Pollock Pines home sales dipping after back-to-back Northern California winter storms

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We start with a focus on our housing market. The harsh storms we saw this winter are still having an impat in communities across the area. In Pollock Pines, home sales have dipped significantly. ABC 10s Devon Truby joins us lie there with more on why Devin. Laura those winter storms pushing back the peak selling and listing season for several months here in Pollock Pines, many residents left to deal with cleaning up this type of damage, which has really delayed the process. Northern California's brutal winter is now impacting the spring real estate market in Pollock Pines in April of 20. Fifty homes were up for sale ine foothills town this April, just. For Realtor Danielle Periera's clients who do want to move, the extra clean up time and coss delaying them from listing their homes. People who are looking to move down the hill into an area that doesn't get as much snow, that isn't as impacted during the winter months and also just closer to e things like hospitals, healthcare and. Shops and things like that, she says. The winter cleanup is adding, on an average of additional $150 to the cost of selling. But som, like Marlene Ruth of Ruth's dol, can't afford the cleanup from the winter storm. How are these people going to live here if you can't buy a house and get any kd of insurance like I haven't got? Insurance is a deterrent to peoe wanting to buy a home in the foothills. Last week, State Farm announced they will no longer be issuing homeowners policies in Californ. We do like to pull a quote befoe we actually even list a propert. So we have a general idea of what insurance is going to cost for the new buyer because it will change with a new occupant. And then we also like to pull tm before we even write an offer fr our clients who are looking to purchase property. But for residents like Marlene Ruth, it's just another hit to the small town home they love. California is people are moving. And I might be right along. I've never been out of the state of California. I don't know what it would be like, but I can't afford to live here. And it's not just a delay in getting the house ready to list, but also in sales. See Group real estate says last year in the month of April, they sold 19 homes. This year in April just five so. Chris. Laura.
Channel: ABC10
Views: 770
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Keywords: coverage, damage from weather, dipping, home sales, homes, insurance, listings, northern california, pollock pines, real estate market, winter storms
Id: g6FEsa-qLZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 23sec (143 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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