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welcome everybody to the world of pokemon in fortnite that's right somebody has made this awesome pokemon map in fortnight and today i'm here to share it with you all you guys know i have a history with pokemon here on the channel we started doing pokemon in minecraft it's just the natural progression first things first shout out to the map creator naruso i believe a lot of the text in this map is going to be using french as that is the language of the creator but that's okay because i have google translate so we're going to be using that and yeah if you guys want to check it out here is the code i haven't played it yet but looks like it has some kind of adventure and i'm keen to give it a shot if you guys are excited for a pokemon fortnite adventure make sure to chuck us a like let's say for 50 likes um 50k likes 50 likes would be not that hard and a quick little mention before i jump into it myself and hyperx doing awesome promotion right now where you guys get 20 off certain hyperx peripherals link in the description if you want to check it out i use the cloud 2 wireless headset it's my favorite headset and of course to use those discounts just use code lock your check out and don't forget to use it in the fortnight shop as well all right so let's get this party started we start off in the uh i suppose ash ketchum's room you know we got a little pikachu going on over here or is it a peach shoot i mean it's going to be hard to tell you know like they don't have a lot to work with here but yeah this cool little pikachu oh look they made it like a fishing rod like a pokey fishy rod that's so sick all righty here we go in the world of pokemon fortnite so it looks like we're in some type of power town let's have a look at the map uh it's a pretty small map i mean again you deal with what you got here here's the pokedex uh we have bob azar already which is i think bulbasaur i think that's over that that there's bob azar and i've already translated this which pretty much says catch one legendary pokemon to proceed so it's gonna be quite interesting i think we gotta start off our adventure over here dude this is so dope all right look is that professor oak all right now this is where we're gonna have to get the little translates going here all right you know what i mean all right talk to professor chen let's have a talk to him alrighty so we got a bunch of stuff coming up here i do not give a pokemon to card and looks at the top wait okay whoa whoa whoa whoa chill dude ah here we go here i give you a open to pokedex look up on the map where the pokedex which there is a pokedex that has appeared okay so he's giving me pokes there and there's a bulbasaur and because i've seen the bulbasaur that's it now there too to be able to catch and create your team of pokemons i give you some piece of power you know translates always going to be hard you know i'm going to take the coins there oh he's going to keep giving me coins now do i get to pick a pokeball or no i i just get bulbasaur bulbasaur you're mine also you drop your tablet i guess i'll just steal i i think i can use those to buy pokeballs is the deal what's over here is pollywog or poliwhirl how do i catch him that's the real question all right well interesting i'm gonna try and and get the pokedex i guess oh the lapras over there all right wait we're gonna go over here and buy stuff from the pokemon should be able to buy pokeballs that's like normally how it works there's a magnemite oh i love it it's so good oh here we go i can buy buy with charcoal so unlimited pokeballs pokeballs free in this universe hell yeah i'mma catch a magnemite that work nope i choose you nope i choose you it didn't work so i have to go back over here and try and catch the bulbasaur nope nope all right so he gave me this to catch my first pokemon but i'm not sure if it really works like i'm not trying to catch bob azar and it's not really working oh i caught bollywood oh so that would maybe have to catch them in order so i just caught the tarty which is is is either poliwhirl polywrath i couldn't really tell so this is because you go around you're catching the pokemon you know like that that's good enough honestly now let me try and catch magnemite again because he didn't work the first time okay maybe there's like a specific spot that i gotta hit like nope to catch it nope maybe i have to do it like in a specific order like i could see that happening let's see what else is in town these doors are they don't open okay i wonder what other pokemons are in town all right so what do we got here we got oh the music let's go that's so dope oh it's gone now all right so there's my pc and it's i'm left shifting but nothing's happening all right that's cool chansey i choose you nope nope see i can't catch chancey because obviously she works here that just makes sense all right can i put my pokeball in nope okay look instructions unclear maybe i can't use the pc because i don't have six pokemon i don't know also it's worth noting this map was made a while ago [Music] all right so we gotta go off and try and catch more pokemon also just saying loki if like a pokemon x fortnight club ever officially happened i would be the best electric gym leader no cap i i have free reign on it it's me it's a weedle let's catch him let's go we got a weedle awesome we didn't actually catch bob azar maybe because that was his look at the weedle dude and the tall grassroots like little rattatas in here no the gulping ew this dude is like a fat lord and he's my fat lord now we got a gallopity so it's like so cool you got like a pokedex a lot you can catch my caterpie i choose you you're mine now let's go tangler let's go i'm just like pro okay so since i only own these but i don't own these maybe it's like a bug with it i get it maybe it was a bug i'm too good for this all right so we got to catch a legendary pokemon though so i don't know how we're going to manage that because that is important to making this happen surely there's some more pokemans in here maybe a little atkins in a bush you know like i'm pretty good like pokemon trainer like i'm pretty good i do like pokemon oh what's going on here oh all the pokeballs they give you like free items in the game don't they hmm someone's just left the pokeball here that's interesting quite mysterious really so we're in the forest it's funny i'm learning french too all right is is french for forest oh apong let's go we got apom this is so cool i guess there's a little bit it's a little bit buggy you know they're working on what they got here but seriously props to the creative oh it's dog trio let's go that is interesting oh what's this oh it's pokey flute how do we pick it up maybe i can't get it yet ah i need the pokey flute to catch certain thing there's no weedle over here i should keep my eyes peeled for maybe like pokemon trees like cocooners or metapods hanging from the tree you got to be ready for those those kind of things you know what i'm saying anyway let's say it's pokemon 4 and i collab i'm kicking lieutenant search out of the gym like i'm now running that i'm gonna have not pikachu i don't know pikachu's not really that good and maybe not because maybe raichu i don't know i gotta think actually a bit more about my lineup is because obviously electric gym i gotta have the electric pokemon probably the zapdos oh is that a snorlax oh it's lapras as well all right okay so we caught the a palm just making sure i'm not missing any more pokemon looks like we've got a big fat snorlax locking the bridge as well but i did see the pokey flute all right let's catch a snorlax done another apom he's not happy i'm sorry apom now how do i get over this now obviously there's a flute i know reflects uh hmm let's see what he's saying here i think in the pokemon game you actually had to see snorlax first before he would like let you pass i could be wrong though oh we got here in the top left wake up the rough flex so rough flex is uh a roof run flex that's snorlax's name now we did see the pokey flute so maybe i gotta go back down to the pokey flitz i got a quest basis and priority you know oh is it oddish i miss the oddish let's go again the pokedex i'm just so impressed with how they've done this all right there we go i now have the pokey flutes and this is why we adventure because we found the pokey flute i'm not using no guides no nothing just the translates make sure i know i'm not all right here we go oh and he's waking up waking up destroyed same thing uh oh we got psyduck look at that face man we're gonna close up on all these pokemon man just to see what's going on why can't i pick up the pokeballs yo that crabby's big man it's almost kingler status let's go crabby spelt the same in french pogrous lapras dude such a beautiful pokemon like that's so sick man makes me want to play pokemon snap all right i choose you let's go buddy let's go i think i talked a little bit on streams and stuff but maybe not on the vod type of things like i have spent way too much money in the last two years on pokemon cards and uh it's been really fun reliving that childhood lately and now i get to do it in fortnight as well vault or dawn it's interesting they picked a lot of pokemon from different regions as well like we got them a repair and those ears are not proportionate but that's okay wait oh is this like the farmer's pokemon and i can't steal it not stolen alrighty bonjour i know that means hello the rest though we we gonna need to translate that hello younger you what a okay this thing this ain't working he wants me to return something at the end so we're gonna try and find something for him i suppose we can make that happen but again i am how are we looking at the pokedex we're actually looking pretty pretty down on the pokedex side of things oh it's a chinchou chinchou that looks really good all right let's go okay so i gotta try and find something for him to return another psyduck how's it going i feel like he might be hiding stuff in some of these bushes you know oh it's a wild chansey maybe i can catch this chansey ready trick shot that wasn't really a trick shot at all chansey's model looks so sick too oh we got the d lit piglet dig let's go oh little marie farm that's sick wait i think i know what that is that may be some poop i mean pokemon are real like animals you know they got poop too like it's just a bit of realism i actually thought i'd be able to name every pokemon but i don't know it's something trunk or something uh i don't know what that one is that's like neurogen i don't know what that one is uh my mom a boomer i don't know i know i got like gen five or six and then like i'm kind of out of this you know what i mean some could call me a fake fan like you know what i mean all right well we still gotta catch one legendary pokemon though now we're looking on the decks there's not many pokemon we don't have left we're missing like four or five pokeball but what does it do oh here we go the quest is in the top left find the farmer's watertot okay so the watertot if i remember correctly is like the pre-evolution to why not no i don't know it's french so i don't know oh parkour we love parkour yes we do love parkour all right watch me nail this first attempt yeah jumping on the pokemon that i can't really name and keep going and you've got me there jumping okay nope bro can like i even get there nope like i'll try and jump as far in as possible maybe i can whatever it is it's probably up here okay there's a chance it could be locked off maybe the water to e or the yeah is up here oh is that a gyarados yo it's a gyarados and a chinchou and a psyduck yo gary's just so sick man give me that gyarados i still don't know what the pokeballs do okay there's a magnemite over here there's still more this way but i'm a bit scared about that parkour could be falsely to me somewhere okay we got the magnemite so don't worry about trying to get that one back at the at the place okay we're in a bit of a pickle because i gotta try and find the farmer's what tattoo what what what what's hard to do or something we should have checked to see what a white tot is just so i know what pokemon looking for oh it's a marie and there's a lot of mareeps over here it's a hatchimal nope nope instructions very unclear oh here we go inspect the traces oh oh one of them got out of the pen okay so they left tracers in their poo interesting and now let me do the parkour because i couldn't do the parkour before because it shut it off because i didn't know that murray was up here but now now i know and it's still not working it was funny before but not anymore let me get the park bro you can even see on the mini map that the marie is in here uh i just can't get the parkour to work and if you think it's frustrating it's because it is what if i just do it very lightly there like it's not grabbing it'll work lately alrighty and welcome back now it has been five hours since the last recorded clip and the reason it has been a while is because the jump that i was trying to do was actually not possible anymore yeah fortnite pushed an update to the terrain that uh changed the hitboxes so it kind of made this map uncompletable you couldn't do it but massive shout out to nara xo uh ax ax7 naric so the creator of the map he actually went ahead and patched it for me so that we could finish this video so a massive shout out to him here is his supporter creator if you want to support him as a creator please i highly recommend doing so because he just helped me out finish my pokemon adventure and i'm not gonna lie i was really sad because i really want to see what happened at the end of this so now we kicked off we got the traces i actually have been tested this year i've caught all the pokemon that i was up to except this thing here which i still don't know the name of it but consider yourself caught now i really hope this has you know been patched okay yeah you can see it's definitely off to the side here and now it works i tried this for like an hour i'm not i sat here doing it for an hour and i was like wait a second then i asked off and dom and he told me that they did actually change the physics of these things so it sucks that that happens but you know what we're here and we are going to get my pharma we go and get him his married back all right oh it's an arm bearing tree it is there we go look it's armberry tree well looks like the ones from the games all right so we got married so probably go back to the guy because you know we got his married that was the whole mission i'm not sure where we going from here that's the thing as well i'm pretty sure we're very close to completing the map because i mean look at the pokedex i'm missing like four pokemon so we were that close to finishing the map and then we were i didn't like that we were that close alrighty so here we go we have returned your marie mercy i know that means thank you let's get the google translate out for the rest i think he's telling me to go to the mana what's he saying let's save the vancer the horn said okay something in there is haunted so i think he's trying to tell me to go to the haunted mansion and that's the other fun part of this i got my phone it's like my irl pokedex amazing technology amazing it converts it in real time to my language people are wondering how i got around in japan that's pretty much it and i just noticed that these are pokemon that's a magikarp that's a magnamine that's sick i didn't see the first time so the mansion should be open now the haunted mansion hello hello is the door open oh okay well that's spooky yo it's spooky all right yo we got a drift loon mine now any gas leaves maybe dude this is actually skits all the stuff's like haunted proper spooky vibes oh unknown wait identify okay i will identify it oh identify five unknowns so i think zarbi stands for okay this is actually sick all right i'm trying to catch him but like i gotta identify them all right where are they all dude this is so cool the unknown i love how he's made the art with uh all of the unknown and all the pokemon in general it's just so clean all right there we go perfect identified was there an unknown in here that i didn't see there was that's cheeky and then this is surely one right yep and consider yourself identified let's go he wanted me to do that right so let me go back to him whoa a stranger explosion pres de la grotto grati it did sound like that direction as well the grati not the grotto the grati i will obviously butcher the words as well but don't worry about that all right i can't wait to see what the legendary pokemon is my guess is it's gonna be mewtwo uh what what would work well in the mines i'd say doug diglett died onyx that's close enough i do the onix look skits let's go get in the pokeball all right diglett digs what are we doing surely there's something we're doing capture the pokemon legendary wait is this gonna be like a maze is that what this is oh it's a maze oh it's dark trio dude don't ever play fire red leaf green or pokemon red and green in the diglett cave and then sometimes you get doug trio and you'll be like yo this is skirts yeah it's legendary it's jirachi i thought it was gonna be mewtwo yo i remember i got jirachi in the uh the game pokemon tv channel pokemon channel and then you get a gift jirachi at the end pokemon channel by the way underrated i actually really enjoyed that game as a kid i remember i begged my dad to buy it and i had to tell him it was fifty dollars a big w and normally there were a hundred dollars and then we got to big w i knew it wasn't fifty dollars it ended up being 55 dollars and i even i was shook all right hey what's the saying here now go to the pokemon center heal your pokemon before the farron fight all right let's go i'm missing one pokemon missing one pokemon there's a new pokemon here juted code creator yeah make sure to use this code he's a boss all right so now i'm gonna go back to the pokemon center i wonder what's in there i i really do wonder what is going on in there so let's go run up the beats let's go all right shift heal pokemon are healed even though i didn't damage them before i even tried to fight them all right this is it we're gonna go to the final battle yo the music oh yo [Music] this is sick oh it's all this stuff yeah i mean onyx is gonna win he has to what's up next oh is that it and charizard died i mean we're going back to like the pokemon and everything like charizard should lose here but i know in the anime they did all sorts of junior stupid thing i remember i think i watched the blast always be the charizard once that's just not how it works here but they they made they made it a thing so you know there we go we're gonna catch the final poke one which is charizard nope okay oh no it did caught it there it caught it there i didn't actually catch it oh he threw coal on it which i mean maybe that makes me catch it i don't know that's so cool i love the detail like i made onyx like all in five that's so sick man that is so sick well that's going to be a wrap for today's video in pokemon fortnite there is a part two do you guys want to see it if you guys do make sure to leave us a like reading down below 50k likes i'll make it happen hope you guys enjoyed uh again if you want to check it out link is in the description this is a super fun map and thank you very much to the map creator for helping fix it on the fly because coming here and seeing this that's pretty dope but let me use it again i think it will it's let's go oh so there it is he did use flames i so know this was made so long ago and obviously he won reminds me like minecraft maps that incorporated note blocks like i have not seen a map creator do that make sure you live like dg [Music] you
Channel: Lachlan
Views: 2,218,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lachlan lachy fortnite battle royale pubg battlegrounds, fortnite battle royale, fortnite, lachlan, lachy, duos, season 10, season x, new season, battle royal, lacy, laclan, epic games, gaming, esports, games, video games
Id: GhsB7TOW4iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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