Police Use "Grappler" Tool To Stop Fleeing Vehicle.. (Roblox)

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like And subscribe to this YouTube channel right now and you will never run out of amazing content to [Music] watch hello everyone welcome back to another Liberty County video I hope you guys are having an amazing day man it's a slow day I'm going to say yes it is but I'm going to say you know what but that's good honestly that is good because that means we don't have to do our job and a bunch of paperwork because we are officers and when when we do a simple traffic stop guys and we pull someone over and give a ticket it actually is a lot of paperwork and when there's court dates I got to show up to these court dates and that's not fun man it's a slow day but I'm happy and oh what the yo that person just took it the fire hydrant uh all right 1 second dude I got to go pull this person over oh my there's no way man just as I was saying it's a slow day I didn't even get to read what my uh other officer said I didn't get to read it in full all right luckily this person is pulling over which is good uh it took him a really long time though so I don't really like that I'm being honest it took them quite long to pull over they're saying oh no it's the cops bro the cops yo uh I hate cops what all right wait a minute this is going to be not a fun traffic stop man when this day this day was so chill and now it's going to be chaotic I already know it there's a car in front of me that I just pulled over and they're saying that they hate cops oh no I'm going to say uh did you see that bro did you see what that car behind us just did why they always got in our business we're not in your business you ran over a fire hydrant I'm hoping this officer seen what I seen yes they're driving fast yeah they driving fast but they took out a fire hydrant how illegal is that I'm going to say uh come with all right let's go up here and see who's in this vehicle I'm going to say hi uh ID please yo stop the car stop the car oh my goodness this car is moving they got to put their car in park hello officer I'm going to say uh do you know why I stopped you okay it looks like this officer got some more IDs from the passengers I guess okay and the person is saying no sir to why I pulled them over I'm going to say you sure yo are you sure about that where's first to the others stay calm what is going on in this car uh yes sir okay I'm going to say 1 minute all right let's go back to my vehicle I'm going to have to see if this vehicle is registered and stuff and they're whispering to each other which I mean I guess is fine but it's a little suspicious I ain't going to lie all right I'm just going to tell my officer here to go talk to them while I do this if they come back we're leaving trust what what did that person just say I don't know I'm I'm just going to ignore it I'm I'm getting my partner to talk to them while I do this all right let's sign into the computer all right here's the car the owner is not wanted uh Yep this is the car that's the license plate and the insurance and registration is active so I'm not going to lie so far everything is actually pretty good um they got the registration they got their insurance so that is awesome hides loaded gun hm hang tight what what is going on here okay let me uh give them back their ID hey Locus can we talk at our car uh sure all right I one second I'm going to say one minute again I'm just going to you guys are still detained do not leave uh I got to go talk to my partner for some reason he wants to talk to me I'm going to say yes sir I don't know why he uh took me over to the side but I mean I'm not going to lie these guys I don't know they were driving fast they took out a fire hydrant and they've been whispering they're acting suspicious the license plate and insurance is like valid like I don't know so let's see what he's got to say they're acting shady I suggest we do a search I'm going to say sure I'm going to say let's do it I think we have probably cost because they're acting suspicious and who hey don't drive away now Whispers to the driver what's the plan sweats yo why are they sweating I'm going to I'm going to tell them to all step out uh can I have all of you step out something's wrong yeah can I have all you guys step out the KY for a second they said no what the oh no oh my goodness they took off they took off uh let's put my sage three on and let's go chase them there's no way okay we got my other unit in the pursuit I'm going to call my radio uh I'm going to say that I am wait how do I do this okay I just called in for backup that we're in a Pursuit even though we already have a unit but that's okay um I don't know how many people's in this car there's a lot of there's multiple people talking in this car uh so I don't know this is kind of sketch by the way guys I got this new tire stopper so I guess we can use it today so that's what we're going to do I'm going to lower it so let's lower it oh my goodness yo if I once this hits somebody's Tire it's going to stop their vehicle but honestly I don't want to stop it right yet just because I do not have backup and these guys are not complying and there's more than one of them so if I stop this vehicle right now then it could be dangerous for me and I don't want it to be dangerous for me I want to go back home today I'm just doing my job okay we got more backup this is actually a different unit this is not the person that was with us when we did the traffic stop so there are other officers around I think they've gotten word that we're in a Pursuit I just want more police with me luckily this person isn't really driving that fast I'm just keeping behind them I don't know what they're saying though what are they saying they behind us yo yeah we're trying to pull you over but you're running away from us and it looks like there's more police officers behind me so I got the backup I needed guys we're going to perform the pit stop or whatever it's called the grappler look at all the officers I think it's safe to now finally stop this vehicle from driving guys we're going to stop this vehicle at 70 mph I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing but we're going to attempt it so let's do it okay come on come on get a little closer get a little closer there we go waa oh my goodness yo that that was a lot of power behind that all right let's get out let's get our gun yo yo get out of the vehicle right now get out they're saying no yo we stopped their vehicle look at that guys we we captured the tire of the vehicle we disabled the tire they're saying this is bad yo look at all the officers yo they all got guns pointed at the vehicle everyone step out of the vehicle with your hands up okay they're not stepping out I don't know this is kind of scary I'm not going to lie uh vehicles are not good cover bullets go right through them actually no the engine's actually a safe spot I believe there's so many of them Yo step out of the vehicle don't R anything do you need me to drag them out no well actually we might have to oh wait wait we got one out oh they're stepping over the vehicle hands up hands up everyone put your hands up okay they're not listening okay wait actually this one's got their hands up okay you got his hands up all right we need to detain these guys it looks like they're surrendering let's do this let's walk up okay this officer uh oh that one's going to detain okay awesome good detain detain them detain them okay looks like they're complying this guy is complying awesome okay I think that's everybody in the vehicle I'm going to put my gun down I think everything is safe all the officers have them detained right now uh I'm going to check up on my vehicle uh this I don't know how that didn't get cut but the vehicle is like really on the side like look at that it's supposed to be like here let me back up the vehicle it was supposed to be like that but the this rope here that got stuck on this tire swung my vehicle to the other lane there is so much power behind that stopping this vehicle at 70 mph you good I'm going to say uh yes I'm going to say uh I'm just going to say that was fun the officer said honestly and this guy's writing down uh making some police reports that's the paperwork which is not fun all you cops are dumb dang yo why is this guy so upset you have a lot on you why do we need cops to ruin everything uh actually you guys broke the law you took out a fire hydr and we have to arrest you all right I'm going to search this vehicle so let me get my flashlight uh all right let's see let me hop in the vehicle there we go let's search it okay there's some stuff in here oh no guys all right I got to get these officers attention um I'm going to say look in the car they're like yes anything Locus yeah guys look in the car real fast do you see that all right there my officers are currently searching the vehicle I just want them to see exactly what I see just so nothing has been planned or anything okay I'm just getting my other officers to look at the vehicle oh my yo this guy's reaction to what he's seeing guys there is some pretty illegal stuff in this vehicle right now it's a good thing we uh stop these guys and they're going to be end up in jail and off the streets searches oh yeah I was like I I know it's really bad he's like it is uh I'm happy we stopped this vehicle and everything worked out well please stop I will bang the glass if I want to bangs on the glass and if you break that window Whoa We will there will be another charge you do not have the right to do that sir dang all right how do I get this off the tire hopefully I can get one of these guys attention yeah let's get this guy's attention yo sir all right I'm going to see if this officer can help me uh get this unwrapped on the tire here cuz I don't know how to take that off maybe we just cut it off I think that's how it worked okay the officers also are taking the criminals to jail as we speak and hopefully this officer can help me uh get this off the vehicle and maybe we can tow it to the dumpyard or not the dumpyard the nend pound undo scrapp okay thank you sir all right thank you officer he uh fixed it all up and look at this guys we can reuse it he uh fixed the whole thing I'm going to say uh that was crazy but luckily everything ended up working out um the criminals did not fight back even though they did run from us I I know right actually I think I know why they didn't fight back because I had so many backup in unit that they were like yeah we can't win against this so it was probably a good decision I stopped the vehicle when I had a bunch of uh the other units around but yeah let me just put this back up real fast and I'm going to pull over on the side of the road do is on the way awesome let me just pull over get out of the road do is currently on their way and they're going to tow this vehicle so yeah that was awesome hopefully you guys enjoyed this video
Channel: locus
Views: 67,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox locus, locus, locus2, roblox, liberty county, roblox liberty county, roleplay, trending, gaming
Id: Q0sgmdmbAsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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