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[Music] noodles eaten we're in the hotel room we're in cat we're off to the conso Jonathan just sarting out his music have you got everything yes let's head over there scratch his head we're in a forest no we're not we're in a lift it's a lift anyway we're going to travel to the concert lead the way Jonathan some light trundling I've got all the backs Jonathan's got n can you hear me over the trundling already going through a fence making me climb under a fence I think you should hold my hand Jonathan they can't even see us who said that let's do it again when in some light so we're just crossing this rather fine bridge over to the concert hall loving the chandeliers Jonathan what what a beautiful building really looking forward to going inside the console beautiful Jonathan's just gone off to try and find someone to let us into the Hall anyway we're here here is a lovely [Music] Fountain it was really impressive before that Fountain and now the lights are off so I'm sorry okay we're in the hall let's go and have a look at this amazing pipe open [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait wait for the wait for the acoustic Jonathan this this is fantastic look at the size of this Pip buer this is absolutely immense you've got five manuals so there's 167 stops to mess around with here let's have a look any anything exciting that you found so it's on five manuals it's a bit it's a bit of a mix between French and German really big pedal very very that's just the flu work is massive the reads are big that's a big sound each level you've got um percussion as well a xylophone which sounds a bit like a Celeste and then you've got a carrot L which is bells and you also got a set of bells the grand dogs here fairly sort of stand standard what what youd expect it's quite a French flu string mus that the little sounds I have to run all the way to this side there's a bomber bom free read ah the kind of harmonium type sound and then you've got this incl man the fifth M if you look at lots of eights lots and lots and lots of eights you see it's also got a elow trumpet y it's got a stento gamber which is a very loud sort of gamber sound it's also got tuba which is not a traditional I should explain that it's quite late at night in fact it's getting on now past midnight and Jonathan is I think you set up your first piece yes so lots to do I should leave him Jonathan come here full Alan here we [Music] [Applause] go hello the bridge we're back on the bridge Jonathan has finished this rehearsal we've done a little bit of filming as well so the thing we do to bring you great uh great pieces from around the world but it's now qu to 5: we should sleep and tomorrow tomorrow is it tomorrow no it's today no and later on today we will explore K pizza for you okay good night so here we are in daylight it's going to be fun as we travel over the bridge again The Majestic Concert Hall what is that anyway Concert Hall Jonathan look there's a maze a labyrinth in theze Jonathan H I'm in the Maze I'm lost already very red bricks they painted yeah they''re been sprayed get the idea get the idea of the construction of this [Music] building that's what the fountain looks like they turned it off last night and I was trying to film it oh so these are the AR concerts yeah got yeah it's a m shaft Jonathan very nice wa look at that fantastic found another big church it's open let's have a look [Music] inside Curr happening in the room um Jonathan's cleaning the cufflinks and pocket watch for tomorrow and I think you're you're the concert which one should I wear tomorrow I think you should wear those lovely silver ones here J beautiful yes and uh and these very special ones here from these are from Rosemary Rosemary religious symbolism wonderful stuff will be excellent for the concert at All Saints you watch is wrong I wind it up must just say really nothing is going on at the moment you look very smart Jonathan are you doing a concert yes I thought good cuz it's concert day and we're off to the hall that's good very nice some fresh fruits as well Jonathan while Jonathan's using the facilities I'm playing the [Music] piano enough did you enjoy that Jonathan tuning the algan is being tuned [Music] just there's another stop I wanted to show you on this organ Jonathan it's got a thunder stop is that right it's the AR it just plays all the pedal notes at once okay off go that's Fant sty stuff see you in there Jonathan thank you very much you feel thank you how you feeling enjoyed having a quick run through then so I think sounds good use that star Stu yeah I'm in the first piece right I'll see you in the concert [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] concert over show show R your RS it's big rolls isn't it it's very tall it's very tall great concert Jonathan thank you wonderful hope uh you've enjoyed seeing a few little bits to that concert cuz I filmed some of it um and uh we're off now have a little rest and uh Explore More of Kat now let's just have a rest okay [Music] at the station local pigeon a pigeon in the train station just waiting to get the train do we know platform is three [Music] three here we are we have made it onto the train we're off on a journey now all the way to was it's very nice we're in uh We're In First Class um it was only £10 anyway we'll see what we get um lovely look not rest we be very comfortable I think we got about three 3 hours 3 hours okay I'll show you some sites along the way [Music] think arrived in wara it's going to the church um much restoration still being done on the church big church [Music] it's an absolutely immense sound here uh the way it builds up in the church let's go and have a chance nothing him but how he's getting on on this huge High pocket [Music] right have you heard the acoustic it must be about I don't know 8 n seconds how are you getting on Jonathan good yeah it's very nice it is nice it sounds absolutely wonderful downstairs anything you want to say about this AR we're going to hear it obviously in concert so that's mechanical action Reed um very Bassy actually so if you hear the bass sounds and I can tell you that really does develop out into the [Music] church [Music] [Applause] [Music] more oh that's the Sham they're they're so like direct and look loud for the want of a better word there's all sorts of so is it got quite a lot of Barack influence with it or is it more French Cav call would you say it sounds French It's s barck on paper than French when you when you hear it abely this is just made a bit bigger so you've got the reads got quite a French sort of [Music] sell that's yeah yeah um I think because of the vastness of the space everything's been voiced very kind of full and loud and big and it sounds amazing just give us one big card just to hear it John and I just want to hear it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so nothing says that you're in Warsaw like that big building which is obviously famous just taking a trip to a few places where shopan actually played the Aran how about one of the churches where shop and played [Music] just visited the heart of shaan Jonathan played a wonderful prude it was the prude which was performed at um or PL should I say at Chopper's funeral and it's so moving in there it really was I hope you enjoyed the video which we managed to make when you see it we must go now because Jonathan's got an interview with the Polish TV to uh discuss his concert on Tuesday which will show all the different sounds which are possible in the rehearsals today I've gone through everything from the very loudest the famous shopan trees shopan would have seen those trees [Music] [Music] [Music] so here we are in front of Shan's house Jonathan come in come into the shop because it'll be nice for us both to be here here we are Jonathan shaan's house the place of his birth we've made it wonderful we should go [Music] inside I wonder which way it is to Warsaw oh it's that way come on let's go back there we're just going to have a look at an argon which is being built that's where the Pips will be yeah a building in progress [Music] so here we are we're just uh about to start the concert well actually when the audience get here um Jonathan very smart thank you very much congratulations uh anything you'd like to say about today's concert looking forward it's nice to actually just once you've rehearsed it all it's nice to just play it and enjoy it indeed aren't they very wise words so I'm now going to actually use this camera to record the foot pedals because I'm hoping to to record the organ here uh for you for uh maybe a full online concert how about that live in Wasa well we'll see we'll see what we get so uh stay tuned look at this church this is amazing this is St floran Cathedral we're here to uh have a look inside at the PIP Aron we have a we have a key and we we can go and have a play um so we'll we'll journey in and hand adventure together [Music] I'm going first [Music] go what you that here we are we made it okay [Music] okay Jonathan just a little word about this album um we just come here off chance we can get this is one that Zeke have rebuilt and revised and made so shamad kind of German Sound about on the front it's big big and really suits the acoustic let me just go over here just so you can see the the full organ there wonderful thank you I know that was a quick demonstration we haven't got a lot of time got get to the airport right [Music] wonderful back in Manchester we've had a fantastic trip in Poland Jonathan what was your highlight um everything everything everything I can't choose one moment what was your highlight do let us know cuz we as I always say we love reading your comments so we're back in Manchester and actually there is a link to shopan of Manchester he actually gave his largest concert as in he had the most people in his audience here in Manchester 12200 people in 1848 you can tell I've been reading the book about chopan um so I hope you enjoyed visiting a few chanes uh places as well anyway so Jonathan where are we off to next Germany K we are off to kila so until then you take care yeah and we shall see you thanks for watching this thank you for sharing our musical journey and we'll see you on the next one very soon [Music]
Channel: scottbrothersduo
Views: 9,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pipe organ, scott brothers duo, on tour, vlog, jonathan scott, organist, orgel, orgue, Poland, Organists, Skrabl, NOSPR, Zych, Chopin, Zelazowa Wola, Katowice, Warsaw, Travel, warszawa, organ
Id: 71UDo5l8QKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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