Poor Things (2023) - Reaction & BTS Facts

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[Music] hey everybody how you doing welcome to another movie obviously that's why you're on this channel so today checking out another um fairly Oscar favorite I would say uh poor things I know nothing about this movie all I've heard is that it's a little confusing so yeah I don't do too good with confusing movies not the sharpest Crown in the box but here we are all right so checking out poor things today and in case you're wondering again Delta creams again I love these get me some Easter eggs getting the season I don't know why I'm talking like this and I got me some chili chips I love spice not that many ready for this okay let's do this really my God are kids watching this [Music] out oh I have absolutely no idea what this is about I tried watching the trial up but that didn't [Applause] help okay I imagine we'll figure what that it's all about [Music] later is is she trying that's about as good as me [Music] trying she actually sounds better than [Music] me the time hasn't been too kind of Eric what [Music] what the f am I watching what the hell just a butcher's tray for a Sunday lunch please make this make sense who would like to reconstruct the organs and who can tell human it showed signs of a conventional mind straining hard to almost touch mediocrity thank you I need someone an assistant on a project I I would love to are you a religious man I believe in God me or the deity uh humorous I see as you often know is a joke of my own making I do not need it explicated from me oh oh Bud blood Bud blood blood I'm I'm fine I'm fine hey don't worry about me I'm good yes it is exciting Bella oh we I believe she's do Mrs Prim [Music] we all I think I know what I'm in for now a bloody headache Bella cut twoo just dead ones for Bella just dead just dead is she going to okay I thought she was going to kill him no [Music] no squish [Music] squish ch ch [Music] run the fck am I watching but she she gathers 15 words a day her coordination is unstable at best Australia hey far away and dangerous both people and animals good World we're not that bad so get out there for Australia Bella I I don't think we're allowed up here it's just but we'll go up anyway oh [ __ ] has she ever been outside no I have created a perfectly entertaining and safe world for Bella now Bella I'm getting postmodern Prometheus from xfiles [Music] Vibes Kell it [Music] what and simply by observation begin to parse out the epidemiological elements when he came back to his surprise I was smiling good God he was a man of unconventional mind mhm I'm sorry my darling Mother of God I don't think this guy knows what he signed up for I don't think I know what I've signed up [Music] for so it's kind of right the Poston Prometheus thing this was inspired by that episode oh okay oh she just figured out masturbation oh [Music] hello Mrs brim B discover happy when she want you are salace but I fix you close eyes oh no just wait it takes a moment she grabbed my hairy [Laughter] business you have not eaten do not good night she has other things to do what's all the spy camera views I'm you know I'm a little surprised Tim Burton doesn't have his grabbing mitts all over this [Music] stairs a bit of a challenge for you mate I have to pinch you see if you're real you not who is you dude you are sick where burn I think God's the actual author of The Soul idea this gu's are C backer yeah he's still alive mate calm down this is like Poston Prometheus and bloody I want to believe mixed into one just hope she's all right you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen one not live been with many so nuns and monks that starch their clothes with the egg whites and with the yolks make these thoughts now how to eat them I will guess through the mouth they must not be eating Danger flake by dty flake but inhaled with gusto like life itself it's yester time what is Yer why do people not just do this all the time well then it will just be you I do Furious jumping with interesting interesting I have very little to offer in the way of constancy just Adventure I see let us sleep [Music] was a that bad in there now I must lie down and you must lie down on top of me and do more Furious jumping Kitty did you see the new show in London by wild marvelously witty I loved it a [Laughter] handbag Bella what why I keep it in my mouth if it is revolting I have said that before to [Applause] Gerald oh because you mean a penis Duncan can sometimes be salty I must go punch that [Music] baby oh Victoria blessington I haven't seen you for years and you still have not as I am Bella Baxter strange feathered lady I apologize I could have sworn you were she oh whoop see [Music] right this doesn't really sound like dancing [Music] music the is going [Music] on oh quite mad stop talking as your sounds make Bella angry I not stop talking I have have to this [Music] out what of the tongue play you were about to perform is that not [Laughter] happening I am so confused in this movie right now I mean I know what's happening but what the is happening you could have branded me with Hot Irons on the genitals the way he did if he could not put science in progress first branded you please don't show us let us find a body a what you got one there it's hollowed out but this music is very reminiscent of Midsummer good morning this Ro me ride me know then have cocktails on forck gross blue blue blue d d du [Music] die what's up with the clouds honestly I thought he was from behind the view from behind no interesting older lady I must touch your hair I also noticed your hair just like Silk on a translucent glowing egg is this man jumping on your body no he's not I haven't been bed in 20 years what that is terrible it doesn't concern me greatly as years have passed what this is Martha she is my new friend who has not been in 20 years is that not astonishment I hope you use your hand between your legs to keep yourself happy good Bella you cannot speak like this polites of society forgot light Society it will there's some truth in that we all agreed on that come come just come you were in my son what you heard the woman [Laughter] move dude man this guy why is the smoke green why is anything and everything in this movie come man I'm not looking forward to everything everywhere all at once go Martha oh Martha is marvelous there we go so someone I've kind of picked up on the music at the start it was really wonky and yuck but now it's like coming together it's like going with her the more she improves the better the music gets he is a pretty [ __ ] no he's not pretty I do not wish to be cruel it's just a [ __ ] yeah when the movie started I thought it was just the home that was all screwed up has everything socialism capitalism we are a [ __ ] species know it hope is smashable realism is not protect yourself with the truth I realize what you are now Harry just a broken little boy who cannot bear the pain of the world that's what the world needs to hear if you need money it is the shortest route to it I've never beened by another man yet have wanded on that and I'm in need of fun Oh Me Oh what's with the syrups actually I don't want to know mysterious should we warm me up a bit for see did he just thank her Madam swiy I have examined my situation I need sex and money I could take a lover another wurn who would keep me but may require an awful lot of attention or else it's 20 minutes at a time and the rest of my day is free to study on the world and the Improvement of it hence I seek employment at your musty smelling establishment of good time fornication is there a PR credit scene I'm scared to know what it's going to be I really do feel sorry for Bella though man some scientists should just not be a the lab that's all I'm going to say I don't want to get into trouble does that smell you but some men enjoy that you do not like it what but good business come with me my grandchild those men should have been and requiring much doctoring gollem is that you you wish what my boys are ofage for Education sexual I will demonstrate I see let's start simple please come on I'm glad my dad never gave me this [Music] demonstration [Music] to a things along a finger in the ass no or a slight choking may do it I'm almost ready to forgive you I've booked our bir and I've told almost ready prepare our wedding bed did you [ __ ] that guy with HS her hand you did I know I look at you and feel nothing but the lingering question of how did I ever want you oh snap your hores we are our own means of production go away I am dying how to break it to the patient eh backst do not cry into the wound you'll kill me faster with sepsis quiet now and close me up find her hot chocolate my dear and P sh God damn I wasn't expecting to see all that oh you are my favorite own ship you face dead [ __ ] please I ask you as Polly as I can where is she isn't this movie ended up on Disney Disney's really changed from bloody 40 years ago the [ __ ] back God that's you're real I am not I am dying a subtle difference but one I take seriously as a physician this is suddenly sounding like a Jerry Springer episode speaking of xils and postmodern Prometheus I will be a doctor my surgery is yours my father once told me always cve with compassion it was a [ __ ] idiot but it's not bad advice I've been a [ __ ] you understand [ __ ] for money inside me you okay with that does the whing thing challenged the desire for ownership that men have wurn became much weepy and swear when he discovered my whoring God you are walking I have taken 5 Mig of heroin through the tools for pain amphetamin for energy and cocaine because I am partial to cocaine I come here to walk you down the aisle [Music] man whoever wrote this I'll want whatever they took before they wrot by the powers vested in Me by the church I shall solize this [Music] Union yeah that Smoke's pink I'm giving up trying to figure this world out oh God I need a b the Serv I have not been getting along I fear an uprising tongue champagne I've missed you and she still has no idea who you are I suggest we stick close to the house for several months maybe a year so you've made a full recovery she ain't making no recovery but I am flattered by your desire to trap me you're not the first I will have to shoot you in the [ __ ] head I am sure you will be as happy as you were before as I was before when I threw myself the [Laughter] bridge H I suspect you fell while looking for fish you're an idiot why would you want to keep me here if I do not wish to stay if one must drown let it be in the River of Love uh [ __ ] dead uh Bella if he lives I do not sense he is a man who will stop well I won't watch him bleed to death but I agree you could do with Improvement oh yes he's going to do it take the bullet out of his foot take the brain out of God put the brain in him we got God back I've removed the bullet and stopped the bleeding I have the notes yes I am happier than when I'm in here this movie is so confusing feel like I should drop some acid first all right get him to the operating room let's go come on Tick Tock well the body's still warm let me get some water for the general FY [Music] water [Music] okay other she was going to put God's brain in [Music] him why they go that why they didn't take that [Music] path so poor things that was [Music] something oh man [Music] that I don't [Music] know so okay oh yeah that was definitely interesting definitely got a postmodern Prometheus vibe from it oh and St did well though she did awesome I loved how like the progression like it was that smooth it was like one minute she talk like little baby and then you know by the 90 minute 2 hour mark she's almost holding a normal conversation [Music] that yeah and I loved how the music like was in sync with her at the start it was like all choppy and like not like like a baby playing music just sounding like [ __ ] and then as she got older as the time went on she got smarter she got more intelligent the music started getting more s and more audibly pleasing I guess be the word that was I yeah I don't know how I feel about that movie definitely a lot more ammer Stone than I was expecting to see all that I've seen before wow but tell me guys what did you guys think of this one this was weird entertaining good but [Music] we yeah I could probably watch it again actually I probably will have to watch it again I was too busy losing my [ __ ] over the animals and the uh let me know guys what did you guys think of this one let me know down in the comments you know was this what you were expecting even after watching the trailer I had no idea what to expect but yeah I like it because it's different you know it's something different this is what we need in movies today we need different stuff people need to start taking chances again you know instead of piggybacking off an IP from freaking 30 40 50 years ago you know playing it sa and even then you know they they up you're trying and yeah do a legacy or something and it's just no this is why we need different stuff it's the rubbish truck in case you guys can hear that so yeah all right guys join me next week I'm going to be checking out uh what was it everything everywhere all at once might as well get the confusing [ __ ] out the way so I hope you guys can join me for that and yeah subscribe to the channel if you haven't already leave us a like if you're still trying to figure out what the we just watch and I'll see you next week all right guys till then take care of yourselves keep being awesome bye [Music] that's a cup
Channel: 1 1/2 Hours presents: Lights Camera Reaction
Views: 557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1_hENx5fvms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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