Pokimane Simps Are Actually Insane

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hi fellas listen there is no way that this type of behavior can be condoned I'm sorry I understand that there simps out there and everything I get it right like you know you see a girl online something like that you think she's bad of course like I understand the feeling but what we're gonna be seeing today is taking it to another level like this has to be classified as like a mental illness or something man that this can't be like a normal state of mind for any human being to be it I mean it's honestly kind of sad right because these people think that they legitimately have a chance in this situation and they legitimately believe that like what they're doing is an acceptable thing to do and that this is like the appropriate way to behave but it really isn't I think we're all gonna be able to come to that conclusion by the end of this now you all probably know who pokey Maine is you know it shouldn't even have to be explained any further beyond that right like you can probably already see the situation building up now I thought it was always like a joke or a troll when people talk about like Mandy these people really do donate hundreds and thousands of dollars to these female streamers man they they really do go out here just drop a check because they think a [ __ ] is bad on the internet and like I once again man I don't understand that mentality I can't condone it this is like you got to talk to a psychiatrist or something if this is something you're into and before we go further like yeah I understand like giving money to a streamer because you enjoy their content you know you watch their streams or their videos or whatever you give them you know a couple bucks here they're totally fine totally understandable you know I even get it if you overtime donate a couple hundred dollars to a streamer that you watch daily and really enjoy if you got the bread you know man spend it I guess if that's what you're into if that's what you want to do with it you know I can't really be like oh that's not correct but once again not something personally that I would be doing but we're not talking about people just givin a couple hundred bucks over you know three years of watching content something like that we're talking about people getting their paycheck and then donating most if not all of it to somebody because they think that they're hot on the internet so just take a look at this picture man already right like you're gonna start kind understanding the point here I'm kind of short on savings but I'll deficit knows I love and miss her no man I thought to hope that she sees this thing you know that's like a goat comment for a lot of people man I thought that that was like a meme that that was something that you know wasn't based in reality but we literally have [ __ ] out here saying hope she sees this on ironically to their Idol on the Internet bro dude I would be so pissed if like I figured out the amount of money that this dude has had to have spent overtime like it dropping oh you know just a casual 500 to drop this week hope that she sees this and knows I love and miss her that is that's the other part of this nose that I love and miss her this man met her one time bro he didn't hit he didn't get a date with her didn't go to the bar get some drinks with her man he literally stood in her presence one time in his life and is out here dropping hundreds just drop it [ __ ] bans on her and saying that he loves and misses her this can't be real I this can't this either isn't real it can't be real or it's gotta be mental illness man there's literally no way that this is like a sane way to act but I thought one was bad enough right like you think that just one of these kinds of folks or is bad right but we got simple in here only 500 pathetic get your bread up bro imagine you dropped $500 on a twitch female streamer okay $500 a week and then some other [ __ ] simp who I don't know got grant Paul's inheritance check or something comes in and says get your bread up bro where these people are either way too rich for their own good like they just got money to spend randomly you know or they are quite literally putting themselves into poverty with the way that they're acting I got evicted because I was four months behind on rent so yeah I don't know I'll see if I can sleep behind a Starbucks so I can use the free Wi-Fi and donate the rest of my money okay bro this has to be a troll this cannot be real this [ __ ] was four months behind on his rent and was like you know what this $500 I don't really need a roof over my head I don't need a place to live I don't need heat I don't need electricity water basic necessities in my life bro pokey main what you do and you streaming tonight dude I swear to [ __ ] god man if I'm not being trolled right now I honestly do feel sorry because once again this can't be normal but bro this is not it we not talking about the end of the road here folks the yellow brick road continues way over the hill saw your 1k donation to our on last stream that's crazy bro I'm still below top ten donators haha pokey squad bro what am I even supposed to say yo bro so you dropped a thousand dollars on pokey mainstream man huh you know I'm still below top ten donators and everything but right you know I got my check coming too and here soon it'll be in her pocket I love my queen haha pokey squad bro by the way these are grown-ass men we're not talking about some sixteen year olds who are stealing their mom and dad's credit card hopefully I don't know maybe I'm wrong maybe I'm just assuming wrong these are grown-ass men putting themselves into literal poverty so that they can donate more money to pokey man at a certain point the bank isn't like yo bro what are you doing man like we've noticed that you've said $17,000 in the last five months to someone named pokey main that wouldn't happen to be your girlfriend or your wife would it I mean I don't know in that situation I probably like oh yeah she's my queen holy [ __ ] donated a little less this month because four months of rent were overdue but I still got to do it monkey cover a nice emoji what the [ __ ] is it with these people just like ignoring their rent so that they can give pokey main their money like you guys do realize that she's not sleeping with her top donators right she's not like oh you know Billy thank you for the ten thousand dollar donation you know my address I just sent it to you bang my line you know like this [ __ ] isn't happening you're just givin a millionaire more and more money while you personally are apparently going behind Starbucks to use the free Wi-Fi you're not even like self confident enough apparently to like go inside the Starbucks and sit down and have a [ __ ] coffee in a bagel or whatever I don't know I've never been inside of Starbucks I've never had that in my once in my life but I would imagine they sell bagels or something sit down and enjoy yourself man like I'm gonna go sit in the dumpster behind Starbucks because you know I didn't pay my rent for half a year yeah man I get it my wife's been bugging me about this holiday I promised her like eight months ago but the squad comes first hashtag devoted hashtag poki squab bro this has to be a meme am I getting [ __ ] trolled here honestly bro first off these people are married there's a woman out there sad enough bro that she's just sitting there reading the bank statement like okay he's given a 14 grand of our vacation money to some woman on the internet I think I'll stay married to him like oh my god man this man could be on a lavish vacation in the bluff but not now but you know it was October 24th this is before this whole pandemic should even happen but this man could have been posted up on a beautiful beach in the Bahamas with just his bad Wi-Fi I don't know about bad you know I ain't seen her or anything but I can't imagine that he's pulling a Margaret Robbie or a Madison beer after you know putting off the vacation to donate the pokey main but he could have just been living life right just a nice enjoyable vacation with his wife but bro he's given all his money to pokeyman pokeyman posted some pictures I don't know how long ago this has been hey pokey this is now the third message that I'm sending I'm starting to think you're ignoring me if you don't want to talk just tell me I'm still wondering if you'd like to go on a date but what the [ __ ] is wrong with these people man like I understand right that you think she's bad or whatever what you know whatever do your thing but what makes you think she's just gonna be like oh hey this is the 9800 and 40 second dude today who's asked me to go on a date I'm gonna pick this guy with his anim profile picture on Twitter 18 followers he's the one for me bro like what do you think is going to happen I get like shooting your shot and whatever but bro you're shooting it's like you're playing basketball you're standing on a park court in your city and you're trying to shoot into a hoop that's on Jupiter bro like its - it's not happening you know that right and like three messages and you feel like if you I'm starting to think you're ignoring me no [ __ ] bro like she's just gonna reply to you I don't I don't understand man these people got to be delusional or something there's there's no way that these people are like you know like you would meet Usain in the head but if I send three messages to a girl that I thought I had a chance with even if you're like like I said Madison beer bro 5id Emperor three times and she just ignored what I was saying eventually like you got a catch on man like you got to just save some of your dignity for yourself man you're you're scraping the bottom of the bowl trying to get all of your dignity out you're embarrassing yourself man please stop doing what you're doing you're not only embarrassing yourself but you're embarrassing me I have secondhand embarrassment because I as a man realize you know yeah you get rejected you know you fall it's like Johnny Bravo I saw something about that one time Johnny Bravo like the whole thing he was just getting [ __ ] rejected but every time bro he would just iron the black tee back up and jump right back into the game I get it but you gotta realize when to move on man and most men I think do we're like okay she isn't replying to me you know I'm trying to initiate all the conversation stop talking to her and I think that's a very understandable thing but after three bro it's over you know it's like baseball strike three you're out dawg just just stop more pictures I've all right I don't understand well I do understand why these dudes are commenting under the pictures you like my hair gee thanks just boy I feel like ice like a that's a song lyric or something that I've heard somewhere I don't know can somebody in the comments confirm that now it's starting to bug me I'm not gonna lie anyway we got another sim Pere how much was it I want to donate the exact amount so I feel like I bought it for you no you are typing this [ __ ] to another grown woman who doesn't know your name at 5:45 in the morning this is not healthy this is not a healthy way to behave on the Internet we're talking about she doesn't even know who these people are she's never seen them she's never interacted with them she's never even like talked to him over the Internet and they are willing to buy her hair because they want to feel like they bought it for her they want to donate the exact amount so they felt like they bought it for like that's some [ __ ] you do for your girlfriend or your wife right like hey I bought you something nice you know enjoy yourself enjoy life these are grown men who are doing this [ __ ] to a random woman on the Internet but where are the simps for me you know what I mean like is it really this easy to just like post a picture say that I liked my hair gee thinks just bought it and people are just gonna be willing to throw money at me left and right and the thing is it's like I can't blame pokey Maine in this whole situation I know I know some people who got oh it's her fault because she's egging it on she's encouraging it no I don't agree with that she is making a living on the Internet she is streaming video games she's posting pictures of herself these [ __ ] idiots I guess are just willing to throw hundreds if not thousands of dollars at her left and right because they think she's party I mean if you were in that situation you're tell you're not doing that you know what I mean you're not just taking a picture of yourself once or twice a week putting that [ __ ] up to get 10,000 plus likes and have people just throwing money at you hand over fist I know it's gonna sound a little a bow why couldn't I have been born bad you know what I mean this is a legitimate business on the internet now it's insane man but if any of these people are watching man like if you are one of these people who do this please get yourself some help like Michael Jordan said stop it get some help this [ __ ] it's not okay all right you need to be doing better for yourself go buy yourself a nice dinner somewhere you know open up a tender profile get a girlfriend or something I don't know I mean at the end of the day that one dude was apparently married so I there may not be hope but man you guys got to be doing better for yourself I don't know what you guys do at home what your life's like if you guys are just eating ramen noodles sitting on a fold-up chair in the living room or something watching pokey main stream on a laptop with a frayed we know Wi-Fi adapter plugged into that [ __ ] I have no idea man but this is ridiculous I like I said I actually got chills going up my spine I feel secondhand embarrassment for this kind of stuff but with that being said thank you guys for watching if you did enjoy make sure to leave a like subscribe if you're brand new around here on the channel follow me over on twitter and twitch at sub to optimus make sure to check out shop the and op tube down below thank you to my channel members your support helps my channel tremendously and until my next video guys this is optimus definitely not spending hundreds of dollars on some girl i saw on the internet and signing out [Music]
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Views: 1,262,889
Rating: 4.9174628 out of 5
Keywords: Optimus, pokimane thicc, pokimane stream, pokimane fortnite, pokimane twitch, pokimane reacts, twitch fails, the dark side of pokimane, pokimane fans, pokimane stream setup, pokimane fortnite travis scott, pokimane fortnite squads, pokimane fans are simps, pokimane fans only, pokimane meets fans, pokimane surprising fans, pokimane fans cringe, pokimane fortnite skin, pokimane responds to the dark side of pokimane, pokimane fortnite settings
Id: Wis1cKmF-AY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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