Polyglot Answers Reddit Language Learning Questions

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how dare someone disrespects a super mega hyper polyglot alpha male giga chat in training what's going on youtube my legal birth name is language simp and i am a hyper polyglot giga chad alpha male who is very attractive to every woman and man on the planet today i'm going to be answering questions that i found on r language learning a subreddit for aspiring giga chad polyglots if you're new here do not forget to subscribe we are so close to 000 subscribers so sub quick to be a part of the under 100k club without further ado let's get right down to business additional pair 9428 asks other than english in your experience what's the most practical language one of the hardest things to do as a new language learner is to choose what language to study in the first place i think that the most practical language really depends on where you live in the world if you live in texas or california or somewhere near the mexican-american border i would recommend that you learn uzbek or gujarati the best reason to learn another language is to talk about other people in public without them understanding if you learned mexican for example chances are that a decent amount of people in the usa will understand you the first time that i spoke mexican in public a beautiful colombian woman approached me and said us and i wanted to tell her i am good but i accidentally said soy gay leo han asks is it okay to pretend that i can't speak english when i'm trying to practice my target language with natives yes absolutely this is actually a great strategy that i've used on many occasions to force the person i'm speaking with to remain in my target language for example i went to france when i only had a lower intermediate level in french and there were a few times that people tried to switch to american when i was visibly struggling to understand them one time i was at a bakery in paris and the baker asked me if i wanted to try some that's what it sounded like to me because i you know didn't understand it he switched to american and asked me uh some chocolate bread to which i replied uh no no no i i speak a spanish to my surprise he grabbed my hand looked me in the eyes and whispered softly in my ear hablo so i jumped over the counter and kissed him passionately until every person ran the out of the store performance silver 810 asks is learning languages for the sake of it a good reason well i think that you should have a reason to do everything in life i think the three best reasons to learn languages are one to talk about people right next to them without them understanding two to record yourself shocking native speakers in their own languages and then to post it on youtube for ad revenue and three to compete to become the most giga-chad hyper-polyglot back in my day we used to use our fists to settle arguments but now we have competitions to see who can rattle off more rehearsed lines of dialogue in the most languages at one time my goal is to one day challenge and dethrone steve kaufman and become the most giga-chad hyper-polyglot on the planet earth clonti asks what language do you find is the most beautiful now people usually point out that this is quite the subjective question you know some people love the grit of romanian the flow of arabic the pizzazz of indonesian or the romantic and lovely sounds created by the dutch speaker but i'm most certain that there is one objective most beautiful language and that is danish no questions asked the softie or the blue lady is the most beautiful linguistic phenomenon in the history of the human race if you haven't heard it please do yourself a favor and go listen to it after this video what do you guys think is the most beautiful language let me know in the comments brunonia denepper asks what's your keyboard setup like on the computer i have just an american and russian keyboard i don't use any accents in any languages and i just use the american alphabet to type in languages with different scripts everyone that i type to thinks that i'm a complete but i honestly kind of am so i don't care i am much better on mobile however here i'll show you what the keyboards on my phone look like let me know in the comments what keyboards you have i'd be interested to know sky is here asks what is the best way to have fun with languages in the beginner stages the genuinely most fun thing to do as a beginner i think in a new language is to play a game that i call language chicken in language chicken you have to memorize all of the insults and curse words in a language and then go use them in public with native speakers until you die or are arrested i once did this in sinaloa mexico but no one dared to touch me because they were afraid of my shredded alpha male physique and abnormally large biceps my one friend played a game of language chicken in russia a few years back and he unfortunately did not make it very far candy duchy asks is it wrong to learn russian with what's going on no you can continue learning russian russian has hundreds of millions of speakers across a bunch of countries and i'd bet that the vast vast majority of them do not support the russian invasion of ukraine i'll tell you what though speaking from personal experience learning russian enough to understand most of what putin is saying will really show you just how evil of a person he really is if you're worried though you could always just learn ukrainian which has basically the same alphabet and similar enough pronunciation that you should enjoy the process similarly ukrainians also absolutely love it when a foreigner learns their language mma mmachatten2020 asks how long did you have to study for before you could read a book in a second language i might be a little biased here but i came out of the womb reading shakespeare but maybe some of you guys have had similar experiences no but in all honesty halfway through my first duolingo lesson for french i was already capable of generating complex thoughts in my mind in the language after about a week or two of duolingo for one hour a day i was able to read le journal don frank front to back only having to look up maybe 10 words throughout the entire book but keep in mind guys reading is super dumb and you're weird as if you do it just listen to a podcast and get some exercise while you do it instead now log into duolingo and give me all of your lingotts kingwoof asks i've been consistently learning luxembourgish for the past nine years for around one to two hours a day and i'm still a2 i've spent an estimated total of six thousand hours immersing studying and speaking luxembourgish but i'm still unable to understand the language at a decent level if after almost a decade you haven't even reached the b1 level in a language there's either something wrong with the language or there's something wrong with you in this case however i bet that it is not your fault luxembourgish is a weird hybrid language combining german with french in a strange and frankly unholy matrimony also the word is in luxembourgish is literally ass and the way to say it is is literally eat it's not your fault that you're struggling but you really need to drop this luxe and borgish and pick up a real germanic language like danish rupert robb asks have you been made fun of while speaking your target language i sure have been multiple times back in the day when i was a monolingual beta male trying to speak french people would laugh at me all the time i learned early on that the best way to deal with this is to just laugh with them if i say something wrong or butcher the pronunciation they laugh at what i said because it sounds funny to them they aren't laughing at me they go their entire lives speaking that language so it is quite hilarious when someone says something goofy sounding once you realize this it makes it much much easier to look them in the eyes and then beat the f out of them for disrespecting you how dare someone disrespects a super mega hyper polyglot alpha male giga chat in training i hope that you all found this video helpful subscribe to help me reach 100 million subscribers let me know if you have any other questions in the comments section below until next time ciao
Channel: Language Simp
Views: 279,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bLujW0JwsF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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