Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 - What Ollie ACTUALLY Looks Like

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Ali's True Form was finally confirmed to us and our first huge reveal about him was just given to us from the creators behind poppy playtime they actually confirmed his role in chapter 4 alongside the other bosses they've been planning with this early statement made about them the new villain for chapter 4 is the one Seth and I have been most excited about for quite some time it will be a fan favorite in the design takes every unique advantage of being a poppy playtime toy but what exactly does this tell us about ali well it actually tells us that Ali's full appearance actually isn't going to be an entirely new boss in chapter 4 as we're told that this next villain we're expecting is something they've been planning for quote quite some time now this other character teased by this description actually connects to another model that the popy Playtime character designers already revealed to be separate from Ali something they had just finished concept art 4 around 9 months ago while we know Ali's role on the other hand was more last minute for chapter 3 as his character went through multiple changes shortly before the game was finalized and if he were to finally pop up as the next new antagonist it would have made the most sense for the big reveal to happen in chapter 4 but who would Ali actually be if we know that another main boss is meant to be taking the spotlight in the next chapter well it turns out we were finally given the true answer from the one secret the game developers Left Behind early for us we know that they fully coded in one of Ali's earlier models that was meant to go along with who this newer version was meant to be two as the two were strongly connected in the files this earlier version was known as Ace was actually a completely different character that was meant to call us on the same chapter 3 phone and direct us around the play hair just like Ali ends up doing in the final version but what does this strange finding tell us about our newer Ali's identity well it turns out this connection to Ace tells us that the new Ali we ended up actually getting was not quite who he had claimed to be before you see the two theories that have stuck out the most about Ali's identity is that he's either the factory security system due to the green security tape connecting to Ali's green text along with the fact that he works all of the cameras of the facility or that Ali is the Prototype and based on all these new findings the truth tells us that Ali was designed to be a lie this entire time this is the important part you see the earlier Ace model for Ali's character ended up being programmed in the game the furthest out of any scrapped character we've ever seen in the game files the fact Ace was changed so late in development into a completely different character that sounds nothing like the previous one is proof that his true identity didn't even matter because Ali was simply meant to be a placeholder for someone else his earlier version at least was basically filling in the role for another secret monster behind the scenes which was also revealed by Ace's name you see the name Ace actually translates to multiple meanings including the one leader and unity if those three words Al together remind you of anything we've ever seen in poppy playtime before it'd be the confirmation we needed that Ace was intended to be the Prototype but it gets more complicated than that because outside of the fact that we know the prototype to be a Unity of various toy Parts while taking the role of the one true leader we know that this mysterious connection only applies to A's model which was before we were given the newer more improved version of Ali is our new Ali also the Prototype rather than the security system based on some of the newer theories well it turns out we're finally given the full story based on the secret finding connecting to his real appearance you see we already know that there was a physical file found in the home site home section of chapter 3 that confirmed to us that Ali actually had his own room in the orphanage at some point he was supposed to be an actual boy that Poppy allegedly knew and saw in person but we also know based on his previous design as Ace that all these changes and findings of Ali as a real boy were simply meant to show us why Ali trusts him and tells us to listen to him in chapter 3 it's because she thinks the Ali we talked to is the same one from the orphanage when in reality there's more than enough proof that the Prototype is pretending to be Ali through the use of his voice making abilities we saw highlighted in the chapter 3 VHS tapes and we finally saw a sort of confirmation of this idea through Ali's name in the first place as we know in the case of his previous model that Ace's name was also the proof that there was a connection between the Prototype and Our Mysterious Helper and it turns out Ali is an anagram for Elliot as in both names have all the same letters except for the T at the very end as we know l lewig is the main suspect for the human turned into their prototype in the first place but it turns out Ali's whole body is more complicated than simply just being the Prototype we know from the use of green text to represent him as well as his own room in the orphanage shown to us in the game files that the real Ali was likely turned into a toy before actually becoming part of the Prototype the game also tells us this through Ali's connection to poppy as poy self seems to recognize the voice we hear in chapter 3 as Ali if the real Ali was a human then poppy obviously wouldn't trust his voice if it sounded the exact same after years and years of not seeing each other humans age and their voices deepen after all meaning the real Ali was likely an orphan turned into a toy instead but which to a design would make up this character before he became part of the prot type well again the evidence were given from The Game Dev seems to add up to solve this big mystery for us the same toy model I previously theorized which we now know is likely part of the prototype's amalgamation of toy Parts you see we're already expecting some of the scrap designs from chapter 2 to make a reappearance in chapter 4 specifically based on our early statements about the game and we know that out of all of the options The Toy Fox Model from the list still sticks out as the most important one due to the green color matching up with the same text choice for Ali's character as well as the fact that this Fox's design matches up with one of the potential themes for the next game the sort of amusement park style location teased to us in one of the chapter 3 posters our new evidence tells us that not only is there a huge connection between Ali and this toy model but there's also a huge connection between this toy model and the prototypes body but if Ali isn't the next main boss we still need to know who is as it turns out certain information out there connected to a completely new toy model that we've never seen in poppy play time before but what if I told you we know what exactly this toy model was meant to be as early clues for what we saw described from the creators behind the games early ended up being found in some of the poppy playtime toy experiment doc basically there were a few toy experiments from the list that have actually been in the factory this whole time unaccounted for let me introduce you to experiment number 1187 and 86 while we didn't know who they were previously it turns out there is more than enough evidence that this pair of villains together could end up making a comeback in the next chapter of poy playtime but who exactly are these two villains that we're expecting to see in chapter 4 while we're told early from the experiment log that 1187 and 86 were actually designed to be the main guards of home sweet home before eventually being replaced by catnap after this change the two were likely left to be in charge of a completely different section of the factory leaving us still needing to know who they actually are and it turns out I'm actually able to reveal everything we know about their true identities early in this video right here here so for everything we're told about the potential antagonists for chapter 4 make sure to check it out
Channel: Internet Inferno
Views: 20,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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