Polyphia - Live in Singapore 2019 Guitar Masterclass

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the only way down so let's mix up my small molecule [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay Singapore make some noise for Polly fear [Applause] okay I'll go to you stop over to team give it up for us I guess right [Applause] yeah this is our third time in Singapore each time gets more badass than the last I'm gonna take a picture of you guys actually alright now my phone on airplane mode and we're gonna play some tunes for ya no interruptions from this little guy so let's get right into it atomic ten you ready that's good alright let's see we could fight this humidity [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] sweets that song is called notes as you probably already know before you're gonna tell you guys it is it about how we make a funny song that we play so I guess what I jump right into that goal is inspired by traffic if not I have been attending trap music you've ever listened to it there's a heavy use of triplets and one of the things that we were trying to do on guitar was kind of emulate rappers in rap music and may also rap in triplets a lot so we are pretty much trying to do what rappers move up on guitars and ended up with a very flexing of that which is goat yeah funny story about that song actually Tim brought over that songs my house first song we started writing for new levels new devils and it took us about a year to do it two years ago so good old to 2017 around probably around this time maybe closer to summer anyway he brought it over and the bells with the first guitar you know and he was like oh he's chubby and it was like dude we should this should be the vibe for the next album you know we should try to just like implement our style different clock or rather it's a hip-hop in our style and it was funny too because the stones starting about started out real slow [Applause] [Music] but yeah let's go yeah and that's how they're up good that's also a new levels new ballast is four on the test so yeah so we're gonna play some more for you guys [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] alright see headaches aren't right now exam so saucy started from a thing called port melody and if they're unfamiliar with what chord melody is it's basically you know root notes and chords kind of outlining what you're playing and then playing the top melody with that so for example our root notes and chords were yeah and then how the other roof was made timber and clay or in the studio doing drums for that song and they send me the whole song and they're like yeah we just needed you to put something down in this section we have no idea where to go with it and I was like all right let me see what I can conjure up so I just kind of like put it on my thing and just rolled with it I did some production on it and then I kind of just had some ideas and I just pressed record and went with it and really it was probably one of the most natural flowing riffs that came out during that for me anyway so yeah that's that's how saucy was finished so now we got a good old saucy and now we're gonna start playing some other stuff yes we have one off of a post-dated let's get right into it joke [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I mean all right well goose started off as they kind of had this EDM structure to where it was like built up and then a drop and then build up and then drop and you know just kind of like it's more and more and more intense as something goes on and then just like you know you hit the climax or whatever and I just start over so that was really a BM inspired at first and then we kind of tried to implement some things in there and yeah and as far as guitars on that going back to the court melody thing this one is very poor melody heavy where we start with the first riff you know you kind of start with these chords [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a lot of notes for eons and boy does it have a lot of notes there's a lot of things happening in that song when the guitar sweetened thinking what is more distinctive tapping - yeah - lots of harmonics hybrid picking in there - it's all the techniques we could think of I guess lots of stuff and when he started writing that song we were on a website called spice calm which is a free sample pack website and it came from a future based pack which was heavily inspired by wave racer the pack was and we lovely appraisers so we were like this sounds like wave racer and so we were trying to think of what would a racer do on guitar and so that's kind of how that song was started yeah and I guess I'm the funny story guy tonight funny sorry about that song we were writing it in the studio finishing up the most a2dp and we had a couple days left in the studio really - just get out as much as we can and describe as much to the candidates so Tim had his station set up this laptop at the axe-fx and my guitar and I had my station set up laptop eyes effects of the guitar and then I had ran her ass to be right or F and we would tell each other derivative and then we were just going out cool yeah I got some ideas now for what you're working on so let me just work on your station and that's pretty much what we did for the whole song until it was finished there there are plenty of guitarists and versions that didn't make the final you know cut but we did it and now we have 40 ounce so let's play it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I saw all the worse but I hope that you think it is the best do any of you guys like Jimi Hendrix me it's not love Jimi Hendrix yeah that song was kind of us trying to think that with Jimi new of even you know we're hearing gay or really what we do if we could play like Jimi or bright lights I mean it was really just Jimmy inspiring that's very pentatonic yeah actually a funny thing that I remember it as we were playing that because I was listening to the BACtrack Rihanna is actually a song yeah I took on the acapella for an eating meat and reversed it and it's like if you hear that song and listen to the to the backing track carefully like in the background the vocal samples that are happening that's actually beyond so I just remember that hopefully she will get Pfister's yeah now anyways before we play the next time for some of us to change Qataris just wanted to tell you a little bit about our either net signature models oh yes I'll go first okay so this is the Ibanez SL m10 it was my signature guitar Scott LePage signature guitar and it is first of all you look at it and it's just very beautiful it's very beautiful guitar it's like a tiger or one of those animals that has this look to what we got is nice quilted maple top base with body or a facile and even roasted maple neck method glow-in-the-dark endlaves over here and then we got pearloid and lance over here 22 frets so that we can how do you say gets a really good tone this neck pickup over here which is a true velvet and so is this middle one and then down here we got my custom signature the bars me will pick up the ik now which is a humbucker yes and it's very very buttery it's quite a nice sound it's very warm and it's that spot that I like when I'm playing any things like that then of course back area pull the string up and lock it right there he just turned a little wheel and you're good to go here we got this nice little tremolo to actually show you just uh I'll just hit a now I'm going to show you how much the clutter is on this thing and you can really be it's made to be just destroyed but it won't ever be destroyed and it's just an awesome guitar man you should go buy a honestly it's really sick so Tim tell us what yours so my guitar is pretty much Scott's guitar except it's DTH bb10 which stands for the students in black beauty because it was inspired from the black beauty in the sense that it is black and it is also beautiful we'd have the pearloid block inlays and they're very pretty and then the gold hardware is also very early it's got a roasted maple neck and the same tremolo that Scott has with the pickups these are my custom DiMarzio signature notorious and they really excel with clean tongues I'll show you you should also buy this one you should actually go to your nearest either Nets retailer which it is that place geographically right next to us sweetie yeah and order that because they're wonderful and you can have two the most beautiful guitars in the world anywhere possession just like we exploit that's very right you could do that you can do just that in fact you can go do that right now all of you can get up and leave us and go do that but I hope that you wait until after so with that being said let's play some more tunes which one maybe not quite I think he will recognize this on that [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] anyway so if we started ranting that money man actually offered the song you know what Tim when he was pregnant in 2014 there was this song on the radio that we really really enjoyed it was called I love this explicit and it was by a dude named August Alsina it's like a hip-hop R&B song was pretty hard on me and I remember hearing this song for the first time thinking it was very it stuck out to me because at the time I had never really analyzed song structures and this song had a pre-chorus a chorus and the clothes cars and it is thought that's so much of the song is just the chorus you know this is just a lot of course is pretty much when people hook after hook after hook which leads the song to me catching the entire time so it's God I really enjoyed that song and we decided to like you know just listening to it all the time and we're like playing guitar with it his song that has nothing to do with guitars and we ended up writing the guitarist for champagne on topical song so we're gonna play this on for you and play champagne over this song and they'll see kind of what we're talking about as far as how we made in structure of the song yeah man so let's do it was buffering before so hopefully we get all the way through this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to obviously be changed to certain parts to you know fit our style like we had administrative parts and solos yeah but that is how we started certain song and it kind of like opened our eyes to like oh wow like we we should do this with some other songs too and then it kind of like helped us figure out like how to structure our own songs yeah you can never really go wrong with the verse chorus verse chorus bridge chorus and then kind of adding more parts to your quarters you know pre-chorus chorus and post corners side things so you know traditional songs are terms of being the strongest and most situations so yeah that's kind of what we follow yeah right to any right sometimes we're like to get a little frizzy but you go get on and Ammar for you guys these aren't our little older jump right into him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ten areolas got the funny story on this song this one's actually fairly comedic so one day I was getting a haircut and I just heard that melody [Music] and I was just like damn that's a really good melody and so I told the lady to stop cutting my hair and I went home and I recorded it so that is how that song happened yeah I remember you came over to my house it looked like a half shaven head just this one side and I was like dude what happened I'm just getting into it but yeah that's uh that's how you before I was born there really is nothing more to it other than we just Rover ifs and stuff yeah so we got one more song now and we're gonna play that one more song before we play that one more song I I'm gonna warn you I made this tract a few years ago we didn't really know if we were gonna play this song or not last minute we decided yeah we'll play it so my young self decided it would be a good idea to put the metronome in between the tracks so that everyone can hear it so I'm about to show you exactly what that sounds like so check this out [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're like done in whenever that goes so easily tonight questions you know on the audience the we had some pre-selected questions so we can answer these questions and okay maybe you can start with the first one how do you get the motivation to keep improving I've been playing guitar for five years but do not seem to have the right motivation to try and improve my skills this is from a great demotivated it's unclean alright well we are here to motivate it so let's see oh my god I guess I guess assume that he's just kind of like bored with it so the way I try to get past that I guess I'll give me an example someone asks is similar to this something similar to this yesterday but basically all I wanted to do was play fast and like I ran up and down all the scales until I was really faster all the ones that I knew and then I was kind of just like well I mean I just play them the same stuff all the time and that's it's boring now so that's when I really started to focus on writing and improving you know writing and doing all that so I started taking all those things that I had practiced and learned over the years and started implementing them into songs and when I realized really terrible a terrible songwriter that was like well I need to fix that so I started working on that much more and now I mean we push the envelope where the music ever hear it in in a sense that we I don't think we'll ever write the same out them twice like we're always gonna make some new stuff or at least what we think is available by the combining stuff together so I guess to answer the question to be just try to like keep your your mind open to doing other things as well like writing and stuff like that okay I guess you know when I was a kid [Music] guitar the things that noted me motivated me to get better was just getting better like every time I would learn something that was way out of my comfort zone and clangs on I realized wow I really can't do this that was the motivation that I needed to get to that level knowing that I couldn't do that better so yeah I mean it's it's good to uh it's good to compare yourself to what you aspire to be a healthy way of you know I aspire to be that and otherwise yeah all right so it makes question how do you come up with this complex comparisions a lot of our corporations are not complex yeah well there's just a bunch of crazy stuff going on around them but yeah for the most part they really aren't that blacks like like 40 knots for example for like this whole second half of the song yeah as you know actually a lot of the times we're doing very very simple things but flexing on them a lot appear to be a lot more complicated than they are just by adding even more notes but really it's the chord progressions are fairly simple maybe what you man who is uh how to come up with all this complex cost maybe there was a question it's easy to you know when making something it's easy to make things complex and just add a lot of stuff I think doing it tastefully is you know something that we've been learning how to do since we started but on you know as far as adding a lot of things in there it's it's good to look at it kind of measure by measure I know a lot of the time is what I'm writing you know like for example I'll do a quart my core so for example with tutorial you're not the first chord is [Music] you know so you kind of that's just four notes per four and then you know an ani scored like on the second time around I normally wait till the third chord progression and flex on that one so that like it keeps the melody going but then on the second time is something slightly different and something that just happens going a little bit you know and it's enough to figure just like wow that was really cool and so you want to listen to it again so it's just kind of you know I feel like that's kind of my approach to doing the flexing tastefully is just picking certain spots in the right moment to just kind of add the extra you know but you know really splitting it up in sections helps yeah and going on top of that for what he said just to give another example with the 40 on salons it's the same thing applies and they like and do it in the song [Music] I'd know it's that one is super flexy and honestly probably a little less tasteful but yeah both they're good examples so I guess okay I guess I get to take Vivian well because what they do I know anything okay so I got a question to say when I was a kid I forced my dad to fund your IndieGoGo campaign well here we are today because of that oh yeah thanks to your production is amazing thank you like you shouldn't send your songs to judge y2k because it's so good I watched the video you making goat and Oggy like a million times in Sandman is way better than Odie we out today like and then exhale in contact for Odie works so well with the song you should have kept it and you should drop it that coming it's so much more interesting board trap you and Scott I absolutely and it's so sick thank you for the kind words yeah seriously supporting us to live every unitary attachment or feeling I'm feeling between us unless it makes my day makes me feel warm inside thank you yeah oh I have one question actually yeah well on odeon goats there's this sort of like bird kind of siren yes and that you say stuck oh yeah so that is somewhat in hip-hop Alana producers kind of put their tags in that is our East agus like the little moon it's like the bird points a lot of famous ones would be like Oh Roddy J's that baby say oh my god and me jobs really hard that's what that is so it's basically white suitcase tag in our music yes if you hear anything that occurs often in songs just at the beginning of you like what is that yeah that's a time somebody like saying this is my work this is the way I did on this song you know so yeah it was hard to think of an example of one Tony over there my first words yeah you know most of them have curse words so yeah okay this guy's I can go fans as well they they have to touch with them so I guess there's something it's all questions [Music] okay hopefully one day you will he does not currently you mention all spam I've events and telling me really and really really creating really my signature thank you all right an applause it's beautiful is Tara like a bit different from the what you have not read yeah we've kind of been wanting to play Idaho since we were children you know first guitar I ever got was an Ibanez guitar actually yeah this guy and my main guitar growing up was in RG 350 M DX it's kinda like the $400 white speed by looking thing and so with it was always a dream of ours to play Ibanez and adamantly really just like we had been touring for like a couple years and then our manager got us in contest lovely man named Mike Magnus and he kind of has just been taking us under his wing and made all this happen for us so yeah you know Mike wherever you are right now in the world why you can we just get an answer my brother okay we have a familiar face this is a supporter we've been coming to warm up link so many years thank you so I'm giving you a chance to ask some questions my question even if any exercises for sweet picking you know that's one of those things that you just got it you just gotta do it and it's gonna be way way out of your comfort zone but I recommend and start with like the smaller ones like Wow honestly I really like sweet picking well it definitely helps to house like a progression of chords that you like to play that you're going to because that's what sweet thinking is is just arpeggios you know which is just a broken up chord so if there's a progression if you like to play it makes it more fun to practice for me I really like playing what solo a mile 0 for 3 but that's what I like to play when I practice sweet things yeah yeah I guess best advice find a song that you like that hasn't been in practice up so it doesn't seem cooling or the Knicks won what's the best probably a song to learn when just getting into I probably Singaporean would be the easiest one yeah yeah it's very fun and it's melody bass and it's it's a fairly you know faster award type thing to get you going so yeah it's a lot of stuff in there too it's go over everything you got your your cool chords and stuff like that like but you get to the end there it's like [Music] so there's a bunch of stuff and then you got your like your melody and then there's like some are dripping in there too so yeah that's probably good good something start out actually okay I'm not you okay so what's your name my name is okay so to run has a question what makes a good melody wife makes a good melody I think you know I think about that a lot actually and I I always think back to when I was a kid and pretty much every single like children's song as the most finality of it because there David you just always I don't know man I just thought Mary [Music] like that's an amazing melody and it's if they're so catchy and I think um you know good melody is one bit like you can sing to yourself over and over and over and over and over and never really get tired on the other hands what also makes a good melody is how we have faced up what he said actually so you guys I'm sure you all have a song that you really really hate and it just gets stuck in your head and you're just like I wish that song would get out of my head because I hate that song well I hate to break this to you but that song has a very good ability of it because you can't stop thinking about it but it's knocking on your brain door and so they're always so I'd say catchiness is what makes a melody all right uh this is a question though now call them you know questions so uh how many moments one two three oh yeah I guess we could do formal yeah okay could we be expecting a collaboration with TV yeah I mean it may can happen he came to LA when Scott was there and we were working we were working on our record and when I'm not working on comitia stuff I'm doing hip-hop stuff and I just figured like Scott's in town and if I hit up t-pain to go work he's gonna like put me in a studio for like 12 hours and like maybe use me for like two of those hours and I'm just going to be sitting there like with you know like four other musicians like just waiting to play so I guess the next time t-pain's in LA but now there are possible collapse with lots of other large legendary robbers and such in the works too so yeah yeah [Music] are you you guys have songs which have lyrics and other songs supposed to be so I still write so you made that decision of whether lyrics super song rather for this baby so you're pregnant so strange and with strange that already was a cuckoo song that existed that he hadn't put out and you just gave it to us and then Olivia eyes did yeah so that one was already in the bag and then I look but on touch we started writing the song first and then we were like you know I've heard good friends of Lewis grants and he is really awesome so if you conflict got him on a track and we kind of just did we sent him a song he wrote something - yeah we put on touch the intention was to kind of make like I don't know if you guys have ever used listen to Kanye it's Jesus but on that album's incredible and one of the things that he does so well monogamous green switch where like he'll just start the song and then all of a sudden comes in a different song and he just like what happened and that was one of the things that we wanted to do with look the don't touch because there's about three or four different parts of liquid don't touch that also nothing alike and that was kind of the whole idea behind that was to make like things that didn't go together go together yeah but recently my friend told me that I shouldn't be running from tags because it makes me like a robotic guitar player five and a day from taps for quite a lot already so my question is when and why should you learn from Tex okay definitely let you go first I want to say about yeah I'll get it out there you go I think it's very important not to rely on tabs like as your vein how you learn things I will look at taps of our own music because I'm lazy now you know but really it's kind of more for your benefit to train your ear and just listen to it over and over and try and figure it out that way because it just it helps you're here you know I mean so the benefit of tabs is that if you're you know on a time crunch or whatever you know I mean just for convenience sake you can look at them they exist it's good to do that if you want like a fast and what's the word I'm looking for a fast like a fast reward to playing I guess you know and then the more beneficial thing would be to learn by me yeah so here's my take on the whole taps thing growing up and learning guitar I I would look at ten I would be able when I discovered it I was like this is awesome all the answers are in tabs and then I would look at those tabs and they were all wrong and mine I could just tell I would listen to the song and then I would look at the tabs and I'd be like I'm playing exactly what this table says that's not that's not right just dude it's playing paranoid all by myself and I was just like I mean it's a relatively easy how much like scale favourite all the labels so I learned it by ear and then I would look at the tabs for that I did these are so broad I'm just gonna learn everything by ear from now on because that was much more effective for me so I mean like people got upset with us we're taking our tabs off the internet or other people but we did that because they were wrong and they were just ruining the integrity of the songs we felt like and we saw our tabs and make them perfect every single note has value like every single note that I have has like the vibrato or like a slight band sweat into it every single value of that note is there with all of the notes so I don't know I think it's important to also make sure that you can do things by ear and learn things and listen to something and say I can I can see that in my head what he's doing I mean times are also a really great tool especially ours because we make them perfect and nobody does that I feel like yeah I mean not going back to like it being like a more beneficial thing to use your hair absol it be great if you know you could go playing with an ensemble or like a group and they handed out sheet music and it was taxed but I don't know if it does that I figure the kind on the sheet music it's gonna be sheet music yeah i mean so like it kind of alerting you would be learning like you know a form of like she music that isn't used necessarily so you know yeah it's like you know i think that's the thing taps maybe are supposed to be just like a general idea and then sheet music what's wrong yeah i would feel weird giving the types of our music and they weren't exactly what we're doing on the record so yeah that's that's our take on stops good questions okay one last question I I'm sorry I saw those legs are shaking let me just imagine you make the first thing speed X I've been such big fans of you ever since our mother feels like five minutes ago I've known you since last year and I haven't really caught up to check it out and I'm kind of curious now how did the name for this reaction about man this is the question this is a good question but this is the question that we all dread and I wish that our good friend clay is here to tell you it this is a Ron are you even woman honey want to start this normally we say I guess like its actual meaning it comes from the word Felicity which means multiple harmonies and so it's just to play off of that yeah it's just a made-up word is that pretty much yeah but nobody in the band my name did that it was named by a member who is no longer with others and to this day we still do not like our Ben whatever we get in Hoover's has the band people are always like you guys in a band and it's just like yeah I don't know and they're like what's it called you're always like Metallica because every time we say polygamy like Bolivia or like anything it's just it's really we were 16 years old when that man was made and no one had thought about is that too hard to pronounce is that too hard to spell is it a catchy name and now here we are almost 10 years later with that name but here it is we actually thought it was a good idea because we were like oh if you search that one Google the only thing that will come up maybe the SaaS to us you know Valley's wonderful if that is true but does that really Trump my tweeting like I don't particularly like it I mean is what it is but at this point we're kind of just have fun with it our logo is a death metal logo that is unavoidable you really don't know what it says it could say anything and that's the the main logo that we use so yeah we just have fun with it it doesn't like it doesn't matter it's part of my I've got so many Bolivia tattoos then it it's just life now you know a good question that's that's our two cents on that we are timid spot from Bolivia and Scotland business what do we see that you guys are coming out to these that it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy really appreciating every single one of you even though jeans back from IndieGoGo days especially those those ones actually alright thank you guys [Applause] just gonna take a break in our private room and meet up with the lucky guys will ever know would bought their signature guitars today and we get down there I'm gonna come down and take photos with everyone so but meanwhile
Channel: Studious Jug
Views: 131,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #polyphia, #guitar, #sweep, #picking, #slap, #bass, #tim henson, #scott, #drum, #cool, #sweelee, #singapore
Id: ZgF1gALIxo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 2sec (4742 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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