Pool Sand Filter Tips, Tricks & Troubleshooting, Sand Filter Part 1

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your standards and feel that you're going to find that your basically what it is there's a plate on the bottom there's five or seven laterals at the bottom you and that's where the water will go it'll it'll kind of go through the top the top half is filled with water of the filter top one-third or so or HAP's filled with water thing I must and is in there and the water will find least resistance through the sand and get back through the pool through the laterals on the bottom of the filter that's how it operates and if everything is working fine your pool will run good you won't have any problems there's a broken lateral sociis and going back in your pool one thing that you might have a problem with is that you'll have your sand then you have your water and then W air stuck at the top and the way the sand filter works is like a salt shaker on top if there's any air in there won't want to evacuate the filter you know they use the air release valve to get the air out you see that this is been clean and it's right about over 20 and when it gets to about 30 I'll go ahead and backwash it can when you backwash your sand filter web-based is that it shoots all the sand up mixes it in the filter and it kind of tries to get the stuff on the bottom up to the top and it will just stir it up really good and that's why you need a backwash are they kind of stir up the dirt that's in there again a sand filter the water will pass through the dirt will stay here and then the water will pass through the sand put the laterals back up the stem pipe and do the three return lines in your filter and that's how a filter to see dirt out of your pool when you backwash the pool you're just reversing the cycle stirring up the dirt and dirt will be shot out of the backwash area of the filter that's basically what bag washing does it just reverses the flow of water and then it expels the dirt kind of same thing if you have a backwash valve on the side here you might have a port like this here and the same thing happens it'll reverse the flow of water and the water dirty water will shoot out of the backwash the same concept but the valve ISM side is up on the top and some filters if everything is working correctly you'll have no problems with your filters any backwash it it'll clean the filter and drop the pressure down and your sand filter tank way to tell Santa has a lateral in the shelter system diatomaceous earth then you filter so go ahead and purchase a small bag of the diatomaceous earth we can put a scoop into the skimmer and we'll see if there's any leaks as it pulls it through the system if it comes out the return line you know that you probably have a leak with the laterals inside your sand filter it's me again I don't see any earth coming out of this return jet either so this doesn't appear to be a leak aside filter with the laterals in some of the forums I've heard that if you add the EMT or sand filter until it goes up one parts one psi on your pressure gauge it's also good for the sand filter it'll stay in there until you backwash it out I'm going to open as you can see actually what like inside and how much sand is actually in the filter make it also happen with sand filter is that inside the sand itself it could form channel it's like I just picture like ant tunnels when they dig their tunnels and that could happen inside the sand where channels form and if it won't filters properly the water won't flow through the laterals like it's supposed to it'll actually be stuck in the channels in the filter when I make sure we turn it off I'm gonna go ahead and put it in service mode that way doesn't come back on so this one's held on by this clamp here and of course I can't find my wrench I must have left this somewhere I'm gonna go ahead and take this bolt off okay so I got the nut loosened I'm going to take it all the way off off you may need a screwdriver to pop it off they're really good let's get a screwdriver and pop off like that she's better get it off like that you notice it's all plumbed in so you got to be careful when you lift it off that you don't break any of the plumbing I'm going to gingerly lift it off see if I can move it from the top of the filter when you lift it up your hair some air come out of it okay so I got it up that's about as far as I can lift it without breaking the plumbing they should have put unions on here so I can actually unscrew it whatever plug it in didn't do that use a wrench and you can actually turn and get it off this way and some sand will come out also this is the bottom of the filter and you can see in there that it's got a lot of sand and it's got a lot of dirt on top and you can see the B that I actually put in there it's kind of a white powder you can see it on top here I'm going to stick the hose in here and try to move it around and get with that repositioned inside here so the water flows into the top and the dirt gets trapped here in this area and here's the sand and if you have channeling you'll have gaps in the sand that are filled with air and then when the water comes in it won't be able to flow through the laterals like it's supposed to and sort of break up the channels I've heard that you could put a garden hose in there on a rail low flow and kind of poke it poke the garden hose into the sand in certain areas and I'll break up the channeling is that I'll make it so that all the sand is something like this it won't be no more channeling and the filter and it will flow better or you can stick the hose in here you can fill this with running water until it flows out over the top for about ten minutes I know that'll get some of the dirt out of the filter so put in the garden hose in here filling with water I let the water run out for about 10 minutes you wash all the dirt out that's here and people have said this is a very effective way of also getting a lot of dirt out of the filter it wasn't see anything running efficiently okay I did that and I looks like it's a lot smoother in there and I put put the drain back on I'm going to put the lid back on and see how everything is running and of course your sand filters filled with a special kind of sand can tell that it's not as fine-grain as you would find at the beach okay so I'm going to carefully put this back down on top I put some new bunny o-ring here you can see there's an o-ring right here that sets here anybody put some magic move and I almost like to lube everything up or I put anything back together and I use magic Lube for all my rings okay got that back down we put the clamp on it okay got the clap back on there again I'm going to turn it on and make sure everything is running good go ahead of stuff side of the line of course I want to check for any leaks when McCarran Tina's on site make sure none of the pipe cracks also I was moving that one thing I noticed right away is that clear before I had to have fifth way over here to get it we need a lot of we go there already I can okay hopefully by simply doing that and getting with any kind of tracks that have formed in the filter this send filter pool will bounce back has a lot of problems with not filtering properly so I'm hoping that by doing that it'll look a lot better next week you
Channel: Swimming Pool Tips, Reviews & How To - SPL
Views: 731,390
Rating: 4.6890883 out of 5
Keywords: Sand filter not working, How a Pool Sand Filter Works, How A Sand Filter Works, Sand Filter Tips & tricks, Jandy Sand Filter, Hayward Pro Series Sand Filter, Clearwater Pool Sand Filter, Pentair Sand Filter, Intex Sand Filter, Back Washing A Pentair Filter, Hayward Sand Filter, Pentair Sand Filter Care, Tagelus Sand Filter, Changing Sand In Sand Filter, Swim Time Sand Filter, Channeling in my Sand Filter
Id: 4yXD5O6_1-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2013
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