Pope Francis Endorses Civil Unions? [Catholic Perspective]

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hello everyone thanks for watching today uh this is a video that janelle you don't want to do no sorry i interrupted you no that's true i don't want to do this i don't want to do this one either uh it's frustrating if you've been watching some of the headlines recently a couple days ago pope francis uh headlined by catholic news agency said pope francis calls for civil union law for same-sex couples in shift from vatican stance his alleged comments what we have to create is a civil union law that way they are legally covered i stood up for that so is this a change in church teaching bottom line no is this a departure from what previous popes have said yes you can see this by going to a document published in 2003 from the congregation for the doctrine of the faith also known as the cdf what is the cdf the official teaching institution of the church i think we feel a little bit of an obligation to you because many of you have been journeying with us for years uh we don't have a huge youtube channel there's 29 000 of you who are subscribed i mean we're thankful for each one of you but there's much bigger voices but we do feel like a somewhat of an obligation to you who have been following us because you're probably wondering what's going on with some of the statements of pope francis what did he mean what did he not mean first of all we love pope francis we're not anti-pope francis we're not trying to tear anyone down in the church we're just frustrated with some lack of clarity would you say so what was your um honestly uh the morning that that news came out ken came down and he just held his phone and showed me the headline and i felt like it was like such a blow you know as a as a practicing catholic it's like again like why does something else have to come up that just causes more confusion and um i feel like it's leading people away from [Music] what the church has always taught and ken's going to get into this and explain because at first glance it really makes it seem as though the pope is endorsing uh same-sex unions in the sense like as he would marriage that's right off the bat that's what i i assumed and and i think a lot of people are under that impression that wow now the church has changed its stance on what it has been teaching for all these years and um and i know that there's messages in my inbox that i haven't gotten to and people are asking these questions and i feel really at a loss because as a lay person i just want to say well i guess we can't necessarily go to the pope to tell us and bring clarity because even though he's been asked multiple times to bring clarity on many different issues uh it's likely that he's not going to come out and explain exactly what he meant by that statement so we're going to have to go back to what are the official teachings of the church where do we find those things and why can we trust that to be true did pope francis endorse quote gay marriage and the answer is no you can clearly see that going back to some of his writings and public statements he's he's not in support of gay marriage what this statement was was a private statement in an interview in a documentary film so not in his official teaching capacity as pope but in an interview that we now know has been spliced together from two different sources not in order in spanish that some people are having trouble to translate even the spanish people having trouble translating the spanish but the big takeaway i mean i've read both sides what does it all mean i think the big takeaway for me is it does appear that pope francis he's not endorsing same-sex marriage what he seems to be in favor of is in favor of same-sex civil union which in his mind is separate from same-sex marriage and in 2003 pope john paul ii through the leadership of cardinal ratzinger who was later became pope dealt with this issue and it clearly says that as catholics we can't support civil same-sex unions clearly so in this sense if this is what pope francis meant it is a clear departure from the church's position we should be able to trust what the pope says even if it's an offhand comment even if it's just speaking privately because because there's some people say well this is no big deal it's not binding on on people true because it's not he's not teaching in his official capacity as pope but he's pope that's the frustrating thing that's part of the sorrow is that it's like why like we want to follow you we want to get behind you we want to trust you i want to believe everything that you say and i want i i will be your greatest supporter and i'll be your greatest fan but i feel like i'm having a hard time [Music] yeah it's hard and this comes down to the salvation of souls yes which i just want to say that i believe everything that the church teaches i do and that's part of what i find is so difficult about this video is that it's really like one putting us out there um because it's a topic that we just don't want to talk about because i know that a lot of people don't like this specific teaching of the church [Music] okay so let me read that part from the cdf in 2003 titled considerations regarding proposals to give legal recognition to unions between homosexual persons i know it's a mouthful legal recognition of homosexual unions or placing them on the same level as marriage wouldn't mean not only the approval of deviant behavior but the consequence of making it a model in present-day society but would also obscure basic values which belong to the common inheritance of humanity the church cannot fail to defend these values for the good of men and women and for the good of society itself the cdf calls homosexual unions deviant behavior now as pope francis promoting this with his comments what we have to create is a civil union law that way they are legally covered i stood up for that i mean what does this mean why not clarify those comments and how can you promote the virtue of chastity while at the same time call for civil union laws for same-sex couples i mean the two are opposed to each other when it comes to laws being proposed for homosexual unions this is what the cdf said the catholic lawmaker has a moral duty to express his opposition clearly and publicly and to vote against it to vote in favor of a law so harmful to the common good is gravely immoral i would like clarity on this how can we support same-sex civil unions while john paul ii said lawmakers need to oppose these laws and not to do so is gravely immoral are we then to conclude that what pope francis said is gravely immoral or was john paul ii wrong or do we have different rules for popes than lawmakers who support same-sex unions you see it's it's confusing and that's where we're at in those situations where homosexual unions have been legally recognized or have been given the legal status and rights belonging to marriage clear and emphatic opposition is a duty pope francis doesn't seem to be giving emphatic opposition to legal status of homosexual unions but the opposite his comments seem like he's asking for status again i think it'd be great to have clarification on this the church teaches that respect for homosexual persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behavior or to legal recognition of homosexual unions the common good requires that laws recognize promote and protect marriage as the basis of the family the primary unit of society john paul ii said as family goes so go society we would love for pope francis to give clarity on this where does he stand we would love also not only pope francis but bishops to speak up on this and to continue to defend marriage the sacrament between man and woman and i just feel like we need some leadership within the church and it's really discouraging to try and navigate these waters when comments like this seem to always pop up and uh and this one was a bigger one there's been others in the past but we just feel like we got people emailing us things in the inbox comments publicly father james martin today on cnn clearly interpreting what pope francis has said to be in favor of same-sex civil unions because he's saying now the bishops of the world who have opposed this are going to have to radically rethink their position on this so obviously father james martin believes that this is what the pope has said um i i think this is what the pope has said although i radically disagree with father james martin in his position on this and uh we need we need some clarity from pope francis and it's an awkward thing for bishops too because how are they so supposed to respond because have they're going to be in a position where if they want to oppose laws legalizing marriage it's going to seem like they're also opposing pope francis now right like legalizing same-sex marriage yeah yeah and that's an awkward thing for a bishop but this is where bishop is at today yeah and i just feel like it's going to be putting a lot of people in an awkward place like even priests so people are going to be like oh so does that mean that we can get married in the catholic church now you know i i i think that's what people are thinking or maybe not marriage but maybe we can get a special blessing now yeah but in the end like what i really feel like this is about is about a call to holiness a personal holiness and it's not about you know like i feel like every day i'm striving to die to self whether it's my struggle with you know patience or eating or you know giving in to my bodily passions whatever they they might be i have to work on that every single day and i feel like all of us all of humanity is called to that and i want to call everybody to a high standard of that to greatness because we all want to be saints so friends we're just speaking from a place of frustration um and this is our heart we know there's gonna be people who are gonna watch us who really disagree with what we say but that's okay we're here not to serve people's opinions or the trend we're here to serve the truth to glorify god and the best that we know how and we're going to continue and we're going to continue to try to be the best at being faithful to the the fullness of the faith uh and you can continue to journey with us or you can hit unsubscribe we hope you stay with us so i just think okay like if we're not if we're not praying if we're not um fasting doing acts of penance little sacrifices throughout our day and all we're doing is complaining all we're doing is watching all these videos it's really not being helpful so i think it's time to um you know pick up all of these like weapons that we have as a catholic you know whether it's the rosary you know attending mass going to eucharistic adoration pleading with our lord to come and to you know soften the hearts of our bishops to help them to speak boldly in truth giving them the gift of fortitude um we need to do that we need to pray for our priests and for our bishops and for the other lay people around us that we would not we would stand firm in the truth and lovingly like bring people to jesus the bishops need our support they need our prayers when a bishop doesn't stand in the truth and clearly proclaim what the church has always taught and defend the truth it leaves his children fatherless and our society is suffering from fatherlessness men not willing to step up and i just know that if when i stop leading here as a family things fall apart i set the tone as a father in our home especially spiritually and this translates over into the church too when our pastors stop leading and speaking the truth and our bishops stop and they act more like politicians what happens we have fatherless children within the church or the father's just absent he's present but he's just not there and then chaos happens and so now more than ever we have to pray for the leadership of the church we have to pray for pope francis we have to pay pray for our bishops that they would be faithful through the truth to the teachings of jesus christ we're done we're done thanks for watching um you
Channel: Catholic Minute - Catholic speaker Ken Yasinski
Views: 14,008
Rating: 4.7851663 out of 5
Keywords: pope francis, vatican, civil union, catholic, lgbtq, catholic church, pope
Id: nfnNj2gjIOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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