put it on pallet one and leave it there for a couple weeks i will probably do one tomorrow when i get a little more organized and spread out uh right now it's like i can't even reach nothing i can't even put nothing down we got in seven good lots though yeah junkin on uh my friend's channel yes sir sir yes sir best of the best of the best let's all go over to wade chan and go argh uh i have not i'm starting to list them soon reselling but you i haven't even tried i've been putting them on the auction just to see but to be honest with you i'm i'm not selling them for enough on the auction for what i'm gonna get on ebay so they're gonna be going up on ebay very soon i'm just trying to get things in order which has been really rough trying to keep up with my process but i'm almost the point where all i will be doing is ebaying here another day or two that's kind of why i want to finish getting what i got to get done because i can't sit in ebay when everything else is not organized and in my way so i got enough auctions almost set up video set up now i'm getting ready to ebay and the shirts are going on there which is still not even your best shirt market it's like mid-range for your shirts colleen go over to wade's ventures tell them i said arg we're done with the auction colleen the auction's over with already we're 70 minutes in amen junk and i've had a few people offer me and they they want to too much meat on the bone and that turned me off real quick like telling me i was crazy for wanting this amount and if you're going to sell a shirt for like 200 and you're and i'm telling you i want x amount which is going to double your money it doesn't work that way with me don't tell me i'm crazy because i want i don't want to give it to you for less than half of what you're going to sell it for or even more than that across the board so it's all good i'm not even in a rush i have so much going on it's like i'm in a process and yeah i'm gonna go edit up storage auction pirates video get to organizing i love you all thanks for coming this was a quick little auction but um i appreciate y'all i appreciate y'all shout out to mookie for modern um i appreciate that i would take all the i don't i don't have a makari clear thrift and it isn't poshmark better i hope i can get this garage done because i do not want to be up till three tonight i do not want to be up till three i love you i'm out kathy white what's up no no circuit cutter all right i'll see your bare weights i'm gonna
Channel: undefined
Views: 645
Rating: 4.9175258 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, I bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, extreme unboxing, i bought, bought, i found, found
Id: aSLlAlrLk_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 19sec (4339 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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