Pooh Shiesty "Shiesty Summer" (Official Music Video) Dir by @Zach_Hurth
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Channel: Choppa Gang Ent.
Views: 29,625,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pooh shiesty, Pooh Shiesty, shiesty pooh, shiesty summer, pooh shiesty shiesty summer, shiesty summer pooh shiesty, big 30, choppa gang, Shiesty Summer, ceo big 30, big 30 pooh shiesty, big 30 no vouch, shiesty, kevo muney, dee mula, Big 30, day one, choppa talk, choppa talk 2, lil migo, pooh shiesty day one, day one pooh shiesty, pooh shiesty big 30, big 30 choppa talk 2, pooh shiesty choppa talk 2, nlechoppa, choppa, nbayoungboy
Id: rDKWNl5tN1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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