Poochee and Pansy Analysis

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nearly seven years ago a YouTube channel named poo chimpanzee was started up the videos on here present themself as a children's show about two puppies named Poochie and pansy but they very quickly take a somewhat unnerving turn the mystery of this whole thing doesn't fact expand beyond this YouTube channel but it's important to have a good understanding of the channel first the first episode begins with Poochie telling pansy about a dream he had in which a kitten was locked in a tower and he's by an evil witch to find something called the midnight crown pansy elaborates that she had the same dream after this they both conclude that a must have been a telepathic SOS message sent from the distraught kitten they both agree that they should have to go to a place called suffer dark to rescue the kitten the furthest nation before reaching suffer dark is batwing cave upon reaching batwing cave they see another character the bay dress has Freddy the Firefly Freddy tells him that he will show them the way to suffer dark but mid-sentence he is cut off Aamir's shown a screamer headphone users turn your volume down hey Poochie hey pansy it's me Freddy I thought you guys could use my help let me show you the wait part to escape for some reason is we aren't yet sure what events led up to this episode part three begins at the narrator stating that Poochie and pansy made it to suffer dark to confront the witch pansy appears to be trapped in a cage above a cauldron of green liquid asking Poochie for help his weird creature who I assume is the witch then appears on the screen and offers Poochie a deal to save pansy the which says that if he ever want to see pansy again and he has to let him take his eyes Poochie agrees saying he doesn't know how else to say pansy the witch's hand then begins to closely inch towards Poochie and when with before reaching his eyes the video cuts to what appears to be a fan we then see the witch again for a split second smiling and then the video cuts to a phone making that beeping noise the video cuts once again to what looks like some weird mannequin thing and we can hear crying in the background strangely enough one of the mannequins eyes are closed and the other one is slightly bulging this might have some correlation with poochie's current predicament the video then cuts one more time to a more sinister version of the opening screen with the words you are alone but you do not know it the next video begins at the logo from doles family entertainment I looked up the name of the company and as I suspected it's not real however I did find out what dost is dost is a Dutch word and it's a superlative form of dole which means crazy there's also a website named oast which I know is in some way associated with this YouTube channel since it is linked on the banner the video begins of Poochie telling us that sometimes we see scary things on TV but we need to remember what we see on TV is fake and that the things that we see when we go outside or what's real this is when things start to get a bit strange the audio strands get distorted and slowed down and the image begins to change into a much more unnerving one we're then shown once again the mannequin thing that appeared in the last episode but upon closer inspection I don't think it's a mannequin one difference that both of its eyes are closed now the video cut to text that says you are alone it cuts again two birds on top four cars then once more to the skeleton we saw on the screamer in the first episode the next cut shows a dark room illuminated by some type of red light and the subsequent cut shows repeated text saying trying to reach you at this point the audio in the background becomes more intelligible it says we're then shown another montage of images one is two pics poochy with no eyes and then cuts again to a cameras perspective of someone walking in a building I'm not sure what the building is but I guess it might be a hospital or maybe a church because there's something that kind of looks like a cross on the right side of the hallway I wasn't able to make out the audio too well for this part but I tried once the person reaches the end of the hallway we're shown another line of text that says all dead the title of the fourth one is shown in English and Japanese for some reason but the actual voices in the episode are spoken in Japanese with English subtitles the episode begins at the narrator saying that poochy and pansy have defeated the witch and they now have to save the kitten we're also shown two quick flashes of the witch with no eyes poochy and pansy are staring at a prison door and pooja tells pansy that this is where the kitten is being held when he was asked how I knew that he stated that he could see it with the witch's eye we're then shown that one of pootie's eyes was replaced with that of the witch after a long shot of the door we have shown some animated distortion which we can see the words cannot hide the video event cooked two icicles or maybe the stalactite and once more cut to text reading finding after another cut we are shown from a first-person point of view someone walking in the snow until they encountered the same words find you it then immediately cuts to a hooded man wearing a white mask reaching towards the camera we are then shown more icicles and then the text reads everyone in your world is dead but you only you exist the final cut briefly shows the words find you now that this is very relevant but it kind of reminded me of the creepypasta in egg part five begins with a hooded man in the last episode turning towards the camera saying you can't hide yeah we're then presented with the title screen and then it cut to some more disturbing imagery with strange noises like usual when it comes back to the title screen though the actual title of the episode is censored it cuts once more to some disturbing imagery and then cuts to a video of a basement followed by a longer video of a hooded man moving around in an unnatural way then the episode finally begins Bucheon Pangaea finally found the kitten and after staring at it for a while you guessed it more disturbing imagery this part kind of speaks for itself but what I found interesting was a shot in the forest the mirrored are placed in the poochy and pansy series we're then given the same message we heard earlier above the thing on TV not being real but this time it's a little bit different remember what's on TV is real when you go outside and look at the rest of the world that's what's make believe and with that the episode is concluded part 6 starts off with one of those old swings and then cut to the title screen the narrator says now that Pooh chimpanzee rescued the kitten from strife power they return to puppy hill where they await their next adventure the episode just depicts Poochie and pansy sitting at the usual spot with the kitten pansy notes how poochie's eyes are normal again and pooch explains that this is one of the powers of the eye they then find a scroll and before Poochie can finish saying who the scroll is from the video cuts to more disturbing imagery as usual the letter G and to the peering which has been reoccurring then text appears that says he must find it to become free now the title says a message from and then the rest is censored for some reason however they weren't quick enough to censor the final word if you pause the video at the right time you can actually see that it says Ganga diddle whether or not this was done intentionally I don't really know but I will explain the significance of this later part seven begins with Poochie pansy and the kitten sitting in a field the kitten meows and were met with another jump-scare Poochie reiterate this message from earlier about how what we see on TV is real what we see in real life is fake we're then of course shown more disturbing a nonsensical imagery like always and we are showing more Texas's David's mind traverses many parallels his memories will help you we're then joined the letters and numbers xrz 9 h o UI f ee then the video ends the final video on this channel is a second episode that was skipped earlier so keep in mind this does take place between the 1st and 3rd episode it don't show spooch you with no eyes and pansy with no mouth poochie's repeatedly saying a line from the first episode over and over again yeah yeah yeah you're probably right yeah yeah yeah you're probably right yeah yeah you're probably probably wrap cut again to the usual strange imagery and then we see the guy in the hoodie you're reaching for the camera the description claims of this episode was originally posted at the proper time but it was removed by YouTube for an unknown reason so that summarizes all the videos but still leaves the question as to why these were created as I'm sure a lot of you have suspected poutine panty was created to recruit players for an alternate reality game called the hunt for the Ganga diddle back when Poochie and panty was first made of link to the videos were posted on 4chan most likely by the creator to recruit players the idea was obviously to get people curious as to what these strange videos were about finally the 6 Poochie and pansy episode would give the players a hint that would give them many more leads for the game although part of the episode is blurred I mentioned before that if you pause at the right time you can see that the text actually says Ganga diddle this word alone would help the players find the YouTube channel belonging to Ganga diddle now I don't want to make a video entirely about the Arg and this video is mainly about Poochie and pansy and is long enough already however I don't want to just leave you hanging so I'll try to summarize the Arg as best I can the first video on the Ganga diddle channel was titled commencement the video just said that the hunt for the Ganga diddle begins now and then gave players a link to a PDF file with instructions the link no longer works and this video has been unlisted which leads me to think that this Arg is probably over by now over time the owner of the Ganga diddle channel would put out puzzles for the players to solve in order to find the Ganga diddle you're probably asking yourself by now what the Ganga diddle is the geng de vil is the main character in the Arg all that is really known about him that it can travel between worlds and take souls of the people living in fake worlds we don't really know what it looks like but in drawings it is shown as resembling a white robot with several limbs it's also not known which side it's on all we really know is that this is the thing we are hunting for remember the weird hooded guy we saw in some of the Poochie and pansy videos this is another character in the game that calls himself the hunt master he's also the creator of the Ganga diddle YouTube channel he does not claim to be the ganga diddle himself but he claims that he is controlling it and keeping it in check he expresses that he is somehow bound and as a result can only communicate with fake worlds through riddles and encrypted messages however he also exists in the real world which takes a toll on his body and causes uncontrollable head movements that we witnessed in one of the Poochie and pansy videos the whole Arg is pretty much consisted of players solving puzzles in order to come closer to fighting the Ganga diddle I'm assuming this ard is over now for a few reasons one a lot of videos on the Ganga little channel have been unlisted also one of the final videos on the channel is titled the Ganga diddle has been found the video says the Ganga diddle was neutralized it was dispatched by tomato goatee on September 29th 2012 his proximity to it ended the threat of its continued existence the world is safe now the isolated worlds have collapsed the people trapped in the isolated worlds are free now may never even knew they were imprisoned now that the Ganga diddle is no longer a threat I'll be returning home Thank You hunters go save lives you have saved worlds congratulations on a job well done nice work but at the same time there's also evidence that says this might not all be over yet in the same exact video there are split second images si we couldn't save her the stars are so pretty and LSS must be stopped I don't know what LS S stands for in addition the next video is simply titled I am awake the video just says why am i awake at the end for a split second it says the stars are so pretty maybe this video is intended to hint at the Ganga diddle coming back or waking up so I honestly don't really know what is currently going on with the Arg at the moment it kind of seems like it still has loose ends but at the same time nothing has been posted by Ganga diddle on YouTube or on Twitter since 2013 so maybe the game is active maybe it's not I don't know and to be honest I don't really care thank you for watching and I will see you on the flipside
Channel: ScareTheater
Views: 924,268
Rating: 4.9383659 out of 5
Keywords: Poochee, and, Pansy, Analysis, explain, explained, explanation, analyze, analyses, the, hunt, for, Gangadiddle, ARG, alternate, reality, game, alternate reality game, scary, creepy, kid, kid's, children, childrens, children's, TV, television, show, dolst, hunter, hunting, master, horror, mystery
Id: FaCoQ25JIXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2016
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