Poppy Playtime 3 - CATNAP & DOGDAY (Truth or dare)

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hey guys it's me catnap and I'm here with the poppy playtime gang and today we're going to play Truth or Dare so cool but guys before we start playing truth or dare it's super duper super important that you leave a like on this video will you do that for me please for cousin cnip did you leave a like like this look simple did you do it thanks also guys super duper so important my goodness we're going to need some orange emojis in the comments like these so cool my favorite is the orange one he's just so awesome all right guys who wants to go first oh I want to go first let's do this did you leave the Emojis [Music] thanks looks like it's you puppy to the Dare stupid there there it is I dare you are you listening yeah excuse me put you back there I dare you to get me a set of brand new legs I'm sick of having no legs so you better get me those legs or you lose the game get those legs please I really need them please get your legs sure I can do that easy all right let me go to Amazon or Ebay uh N Pull up the eBay app do you mind if they're used that's all right all right all right they should be here any minute now thanks Poppy I appreciate it I mean I hope they're real last time I bought Le it was like a month ago and it was totally fake I couldn't fit them in it was [Music] horrible they're here guys somebody order a brand new set of Le done it look great today enjoy your legs oh my gosh my brand new set of legs for stain condition human what let me get some scissors so I can open this stupid box you got it oh thanks sure all right relax all right much go Le human what connect those legs now or I'm punching you in the face no I said connect those legs all right relax let me just put you there and and uh get these legs and uh oh my gosh guys look at me it's beautiful I'm I'm going to try to stand up it's a bit wobbly but it works thanks Bobby these legs are amazing you're welcome don't they just fit beautifully look at him I look like a duck so cool all right uh who's next I want to go next Huggy wuggy here I love Truth or Dare let's do this looks like a Jew Killy Willy to the Dare I'll do dare there it is oh my goodness you're totally going to lose are you ready for this awesome new awesome de sure I dare you oh my gosh I dare you to go steal the peanuts from Bubba vent it's going to be so funny he's going to kill you dude do it all right guys let's get those peanuts I'm not going to lie I'm kind of scared but you got this follow me that's not the penis hey there bub fent hey what's going on oh nothing I'm just playing to the dare you know and uh those peanuts are looking lovely you mind if I like grab a few don't touch the peanuts this is my lunch dinner and breakfast I love peanuts don't touch it oh my gosh well um you see the thing is I just just play Truth or Dare with Huggy wagy and he dared me to take your uh bag of penis here so please will don't touch me with peenuts I will kill you I will end you don't tou what's the better killer buly scared of taking the penis just forfeit the game man just lose quit shut up Huggy I'm not scared all right I'm touching the peanuts don't do it I'm doing it I'm not scared of you I'm bigger than you don't touch it I'm touching it don't do it nobody ever touches my bag of peanuts my peanuts who's next oh over here guys PJ I want to play Truth air I love truth air let's do this looks like it's you boxy TR or Dare stupid uh I'll do dare I'm not scared of your stupid dares all right well then I dare you to go inside the microwave for 30 years straight for 30 years that's right 30 years or you can just forfeit lose the game look a loser never I never lose the game let's do this all right foxy boo m crav is over there go in for 30 years I'll be watching good it let me just climb up there here we go oh Critters do you mind if I take some room yeah sure go ahead excuse me I just got to be 30 years my bad you can close the door PJ you got it no idea I'm not going to be stay here for 3 years I'm just going to let him cook let him [Music] cook don't really know how to start this thing oh hey human what I really don't know how to start this thing can you help me out you've got it thanks think you just y thought you do it thanks let's wait for 30 years 450 nice 75 years later oh my gosh I think it's ready boxy oh my goodness I think boxy Bo died I think he turned into some weird liquid boxy bro oh my goodness poor boxy bro I got you dude are you there yeah man what do I look like dude you don't look too good man you don't look too good uh I'm just going to bring you back home all right all right man I feel pretty good we're just going to go backo all right guys uh I'm back with boxy boo say hi boxy hey guys what do I look like my gosh what happened to him don't ask questions does anybody want to eat him what don't eat me shut up look at you you're you're you're some P looking weirdo does anybody want to eat him no he's our friend I'll take it human here all right human go ahead [Music] thanks gosh bux you're looking delicious what are you doing human W look at that oh man this is great hey doctor you want some no man I'm good thanks come on man try it it's really good he said no all right suit yourself more for me thanks guys boxy was delicious see you later yuck all right guys I mean I know that was horrifying I wish I could was my eyes and my memory and my brains uh who's next oh I want to go next kicken chicken I love TR dear let's do this looks look at you big monster cat up dare I'll do truth I'm sick of these dares truth it is truth it is well let me ask you this katab yeah all right do you or do you not eat chicken soup like me chicken do you eat chicken soup I can see it on your face say the truth I don't know what to just say it I know you eat chicken you horrible stupid C I don't know do you mean like chicken noodle soup it doesn't matter there's chicken in it do you eat it I do yes it's so good you disgust me all right who's next I'm next and cousin Captain up here don't you just love truth or dare I love it let's play some truth or D air looks like it's you duck day TR dare do or Dare I'll do dare dare it is I dare you to get in the shredding machine this one over there that shredding machine right there you better get in there now it's the deer right I'll do it but you're not going to kill me right no just get in there you got it let's go woo check out my legs oh that was fun right Captain where are you I'm right over here gosh Captain what are you doing with that lever shut up get in the shredder now all right what's up with all that blood that's all blood it's pomeg grin jues oh nice I love pomegrenate so do I go face first or legs first I recommend face first you know what I'm I think I'm going to go legs first just for uh safety measures let's put my legs in there can I get some help human you got it just got to put him right there ow it kind of hurts shut up okay just got to put him in there that's good enough thanks human I appreciate it all right now what did I fulfill the day already almost up almost [Music] done now for the real action what do you do katchup shut up what' you do catchup who what's happening no EV oh no not my brand new L I just bought them from even this afternoon my oh that hurt so much no my beautiful new leg I got from eBay what did you do get them what did you do to my beautiful legs look at me what did you do dude relax those are just fake legs they're not authentic or anything like that she got him second hand from eBay it's totally fake plus it's truth or there it's brutal man yeah I guess all right guys let's go back woo hey what is this I look great today look at this machine I mean what happens if I just put my head in there nice we're back guys I hope you enjoyed this episode guys this episode was crazy I mean truth or there is something else uh if you like this video leave a like subscribe emojis in the comments and we'll see you in the next one oh hey there guys it's me cousin catnip and guess what we're having an exclusive cat bit party so cool right Dad yeah I guess cat na only look [Applause] away I guess you shouldn't have eaten all those tacos last night anyways let's having an awesome party out guys that was really good catnip uh cousin catnip I mean good job up thanks but you forgot one thing you know what it is well tell me you forgot to tell the fans to leave a like on this video guys before we start having a spast at this exclusive cat that bath party I'm going to need to leave a like on this video super duper important super important imagine this W is a like button just smash yeah I totally forgot about the like button you're right also guys there's one more thing I forgot and I don't mean to be annoying but we're going to need some purple emojis in the comments like these right here yeah these are looking nice and purple put them in the comments I'm waiting cousin Captain up is waiting did you guys leave it in the comments thanks Daddy catnip check this out nice super nice that was amazing but check this out hold on a minute huh oh no what is going on here this is Sunday Funday it's a special day for the Dog Day family to enjoy a nice bath party all right that's right you you guys are not supposed to be here I told all my family over there we're going to have us awesome dog day bad party get your family out of here katnip well I'm sorry dog day I'm not really sure what to tell you this is an exclusive catet party so uh sorry bro [Music] sorry that's my dog day get out of here this is not fair we want to have fun at the B as well I know kids I'm really sorry but these stupid CPS won't go you guys need to leave you listen to me Buckle we're not going anywhere you better get your stupid dog Fe out of here you hear me would you call stupid I called you stupid I'm going to punch you face oh yeah yeah hold on guys cousin catnap what's going on I have an idea why don't we just share the bath party sounds like a great idea to me share the bath party I mean I don't really like sharing but it would be a great lesson for the kids so uh sure let's share the bath party come on in boys W we're W yeah sharing I love sharing check this out guys hold up a minute there guys what's going on here I heard there was some sharing going on and I don't like that oh no it's Bobby bear HW what are we going to do yeah you're right bobby bear hog we are sharing you want to join us I mean it was supposed to be exclusive bobby bear hug party but uh sure what out let's sh boys woo wo [Music] W man it's gotting kind of crowded in here we got to take it easy with all these guests not crowded enough hey guys it's it's the bin family did we join you oh no not the Boba fin family I don't want to be rude yeah you guys can come in just don't take too much space you got it w wooo yo hey guys it's the Hopscotch family can we join Hopscotch oh no uh I'm not really [Music] sure this is too much don't forget about us guys than W hey guys can we join too no [Music] thanks I said no it's too crowed somebody help us what about us I said no thanks Bo oh my gosh I just give up at this point Come On In Boys you heard him guys let's go woo don't forget on me guys can I come in no not you Mrs elij you're terrifying look at you what are you talking about I look great today I'm coming in ow I broke my neck don't forget about me boys and me boys don't forget [Music] me ouch don't forget use CRA Wooh hey guys we just escaped Area 51 can we join you no thanks you can't forget about the shapes baz no not the shapes actually I love the shapes if I could I would purchase them on Amazon go get them on Amazon guys support the channel come on in boys we love you we know you let's go [Music] guys what's going on over there guys I heard there was a party can I join no not you puppy you're too big don't do this you're going to break the laws of the universe yeah yeah whatever I'm coming in don't do it puppy no [Music] my goodness oh hey there guys it's me Captain I survived the nuke it looks like poy PlayOn was just way too much it blew up everybody I'm the only one left well at least I'm alive woo nice hello gu after all I got the pool party for myself I mean that up isn't this water beautiful it's just like nice and white blue it's it's so cool guys I know this video was amazing but you know it would be even better if um you subscribe leave the like this video was awesome I'll see you in the next one W bye hey guys it's me Huggy wuggy your best pal guys check this out I'm here with my best buddies like the SMY Critters gissy boxy PJ so much fun today we're having a great day at the pool that's right it's an awesome pool party guys come back here before we start I need you to leave a like on this video super duper important my goodness so important leave a like did you do it check this out you see K chicken's face imagine it's a like button go like this and you my back my back k a chicken it's all right shut up did you guys leave a like great also I don't mean to annoy you but I'm going to need some pool emojis like this one put it in the comments super important I'm waiting did you put the Emojis good now let's have fun in the pool woohoo yeah don't forget about us nice nice that was crazy guys look we arrived at the pool it's so big it looks like we have some guests hey there guys can we join you get out of here what I said get out of here this big pool is for adults only like these guys over here and me I'm super adulted so uh yeah the kids pull is right there next to you have fun what no way we're not kids and we're not staying in this stupid little pool we want the big pool right Huggy that's right boxy Bo We're Not Kids I'm literally older than you what are you talking about we're literally like four and 5 years old I'm three personally uh this guy's 3 and A2 H's gotot 4 years old we're we're totally older than you no go back to your stupid little pool yeah well I'm literally like 76 years old these guys are like a thousand years old so we're old enough yeah we don't care guys go back to your stupid little pool YouTube go back to your stupid little pool everybody all the small guys have fun have fun now guys we can actually relax with a dop ouch Huggy this is not fair you said we were going to have fun with the big pool maybe we belong in this small little pool because we're a bunch of kids no we are not kids we're going to fight for our freedom fight for the big pool let's fight everybody I like that idea I agree let's fight first weapon balloons human what bring me the balloons and shut up you got it have fun thanks human now that we got balloons we can fight them let's throw some balloons W come on guys join me you got to KY let's throw some balloons guys let's go f for the are you kidding me right now stop it give me some balloons I can't catch any balloons get him boys I want to throw some balloons too nice get out of my pool losers take this ow stop it it's not affecting us ouch we're not going to leave look at him I think they're leaving we're not leaving you can throw as many balloons as you want put these stupid sunglasses on we are not leaving don't leave guys it's just balloons yeah I totally agree catnap we shouldn't leave I'm not leaving can you guys please stop it it's not working we're not leaving it's just a bunch of water balloons adults only ni guys it's not working we need a new weapon human what can we get a new weapon you got it here's your new weapon boys [Music] enjoy use it wisely thanks what's going on over there looks like humans helping them what do you think is happening house cotch don't care I'm an adult I don't care I agree ad they think they're so mature huh we'll see about that grab some gumballs let's find yeah ouch yeah ouch take that and this and that leave the pool no way I think Char to work guys keep shooting [Music] gumballs nice I'm throwing some gumbles I just need to find them they're so slippery my gosh I got a gumball it burned my eyes oh all right enough it doesn't burn anymore give me some more gumbles oh my God no don't forget about me guys Cy boogy oh stop it stop that totally got him we're fine keep fighting don't leave guys it's just bubblegums take this this is the worst day ever keep throwing your stupid bubble gums unfazed literally it it doesn't bother me it's just bubble gum so delicious keep throwing it dummy I don't care just swim show them show them you're not bothered guys have fun have fun all right let's have fun we're not leaving that's right guys I don't think the gumball are working human I know I know here take these guns thanks take this they're totally leaving guys up it take this Mission failed we'll get him next time get out of here PJ I got this I'm in the enemy Zone shoot get out of here beat this D oh what are you doing stop bothering us adults own [Music] [Applause] human we need a new weapon you got it fruits and vegetables fun him Boys Hey K what I think human stair is losing his mind n he's just trying to help the boys all right throw some fruits oh taste some apples how you like those apples here's another one for you take those apples stop it you think a bunch of apples are going to stop us are you kidding me do something better oh you think it's funny huh we'll see about that watermel here we go wo I'm in the enemies D yes you are boxy boo move how you like those watermelons go back to your pool oh poor boxy human we're all out of weapons there's got to be something else we can do sorry Huggy you're on your own with this one I'm all out of weapons see you there is one more thing we can do guys if we can't help the pool no one are you guys listening I am PJ what is it tell me already I nuclear bomb what that's right a nuclear bomb take it Huggy imp plant the bomb and Destroy everybody if we can have the pool no one can it's BL the bomb you got it PJ let's do this bomb and planted what is that thing it's so cool it's it's beeping and Counting what is that oh my gosh I think it's a bob what did you say a BM a bom what are you talking about I don't know I think so I think it's a bumb oh no it's [Music] [Music] happening well guys I think this is it for this party I think we learned a pretty good lesson next time just share the poll see in the next one wow check this out dad and Grandpa isn't the beach beautiful I mean look at it it's so cool look at it it's gorgeous dad and Grandpa isn't the beach awesome yeah I guess Dad can I please go have fun with my buddies over there look at them they're just laying down there and having so much fun please Dad please all right relax uh let me ask your grandpa hey Grandpa yeah can uh your grandson go have fun with his smiley quitter buddy yeah sure go have fun nice but before I do guys make sure to leave a like on this video it's super duper super duper duper super important you see this beach imagine it's a like button click it also let me see some beach Emoji in the comments your favorite Beach emojis like the beach and then and so much awesome stuff let's go have fun woo isn't he cute I guess nice wait for me guys how's it going Smiley Critter buddies are you ready to have fun at the beach or what why are you all like laying down here nobody's having fun today this is my beach mine what are you doing nice my beach ouch I got to go tell my dad dad dad what what do you want from me let me just chill with your grandpa yeah let us chill yeah let us chill no dad I was about to have fun at the beach but then dog day was like no this is my beach and you guys are not going to have fun can you please help me dad all right I'll deal with Dog Day nobody tells my son to have fun or not hey dog day yeah did you tell my son not to have fun and that it's your Beach exactly it's my beach you're funny get out of here oh yeah yeah ouch my brains hey Dad what dog day was like this is my beach and and he kicked me in the face can you please do something about that please all right I'll take care of him all right it's Grandpa time let Gramps take your business you like guys hey dog day yeah did you tell my grandson and my and my son that they can't have fun at the beach and then and then that it's your Beach unbelievable did you say that I did it's my beach only do I look like I'm joking do I look like I'm joking I don't know what are you going to do about it I'll tell you what I'm going to do about it you're going to stop being a bully and let my family have fun at the beach no it's my beach ouch my beach you think you're so strong take this I already told you it's my [Music] beach my beach yeah my beach hey dog day huh what do you want smile critter can we have fun at the beach no it's only my beach only dog that gets to have fun take this oh no we just wanted to have my beach now let's have fun at the beach guys woo woohoo so much fun at the beach so much fun at the beach so much fun at the beach so much fun of the beach so much fun of the beach so much F of the beach so much F of the beach so much fun see you in the next episode have fun somebody get me
Channel: ShapeDude's
Views: 348,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CATNAP, Poppy Playtime: Chapter 3, Poppy Playtime, smiling critters, huggy wuggy, kissy missy, smiling critters poppy playtime, smiling critters episode 2, smiling critters characters, Bobby BearHug, Bubba Bubbaphant, CraftyCorn, DogDay, Hoppy Hopscotch, KickinChicken, PickyPiggy, smiling critters cartoon, catnap scary story, poppy playtime 3 gameplay, poppy playtime 3 in real life, catnap plush, catnap plushie, poppy playtime 3 plushies, poppy playtime 3 jumpscare, boxy boo
Id: fToJpyULXAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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