polymer clay pendant 17

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hey guys it's Katie um I feel like making some jewelry today so we're gonna start off and I want to kind of do earthy tones so I'm gonna do two different blends here I'm gonna start off with a alizarin this is just a scrap Orange that I just took yellow some red scraps some there's like a there's like a dark mustard color and mixed it together so I had no clue what color this is it's like a dusty orange and then again a scrap Brown that I had and I'm gonna do these three and then I might also do these tones so this is primo jungle turquoise and then peacock pearl so I might do that as one so either way let's start with these three so we're gonna blend these three and now this is not gonna be a full blend it's gonna be a very choppy blend because we're gonna jelly roll it so the end ones when these are rough squares well rough squares they're not gonna be perfect that's okay these ones I'm going to hate triangles let's see how am I gonna get this to fit together oh my god because they're not matching squares you know what screw the triangle so let's just do a skinner drop or a tear drop skinner blend i hate doing the triangles especially when it gets late and that's when I usually record and I don't sometimes they just want a little about and I'm not gonna make a perfect square I mean you could use some cutters but either way I'm just gonna make these like pretty much you roll it into a ball and this doesn't need to be perfect to get them to blend you roll it into a ball right first and then take your hands and like a chopping motion and roll one end to get it to skinny up okay I'm gonna this one's gonna be skinnier because I have less of the alizarin than everything else that might be a little too long you just roll my fingers together and that will squish it a little bit so I think I'm gonna do a orange a little bit of alizarin and then the brown so go from light to dark and so you're going to go fat in too skinny to fat skinny to fat to skinny see what I mean so just offset your teardrops okay and then I'm gonna roll this out right now by hand because this is way too thick to put in my pasta machine so I'm gonna roll it out a little bit to get it get skinnier or thinner I should say and these aren't really conditioned because when I blend this it's gonna condition it some now the other thing I want to do to add a little difference I want to add some color in here let me roll it through the machine once so it's all one level like this setting I'm just gonna roll it through from here to here just to elongate it [Applause] that way it's all one thickness okay and I want to add a color in here just kind of randomly in here maybe we can get some weird patterns in our blend because we're not gonna blend 100% so I think maybe what I'll do is I'll take some white roll out little strips away I'm just gonna throw it here and there everywhere it's funny because I watched Marta a lot as she's a I think it's called Marie Mahal art and she goes here and there everywhere I find myself saying that now she does a lot of mixed media and I love watching her I just like her accent and she's very calming so I watch her before bed when I feel like watching mixed media I'm just gonna add some of pieces in here I don't know how many just a few maybe we got some weird stuff going on tomorrow I'll probably do that with the other one too we'll see if it shows up at all again I'm not gonna do a full blend on this I'm gonna do maybe five passes now this these are pretty different colors so it may take a few more than five but let's see so on my thickest setting so when you fold your skinner blend right if we don't have those in it we have our colors here if you put your colors vertically we have the brown alizarin and the orange put them away from you vertically I'm sitting over here right you always want to fold vertically okay if your colors are horizontal and you fold horizontally then you're gonna have two colors so you want to put your colors vertically away from you and fold up and that way on this end we have all Brown and on this end we have all orange and then we're gonna put the fold in first and that way all the air is pushed out the top okay if you put it in this way where your rollers go here where one color is touching your roller it's just gonna make one blend this would probably be an ugly brown we want every single color touching this is the fold but every single color should be touching your rollers when you put it in through the machine okay so I'm going to put it in once [Applause] and it separate it a little bit at the top well that's okay just push it back together again vertically away from you hold up I just like to squish my sides in to keep it kind of skinny I always do that and I know I showed you that before again we're gonna put it in where each color is touching the rollers fold first and honestly I might have gotten this from a video a while back but I don't really know what video so I doubt I like most anything you get this from somewhere and I'm not sure where I mean I've added colors of my skin or blend like this before but not for the purpose I'm doing I probably smell that I'm doing it I've probably seen someone do it but I don't know who just like anything usually nothing is original anymore but if you know who did that in a video or you can think of the video that someone did that let me know because I don't remember again I'm gonna pass it again cuz we're starting to get a blend through here but oh there's a little white popping through a couple more times [Applause] [Applause] maybe I'll go one more maybe one or two more I want it roughly blended I don't want a nice gradient I don't want a nice full blend I just want it choppy cuz I'm gonna swirl this or jellyroll it and I want to be able to see the different colors so I don't want to lose our colors let's try that so next what I'm gonna do is cut this into strips because I want to make one long thin strip and this is how I do it you could just fold it over but I find for me I don't trap as much air when I do this so I'm just gonna cut and it doesn't matter if they're like perfectly even strips so just cut a strip fold it over color to color cut a strip fold it over and because it's not a full blend it's got not gonna match up perfectly you see these nice straight students we've got in there and that's what I was looking for and that's what I was looking not to blend it a whole bunch times because I want to keep those so now we're gonna begin stretching this cuz again I want to make a nice long thin strip so you can stretch it by hand cuz we got to get it to fit in our pasta machine and if I leave it that thick it's gonna really strain my gears in my pasta machine so I'm gonna roll it out some by hand and you know what I might do I might actually make two strips of this so when I jelly roll or spiral it I can have orange on the outside and then one with orange on the inside so maybe I'll cut this in half this way and make two little couple smaller ones you know now I have two separate ones in there okay so now we're gonna run it through to make this really long and I usually start on my dark end going in the rollers first and that way if they have any pasta sludge it sticks to my dark and hopefully not to my light I'm going to do both of that on and get it to the thinnest usable setting I feel comfortable with and that can depend on one the time of year how hot it is how sticky your clay is depends how thin you can get it the thinner obviously this the nicer of a blend if you want it chunkier you can make it chunk here so it's going to be up to you so this is a setting zero obviously and I'm gonna work my way down but I don't know if we're gonna back this do I want to back this as well and like do a white or a black spiral in this ooh I don't know I'm not gonna want to spiral this alone I think I'm gonna back this once I get it should I back it now and then run it through might be easier when it's not so skinny to back it now and then to back this well it's like that maybe it's some black a dark black brown maybe okay let me get a color you could just use plain black I might get some brown and black and do like a black brown for this one so let me get some color you know what I think would be a good way to use this I have some this is one of my favorite colors but it's in a bad material its sculpt III it's the suede Brown and it's one of my favorite Browns but sculpt III is weak but I think it might work in this setting and not make my stuff too weak because all of this is primo and I'm just gonna use a thin layer of this to line this so we get a swirl so I think it will be fine because that's not what the bulk of my Cana is gonna be made of you know what I mean so I'm gonna use up a little my sculpt Lee so I'm gonna add quite a bit of black in it maybe that much black and I have these are setting zero I have like three sheets I don't know I don't know guys I'm using a lot of black and some sculpey to get rid of it let me just kind of fold that up there sculpt III is so soft I wish I really would have known because that's the only brand I can get my art store so I still have a lot of it but I hardly ever use it works well for like cabochon and thick things but I don't even I mean that yes you can add you know say 3/4 part you know if you have four parts three of them be primo in one part sculpt III but I hate dealing with it so I don't use it often but this may be a good part so I'm gonna mix this up till I get a dark brown black it's not gonna be pure black it's not gonna be pure Brown okay so now I have this brown color here but it is darker then the brown I have in my my role so you will be able to see the difference between that so I'm gonna roll this out on a fixed on a thin setting so however bold you want when we spiral this if this is backed with the color however bold you want your backing color to be that's how thick you need it to be so I don't want mine to be very bold so I'm gonna I'm gonna roll it out on a fairly thin setting because I don't [Music] [Applause] okay so that's a setting six right now in my Atlas so fairly thin and right now this is at my thickest setting so I'm gonna line this with this I'm just gonna lay it on here and then I'll roll this out with the rest of the way it's easier to line it now I'm just gonna cut off this excess again doesn't need to be perfect I have to remember that this is mainly scope III on that junk one there so I'll put it back my sculpt III binder so now this is backed with a dark color okay I'm going to do the same thing when I roll this one out this one again is on setting six except for I haven't run this through on the zero which I should so that way it's all the same thickness [Music] you know it looks cool that looks really cool right there I love when the clay does weird things like that okay do the same thing with this one trim this one out and then all I'm gonna do is go down through my settings until I'm at the thinnest useable setting to make a roll or whatever setting you want to be at if you again want this chunkier well don't go down to a thinner don't bring this whole thing down to the thinnest than a setting whatever you want for your spiral to look like and I can't tell that for you that's gonna be something you're gonna have to do trial and error to see what you like okay so now they're both packed it's like crazy how soft sculpt III is okay so now I'm going to put it down through my settings stretch way out stupid timer keeps going off okay I'm gonna put this down until I get a long thin strip I'll do both of them and then I'll roll one up where it orange starts and I'll roll the other one up where the brown starts so I'll be right back okay so I went down to a five and that's as bad as thin as I want to go and I have a nice long strip on this one like I said I'm gonna start and it's okay if parts are wider than other parts that's fine I'm gonna actually cut this end off one and I'm gonna cut it kind of at an angle so we get a nice roll so kind of it was like a 45 degree angle to my board so we get a nice start so I don't know if you can see that but bevel their butt and just and again with that sculpt III it's gonna make it cut the outside kind of soft but we'll make do I'm gonna begin rolling this one is gonna be the orange on the inside and I'm gonna make a jelly roll sample jelly roll and then on the other one I'm gonna do the brown on the inside so I have two different variations of the same thing I got a little crooked there and now my strips getting a little wider I can push on the top and make my roll a little wider a little off skewed why are things not working with me today and it's okay if it's a little skewed and that scope III smear in a little bit okay and so with my next one I want to do the same exact thing except for I'm gonna roll so that the orange in the middle of the browns gonna be in the middle okay and you can make these different thicknesses like this was a setting five maybe I'll do a setting six or seven or maybe I'll do a setting for make these widths in here bigger you do whatever everyone gets a variation in this okay so this one I did a set in five I think I said this one I did a setting for so the lines in between they're gonna be a little thicker and I haven't cut into this because I definitely I'm going to want this to rest but before I let it rest I'm gonna reduce so we always start in the middle and that way we can push air out through all of these folds okay so start in the middle and begin pushing and you want to do light pressure each time push and rotate push and rotate you know and you're just either using your middle fingers and your thumb or your pointer finger and your thumb and again you're starting in the middle until you get like a waist or an hourglass or a barbell whatever you want to think of that and then you work up to the end and no matter what you do with reducing you're always gonna get distortion okay you can always try to pulse them up if you're getting ones distorting more than the other but either way it's gonna happen okay and then work up to flip it and work up to the other end and with sculpt III I'm probably gonna get more than I would have if I would have used some primo but I wanted to see if I could use it and then when you get it about even do a gentle roll just to get it more even Dov and I don't know what size I want to do so may be about this size actually it'll be good so let's do this 1 2 ready using our point and starting in the middle we're gonna rotate just tucked up top top top top top top top top top top top ok and pending this the clay softness each clay is gonna reduce at a different level okay so again until you have a waste and then work up to the edge and you can try to pull some of them up to the edge but either way that edge is gonna be distorted which is fine if you have cane caps you can use those but you know me I use a lot of money scrap colors which two of these colors were scrapped so except for this one's gonna have some sculpt III in it as scrap but if I mix it with another color it'll be mainly primo it's mainly primo I want them all about the same diameter this sounds a little thick stone but I don't reduce mainly by rolling I'm just kind of evening it off this sounds a little thick I'm gonna do a little Paul those are about the same diameter I have a little glitter from my embossing powder the other day okay so those two are done now I'm gonna do the same thing seems that thing with these three colors and I think I'm gonna back it with the same brown because I still think that's very earthy so I'm gonna do turquoise first and again they're not really conditioned but that's fine because once I blend them that will help condition them so just enough to get it into a ball and I'm definitely getting Brown on this cuz I got this brown over my fingers so dry baby wipe and I have sinned here that I hate to throw them away even when they're dry so again roll and you can do a skinner blend the regular however you want to do a skinner blend it doesn't really matter I'm just doing it this way because when it's late and it's a stay Thursday Thursday night after work at 7:30 it's not that late compared to how late I usually stay up I just don't feel like focusing on making triangles because for some reason I can't do that the triangle thing gets me all messed up sometimes okay that's good enough as long as one end is skinnier than the other end that teardrop skinner blend will work okay and then I'm gonna go peacock next and this is an accents clay so it's usually softer because pearl this is you can sculpt the accents okay again thick to thin thin to thick so and then this is the jungle okay and then let me roll that out by hand I won't show you all of this I just wanted you to show it you how I'm setting up the colors and then I probably again take some white and kind of well let me roll it through once so at least it's all the same thickness just to lengthen it all and it's all the same thickness okay and then I'm gonna add some white in there too you could add some blacks and brown some really neat blue whatever you want to do I'm gonna add them vertically though you could probably add them horizontally and it wouldn't need to try it try it out I know for some reason I feel like going vertical today I have no rhyme or reason of why I'm going vertical I'm just going vertical maybe we put some more in this one I don't always put a couple weird right ones and I'm not even doing the same thickness of these strips the same length okay and then again our lines are vertical we're gonna fold in half up our lines are still vertical and all the colors are gonna touch the roller so the fold is going to go in the rollers first but every color is gonna be touching the rollers there's past one and again I'm putting it down in front of me vertically I'm gonna fold up away from me okay you have one solid color on this end green and green this side you have turquoise turquoise okay I'm just pushing the ends a little bit that way they'll also get conditioned and I'm gonna put it in again fold first each color is touching my rollers going on my thickest setting and that was the second pass no there's a big bright spot away pushing my hands again and I'm just pushing in my sides to keep it a skinny strip so it's for me easier to fold you don't need a cushion these sides if you don't push in the sides your strips just gonna get longer your folds gonna get longer this way and you're gonna have less to fold up I think that was a third pass and you can see the white in here my clay starting to get more conditioned it's less crumbly there's the fourth pass maybe we just do one more here's the fifth pass yeah let's leave it like that so again maybe we'll chop it in half this way rather than do it the other no let's just cut it in strips why not well do the same exact way we did it because I do want two of these too so I can have the light on the inside and then I get in the dark on the inside I always do this when I'm trying to get a long thin strip I always cut and fold some people are cut and stack some people fold it but for me I trap a lot of air when I fold it over so that doesn't quite work well for me and I know it doesn't so that's why I do this look this time we have more white through there which is kind of neat huh so again we're gonna stretch this out a little bit cuz it's way too thick to stick through my pasta machine mm-hmm and maybe right now well let me roll it out a little bit more and then we'll cut it in half so I have two separate ones that's kind of cool it looks super pretty through there cut it in half roughly again doesn't need to be perfect okay and then let's put these through on zero so they're the same thickness okay and then again I'm gonna take this clay I'll line it get it out on a thin sheet one of them I'll roll up with the light on the middle the other one I'll roll up with the dark on the middle okay same exact thing I just did okay I'm laughing oh I'm such a dummy guys I just wanted to show you this so you know why I have less of this color and I can totally remake it easily but I don't think I'm going to so I was running it through all my thinnest setting I was down to a setting 7 and I dropped this and I have a motor on my machine and sucked it right in I mean this part still a blend here I could use up to here and make a jelly roll up to here you know what I mean have dumb so my thought was okay so let's see what this one looks like if I just use up to there I don't have the lightest color I have some of the peacock in the green so I think I'll keep that but I want the lightest color so I think I'm gonna cut that let me roll this through him thickest I can't believe I drew that's what happens when you have a motor and it's just going and I was watching TV and I was like not really looking and it slipped out of you know because it's on a setting 7 so I was like holding it gently in it like all fell out of my hand and then went just went to the get rid of some of this extra bone and went right in the rollers and because I wasn't hand rolling it I couldn't stop it fast enough well so either way I could take this and cut this in half which is what I think I'm going to do and I'll have a really long thin skinny skinny skinny strip because I do want two of the colors so I'm gonna cut this in half and use these okay and I'll make this a scrap like so I should probably turn out to be like a blue tone to brown it actually won't be a bad scrap okay let me finish what I was doing okay so now I have these and they're gonna be harder to reduce cuz they're pretty skinny so I'm just gonna do the same thing we did again just going really slowly obviously there's not gonna be as much as I wanted it's just gonna be the way it is but you'll make it work and I can always redo it too you know it's not a big deal so don't beat yourself up if things don't always work out we're human we made mistakes just go for it and you know what I still got a good jelly roll out of there now because this is sculpt III I really really really should let this rest before I cut into it but I kind of want to show you see the pattern if we can see it at all if it smears too much as smears too much really the only reason why I'm reducing them is one to get them all about the same size and two to push out any air which if you can fold it really tightly even when your fan folding or whatever then you shouldn't have a lot of air but again we're human so we don't always do that so these colors I do want the same size as well they might not be the same size as my other one that I had but I wanted the same these guys roughly the same thickness as each other yeah I mean you don't need to you can have one fat or one skin here you don't need to I was just gonna make those and this is that scrap one which I'll keep reduce it just a little bit I was trying to do that extruder technique where you got the edges cracking and I couldn't get it to crack a lot and I even leached my clay these clays all night and you saw how they dry they were before I had conditioned them they were hardly sticking and I still couldn't get the edges to crack enough so I don't know I have to play with that so let's cut into these so let's cut into my orange ones first cuz they've been sitting the longest even though they've only been sitting like 10 minutes not even just clean my blade let's see what we got for these Warren's ones okay so we got that one there and again because I did my brown really thing this looks really small and in person I can see the difference between the brown the two Browns my fiance's home so the dogs might go a little crazy upstairs I don't know if you can see that but I can see it okay and personally at least you can so there's that one let's do this one this one should have a dark on the inside there's still a little distortion there so you can see the differences between the brown and then the brown black that we lined it with all right and then let's do these guys again there's still some distortion I didn't cut all the way through the distortion so that ones with the green on the inside this one should be with the turquoise on the inside and again when we get in more you won't have this distortion that's still Distortion okay and then we have these two okay let's cut this last one this is the one I messed up on so this one just has pretty much two colors in it compared to these having three really whatever you want okay so there we go and keep all your scraps don't ever get rid of your scraps scraps are good things so I'll mix these up and then I'll probably mix these up this is like I'll put that in here and there we go now we have some of this scrap and I'll put this with this and we have some of this scrap and mainly it's primo okay this one is definitely still more sculpey through that one i added the black with but these other ones now are mainly primo so if i mix it with more primo it will be fine okay i'm gonna let these rest before we do the project and actually i got to cut these ends off too and that way i can mix them in with my other my other batch now we'll go in the orange and brown ones these obviously got more distortion because it's hard to reduce them that when they're that skinny yes Josh sorry there's those three so a happy mistake on this one looks fine so don't just get frustrated and Chuck everything you know always just know that things can work out fine okay so I got these rest and tomorrow let me mix these guys up too to see what kind of scrap color we come up with and I'll show you that quick and then tomorrow we'll do a project with these I think I want to do a pretty simple easy project just because I feel like it doesn't that look cool for mixing my scraps together those end pains I love when it looks like does weird things that you wouldn't expect it to I love that I do love when it kind of mismatches in a certain way see and now for mixing these scraps up separately we have this is very similar to that jungle color except for a more blue undertone and we have a brown that's got kind of a red undertone so I'll use these in different projects later I mean that's what I did today I had a brown and I had an orange that I had mixed colors that I thought would mix well together and did them so don't ever junk your scraps I mean these are two new colors you know that why wouldn't they work you know I can make a whole project out of these two if I wanted to so don't ever get rid of them okay so we have the jelly rolls that we made together and then I made a couple of more when I made a cane out of these so I had a another kind of couple brace so I just did more of a yellow with the scrap Brown and the scrap green I had so I just added a couple more to the repertoire of the ones I have so now I'm gonna make a veneer out of these now in this case I am gonna have my veneer thin I did get a Lucy clay slicer and someone keeps asking me to show how it works it's very self-explanatory there is a video on the pol McNeely Chezza on polymer clay tutor of how to use it and that's kind of where I watched it it's very difficult for me to record this so I guess I can show you a few slices so it has a thing that way back here again and can't really show you this there's a thing way in the back here that you screw I wrote on it forward and then ab4 backwards so I know which way I'm tightening it I also drew a blue line on it right there so I know when I do one full turn so pretty much there's this backstop down here and that's what stops the cane from going to your blade you see this is really hard to show I don't I don't know what they wanted to see so let me get it a little closer well let me use one of my long ones now I kind of wish I didn't try to use up some of my sculpt III because it is really soft and it's kind of a pain the butt to work with and I kind of just wish I just was like screw it and just left it without sculpt III I'm trying to use it up but it's so soft I really don't like using it up and I'm gonna eventually say just whatever I'm done with it and just chuck it but I don't like chucking things so it's still sitting there like I've stopped using it especially in canes so the first couple of slices never really work out well just so you know because it has to get it even the other thing is is if you roll your cane on this I found then your next slice is not easy even to keep your cane round so because this is a softer cane it does distort some but I'm not gonna roll it so all you do is literally push down so that's not still not touching it so I'm gonna go forward a couple of turns just to get it to at least cut through it it's pretty much all you do I'm not quite sure you cut it like you would cut a blade with a blade you're just cutting it with this and I'm doing one full turn from my blue line that I have and that's a thickness I'm gonna do okay now the again because it's sculpt III it's distorting some but when I roll it okay so say i roll it like you would if you were cutting with a regular blade your next slice won't be nice so if i go forward one turn it's gonna be way thicker because it has to reset itself see that's not an even slice so i finding if i roll it I'm gonna waste more then if I just let it distort some where as if you were doing it by hand you would roll it so the nice thin slices okay don't know what else to show it's again it's really big and it's kind of hard to show on camera all you do is just bring it up bring it down bring it up bring it down it's pretty much it so I'm gonna cut a bunch of each and when I'm done I will be back just saying this cuz someone just commented on this today I was chopping something and I was talking and they were afraid I was gonna do something I'm using my Dulles blade literally dull blade that's the blade side it is so dull I'm not gonna hurt myself with this blade okay so even if I cut myself it's not the end of the world I'm not gonna die from a blade clip just so you know so either way you might see blood for a second if I ever do which I haven't yet I've only once cut myself and that was taking this blade out of the box the first day I ever opened a clay blade since I have it I probably will at some point but oh well you know I do injections every day and a one-inch well your mouth can only open about one to two inches wide on like the biggest opening so I have to stick a needle in there and not hit their lips or their tongue I think I can handle a blade okay anyways next thing I have I have Kemper cutters here and you can use any circle cutters these would work as well these type any kind of clay cutters you have and I have one about the size of my biggest circle and I have one about the size of my smaller circles okay so if you only have one size circle then get whatever size cutter would match that the other thing I have is a tile because I can then when I get it all on I can move my tile which is why I'm gonna do it on a separate tile it's just easier for me when I'm recording here and I wish I could have showed that Lucie clay slicer but I can't hold my phone in my hand and slice and do everything at once and this stand that I have doesn't move that far away from what I'm working on so unfortunately the the Lucy clay slicers work great but they're big so it's hard to record it okay so anyways we're gonna start making a veneer with these and you know depending on how thin you made your sheet when you we meet that long thin strip will depend how thick or thin your spirals are so let's see which one of my ones with the thinnest spirals this one here and then where's one with one of the thickest this guy so if you look at these two these are chunkier and that one's finer spirals that will depend on how thick or thin you made that long strip okay if you make it thicker you're gonna have chunkier spirals if you make it thinner you're gonna have thinner spirals so a movie over here a little bit and we're just gonna literally begin laying these on and again they're not perfectly round that's okay I'm okay with that if you want them perfectly round make them perfectly round but I'm okay with them not being perfectly round so I'm gonna lay one of those on there and then I'm gonna decide what I'm gonna put next to it and I'm probably gonna go with a dark because this is a light outside I'm probably gonna go with a dark outside one next probably maybe let's go this one so this is a smaller circle so what I'm gonna do right you know about that size is to make these fit together rather than overlapping them so they distort a lot I'm gonna cut a portion of this out let's say and you can cut out a part you don't like like if something's not perfectly round maybe I won't go with it yeah I'm cool with this one whatever let's do it see just cut a part out and that plunger doesn't even really hit it to keep those scraps because we're gonna use those later as our face and then just fit your little piece in there just like that okay so do another one again keep those scraps go with one of these guys I'm gonna find the most round part the less distorted part to stick in there because the other parts I may cut off and again I really wish I hadn't tried to use up some of my sculpt III just because it's it's not worth oh my god I'll try to use it up but it smears so much see it already smeared I mean that will probably come off when I sand it but you know what I mean it's just so soft it's not even worth trying to use it up it's not worth putting in all the effort to go wow that made it really brittle or well you know it's okay if you do you know like two parts of one clay to one part sculpt III I guess it makes it stronger or people have said but it also changes the consistency of your clay as well so I don't know it's just not my forte I'm gonna use my bigger cutter cuz I'm going to use one of these brown ones next I use one of these in there squish it into place so we're gonna burnish it later but for now just kind of set it into place and these are very earthy colors I mean do whatever colors you want my initial thought what I wanted to do initially was the extruder one where you spiral it and get it to crack and I tried that and mine one my clay wouldn't crack so I leached it for a day thinking okay that will dry it out no it still didn't crack so I'm gonna be playing around with that to see if I can get it to crack for myself oh I'm sorry I'm off camera so I'm gonna be playing with that I really like the way those little extruder ones look but I can't seem to get it to crack well enough so I'm gonna have to play with my clays to see what clay I can get to crack because even after literally sitting there for a day on a piece of paper and I flipped it in the morning I wasn't gonna fit nope so that cutter is a little big for that one let me try a slightly bigger one my hands my way what these are all very thin let me go so I need a smaller one to fit both that one there set the next size down yep that's about the size of that one because I really want to do that technique it's a super cute technique but again I got to figure out what's gonna work for me with my clays that I already have I'm thinking when I used something like Kaito because my Kaito is really really crumbly so I'm thinking that might work but I wanted to do these earthy colors in that was my what I was planning on so I'm just kind of you know if I have a dark ring on the outside I'm trying to put a light one there if I have a light ring on the outside I'm trying to put a dark one there I'm just trying to make it and so I don't put hopefully two darks like this is two darks you know I mean I'm going to get that because I don't have the perfect amount of each but that's okay and you can lay it on and see where you need to cut it out you know see oh I like it like that or I like it more here or any like it more there you know so you can definitely lay it on there and see what way you like it more and again I think you don't need this go ahead and fast-forward and if you like to watch people crafts which a lot of you guys do then you're watching me craft I want Rick I won't have you watch me do this whole sheet but I was just gonna do a few and I just am taking a silicon tool and kind of scrunching it in where I need to if anywhere is looking goofy now they're all fitting together and they're all to finger-touch because I use that Lucy clay slicer they're all about the same height and they're all kind of fitting in there nicely together because we're using a cutter I'm gonna do next I kind of want to I like this turquoisey one it's one of my favorite ones which I think I'm gonna put him in here somewhere but again keep well obviously you're gonna keep those scratch you're not gonna throw them out but that's what I'll use to put this on in a minute either to put it on in a minute or I might just put it on a color and use that for the backing later I did back this one I already did one of these which is upstairs that's why I didn't really he would buckle my fruit pie which is why I didn't show it to you yet but I showed out my Facebook page and people liked it and asked if I was gonna show it so I figured I'd show you I'd recorded making the jelly rolls but I wasn't sure if I was gonna actually make a video on this okay so I'm just gonna keep laying them on however I want to no particular order until I have a nice big sheet here and I will be back when that's done okay so I still have some left but here's what I got so far and that should be big enough for my cutter the next thing I want to do before we mess with that is to get some kind of background for this to go on so I'm going to take all these little pieces and on just a little bit of this scrap Brown I had I'm going to take all these little pieces because they make a cool pattern once stretched out but I still think I'm gonna back this separately so that doesn't really matter and I think on the backing I'll probably just smoosh the rest of these guys in and I'm just gonna roll this out onto a fairly thin setting because I don't I'm gonna put on another backing as well but these look cool and they're kind of smushed out like that they make a really cool design but either way we just need something to lay that on because it is still pieces so what we're gonna do next me you know let me see if I can move some stuff so I can get working in a better area for the camera because we need to burnish this guy so all the pieces aren't separate okay so I'm gonna take a piece of wax paper parchment deli paper whatever you want to call it and I'm gonna burnish this with my finger now because we put the cutters and they're not all laying on top of each other they shouldn't distort that much but as you know with me with polymer clay I'm okay with a little distortion I'm okay with things not being perfect they are handmade and I want them to look and made so I'm just gonna kind of burnish them all together till they're all flat on here you could use your roller or whatever and then I am gonna roll it very lightly I'm like not putting any pressure I'm just gonna roll it a little bit and I'm not rolling off the ends of it because your ends will begin to they'll flatten the edges out more so just roll to the end and again I'm like nah I'm just barely touching this thing like literally just barely touching it I'm going from all different directions because I don't want to distort it too much and I am gonna put this in the pasta machine once we get it on that back I just made just to kind of stretch it out just a little bit make sure it's all one even layer you don't need to though you could just do it by hand like this put it on a backing call it done but I want to stretch it a little bit that will be more apt to distort it but I don't I want to stretch it a little bit I don't want it to be so perfectly perfect okay so that's what we're dealing with right now okay I'm going to do next is pick this up be careful because it's not all hole it's still pieces I'm gonna take this little piece of scrap that we had I'm gonna lay it against my tile push out any air from underneath it I don't tend to bake on paper plus I plan on doing a separate back for this possibly no no a lot of times I don't and I'm gonna lay this on here again trying not to get any air in between the two layers okay take my wax paper again and just kind of gently burnish it on to that and then I'm gonna roll it through my pasta machine pick the whole thing up okay and then I am gonna put the wax paper on top of it just to make sure I don't get anything on it and I'm gonna roll it through my pasta machine just I'm gonna roll it through I don't know how thick this is right now this backing was a six okay this this part with the scrap on it this is rolled out to a six so it's probably and these weren't cut very thick so it's probably out of five so whatever thickness it catches on in your pasta machine you want to put it in one way and then go down one setting and put it in the other way okay so maybe I'll start at a four and see if that's even enough that was a four and flip it okay and this wills have stretched it but that's again what I was kind of looking for I was looking for it to get a little stretched out and that line right there is from my deli paper had a little crease in it okay so now I'm gonna lay it back on my child I kind of wanted it a little wonky that's why I stretched that's why I said I was gonna stretch it out cuz I didn't want it to be like perfectly round circles I don't know I think it just adds a little bit of character character to it but if you wanted it perfectly round circles just leave them perfectly round circles I mean that's all about your own creativity quite excited cuz I got some new cutters from metal clay studio on Etsy and I got some new shapes and they did these sizes for me so I think I asked them for a one one and a half and two inches I believe and I got these new new shapes I actually might be a cool shape right there for this it just might be fun I have one I already did in this shape here just drop one that may be a fun shape to see that could be a fun shape for this I'm actually doing my deli paper didn't just crease that at lunch I would sand that out though and this is a child I'm gonna bake on so once I cut this I don't have to move it but I'm also this shape my little might be fun is that too long this is the longest one I have nor would I lose a lot of the whole thing you know he's too skinny oh these I thought these were dog ears they're just pieces of plastic that's weird so anyways just figure out where you want this or where you like it the best let me figure this out off-camera I think I'm gonna go with something like that so then you just press down obviously and I've gotten their cutters and they come in all different colors too I have pink ones orange ones white ones blue this color now I have all different they come in different colors which is kind of fun and they'll make whatever size you want so usually they have a set that you're supposed to get and rather than get like five and I'm not going to use like they get really small and really big I'm like hey can you just make these three sizes for me that's all I need and they do because in their description they said they can make any size and they will and it's it's really handy and nice and they have all kinds of shapes and sizes and they stack nicely and they clean nicely so I like them again it's from metal clay studio on Etsy so I want to keep this because I may use this to back and I also have like if I was to roll this out what I might do with this well we're on camera still I have all these scraps so I might just take all these scraps and I don't care if they're distorted it's just gonna be the backing and just lay all these guys on they're not really scraps but they're extra pieces that I don't plan on using right at the moment and I still have plenty of cane left so I'm just gonna lay them on here and that should give me enough clay to back this guy when he's out of the oven I have all these miss cut pieces too for unless your machine see then we got like a neat looking backing - and if you want it to stretch even more see how that's even really stretched that might look cool for the back so if I fold it over [Music] and that's even stretched even more and I actually quite like that and that coal when you stretch it out like just play with things you know because you may come up with something really interesting I think honestly I might cut myself a piece out of that I actually could see myself for any pendant like that I think that looks cool I like that for my scraps I'm gonna make a piece out of it a pendant right why not right so I didn't do anything super fancy out of that I was gonna just use it for backing but you know what I quite like it like that might look cool and a pendant like that I'm really cool it's not perfect you know what hey once it sanded down a little bit and rezoned and then I still have all of this we came back with I mean look how different you can get things to look so even if you're not thrilled with something just keep going keep going because you may end up with something cool I don't even know what this back this back probably looks like something - so we'll bake it and see what we think I'm not getting rid of any of these loose scraps around the edges here these little jaggedy pieces from a plastic cutter because I'll just buff those off a real fast with my dremel that will take me like a half a second so I'd rather leave them oh my dogs snoring and over there and you can hear him yelping I do want to say someone else said what's that background noise I live in a house with other people along with my fiance and my two dogs I do allow them to come in the basement with me right because they're my dogs if I were to lock them upstairs they probably howl so loud that it would be more distracting so if you hear something chewing on a bone or playing or fighting like those are my dogs they don't fight but they wrestle my fiancee also comes down here so it hip he's down here he may be listening to a podcast in the background he does turn it down quite a bit for me but I'm not gonna be like because this is the only place in the house be smoke he can smoke is in the basement so I'm not gonna be like sorry you can't smoke for two hours because I'm recording a video for people unfortunately it is what it is so if you hear other things in the background it's usually or my washer my um my house my bathroom where our washer and dryer is for now it eventually will come down here in the basement but for now we have a stand-up shower and we're gonna eventually put in a regular bathtub but we don't have kids so we don't need a regular bathtub so for now our washer and dryers up there and it's right above me so you may hear the washer and dryer go as well I'm human I have stuff to do as well other than just make videos all day I need to get stuff done for the work week and stuff so if you hear things it's just the normal house stuff I'm not in a soundproof room in my own little studio I'm in our basement kind of is what it is okay so I'm gonna get these in the oven in the oven I will take a piece of non wax parchment or tinfoil or whatever you use these are gonna stay on the tile like this all I do is put them in the oven just like that I throw this right on just and I'm gonna bake it at 275 and because I'm gonna back these separately I'm only gonna bake these for about 35 minutes and then I'll come back we'll put the backs on and then I'll bake it for another probably 50 minutes always the last bake I like to do for a good almost hour just because they're stronger but if you're gonna do multiple bakes just get it hard enough I mean you could use your heat gun but I don't like risking it with the heat gun because it makes it like really fragile like really fragile so you could use a heat gun but I'm not going to to set these I'm just gonna put them in for 30 minutes you know I'll watch one of my shows isn't one 9:30 on Saturday night so I'll watch a movie or something and when that's done I'll come back I may even come back tomorrow we'll see okay so here's the one I made the other day when the canes were fresh which I definitely had more Distortion here's the one we did today it's the first one we did and that was that back there so that one I'm gonna back this is that second one I did and that's the back of that one which I'm gonna back this one as well and then when I was rolling this out a little bit thinner that scrap that I cut this one from I got a really cool pattern here it kind of faded out so I cut out a third one and that I think is fine for the back right could be reversible so when I sand it down you know I got to be careful my nails are still wet I just did them so these two I'm gonna leave these two I'm gonna back so mm I have this piece here and say I needed this piece right and I have all this cane left honestly let's see let's see what we could come up with you just this scrap here I bet you just by slicing some weird chunks off here cuz I don't know what else I'd do with these honestly and if I need more I'll just remake it let's just slice some pieces off you know so say you didn't have a bunch of scrap circles right just take some scrap colored clay cut some here they don't need me perfect either I don't really care if they're perfect overlap them do whatever you want do they redo that one yes so you could I mean just enjoy the fact of putting them together the backs don't need to look perfect they can if you want they don't need to so ever whatever you want to do so then just layer some of these on here they can overlap they can do whatever you want maybe I want the orange on top right just stick them on like that you give them a little push down if you want and then run it through your pasta machine just take it down as stretched out as and then what I did when I got this one as I just kept stretching it so I folded it in half and just keep stretching it out you know so you can get some pretty cool-looking things by playing with that I love it every time I do it I'm like I would make a pretty pendant every time every time I've been doing that with this scrap so I'm like that would be pretty that would be pretty you know so have fun okay so all we're gonna need is some liquid clay first I'm just gonna take my blade take my really dull blade and just kind of scrape off these scraggly edges they're just I don't want to get it on my clay but I'm gonna do it over here okay so I'm going to do that off-camera really really fast we can deal with trimming up the edges more later when the backs on but even if he made a sheet from those cut pieces that I did like this here those would look awesome too if you had a whole sheet of those I think that would look cool too you know so if you want to use perfectly black clay or beautiful brown clay you know fresh clay for your backings you can I just don't like to waste pure clay for a backing I would rather use something I already have which you guys know if you watch any of my other tutorials so I'm like this side best so I'm gonna use this side so I'm gonna put facedown on this guy I'm going to this is gonna be the back so I'm going to apply a little bacon bond to my pendant not to the clay jam I bend it just a little bit you don't want to LA but you want enough to make it a little sticky make sure you get your edge as well just spread it around with your finger or you could use a brush if you want to use a brush go ahead it's really hard to get it out of liquid click liquid clay out of your brush but if you of it doesn't need a brush for it lay it on and I doubt my cutters gonna fit there again so I'm just gonna lay it on like this and you could texture it so the one I made the other day I did texture and it was it's had the same kind of backing on but you got rid of like this texture I think kind of distorted the backing some so I'm not going to texture this one this one I'm just gonna leave smooth so pretty much all I'm gonna do now is just roughly trim the excess I can do better later once I pick it up and just get some of this excess cut pick it up make sure it's smooth on really nice there's no air bubbles between it and your pendant then take your blade and again this is my crazy crazy tall blades and I really have to sharpen it I've just been lazy and I have a nicer blade that I can use for other things for stuff I really do a sharp blade for but I'm dragging this along already baked clay so it doesn't need to be super sure and I'm going to trim this side later as well with my dremel which I'll show you how to do and I've showed you many times well show it just in case no one else's someone hasn't watched my little tutorial all those tutorials I should say and then just kind of make sure it's fully covered on your piece okay again don't ever get rid of your scrap so you can use that mix that up and that will be a brown usually I take a piece of parchment a smaller piece here smooth that out some and then when I do do backings I tend to stamp in my name it's also good to do the state you're in your state initials because that will be you know and this could be a front or back really so I might not actually put my initials in this so I could see myself wearing it this way or that way so I actually I'm not gonna put my initials on this I don't just make sure your edges are stuck okay I'm smelly that on my tile mm-hmm I don't have any more paper I'm a paper I'll have to give it upstairs okay anyways don't know that so now we'll do this one same exact thing so find a spot you like and spots kind of cool right there yeah should fit okay so find a spot you like get over the liquid clay spread around [Music] now people are always like at work like Oh your nails are so each of them so good how do you keep it from getting a mess every time I paint my nails they look like this after I get out of the shower when I'm in the shower towards the end of my shower I'll just take my nail and the excess peels off like nothing so I usually clean my nails up when I'm in the shower and the nail polish comes off really easy say you take a 15 minute shower right before you get out after doing all of your stuff just drag your finger along in the nail polish the excess will peel right off I don't spend extra time cleaning up the excess which when I come back tomorrow you'll see that they're just 11 o'clock you know what I'm doing what I was doing while I was doing my nails I was watching a Christmas movie on lifetime they already have the holiday movies out which I love Christmas and it is Halloween next week and I'm already there already playing them and I'm watching them because they're all like those love movies you know they have their like love movies I really like these colors they're very like autumn warm homey earthy kind of colors okay and again it doesn't need to be perfect because we'll trim it up later just get most of the excess off take a piece of parchment as well another piece just get my finger prints out of it make sure all the air is pushed out which is why I'm going from the middle to the edges usually rub it out just look around and make sure your edges are all connected and again this could be worn this way or this way you know there's a little there so I probably won't put my initials on this either just because it could be worn both ways really you know it could be one like that or that depending on what you're looking for for a design you know same as that one this one what I did I'll show you just to know this one I use some stamps on it I used a sponge and textured it and then I have stamps so I got these at Michaels they're in the one dollar bin like by checkout mm-hmm and I usually do my name Katie G and then usually I'll do or my full name Katie Gordon and V T so that's how I usually do it this I tried out that new set I got with the cursive but I think it works well for lower case but the K doesn't look that great about anyways okay so I will bake these for at least probably 50 minutes covered and I'm probably which I don't do often go to put it on a piece of paper I don't think this is waxed no I don't think this is what I actually put it on this so if I put this down try not to get it on a crease and that way it's not really for shiny spots but hopefully it will make it so both sides look good and they're a little more even I will actually will probably do is bake it with with the raw side up and the Bharti bakes I'd like that okay so I'll bake these and when these are done we will be back so all of my pieces are baked and are out of the oven obviously this is the same one you saw and there's that one that we backed and there's this was the first one I made and there's this one so now I'm just gonna sand them down and because they plan on resonating I'm not gonna stand that crazy but I'm gonna use my new skill sander that I showed you guys in the bowl video I'm probably only gonna go 800 1000 1500 maybe up to 2,000 or 3,000 really how much you do is up to you and you can sand these by hand but I like this thing that I just got here it's pretty handy I don't have to stick my hand in water at all which is nice for my hands it's got the dust filter here which definitely sucks up all the dust from the bowls is what the Reds from and so all I'm gonna do is sand these I'll show you a little bit on one quickly it is kind of loud so if you want to turn this down a little bit I would do that now so I will do both sides and I'll decide later if I'm going to resin both sides I probably will on the ones that can be reversible I'll probably resin both sides it's already turn this down [Music] [Music] so I'll keep going up through the grits with that and keep sanding all of them and then when I'm done sanding I'll leave back you know and sand whatever grits you're happy up to where you're happy yeah you know that's depending on how you're going to finish it I mean if you're not going to resin you might want to get a high shine so that's up to you so I'm going to keep sanding these and when they're all sanded I will be back so at this point they're all sanded and buffed and they don't need to be perfect you know like little divots and stuff because I'm going to resin them if you're not going to resin you know definitely make sure when you make them you make them super smooth there's the back there's the front there's one side there's one side and then here's one side of this one and then this one has this side so this is the only one I haven't buffed I've sanded but I haven't buffed it so I'm going to show you how I buff I used my Dremel I have a Dremel 4000 that I got off the Amazon and it was a refurbished or reconditioned one I generally when I'm buffing only buff around speed fifteen this one has variable speeds which I like rather than a high-low because I found on the high-low ones the high is really high and the lows a little too low there's a lock button right here and that's how you control opening and closing your Chuck so if you hold the lock button you can loosen it and put your bit in and out and if you keep your finger on the lock button you can tighten it give it a little tug and it's locked in there so again I'm going to buff around speed fifteen I have these two buffing wheels that I generally use I just broke out some new ones so generally my last month's lasts about six months so again I have those in my Amazon as well so I'm going to start with the orange one because it is a little more coarse and just run it over [Music] so go with whatever speed you're comfortable with also then smooth the edges you could smear the edges with some clay or paint the edges if you want I'm just gonna leave them again these will be for me and I've had people ask why do you stand and bus if you're just in a residence because they I find it does look better after its resin but again that's that's your choice that's your call I don't worry about getting every little lump and bump out of the play because I'm gonna resin when I'm sanding or when I'm before I'm baking the clay I don't worry about getting every little bump and bump out but if you're not gonna resin I would there's little indent right there then you won't notice that with resin nope should I let it stop on its own rather than hit the lock button turn it up just ago this is the finer line don't matter that's all I'm gonna do for the buffing and I found a spot on the on one of them you see that little white stripe right there that's where we added the white clay into the jelly roll now the sculpt III definitely does not buff up very well and that's where you'll get it seems like it's more porous so definitely I can see where the stripes are because they don't they don't buff up as smoothly you could see the little white dots wherever the sculpt III is like that's how it always does for me so I should just not even use it anymore okay so next thing I'm gonna do is UV resin these I have a video on UV rezonings so I'm not gonna show it but I'll show you them when they're done I probably won't do them all obviously because I'm not gonna wear every single one I like this side so I probably will do this one I like that too that's just to me interesting especially in real life because you can see the circles up here on camera is not picking up and I like that kind of translucency locate gave and I also like this side so I may do this one and I might do this one maybe maybe these three we'll see so I'm gonna get those UV rezoned and when that's done I'll be back and I'll show you how to drill the holes put our bails on and finish these guys up okay so they're all rezoned and out of the light and they got fingerprints on them but that's okay I will buff that off later and I didn't raise on this one yet so I'm only gonna drill two of them just because there's probably all I'm gonna wear but I have I have more again sorry there's fingerprints on them there's a little shimmer in there from the peacock pearl just very shimmery right there right there so I drilled this one already you can see the hole up there and I'm gonna drill this one now I usually drill pretty close to the edge and I know that makes some people nervous but I draw close to the edge because I hate a big jump ring so I try not to I try to drill as close as I can to the edge if it breaks it breaks it happens but I'm using a pretty good clay here so I'm not overly worried so this is my drilling my hand drill here or a pin drill it's called it has a spinny base that I've showed you before and that way you can put it right in your palm and you can just spin it in your fingers you don't have to twist your hand the way this one works is you just open and close this part here as your bits get bigger okay so you untwist it gets wider you twist it gets smaller you put your bit in and you tighten it until it's locked okay then we got to find a spot where we want to drill on this and try to find the center the best you can so usually what I'll do is I'll kind of place it down and then make like a tick mark when I think I'm there and then I'll take a peek at it you see that little mark and then I'll kind of peek at it and make sure it looks good I mean it should be fine and usually I drill flat down now I know that's hard for you to see when I do that but I'm going to do that just to get it going because it's easier for me to drill and then because I rezoned on these I resin the front the back and I did the size which I showed on another video a while back I think it was one of the alcohol ink videos I'm gonna go until I see the tip start to show up on the back so I mean I'm gonna hold it straight so I need to hold it straight I'll show you what I mean so do you see right there you can see it kind of showing up then that's where I will begin instead of pushing all the way through because there's resin I'm going to start from the other side again that way I have less risk of cracking my resin on this side I'm gonna come from this side until I'm through I know I'll just go through a couple times just to clean it up okay so now we have a little hole and then all I'm gonna do is open it and then go up my next size now I do go up through the sizes so that way I don't risk breaking I've seen some people go right from a small to a large or right to a large for me I find there's more risk in cracking my piece so I tend not to do that but that's again just me do this however you're comfortable I'm going to go from one side most the way through and the same thing come back out flip it go to the other side clean it up a couple of times so I know you can hear stuff in the background that's my dog's chewing on their bone put my next one in so normally if I have three of these to do I would do the small bit on all of them the next bit on all of them and then I'd I'd do them all I wouldn't just change them out each each time for each one but I already did one and again I try to use a smallest jump ring as I possibly can that's just a personal preference someone asked me the other day if they could use an oval jump ring I don't see why not I've never used an oval jump ring but I don't see why not like I told them go ahead and try it not like it can hurt at all if you have oval jump rings try it out and put it on see if it looks okay so it looks okay then great if not take it off no I lose a couple of seconds worth of putting it on taking it off okay this is as big as I go I do have this pin drill on Amazon my Amazon ambassador page as well and it's not a very expensive one but I've had it for about a year now and it works really well okay so now that those are drilled out I'm gonna start so I have different sized jump rings here and I believe I have these on my Amazon as well so I usually try to start with my smallest which is a six millimeter I generally try to get the smallest one I can in but the problem is is depending how thick your pieces the jump rings a circle right and your piece is gonna have to fit the circle part's gonna have to fit through there meaning I take one of these right and I hold it up to the side of this like is that actually is that curve actually wide enough for that to fit through the six millimeter it may not be on this one well like on this skinny one that curve would be totally wide enough to fit through if that if that makes sense so we can try it but I don't think it's gonna work these players I love these players these are my beadalon bent I think their bench Nino's players I have these in my Amazon I got him at Michaels and I loved him so much I actually got a second one because I like the way they fit in my hand they're not too big some of the other players I have really big I don't know where my second set is I usually have two but I only sees one right now for some reason so I guess I'll use one so when you open a jump ring you're gonna open it front to back you're not gonna pull it apart so you're gonna open it by twisting front to back okay I also need to figure out what color I'm going to use with these I generally do silver usual wear but or white gold but I think with these this kind of this color might look good just kind of brassy color actually this holes up here because I wanted the green at the bottom so these I mean if you're looking for any of these I only have a couple on Amazon mainly I just search Etsy and eBay so it's really gonna be up to searching I don't memorize everywhere I've bought them from over the years because I've been beating for a long time I don't memorize where I get all my stuff from so yeah just search up bales okay so let's see if this six millimeter will go through no I don't think it's going to so many close it back up by twisting again front to back and then you put it away let me go to a seven millimeter that color yeah my color click on twist front to back and that one slides in okay put your bail on and then twist again front back and go past make sure you go past a little bit and they usually click in place now sometimes ones up taller than the other sometimes if that happens because they can't mass-produce he's all perfect I'll just take my player and squish it down this is a thinner gauge wire so it's a little easier to bend and distort okay there's one I'll do the same thing with the other one get these out of my way quickly sorry if I bump the camera could want to show it to you on the change so here's one side and I'm not gonna flip it but someone could totally flip it and where the other side easy enough because these bales are the same on both sides so there's the long one which is the first time I've used this shape and which is why I think I'm gonna wear it this is a broken chain right here that I just used to take photos on and then here is the other one so here's this side hmm the other side yes I know there's fingerprints all over this I got it buff it up a little bit which usually I just take this wheel to it really quickly see like when the resins fresh you get more fingerprints on it so easy enough to make some pretty quick double-sided pendants and you could totally do this on both sides but I figured why not have a stretched outside you know just give it slightly I like this one that's stretched out not as thrilled with this side of it because it looks a little more torn but I do like this side you know so totally - way different looks from the seam veneer so anyways I did want to show you that really fast
Channel: Katie Gordon
Views: 382,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polymer clay, Katie Gordon, scrap clay, scrap polymer clay, polymer clay tutorial, clay tutorial, polymer clay jelly roll, polymer clay pendant, polymer clay jewelry, premo, polymer clay veneer, resin on polymer clay, polymer clay neclace, skinner blend, tear drop blend
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 36sec (6276 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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