Popeyes NEW Ghost Pepper Wings Review!

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hello everyone this is running on empty  Food review well hello ladies gentlemen   and everyone watching welcome one and all  to this newest edition of The Running on   Empty Food review series I'm your host the  report of the week thanks for checking in   right off the bat I think you could see what  an action-packed introduction this has been   uh you could see that you you  actually bore witness to the Great   buttermilk ranch dipping sauce tipping of  2023 that's incredible right there I didn't   think it was going to get this crazy this  quickly but expectations constantly exceeded   and speaking of craziness this item I guess  it has to be someone out there that would   use the verbiage crazy to describe this  there has to be someone that that does with that said Popeyes has brought  back an item that personally I enjoy   I've had some complaints with this before in terms  of the spice level but in the end I still found it   to be at least a pleasant item and what I want to  do is I want to give this another shot I want to   see because it's been about three years since  they've last released this item I want to see   in that time have they made any adjustments  have they made any tweaks of sorts are they   maintaining the standards or have those said  standards plummeted that's exactly what I want   to discern for you today and I really just want  to try out the 20 where did it go oh now you've   witnessed the great buttermilk ranch sauce falling  off the table I'm just gonna put it here because   this thing's nothing but trouble right now anyway  they last released this in 2020 before that they   released it in 2018 and again I just want to see  how is it any different in 2023 so Popeyes has   brought back the ghost pepper wings you can get  these as a six piece or a 12 piece and what they   are is bone-in chicken wings with a ghost pepper  spice blend the chicken itself is marinated for   about 12 hours time in the ghost pepper blend so  it's essentially baked and soaked into the chicken   I should say then it's breaded it's fried and on  the side you can choose from various side sauces   to accompany the chicken generally speaking they  go with the buttermilk ranch which is being rather   recalcitrant this time around but nonetheless  they give you this to cool things off a little bit   uh likewise they let me choose another sauce so  I thought all right what the heck I'm gonna go   with their uh their sweet Heat sauce this time  around as well so two sauce is there for dipping   it's approximately price wise one dollar per Wing  so you could get a six piece for about six dollars   you could get the 12 piece for twelve dollars in  this case I decided to get the 12th piece uh no   sides or drink came with this so it was twelve  dollars merely for the wings themselves and the   dipping sauces so as I mentioned I like wings  personally I know people will say what they will   I like boneless wings bone bone in wings are still  pretty darn good though and some establishments of   course do a better job than others These Wings  quality wise in the past when I reviewed them   I found them to be of generally high quality  but spice wise my chief complaint was that they   weren't as hot as advertised so in 2020 when  I tried these out I gave them a 6.8 out of 10   which isn't a terrible score it's not one of those  mind-blowingly good ratings either but back then   my chief complaint was that they were marketing  these as ghost pepper wings which obviously you'll   have the notion that they're extremely spicy and  then when I tried them out they really weren't   all that hot and that was just an issue that I had  but we will see how they are in 2023 again quality   wise any better any worse spice wise how does  it compare to how they were in the past so that   said now you know everything there is to know  about them the ghost pepper wings from Popeyes   they come in this special box and  you can see the various half eyes hieroglyphs on the front especially  the rubber duck front and center and now let's take a look at them the wings that  is not the giant rubber duck well since the Earth   is next to it I guess that would be a space rubber  duck maybe it's an alien life form who's to say Popeyes might know all the secrets of the world they look like they're crispy I think we all can  agree they look well breaded fried crispy wings 12 piece thereof and now foreign let's get that close up there you have it you can see again fried breaded  has a little bit of that uh reddish orange   Hue to it I'd presume from the from how it was  marinated I'd assume that's where the spice lieth hopefully you're able to get  a good look at it so that said   I think we know everything there is to know about  them now the moment of truth let's find out how   good These Wings Are and how spicy they are if I  start convulsing on camera because of the spice   mission accomplished so let's give it a  shot Popeyes ghost pepper wings going in foreign foreign a little bit I'll try it out with the sauces also quality wise I'd say it's very  straightforward which can be good   sometimes it doesn't always need to  be the most complex item in the world   all right quality wise number one let's just focus  on the chicken real quick chicken is good quality   juicy flavorful and you could see that these wings  I think based on the size of them do have a good   amount of meat to them likewise sometimes you'll  get these wings from certain establishments that   they look so tiny as if they're miniature wings  and there's more bone than anything else so it   seems but in this case I would say that there was  a good balance between uh you know the bone to   meet ratio a good amount of the breading as well  I like that you do get that crunch in every single   bite but the meat itself isn't dry it isn't tough  and uh it's tender it's flavorful and I would say   of generally good quality so purely from a wing  the standpoint they taste good it's exactly what   you would expect from Popeyes but I'm certainly  happy with that now most importantly spice wise I guess knowing the track record that I've had  with these wings and the fact that my biggest   problem has been the same each and every time  it shouldn't really be much of a surprise that   I was able to eat these and essentially  be reactionless because I will say that   compared to some of the previous times that they  released this be that early 2018 and then mid 2020   this has a little bit more of a  lingering aftertaste so spice wise   it hits you you feel it you immediately  get that spice in the front of your mouth   and then it kind of radiates I would describe it  mostly As It essentially radiates down your tongue   and then into the back of your mouth and then it  lingers as a bit of an aftertaste so for instance   as I am still delivering this assessment right  now I still am experiencing that sort of spicy   aftertaste with every uh sort of word I enunciate  that little bit of spice keeps coming back up and   coming back up and of course I'll let you know if  that does go away but I do notice it's much more   of a lingering spice this time around however  this is the important thing while the duration   of the spice what I am experiencing does seem  much more drawn out in comparison to some of the   previous releases of these ghost pepper wings  the intensity of the spice Remains the Same   if anything I would note the spice starts  off maybe a little bit more intense than I   last remember it being but it seems as though it  dissipates quickly and by the time it turns into   more of that spicy aftertaste the spice level  is quite minimal if I had to say all right out   of 10 spice wise let's say I'll just use this  as a scale of items that I've actually tried   10 the most spicy would probably be those uh wings  from Planet Wings that I tried out back in 2013   wherever I was in an absolute State I had tears in  my eyes my face was all red I I could not maintain   my composure so you have that as the spiciest and  then as let's say a one you would just have maybe   just some mild sauce from somewhere where it's  just you know very very very weak watery Etc on   that scale of spice I would say the aftertaste  would be maybe a 2 out of ten so very weak it's   just something that I just happen to notice as I'm  deliberately trying to pay attention to everything   that I'm feeling right now in terms of the spicy  nature of These Wings but most people probably   wouldn't even notice this aftertaste because it  it becomes more of an afterthought if anything   else as again the spice level is so low you would  have to deliberately go out of your way to pay   attention to it so sure while it's still lingering  while it's still there I just happen to notice   yeah it's not all that strong now the initial  spice I would say is around a 5 out of 10 standard   you could just call these hot wings and I'd be  inclined to believe that same problem persists   as I had the last few times when you think of  ghost pepper you think oh this has to be really   really spicy right you see these eating shows  where some guys eating some ghost pepper wings   and again like I even described with that  one item that I I tried face is all red you   you gotta you're trying to catch your breath  you're guzzling down the milk like crazy and   all this sort of stuff when you think of ghost  pepper you can't help but have that imagery   this on the other hand it doesn't meet  those expectations so if you get these   and you have that image in your head that  you're thinking all right this is going to   be really really hot I like all those hot  sauces this is going to be something else   you're going to be really let down because you're  going to think wait a minute I mean I I could go   to a local wing place and I could just get their  medium wings and it's going to be hotter than this   so they're flavorful I describe this as a  flavorful spiciness has a very weak but prolonged   aftertaste which is now finally beginning to fully  dissipate Wings themselves are of good quality but   when they are being advertised as being at least  giving the impression that they're far spicier   than they actually are that is an issue because  you're going to have no matter what folks going   into this who think yeah this is going to be  really hot then they're going to have it they   might think all right the wing itself is good but  this isn't really what I was expecting it to be I   I wanted to be in a complete and I wanted to be  a wreck I wanted to be an inconsolable mess and   instead here I am sitting here just uh enjoying  these wings so that's the thing if you want some   decent chicken wings with a little bit of spice  I'd say yeah these are fine a little pricey these   days but wings are what they are price wise but if  you're looking for these after a lot of spice I'd   say just go somewhere else nonetheless let me try  out these sauces real quick the buttermilk ranch   I don't think it's really a necessary component  purely because these Wings aren't all that hot   so I don't really think you would need even a cold  drink or anything or rather the ranch sauce to uh   extinguish the Flames because I don't  really think there are Flames that need   extinguishing but nonetheless try it out  real quick see if it makes a difference you have to be quick very it's very subtle   it doesn't affect the other spice too much but I  do like that little bit of a sharpness that the   ranch offers it complements the wings nicely so  if you are a fan of that combination I'd say go   for it and utilize it but I wouldn't say it's one  of those instances where the sauce is absolutely   necessary for an enjoyable experience finally  you're going to try out the sweet heat sauce increases the spice a little bit I'd say go for  that too the sweetness combines really nicely with   these wings as well so either of these sauces  I'd say hey give it a shot if you'd like you   could tack them on so uh I'd say both of them  are completely adequate additions to this meal   on a final note last time I gave this a 6.8  out of 10. this time in 2023 my rating for   the ghost pepper wings from Popeyes is going  to be a 6.5 out of 10 as the spice again seemed   almost a little bit weaker but overall all the  reasons that I mentioned take that into account   still decent for what it is that's all that  I have thank you for watching I'm your host
Channel: TheReportOfTheWeek
Views: 311,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: review, food review, running on empty, reviewbrah, fast food, food, eating, cooking, eating show, muckbang, asmr, dry humor, meme, funny, thereportoftheweek, hot ones, fast food meal, celebrity meal, meal, popeyes, wings, chicken wings, hot wings, buffalo wings, ghost pepper wings, boneless wings, popeyes chicken sandwich, chicken sandwich, chicken
Id: GOka67z8x5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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